Download -… · lu *» " •* It IW6W if * =r BtlW-, * V a id*. £] -5$V£

Page 1:… · lu *» " •* It IW6W if * =r BtlW-, * V a id*. £] -5$V£

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" •* It IW6W

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And let thy ma •flfbei ctherfli

"fci52f*k6* • Suchlahtsb

Who etl.ojrm

Griev'itthou_ Lo! .rherelll

Orithe *eeiag«(|4bi ~Wha j-Iohr-rem»l tettf

Spring wlthaer n o r — "* lastf idesthYtlH' . . And to e full moon.< n high

Sun*, l h e n , y e n | i a i i w i i e ; And If love sever '

. Bond! which, thy to lldotkprUe, • .--aiarao'eaivis^jti-'i - > •• Deep; a the roulnj seas, Bolt a the twlDgfit breeie, But oi more than t icse


S S I '^ii^f^^^*pw^**^f-v;'.'',ifrz't-' ^^yH-^t^ipi^t.

•:J'l: - .• ' -•Vy,.f...



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What it e% the [I asbandman born the .'H^i^&B«jjfri-..Th'ajt' the soil

of iig^t fpi n#6»»Xlf J?:mor§ gr$tfic. Tjie ver^ bnrtilng of^thfelwleeda in hart-flat, and

- v A a j ^ e j i f i ^ M % t' tftyat »«# garaera, indicates tb »t tnrife ic t<> be a sweeter spring time, a 16ft j alSf inn ate eiidaring anminer than has et |r yet m SrjtakerJ our world

In every one of a? there is the com ' mencemont of death that is, disease. In .e«ejty one of ug therjs are defect>,<and,faik ingg, and taints, ahll poisons and; decay,

: which are the commoricement and (he pre-motritpry, symptons of that approaching dissolution which is he wages of sin, and the conseqi ence of < or personal participa­tion in. it.

A s well may you «ee the sun, the moon, and the stam through a London November fog. as God 8 truth fbi-Ongh the Atmosphere of a corrup , a deprived, and noreg«»ner-ate heart. What me i most need in order to be decided believe! s, is not greater light

-" in their heads, bat i kr greater grace in their heartr

W e do not stir up cold" ashes, we let them alone we stir tip embers in which a few sparks 1 emain that, may be fanned into a flame, and g i r e warmth to those that Bit aroand them. Ghrittians do not need lighting, thsy only niijesd stirring;, sickly they may be,—-but dead, if Christiana, t h e y never can be

I t is the action of. the waves that keeps the ocean frjssh; it is the stirring of the

WATCHES! fLO ^ g r M i r j M t f c m ' Wm*M SAY TO



8LKBVE BUTTONS, SEALS, * ••r*>?:XWf8iT)•:•*.; SUDES,,*C

S H . V B J B S P O O N S A |»I» W,OBKS,


CAKB BASKSTS, ««*»' -dj^KXtH.' ISAM 0MAAR8, OHHaara'8 ODM,

T A B U BKxfiS^' N A P K I N R I N G S ,

» B W T K N I V B , •'-- r:rGtrJUUJ32BTAiSB, (

rro., ETC.

FORKS, spooxa, Ac •i He bu s fine asiortment of

HIQHT l>AT* ,TBttaTS'HOTJa OZiOOES. Ateo,Aeeer««o>is, FIat««, Violins and

FANCT GOODS! He b u , al»o, a new mrilcle oalled

" S I L V E B S O A P . It l i prepared etpeelillrfar CLEANING u d POMSHING

SUrer. Plated and Britannia Ware. . t a r ' r a r t i e a l a p A t t e n t i o n Till be given to FINE

WATCH REPAIRING. Clocks and Jewelry repaired. Snop l a No. 4 Union Block. _ _ _

- OBGN HOSES, Jr . Malone, September 18,1860. 1


J S T O T I O E to


Eemember that the grace that culmt- 4 innnntV- ? DEALERS IN nates in glory beginfs now—that the:charac ter that is {erfectea in heaven ibegihf now —-anil that moat met die as they l ive; and . *,.«h» „ A » . w . ^ < r .*„«. while conversion iat the stroke, of the W % s & 5 s 2 - o r x S r « , d S ? ? o "Jaw1^Shes.dli" twelfth hour-is a plui s|bility, and m a y b e f ^ f a ^ * ^ — ~ ^ • - -pressed, ol'ered, received, enjoyed; yet the man thi t pats o f the concerns of his Boul to that hour is hirdening his heart

T h e eloquent and excellent DrJ-Ghal mere was auked to what he attributed the great succ-is of his preaching. Hi s ans­wer was, " T o repetition." His way was to hammer, one tru ih upon the peoples' hearts, and memorial and intellects, and never leave off till h i was thoroughly sat isfied he hi id convinced, or converted, or impressed them.


i wdTw0dD N E L S O . . w., w . w ^ ^

HA ^ W O ^ ^ i W i ^ W ^ t f ' M e f T o r k .nd

Mati 6!

ofthibertqa»Utr»»IleM«ft»ny«d(eefi?a, which he can foil ,at the l o w e s t s t o a s l b l e p r i c e s . l ie Invites »u to call -and examine for themselves.

Ourl^Hair, Palm I*»f, and Htuk Mattresses, Ac. * e - i Ac.

Block, weit end or the Bridge.

Mtloor,-NoT. &VI880: MIS-

mss r o u t s ! WorejiMSirdtiiicir1 ^

ous M e n d s and c u s t o m e o , and the LaJlea In general, of Malone and vicinity, that one h a i j u j t returned from New Tork City, with the r < - ^ , ~-> T


GOODS! e r e r beferepffered l q t & i market; conslatlnR or al l the


Bonmets, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Ac.

uf her qwa»'from'the biMt attabfbhmtotilaOisdtr.ilie ConBdently believe* they cannot be surpassed In e l e w n c c or beauty. •*

Shewoutd earnest ly lolfelt a n early call Irom the Ladle« a r n o c*re o r attention, on her part , will be wanting to p lea ie all who tnay-80 favor Her.

