Download - Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker · 2020. 7. 31. · Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker ... As we go deeper into the pandemic, I find it interesting the more clear

Page 1: Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker · 2020. 7. 31. · Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker ... As we go deeper into the pandemic, I find it interesting the more clear

Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker

“Give them some food yourself.”

This is what Jesus says to his disciples as they face thousands of hungry people who have followed him into a deserted place. Underneath Jesus’ preaching is always this command, “Feed them!” And I would add, “Feed yourself.”

I don’t mean this in the sense of pull ‘yourselves up by your boot straps’, but in the sense of build something together that feeds you, feeds your physical hunger, feeds your spiritual hunger, feeds your emotional well-being - build a community that cares.

As we go deeper into the pandemic, I find it interesting the more clear it becomes what we need to do to build that community. We begin to see the many interdependencies that create a society and how that society short-changes many who contribute so much to it. We are beginning to see the true heroes and heroics which make a society livable.

Sooner or later this COVID pandemic will come to a close, but will the greater pandemic of hatred, racism, injustice, envy, jealousy, greed, commercialism end with it? We seem to be in a moment where that pandemic is being highlighted along with the COVID pandemic.

The feeding of the 5000 has always been seen as a premonition of the Eucharist and a Eucharistic community where thankfulness and gratitude rule all things. The Mass has always been that stirring of conscience and soul to perceive the possibility of unity before God and within God’s people.

Many of you have lamented missing the Mass and although the streaming Mass is appreciated, it’s not the same. People especially miss physical communion, the bread and the people. A few asked about the old tradition of a prayer for spiritual communion:

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.

I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.

Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. I would add: Never allow me to be separated from your holy people.

63 Days Until Imagination Cabaret 2020: Mark your calendars! and join us on Saturday, October 3 at 7pm for: A FREE, 90-Minute Live concert broadcast on Featuring over 20 performances from Twin Cities musical luminaries Our 26th Annual SJA Concert Fundraiser - Your contributions make a difference to our 90

programs throughout the SJA community, city, country and world. You can also buy a chance to win a Maui vacation or cash prizes! Find details on the SJA website ( and our Facebook page

Page 2: Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker · 2020. 7. 31. · Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker ... As we go deeper into the pandemic, I find it interesting the more clear

Sun, Aug. 2: Isaiah 55:1-3; Romans 8:35,37-39; Matthew 14:13-21 Mon, Aug. 3: Jeremiah 28:1-17; Matthew 14:22-36 Tue, Aug. 4: Jeremiah 30:1-2,12-15,18-22; Matthew 14:22-36 Wed, Aug. 5: Jeremiah 31:1-7; Matthew 15:21-28 Thu, Aug. 6: Daniel 7:9-10; 2 Peter 1:16-19; Matthew 17:1-9 Fri, Aug. 7: Nahum 2:1,3;3:1-3,6-7; Matthew 16:24-28 Sat, Aug. 8: Habakkuk 1:12-2:4; Matthew 17:14-20 Sun, Aug. 9: 1 Kings 19:9a,11-13a; Romans 9:1-5; Matt 14:22-33

Arlene Alexson, Ann Allen, Carol Anderson, Molly McLaughlin Antila, Dennis Barta, Dave Benson, Phyllis Berninger, Elaine Boehm, Marcia Boehnlein, Patty Brennan, the Brown family, Lorraine Bryant, Stacy Budd, Jonathan Bulthuis, Pam Burd, Betty Byrne, Josefina Cahuex, David Carroll, Bob Corrick,

Barbara Cracraft, Culver family, Larry Dease, Jim DeBruycker, Colleen Dooley, Rosemary Drees, Ava Dunlay, Kathie DuRocher, Henry F, Bridgit & Paul Fiore, Carol Fourre, John & Margaret Frees, Michelle Fries, Kate Gilbert, Heidi Gregorich, Ron Guillfoile, Mary Hale-Haniff, Claire Hayes,

Isaiah Henry, Brad Hinker, Jim Hinton, Megan Hoffman, Jan Horner, Kathy Horner, Kathy Itzin, Ruth J., Tom Jay, Annie Kack, Glen Kelley, Chuck Kennedy, Paul Kennedy, John Kingston, Sage Kirscht, Steve Kremer, Abby L., Helen LaFavor, Amy Lainus, Melva Larson, Bobby Lindholm,

