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Early Water Transportation


•In ancient maritime history, the first boats are presumed to have been dugout canoes, developed independently by various stone age populations, and used for coastal fishing and travel.•A dugout or dugout canoe is a boat made from a hollowed tree trunk.

EGYPTIAN REED•The Ancient Egyptians had knowledge of sail construction. This is governed by the science of aerodynamics•Most probably the first sailing boat•This was used as traditional fishing boat


In early modern India and Arabia the lateen-sail ship known as the dhow was used on the waters of the Red Sea, Indian Ocean, and Persian Gulf.

Dhow (Arabic داو dāw) is the generic name of a number of traditionalsailing vessels with one or more masts with lateen sails used in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean region. Historians are divided as to whether the dhow was invented by Arabs.

Medieval Water Transportation There were also Southeast

Asian Seafarers and Polynesians, and the Northern European Vikings, developed oceangoing vessels and depended heavily upon them for travel and population movements prior to 1000 AD.

China's ships in the medieval period were particularly massive; multi-mast sailing junks were carrying over 200 people as early as 200 AD.


CHINESE JUNKSViking Longboats (Northern Europe, 1000A.D.)These ships used 60 men to row the ship.

Chinese Junks (1,100 A.D.)They were used as fighting

and transport ships.

A knarr is a type of Norse merchant ship famously used by the Vikings.

The name knarr is the Old Norse term for a type of ship built for long sea voyages. The knarr was a cargo ship.


The cog was a design which is believed to have evolved from (or at least been influenced by) the longship, and was in wide use by the 12th century. It too used the clinker method of construction.

The caravel was a ship invented in Islamic Iberia and used in the Mediterranean from the 13th century.




SS Savannah was an American hybrid sailing ship/sidewheel steamerbuilt in 1818. She is notable for being the first steamship in the world to cross the Atlantic Ocean

was the first nuclear-powered cargo-passenger ship

A paddle steamer is a steamship or riverboat powered by a steam engine that drives paddle wheels to propel the craft through the water


The first ocean liners made of iron and

driven by a propeller.

When launched in 1843, Great

Britain was by far the largest vessel


is a museum ship and former passenger

steamship, advanced for her time. She

was the longest passenger ship in the

world from 1845 to 1854

RMS Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg during hermaiden voyage from Southampton, UK to New York City, US. The sinking of Titanic caused the deaths of 1,502 people in one of the deadliest peacetime maritime disasters in modern history.

The RMS Titanic was the largest ship afloat at the time of her maiden voyage.


•Passenger and fashion writer Edith Rosenbaum cabled her secretary in Paris that she had "a premonition of trouble" about the Titanic. (She survived.)• Governess Elizabeth Shutes was so unnerved by the smell of the night air on April 14 that she could not fall asleep. She told fellow passengers that the smell reminded her of the air inside an ice cave she had visited. (She survived.)•William Edward Minahan, a doctor from Fond du Lac, Wis., had his fortune read shortly before the voyage. The fortune teller predicted his death aboard the ship. She was right.•The plot of Morgan Robertson's novel "Futility" bears an uncanny resemblance to the Titanic disaster. The novel tells the story of the Titan, the largest ship ever built, billed as "unsinkable," which strikes an iceberg in April and sinks. In the book, more than half the passengers die in the North Atlantic because of a lifeboat shortage. The book was published 14 years before the Titanic sank.