N O W O P E N I E D !

named article!, 1 _ •ell their Scorched or Black Salti to me, as I know from e* . . „ . . , perience that they can do better to lell at home than to de- tenalve stock of pend on a foreign market. I will pay them all they are worthl to send to market, allowing them to calculate as close as pos­sible as to the net proceed). I continue to manufacture,

PEARLA8H AND'PREMIUM SALERATU8 and will be happy to supply all orders for these articles, which I will warrant to stand all tests ar to quality. Cusiom-e n will find It to their advantage to supply themselves with

A t M r s . P e c k ' s o l d S t a n d , o p p o s i t e t b e P n t n i c l l D B o t e l .

* J T H S . y E C n t would announce to th e Ladles of Malone

age the Saleratua, as it Is pore and worth from 10 to 60 per cent more than the common article, manufactured and sold at the present day. It Is true that the public it shamefully Im­posed upon In the sale of Saleratus that Is In reality a spuri­ous and adulterated article, and It, Is also true that many merchants encourage the Imposition became they can make * promt of 60 or more per cent In dealing In It, more than If * e y dealt In the (rtnuine Artidt, and when the latter Is worth from two to four cents per pound more than the former.

Mercants and consumers who wish to supply themselves with my (Premium Saleratus, will find It at all times at the ollowing<pIaces, at wholesale: Wm. Hogle, Port Covington;

Weld* Clark, Malone; E. B. Allen A Sons, White* Morgan, Thomas Bacon, Ogdenaburgh; Geo. Oodds, Waddihgtoh; R-;

Miner, Canton; C. Cox Potsdam; E. Raymond A Co., Bos­ton ; Nichols al Lynde-t. Myers A Son, Plattsburgh; Ktngs-land, Barber * Co., Keeievllle; Burton, Bi: Albans; flaM A Brown, New-fork; N. E. Bacon, Sackette Harbor

and vicinity, that she has Just received a large and ex re stock of , t

M i l l l x i o r y - GL-oo<3Ljfie!

THE ^W8T:i1iRORTII1irtOTltl. . o s s r ,-»oesFjtSi3:«M»*s«rr


I t E M O V A JL,

M . eT^LOCTBErife o:ov From their former store, No. 8 Esgle Block, to

N o . S3 H o i * t o n ' s B l o c k , NEAR T B E BRIDGK.

The Minions of High Prices Put to Flight. We live, emphatically. In an age or Progress, The world

movts , and wise men move with It. H Is only l l ie s leepy­heads that stand still, and will not, or cannot , see that they are being left behind in the great race of life. T h e Cash System has been proved the only principle of doing business at the present day. It results to His advantage of both buy­er and seller. Our present stock has been manufactured upon this system, and wm be fonnd to contain all the desira­ble styles and qualities of



B o o t s , *BJa.ooaB, c lbo . , d b o . . REMEMBER that w e will not be undersold, but are

determined to give the best bargains ever offered. Seeing Is believing, therefore COME AND SEE.

O a r B l o t t o — Q u i c k Sales t Smal l -Profi ts! Cstab P r i c e s t

Malone, Jan., 1861. [1912] M , J A C O B E eV C O .

$300 R E W A R D . J OS. F A t l E P L B D C i E S BMmsBW T O

• pay Into the Mount Vernon Fund Fire Hundred Dol­lars If any one will produce that he cannot cure irith his


i86u . S B w i p y . im\ S - w t i a r AVMris j m e i a i .


O n.MD A E T E B W E D N E S D A Y , F e b . » 0 , -Passenger Trains wIU run on tnlsSoad.Terv dav. f e i '

cept 8undaj,) as'foUows: - ^ ' ' 001X0 EAST.

1 s t Train—Freight and Passenger.—Leave Malone at 5 a. m., connecting with Express Train at Souse's Point reaching Troy and Albany same day, and New York next momtogj^

2 d Train—Through Mall from Ogdensburgh leaving Malone at 8.16 p. m., reaching Boston next morning at 8 8" and New-York at 18 noon. Splendid Sleeping Car* run

case of Salt Rheum or Piles fnlsaOU!


I need not sa> anything more In favor of the Amies Oil, than. It Is one of the ingredients In the Climax Salve, and I would say here that all scrofula sores, fever sores, and I'lcers of every kind, when there Is much discharge, thk salve should be used In preference to the OIL

This OU U retailed by all principal druggbsU, ami sold at the tow price of tucotffjtre ctni*j>tr box.

P A G E ' S CL.IirXAX S A L V E . This Salve has been before the public for the last ten years,

and has gained for iUclf a reputation unprecedented In the j annals of medicine. 7-. I Physicians use and recommend It wherever it b knotrn.— Tlie proprietor, J. M. Page, was cured many years ago of one of the most distressing cases of scrofula that any person was ever afflicted with. It Is now twelve years since I was cured by the use of the Climax Salve, and not a vestige of the dis­ease has ah twn itself on tnc, and 1 have enjoved uniform good health ever since.

Every day brings some new testimonial from physicians of the wonderful cures they have effected with It; for want of room I can only publish tbe following, which will convey the sentiments of all.

Bead what a distinguished physician of Geneva says about It: '

1 1 am acquainted with the preparation of the Climax Salve, j manufactured by J. M. Page, and 1 believe It to contain the I active principles of Arnlea und Calendula, In a highly con- j j cetitruted form ; and 1 believe h to be the best remedy that ^haa ever been offered for the cure of Scrofula or Salt Rheum. 1 I am well acquainted with Mr. I-xgc*. aod the history of his I complaint, navtng witnessed the examination of tbe Scrofula

- _ , „ , . . , _ , _ ,_ ___ 1 t'leers on his arm, hefore the Medical Class of Geneva Col V V l N T r ] R S T V T " F T d t ' !«*<*. «••>«« I was attending lectures In the winter of 1948

K_J j _ j . j _ i s _ j t r j . . „nd 1*44. at which time il was decided by the Faculty that JCHT RECEIVED AND NOW OPENED. *'* ?"** vnttn hoptltJu one, anil not within the reach of any

i s - n s w . n r a i i , . . . . . . . j Medical treatment; and when I look upon Mr. Page, cured. W IMS I O O H I I 6 H , thankful for the very liberal pat- Bound and healthy as he la, simply by the .use ot the Climax ?K&**g*l>e?to*ia*>y IJie Ladles, takes pleasure In an- ' Salve. It seems almost like n miracle. I have tested in my

-lourielngthatahe-has Just returned from S e w r<&k with a I practice its superiority over " Dalley's Pain Extractor," In large and elegant stock of I c a r |ns Burns ; and I would advise all that are afflicted with

Fever Sores, Scrofula, and Salt Rheum, however desperate

• j ^ I !