Margaret Lulic, Chantilly Lynch, Dawn McCelland, Kate Meyer, Bob Miller, Rita Miller, Tom Moore, Bev Moran, Paige More, Royce Morrissette, Jack Muelken, Ted Mueller, Nate, Rita Nelson, Craig Nordby, Arla Olive, Dick Olson, Paul Olvera, Mike O’Rourke, Colette Ott, Jacques Parent, Pam Paul, Alice Pirola, Pat Radecki, Graham & Nancy Rattray, Carol Reiland, Jack Riebel, Jean Rieck, Gina Romani, Donald & Susan Roufs,

Dorothy Rowe, Pat Russell, Sri, Shasa Satrin, Ottavio Savina, Don Schafer, Dale Schmidkee, Carter Schmidt, Phil Schmidt, Colleen Schroeder, Betty Scully, Gary Sheppard, Paul Skrip, Sam Slagerman, Harold Sonnek, Teddy Sparrman, Joan Speltz, Ross Spriggs, Doug Stahlke, Vivian Steblay,

Carson Stier, Nancy Stockhaus, Rick Streng, Joleen Strosahl, Beth Swanson, Gabe T, Grayson Taylor, Matthew Tennant, Dennis Thurmond, Troy, Glo Tonskemper, Arturo Torres, Al Traynham, Linda Underhill, Jesus Uz Tiu, Carin Vagle, Leroy Vague, Dave Velasco, Floyd Ward, Pam Washington,

Marlys Weber, Lee Weinberger, Bennett Wentworth, Mary White, Jerry Wohnoutka, Jim Wolfe, Morley Woodruff, Michele Wylie, Mike Wyman, Denise Wyttenbach, Sarah Yoder, Curt Youngren, Dave Youngren, Annemaire & Ava Zubrzycki, Bridget Zvirin

Prayer Corner Requests: To keep prayer requests current, names will be included in the bulletin for four weeks and then removed. To add a name or to renew your request, please call the Parish Center at 612.823.8205.

Our Liturgies from April through today’s will be available through the St. Joan of Arc website. Celebrate virtually with Fr. DeBruycker , Fr. Cassidy and the SJA community.

Watch online at

Families, tune in to the video liturgies designed for families!

Summary of contributions for the week and fiscal year. Includes plate, envelopes and estimated Sustaining Member payments.

Week of July 20 - July 26, 2020 Actual $23,422 Budget $34,333 Prior Year Actual $41,542

Year to Date (July 1 – July 26, 2020) Actual $114,789 Budget $137,333 Prior Year Actual $166,169

THANK YOU for your continued generosity!!

SJA Anti-racism Ministry: Last Sunday, we had an in-credible Zoom discussion with about 50 SJAers, discuss-ing how our lives and our faith journeys have been im-

pacted by the murder of George Floyd and all that has followed. It is deeply heartening to be part of a community that is committed to learning more, confronting our own racism as well as the racism of our church and other institutions, and working together for racial jus-tice. We continue our discussions, and hope you will join us. Contact Julie Madden for registration links: On Sunday, August 9 from 11am-1pm, we will learn tools to lis-

ten and talk with people we care about who may not share an anti-racist perspective - and we'll practice together!

On Sunday, August 23 from 11am-1pm, we envision and ex-plore new models of community safety, including divesting from and even abolishing the police force

SJA Housing Ministry: Homelessness is increasing, eviction protections are set to expire, and rent is due for thousands of families on the brink. Here are two mean-ingful actions you can take to make life better and more secure for those at risk of losing their housing:

"Rent Is Due" Day of Action: On Monday, August 3, at

8:30am, join with members of other congregations and Bea-con Interfaith Housing Collaborative for a brief update on our current housing situation and an opportunity to contact state legislators. Register here:

AND we are very pleased to be in collaboration with Beacon

as they launch Emerson Village, a new family supportive housing development planned for North Minneapolis. Regis-ter for the online launch event on Thursday, August 13 at

Page 3: Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker · 2020. 7. 31. · Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker ... As we go deeper into the pandemic, I find it interesting the more clear

A Bridge of Peace, A Sign of Unity: You are invited to deco-rate poster board with a message of healing for our community. Drop off your sign at the Parish Center (open Monday thru Fri-day, 9am - 3pm), and parishioner Kay Strand will affix your sign to the 46th St. bridge over 35W (poster board is available at the Parish Center). We hope you will join this effort to lighten the hearts of those in our city as we wrestle with the murder of George Floyd and reflect on our journey to becoming an antirac-ist church.