6 . 3 . M C M I L L A N VTXUJ P A Y C A S H ,

And the Highe8t Market Price!' F O B W O O L .

Wool growers will And It for their interest to give me a call

« I . r h f m P . ^ e f w O i ! . ^ t r C k e , , 0 w h O T e - " r , h « H ^ ' » U

My Woolen Factory Is stlllln operation, with perfectand extensive Machinery for the manufacture of all kinds of Cloths. Flannels, Ac., which I continue to offer at

l^wwtPBc«ifor<;a8Ji,ore^o6an^e'forWool on the moitliberal terms. I shall, when preferred, recdVe Wool to manufacture Into Cloth by the yard or onaharea «tJh»jopJH<!potHieciwtomer. ?•* . . T?'r"etl

A Larpe Stock of Cloths ! "tterlonsklBdSjforhea'iy and Summer use, arrays keptoa h a n d . . ••f'.-i • • - : ' v v.- T-. " r

WOOL CARDING AND CLOTH DRE88ING! This branch of business will be promptly andsarisfactorl ly

at tended to , a» heretofore. I have two Double Machines, In first rate order, for Carding Rolls, and I shall b e able to keep up with all my customers during the s eason .

Persons from a SIktanoewUlhavre their work Attended to Immediately,

Wash your Wool Clean, and you will be sure to get good Bolls, and tbe best of work. Remember that i t costs as much to card a pound of dirt ai a pound ofwool

Malone, May 80,18G0. i f . s . I T I e l H I l . l . A N .

The Great Benefactor i f th* Household!

"jjjfe^iO-UJiUlMllillljWfi^ 5S T£e Freitler Pallailw ^

' The Proprietore invite the attention of


W E L L E X E C U T E D W O R K l i

To the Extensive

J 0 B P R I N T I N < i » E P A R T M E N T

Connected with their Newspaper Office,


-•A - ^

Take Notice. r j n i l £ 8ubicilb'e» hive "lately put in operation stit 1 sS . extensive B l a c k s m i t h attia 3Wbeelwrtil S k O p a new and admirably working ^i. • "Wj

wblcb- thijr Intend t o r u n for thebenefil of the Pablit teonld say to those who are In need of theirservlcn, JjV

' Houi^aBulIdara in Particular, tofstehalongthclrboards and they will guarantee tost them In as GOOD SHAPE and as CHEAP as can b e S , this Northern section; also, fitting of all klndsof CSJIDM to order, tnd to thebert manner. *"*

Pl»neaLnmber8awed inanyde i i red8W


Bosrdsor Plank Planed of any thickness, from ^ M"t'"-ff j | l | | | I S ? * fe -'";" &&#*?'

Having all manner of tools t o worlcwith in t hlslln. .iw Inesp, they flatter themselves that tbey can give ent|r ,P faction. Call and give us a trial. Shop on CatherineL near the the Foundry. B B A K D S I . E Y 4 BERIl

M»lone,Jnnei859. B*' _± j.1 'i !Sr4

^ O i ^ » « ¥ r « « : ; : N u . « B B « 38.1

Of the most modern anilrapproved-construction, together with an almost endleasjvariety of *

P L A - T N A N D O B N A J t X E N T A I , T ¥ P E !

and other Printing Materials, they are prepared to execute every deseriptlonjoft


of the latest styles and most desirable quality, consisting of every article to be found In a Millinery Storo.

Thankful for past favors, she solicits the attention of all to her stock, confident that It will please, In style, quality and" price. . H

A competent and experienced Milliner has been engaged to assist her. And she. Is confident of pleasing every one.

E m b r o i d e r y S t a a a p l n r attended to a#heretofore.

P l e a s e C a l l a n d K x s m l n e t h e O o o d s .

*3T€>1£,, ,*f. I 8 6 0 .

P. P. STEWART'S Fuel Saving and Comfort Producing Summer and Winter



NEW MTHroEltrGOODS! A t N o . 2 r j n l o D B l o c k .

oorso W I S T . I s * Tra in .—Leaves Boston at 7.80a. m., and New-Tort

7.00 a. in., lodge at St. Albans, arrive at Malone at 10.80 a. m. next day. Sleeping Can attached to this Train from Boston and Troy. 1

2 d T r a i n . — A n Express Passenger Train leaves Union Depot, Troy, at 7.29 a. m,, reaching Malone at 7.85, p. m. and Ogdensburgh at 10.8Sp. m. '

AH Trains connect with P. A M. RR. for PUttsbnrgh at Moore* Junction, and tbe 6 sujn. Train 1» the only train that connects with trains for Montreal via Rouses Point. Passen­gers can go by the 10.85 a. m. train, by Ogdensburgh. reach-tag Montreal, via G. T. BR., at 10 p. m.

Malone, Feb. 18,1861. GEO. V. HOYLK, Supt.

SOnl t h a t pi' rpa i f n i l ! a haal in<r , !* i . . U _ through with this Train from Rouse's Point. BOl m a t g l res II a i l I S D e a l i n g s I t 18 t h e I AccommodaHon Train leaving Ogdensburgh at 8 45 p m. iscti88iou ol great truths that eliminates »"*»« ** Malone at 8.85. "' '

great corruptions, and establishes and win- ' dicates what Grod has inspired, and what ineift hearts yearn for to make them wis­er, and happier, and better. <

Whilst we are' coosBions that ^ndirida-ally we must die, wp t\i constmct for onr-eelves a aortf of posihnmoos existence, whicli keeps op,the deception of a perpet nated life. ' iVe are pn ine to say, " well if I must die. my children live; and if I mast leave toy estates, ;hose estates will be given to my children. '

"Patrick,"* said a jmlge, "what do yon Bay to the charge—are you guilty or not gni l tyr T „

•'Faith, that is difficult for your honor to tell, let alone mysel?; wait till I hear the ividence.'^' T

" Madame, .a good many persons were very much disturbed at the concert last night, by the (frying of four baby."'

.•'Well, £ do wondei that such people will go to concerts."

A lady sometimes k :eps charms upon her watch-guajd, bnt it is morej important that she keep watch an 1 guard upon her charms,

"Ndbodjr ereif lost anything T>y love,*', said a certain person. ? "f hat^e not true," said a lady wlrd heard tl ei remark, "for 1 once toBt three nights' sljaep."

said "Marriage," said an j unfortunate hot . basna, « i s th# < ttlrchyai d1 of love^*1' ;

*' And yoa iaen" repli |d the not lessun-happy wJyTe,iwf regrave^Jigeers. r

:• E»PL03 e?Nr.« .Jt wis a* hjaxSni witli t h e J e w s , "nth»t{ne who did n o t bring up Sfe'4P»H*-•&& 3 ;hqn«|k calling, trougbt

, t ^«rjy«w^ ,-r-taereln, shaB comtni

i .

Vcmosst Ceitral Railroad. vwtSM A B B A N O B n E N T . - C h o l e e o r

. . Routes for Chicago and the West. Commence Mon­day Dec. 3, I860.

TRAINS GOING NORTH ANO WES-T. Msn. Tasm connects at Windsor and White River Junction

with trains leaving Boston and Springfield at 7.80 a.m. same-day, and New-York previous evening. Leave Wlndsorat 1.40 p. m., arrivingsat Burlington at 7.00 p. m^ St. Albans at T.87 p. tn., lodge, and arrive at Montreal at 10.15 a. m., and at Ogdensburgh at 1.00 p. m., next day. Connecting at Og­densburgh with GrandTrtink train, for Detroltandthe West without delay.

Dsv Exraxss connects at Burlington with train leaving Troy same morning, leaves Burlington at l.BOp. m., arriving at Rouse's Point at 4.40 p. m.,<andat Ogdensburgh same ev­ening.

NIQHT Exrasas Taarsi connecting at Windsor with train whleh leaves New-Tork at 8.00 a. m., aod at White River Junction with train which leaves Boston, via toweB, at 6.00 p.m.ttieprevioui day.' Leaves White Rlv»r Junctional 13.15 a. m.. arrives at Burlington at 5.45 a. m., Rouse's Point at 7.45 a. m., Montreal at 10.15 a. m., and at Ogdensburgh at 1.00 p. n . the same day, and proceeding by Grand Trunk train for Detroit and the West the same afternoon^

TRAINS GOING SOOTH AND EAST. Matt T«*ix leaves S t Albans at 446 a. m., arrive at Bm~

ahaBJae prescribed

^ ^ f l O t l ^ W t t e i ^ t t e t t S f A R ^ © ^

, . U f a f e l «me- ehiBloe; i^todtakeeffeetB

ton at 8.85 p. m., and connecting at Windsor with trains for Boston, Springfield and New-York, arriving In New-York at 11.18 p. m. * - ? / 5 , R ^ 5 a , * K ' ^ ' k ^ ' ' M a t tt 11.15 a, m., forNorth-field.Tiurllngton, Troy and New- York. ' • '•"

NrosT Exrasas Tturs leaves Ogdensburgh at 11.85 a. m.. MontrealataOOp.nv, Rouse's Point at B.& • t St. Albans at 8.55 p. m., Burlington at 9. RlDfct JujeUon at AIOA^IIK,; and _a>j

>P. m., arriving LOO p. m_ W""

tJFtoasotat 8,00a. * | i , folP^roydflllb!

a - a --. ,;, ^n'wl*NoTth«re*. _ it, Ac/, arriving In Boston at 8.40 a. m., Ivan R. R. for Beaton. 8nrlnafleld. Hart-

P - n x , White

^ ^ H S B ^ T ^

r pr>«y havUifJ t a p p A

s*4« rfatisssjiiss; !<**• •••• '•"-' - i - ' ; • * . . < . - ; f r w . T T ! t * f .

flBvjaeiieWiWffjflpE Tfentf»A»4av thitiisiM»B»'-^ss^sBlsk5i?ll*^^y ft - W -'' i t . -**» - l»W - "* ' '"' J x . '

M ormSeSmdae S ? t ? S »1»1«nrS£i?B2rC A»yiOT,tosJiestabn*hTfer«T«rTfrtTlbe4^


J k ^ , .a^astli A | K kft-^ssMvlnWsl %inhr ^kssAsMU t -—-ussfe fc^aV ^f^^ApaWJftaUFstsnantnnU S B n t f i l B l l l

f a AaseaterasMt•«•••)la*

V ts:i

^ Afla«tfoTitft, reiiefoithpNawjf. rkSUtela«»ruteiA

- ^ t f o t t l , ; ^ * ^ •% of lA §«wio* State; iii

"' SndsStmXtnriwSS; ^^Mmm^ur^fim, '*»3tft«e case < f « S S SSB!fw,¥iP"*wV!ffi»i*'.

ielSst«ttof' s._„ .fteiab>*e"

' £ £ ? § « ^ i r t » t e * * Utll'breJ *»W1

* ^ »£*X*rtereV M ttertpm«MW

mam**, jMp m^ F

lb any -r-^.. „ „ _ , ^ j " i m n . ' m ™ ; r i i i i i i r a i n i n w r » w < i » i i i . . i i 1 " —

for Boston, Wore

M«ht Express Trains running between Roas«'3 point and Boston, and; between Rouit'e Point and Troy. «J^0??l.T^' tS!f f?T v*«g|g9 «Bd the West for sale at the

W I N T E R G O O D S ! Including Bonnets , Ribbons. Feathers, 8Uks, Laces and Trim­

mings of every description, and of

THE VERY LATEST PATTERN8! which she has just opened and now offers to her customers at L o w P r i c e s . Ladles desiring to obtain the latest Pail Fashions, and the ve,ry bestquallty of new Millinery Goodn will please call at an early day. Uer assortment of '

S T R A W S A N D O T H E R BONNETS Is the most complete and'«le|gant -ever- offered In this place while h-sr Trimmings were npver more tasty. ' ' No pains will be spared to please all who may favor her with their orders for work or; goods.