SJA EcoSpirits: We conclude our sum-mer series by focusing on one of God's most magical creations - the butterfly! Learn more with us, and help to protect our butterfly population:

On Monday, August 3, from 7-8pm, we will discuss the film "Sex, Lies and Butterflies". Find the film at To register for the dis-cussion, go to: :

On Saturday, August 8 and 15, join us for a Pollinator Gar-den Tour from 9:30-10am. Email Jean to register at [email protected]. Tours are limited to 8, and the gar-den is on the corner of Hiawatha Ave. and 50th St. East.

On August 10, from 7-8pm, we will learn about the beautiful Monarch Butterfly and how to attract them to our gardens. Register at:

A Tragic Anniversary: Next week, we mark the 75th anniver-sary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You are invited to join our friend Fr. John Dear and Pace e Bene Nonviolence in a webinar on August 6 calling for the abolition of nuclear weap-ons. Go to to register. And join our SJA WAMM/Peacemakers to support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. As our government dangerously withdraws from multiple nuclear treaties, we must be a force for humanity and the future of our planet. United for Peace and Justice re-ports: "Let us be aware that today, nearly 14,000 nuclear weap-ons, most more powerful than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshi-ma and Nagasaki, continue to pose an intolerable threat to hu-manity, and the U.S. is poised to spend nearly two trillion dollars over the next three decades to maintain and upgrade its nuclear arsenal." You can help bring peace to our world - contact Julie Madden for more info. Help Parishioners In Need! If you are able to help members in our community with things like picking up & delivering groceries please contact Sherri Stella at 612.823.8205 ext. 231 or [email protected].

Food Shelf Donations Are Needed: We will continue to accept non-perishable food items, which can be dropped off Monday thru Friday, 9am - 3pm in the bins in the Parish Center entry. Your food offerings are donated to the Foodshelf at Sabathani Commu-nity Center and they have also indicated a need for laundry deter-gent and body soap. Thank you for your willingness to help those in need.

Emergency Arts Boxes is asking families to create boxes filled with new, packaged, unopened art sup-plies that will be distributed to people devastated by the killing of George Floyd. Please drop off your box

at SJA Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm. FFI contact Gabrielle at [email protected] or visit Find a box (such as a shoe box) and pack with new, packaged and unopened art supplies. Remember to pack with intention and care as he experience of opening the box should communicate respect, Pack boxes with any or all art supplies, such as: Pencils Colored pencils Manual pencil sharpener Crayons Markers Glue stick Blank construction paper Blank notebooks Blank sketchpad Paints and brushes Watercolor set Air dry clay Tape Draw, write, or create something with a message of hope, solidari-ty, and justice and place inside the box:

Justice for George Floyd We stand with you We will not be silent

Are You Financially Stressed? In this difficult time, any SJA pa-rishioners who are in need of confidential emergency financial assistance to maintain housing or utilities are encouraged to con-tact Julie Madden at [email protected] or 612.823.8205 x228. Our SJA CARE Committee is available and waiting to help. Thanks to all the donors to our SJA Outreach Fund, who make this support possible.

Page 4: Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker · 2020. 7. 31. · Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker ... As we go deeper into the pandemic, I find it interesting the more clear

A Prayer During Times of COVID-19

In this time of COVID-19, we pray: When we aren’t sure, God,

help us be calm; when information comes

from all sides, correct and not, help us to discern;

when fear makes it hard to breathe, and anxiety seems to be the order of the day,

slow us down, God; help us to reach out with our hearts, when we can’t touch with our hands;

help us to be socially connected, when we have to be socially distant;

help us to love as perfectly as we can, knowing that “perfect love casts out all fear.”

for the doctors, we pray, for the nurses we pray,

for the technicians and the janitors and the aides and the caregivers, we pray, for the researchers and theorists,

the epidemiologists and investigators, for those who are sick,

and those who are grieving, we pray, for all who are affected, all around the world …

we pray for safety, for health,

for wholeness. May we feed the hungry,

give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked and house those without homes;

may we walk with those who feel they are alone, and may we do all that we can to heal

the sick - in spite of the fear. Help us, O God,

that we might help each other. in the name of the Creator, in the name of the Healer,

in the life of the Holy Spirit that is in all and with all, We pray.

May it be so. -Rev. Richard Botts

Page 5: Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker · 2020. 7. 31. · Pastor’s 2 Cents From: Fr. Jim DeBruycker ... As we go deeper into the pandemic, I find it interesting the more clear