Malone, Nov. 21st, 1800.

~J"j - ? ~^j' "j 'if — tr > •—.— t ~i--

'K Hovelty infthe Art World! PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN!

Secured by letters patent In the United States, England. Prance, and Belgium.


Photographic Porcelain Company No, 78^ Broadway, New York,

having secured their novel o i d Ingenious Invention by Amer­ican and European patents, tire fully prepared to execnU- all onler#*for

Miniature Likeneasets of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordlna^ photographs, the brilliancy and tlnUh of a water-colordra»itogtandahJ^rtoupattainedquaUty of durability, bybelngtenderedaahnnetljliable a . thenatoral properlles of Ibe articles upon which limy are transferred.

As the patented process of ihe Company enables the re­production of Photographs, not only on plain surfaces but upon such as are round or of any degree uf Irregularity-por­traits can be reproduced withifaulUcss accuracy, and delica­cy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles; of luxury or household utility such as -

thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing o unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic

In order to furnish facilities for the gratification of the pop, ular taste, and to meet the wants of those patrons of tbe rlne Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain, the Company have Imported front Europe a collection' of, superior porce­lain goods, manufactmed to their own order, which they will sell at cost prices. 1 * •• *

As the American Company *re owners ofthe patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use the n W ce**'lflW, OJVedeWrmlnea, ln,0,rder fo afford people In eve­ry section of the*UnU>rfta opportunity to possess

Pqjrtralta on China,

their cases ma\ he. that they should not despair, but try PAGE'S 8*LVE and b.- Cl'KED. for I have used It for the above complnlnts with the most happv results.

U l t l S DE V. WILDER. M. D. 8old Wholesale and Retail through the country by all the

principal Druggists. C. N. TrTTLE, General Ajrent, Auburn, N. Y.

For .a le by F. T. Heath and It. K. St.-phens. Malone; J. Congdon and J. 8. Parker, Fort Covington ; D. W. PolUrd,

'Chateaugay; Lawrence & Stevens, Molra. 1825-€m

DR. U. H. KELLOGG'S ( J T S E Q C A I . I . E D


a . Introduced to the public as an experiment." It Is com-over thirty yeiin, by a durlngthe whole of

mended to general use, after1 a trial of the Inventor In M s own' practice, abi that period, has never failed to produco the effect desired! Even when the sufferer has been prononnced beyond recov­ery, and all other remedies had tailed, life has been prolong­ed, and rosy health restored, by the use of this Medicine. Nor Is this hletttd effect attained after a protracted de lay-the relief which the WORM TEA a9ords Is Immediate.

The superiority of thb Remedy Is apparent from the fact that

It contains no Mercury; It will not Injure the weakest coniBtution, yet acts effi­

ciently on the strongest; It b pleasant to the taste, and cldlUren willingly take it-While mild in its operation. It never falls to effect a cure; As It contains no deleterious Drugs, It does not require to


Improved in 1S59, with New and Extra Large Flues.

C. C. Whittelsey, Agent, Malone. tThe follovrlng l« a brief summary of the peculiarities of -

THE STEWART STOVE. 1st. DruiiiiUTT.—It has been In use in many Instances

from 15 to 2() year*. 2d. CAPACITY FUR WORK.—AU culinary operation* may

4« carried on at Uu *aiM time. In evidence of what It trill accomplish, we allude to the fact that on each of several oc­casion*, a barrel of flour has tVetn baked into bread trttte a «it\gU fire.

8d ErosoMT i» FrKt-—So perfect Is Ua construction, that ft* cost must be Bated in fuel in from 2 to 8 y*>ar*.

4th, It do6*your work exBtttitioiutlt/ and well^ and may he regulated at pleasure to produce any temperature re quired in the kitchen^ without interference with the cooking

THE 8TEWART STOVE Was the most perfect ventilated Oven of any Stove now man ufactured.

THE 8TEWART 8TOVE Has tbe best Itrolllng arrangement that has ,-yet been Invent­ed. When broiling is performed according to directions In the pamphlet, all the smoke Is at once carried Into the draft, and none of It can possibly enter the room.

THE 8TEWART 8TOVE Supplies hot water for batliiog purposes, more economically han any range.

THE 8TEWART 8TOVE Is furnished by all agents on a trial of three months.

. THE STEWART 8TOVE Is sold In all the principal Cities and Towns In the Union.— Small descriptive Pamphlets sent free by mail, on applica­tion to the Manufacturers,

F U L L E R , W A R R E N <fc C O . , T R O Y , N . Y . ,

Proprietors of the Clinton Stove Works, and Manufacturers of Cooking, Parlor and Office Stoves, Hollow Ware, A c , in every variety.















Ac , Ac , Ac ,

F A S T , 3ST^LA.rV, & C H E A - T * .

EW^SttUojrs S j ) rr ,

a m i t»rori

O. O. W B I T T S L S S 7 Is also agent for tbe celebrated

E c o n o m i s t C o o k i n g S t o v e I I have on hand and intend to keep a larger assortment of

Cooking, Box and Parlor Stov :s than has ever before been kept In Franklin County. 1800 C. C. WUITTKL8EY.

IMPERIAL mm B.TT£ft$! 4 M * A « K r w a » «"|Nire « n « I) waeta Iter*

£IL ated Wjtoe, which Is about double the strength ofother Wlat«,andbj Imported by onliene house lathe Cmled Mate*. Alio, from ilie/ollowlnE vataafcle.RooU, Herbs, Ac, vlr: Sol-omon's aesd^S^eiJira^ml^i^CbnjbtS'-^531-'— "~ ttan, Wild Cherry tree Barb, 0i& Bsyberry. Wt OaaJUnf . t l» j M i Prodmca Thair

We de not profess to have discovered soraeltooU" known on)» io|h»|Bt«art*f.|^ eatea wMc^fleshla heir to;" bnt «m cUIn»,to>pr«»en,to.the

X r a " m 6 t o *rs«sr8tloB, WeSeve^lhtenBent th.countrywIUapnroTeufs^rsxoiBfafSKJ. A*

S 5 f e . * H f e r t ' ° r , D g proposition to residents in the Country , PersoSSsendlng a photograph, ambrotype or daguerreo-^vHS'Jbe^SSS °'thc C o S p e f r y I n ^ w Vork, accompanied l o t o ^ c n S r l e ! ^ ^ ^ M e T * ^^S^^^P^Se^

[A Richly OrnamanM, Biteakfaat Cup and Saucer,

with the portrait transferred thereon. -By trantmlttlng a daguerreotpyo and T e n D o l l a r s , tbcjr-irlll^cura in like

! A Handiome French V a w ^ r qpofiet Artiole, ;wlth'the portrait reproduced bybUie patented process. By

be followed by physic to purliy the stomach. . FlnaUy. Thirty Vears' Trial have served to confirm its ex­cellence, and the most reputable and skillful Physicians in

-the country are deelded In their eulogies to Its merits The Agent will furnish pamphlets, giving particulars of

cures, to all who call for them. ir you have beautlral and beloved children, and wish to

save them from the tortures of pain, and a premature death, call on the Agent ; and be not guilty of ever being without the Medicine In your house.

C. N. TTJTTXIJ, A n b n r n , N. Y. , General Agent for New York and Michigan.

For salesby F. T. Heath and R. R. Stephens, Malone • J

medicine everywhere. 132T..V

A Pair of Rich Ssvren Vaaaa, with the portraits executed equal ft miniature paintings • : i ^ ^ ] ^ f * W W i ! t * ^ l i ^ s ^ * V r e P r o d n e W on porlV lain wares or



HARTFORD Fire Insurance Company,


$9 3 6,7 0 9 .00 . PO L I C I E S IBeOTED AMJ> B E N S W S D }

Losses equitably afajusted anapafrffmrnerffiif^ifupon satisfactory proofs, in. Etui I'orvb/ the undersigned theDULY AUTHORIZED AGENT. M W

B . N . B V N X I N O T O N , A c e n t .

8 H O W BILLS A N D P O 8 T E R 8 !

Printed In an attractive style. In Plain or Colored Inks !

Ws havejnst received a large font of New Type suitable- for

thc Printing of j

J. A W C A S K S A N D - . P O I N T S ! !

Our hu.lness In this department is rapidly increasing, which !

Is, perhaps, our best recommendation. '

All orders for Printing will receive prompt attention.


F o u n d r y &, M a c h i n e S h o p ! C. C. WHITTELSEY

TS N O W prepared to furnish Castings of all kinds. ; Screw Oang, English Gate and Muley Saw Mill, Grist and i

Starch Mill Irons, made and fitted* up to order. Water ; Wheels of various patterns and of the most approved kinds. ,

Woodworth's Cylinder Planers, Tongueiog & Grooving Machines,

Clapboard Machines, Plows, Cultivators, A c , Portable and Stationary

Steam XSnslnes, made to order.

Also, constantly on hand Cooking Stores , Double Box Stoves, Canada Double Bo>i, Heavy Largc^Box Stoves mad* expressly for Starch Factories, and Box ^toves of all sizes.— Hollow Ware ,Tea Kett le i . t ir indstone friction Roller Cranks, Wapon Boxes, Stripe and Rollers for B a i n Door and Gate Hang lnps A c , Ar. "-

Our r»cilltle« for doing work are equal tn a n y other shop In Northern New York, und we respectfully solicit orders, and assure our patrons that their work

Shall be done in the Best Manner. Malone, March !>, IS5S. C. C. WHITTELSEY


Mountain Serb Pills ABOVE, we present you with a perfect liksowt

Tssneo, a chief of a tribe of the strange Astec Nttiak that once ruled Mexico. Yoa will fin* a full *eeotinl# htm and bis people in our pamphlets and Almaj be bad gratis, from the Agents for these Pills.

The inventor and manufacturer of "Judsoo'a tain Herb Pills," has spont the greater pait of hi, BtT traveling, having visited nearly every country is &V world. He spent over six years among tbe lnditst. *' tbt Rocky Mountains and of Mexico, and it wu tbmli ' the '• MocNTiiN HEKB PILLS" were discovered. A f • Interesting account of bis adventures there, yoa wOi i In our Almanac and Pamphlet.

It is an established fact, that all diseases nrss ftnt

I M P U R E B L O O D :

The blood is the life 1 and when any foreign or unhMbj matter gets mixed with i t it AB at once distribute!! every organ of tbe body. Every nerve feels'the poiei and all the vital organs quickly complain. The will not digest the food perfectly. The li decrete a sufficiency of bile. Tb« aetion of tbe bear, weakened, and so tbe circulation is feeble. Tbe la Income clogged with the poinonoaa -natter ; kenc*. cough—and atl from a slight impurit/ ot *i;» totmt-u head of life—the Blood ' As fir you had tli.owu •arth, for instaece. in a yum •jiiriiig, from *;ncii tiaj rivulft, in a lew inii)t,»r« ihe \yhotp /•••.rue r stream b*come.s dihturbud and discolored. As qui

impure blood fly lr. CTory part, uuj leave iu behind. Ail the passages become obstructed, ana n the obstruction is remove-1, the lamp of life ston C:RH.,

These pills not only purify tba blood, but regeoersli, the secretions ofthe body; they arc. tberef»r». ucrmo as a

C V R E fif>R B I L I O l ' S DISEASES, Uver ComplalnfTISick Headacbtj. Ac. rh;s ^»iii Bit Medieins expels from the bloo4 ihe hidden serdnols ease, and renders all the fluids; and secrt-tiooa pnrt, fluent, clearing and resuscitating the vital rrpanu

Pleasant indeed, is it to us, that we are a V « pi within your reach, a medicine like the • • slorsniu Hi Piua," that will pass directly to the aftllctnj fas through the blood and 8uids 0! the bo<W, and oa the sufferer to brighten with Ithe Bash o'f hnuitu health. '•

Judion't PilU are the Best Remedy in m enecfor the following Complainti:

Basel CampMaH, Dtbaittj, Inwarl IFMJOT Cbiwai, ftrer ono1 Ami, Lxrer rom^mni Cblus, Rmale Canpjainii Lnic?"/< / Smia Chest Ditmtm,, nia, CojhitMMSS, 7ndt'oes(ti)«, ,v,,T., and Cray. UytptBtia, ., Injlueneo. .V'.\/i icrt/ Senj> Diarmm, Inflammation, umt. Drvptg, » e * » r f

| B ^ W s l i e d e v e r y T b n j r s j d a y , b y '.

'frT^ & S E A VE

K f ^ ' J 0 ' * f t n t < m B l o c k , m a i n s t r e ^ T - 1 • 3 I a I o n e , x . 1 . '

*..-« . . r^.s-Eagaais; (ssria|piBce Subscribers, ^ ' " " q l

1 ? S " S ^ T r i l l b ^ Ve,lt fnr,his,,a'p«.'itwiiM ipj^rtbaa-the time _|o* which it I s ^ i W . - * - -

^ a ^ g s o f A d v o r t l » l n s . -XTwefveanes or less make \ s.vuarf 1

^months, . , . . 2 '.'.<Sc6Ijj-ni, 1 C-,r • •% msailhsi-y.-j* nfi". i coi.1M.n B year...i..A. .-COM I cc,:. m n l

Isvards , -not exceedinir >i>- v<nfi- i ,"•••;'. ' 42.'0ftf.>rs!t m-lu''-...' '

[lamentsnjipuji he rr.a-k'l tbe-",.r

.OBifirwlse thdy will be cmtlt-.j,',! I o r t O e ' p u & i M w . an<l <• irj> i k

eCjOuatasfor o d v e n i s i n c ;.r* di c • • i. ^f-*fi*e adTerfisetneir "~

rjttfe. :;o| ..•vil

:*h >f tirrieJ :in. f-.rW.VI

' •^j jr l t i - _ - - f ' t h J

01 RECTORY.! k R M r L E E &. WE AD,

xm%s flnij aroutvstUdri'at £c M A f. O N E / x v.

fitf®e®ii0- ^P-"'0 0 Block, over C.I.. Iliibb.-rfl-- P: .f l

«^fO.-S;ADAMS,' e y ajid- Couuselloi

ice.No. l . P h o u j K B'loek,' y . .

P. WILSON, .men a«b Contt^ellor ot 8£c

W r e u c e v U l e j S t . L a w r e n < - e . ( ' o . tattenUou given to Conv.-i-oncing and Collectid|

i S : STILL MAN FOOTE, ;At torney ^nd Oounseloi

, O&f>KNf»Bfii0il ^Particulav attention ^>v.'n t

• veyanctn^a:

^ ^ • D W A ' R I D

hiso* 1 CniU-ctlnt,

A WOED TO T S E FARMERS. WE W A S T to become better acquainted, and will try

to convince you that it la for our mutual benefit that you should lend your aid to sustain a .

Manufacturing Establishment in your own County, and while we do not pledge ourselves that, in every instance we will not be undersold, we will promise that you shall receive as much value for the amount you pay us as can be afforded from any other source.

Please g ive us a call at the Foundry Store, Old Factory building. Main street. c C WHITTFLSKY

Malone, April 21st, 1858. '

Stoves, Plows and Hollow Ware. P l O W S .

TH E best plow ever Introduced Into Franklin County Is tne A m e r i c a n F a n n e r now bein<? n,r,n„f.„,..—J

by now being manufactured C. C. WHITTELSEY.


Hartford, Conn;

m ranglngln prTce.from t w e n t y t o o a e lara ike pair..- * ™ a n d r e d d o l

All tetters to be addressed to

AJNKEEJB J P M l W f i R E M E D Y Jor thc de-. . , - »trucWo" offtAT*. MICE, COCKROACHES, BEDBT7GS, iNTS, *c. .^tepMpartthoa" ItTJvaifiantea? tdsaxtermlnate ANT8, *«; ,^iWpip«l*]»6f ' ^ a f t a n t e a ? t#Sxt«mlnate Ittits and Mice, when ujed oi directed, •no^to'leave no of­fensive stench on the premise* -cleared of these annoying

v | this evil. , , . OACTlOS.—BEWabE OP COCJtTERFEITS!

TKe^eacMatsMfice^suMr/ILBiiboyJa- Irenflt^HalS^e jefWOWr. to exd ted the cpp_tdl Woesome dlshonrst and n*TK. ripTe!*.esci?ense, precurod a StTendlcf 8teol Plate


ef tftreowatr imrEjmm^w^^^^m


•et orha*

f ™W*^o«seness, annnewta, « v e r andAgue:

, Jl" break 05.*Comnioq Cold In • single night.

leratlon, ' ~ - J |*^*«' m&Bm mm _ TobreakupithaChlllsandrsverlna Messrs. E. B. Rtaoo* * Co. ' Bsr4*fcl^^irrt.331iear-E

It affords me greet pleanre to addmy tcitlmonyln favor

I n e S S u S p u c ^ ^

Jer till the winter of18W,ttieB I was confined tomybea,and;

*11 wha saw me thought tne dying with consumption. My »onr«n»Uo^us^b«*n,e^ orab^c««gh-bv u«lr.» aict-»le-oWoSHSn^ha«^t^e^fe¥d6i3o«f . <mri8& ed me so mucb that I procured a bottle, and before I had _ J-* all! ejihb) l-wit reii.tor«4j»he|lih. 6|cce then I ate

M St'(Mcp*ense: rirecured' a SpTei 7?*ffi*S^S? done/wBl bc'genuifl0<witK5<t u , , Blenature of

j w o f ^ i y box «t»japcd thus; "Si. Dtmot's PtoCB n*T

'«IS «fti»^*tfiifcUie abnve CauaSn::lhonld lie strictly obierved, lest the purchucr become the victim or a V i t t WATO, Call on thc agents and get a circular, nratUt ' • " • AH orders must be addressed to •• * i •

l i y N D E i OBBURN, « » » « . - . . A , e'W?«<».»*i'8oleamerleaa Afente. C.N:TDTTL«,'GeiitfAl Agent, Auburn, N. V. For *abKby*.-T. Heath and B. a. Stephens, Malone;. J.

is iaSfence « ^ v » ^ « o l r « i S i i * b y « e a l e t » l h «

Capital, Surplus, ,

Tnos. K. BBACB, Jr. Secy.

...#1,000,000 00 . . 861,980 00—*1,86I,820 00

E. 6 . filPLEY, Brest.

HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, Kcw YdSt City—Sou. 112 a 11*4, Broadway.

Capital and Surplua. «1,043,48200 J.<WlWp^sil|rn,8eo'y. CHAS. J. MABTIN, Preat. .

INSURANCE COMPANY. llartford, Conn. -

S T R A W C f J T T E B S .

I 1 H ^ V ^ , ' , f e w ?*raw o r B "y Cutters left. They are a good article and will be sold chcao. I will be sold cheap. C. C. WHITTELSEY.

GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE Females who value health. PIJOUH nerer t* ».irf

these Pills. They purifv tLe bStwi. renf-^f bstwi of all kinds, cleanse the skin of bll pimpie^ an-*, bistc^ and bring the rieh color of heal{h to tbe pale Am-

« W The Plants and Herbs of which f i i t se T':l!' i made, were discovered iu a very surprising «ar tin. tbe Tesucans, a tribe of Aborigines in Mf\i'f ' C.< Almanac of our Agent, and you will read «i')i irbfik the very Interesting aeconnt' it ponTsin^ «-f ''-f ' ''' B K D I C R E " of the Aitecn. r

O s W e r v e . — I V Mountain JIe\b Pill* a-r pi.-' n BeanHftd Wrapper. Each box cutkaini 40 t«1U. m<iU 9t 84 cenft par box. All genutni. har* »•• ... --•-.• B. L. JVDSON a CO., on each top.

B. L. JTJDSON, & Co.,

S O L E P R O P l i l F . T O i : ^ N o . 5 0 Leonard Slre*-i,

y x w x o $ K . i n

e W Agents wanted alwajjs—Address ISDI<I> ts

S A L E ; — WHEREAS, JAMB e « •"' 0 f W e 8 t T U l e . i n the county of Frsaklitu

H O a a l a O i r XtTABX.

J VST received, a large assortment * f HoUow Ware I offer at wholesale and retail at reduced prices.


C O O K I N G S T O V E S . T A B C E varieties. Prices varying from $12 u> »«0. *-* C. C. WHITTELSEY.

MO B T 6 A 6 E Stockwell, of Westvuie, in thepoi

*?lS o f N e w Y o r k ' , n o r d e r "e s « o r e | i h e payment ol thr, « *240.44 and Interest, did on the 80tjh day of duly mortgage unto Allen McLean, of Fort Covlngtoalii county and state aforesaid*; aU thai tract or pareelofj sitnat* in Westvil le aforesaid, and bdunded as follon,' Beginning on the highway leading frpm Westville vilup wards Malone, in the center thereof and at the north-«i" ner of a small lot owned by Samuel Coggin lvingnen s of the taw-ni!U lot owned and occupied bv'the Gleasotn," nlng thence northerly along the c e n t e r o f the higturstt rods, thence westerly on a straight line parallel vtt' northerly line of said Coggin lot so far that a line drsn> the last named line to tbe continuation of tbe said noite l ine of said Coggin lot on a parallel with the first nsmell

'< 4n said highway, thence along the said continued nortbl of said Coggin lo t to the place o f beginning, will contain' half acre of Und , together with the w'ater righto m o * In the deed to the parties hereto from the Gleasona, mas hereby to convey the equal undivided half part of UK* described premises and water r ights ; which mortgage,' tbe power of sale therein contained, was recorded In tie*1

n f *.lll> . t ^ - t r n f B H h t . l t . « . . . . i t. . . ^ _ . t . « i

FITCa.1 Oli&QEiiey and Counsieldi JT^ffyMtee/fo^inlf, So. 54, Wa?l.«rce<. New Vorir:'

™ , t * Y L Q r J & HOBSsV ptns.o;iir) doanedbrs at £c i'SCnlab BlockT-ofersI'. T Heath's Drugstore..!

MALON'E. x ; y . !>ATibR. 1-lf.iyj] A. HOP

A,Rt.E$ W.CRARY, y s f c i a t t a n d S u r s c » |

'. I'ORT.COVIXGtON", N. \ \ • M y $ P ? ) B * : e ? n e d o o r eas t"of . J- Cortgdon's l)ruK

^ ^ • l i A A b ^ . MOXLEY, .... . .pJS-i^c. i i i l a n d SiErg-e .«r |

- | * | ^ , -'sorTH-BAwon

-'P.JW£I**V, JR. ys ic ia i i and Surgeonj WiSTVlLLE OORJTERS, N. Y.

P%° 1 S r ,%. ? i o w J! > o i , i t 9 ' / • » n d 8l<*es, Cultivator Teeth Shovel Wows, Clevis Colters, Bolts, Wagon Boxes, 4c .

* c , at the Foundry Store. O l d I r o n received iu exchange, at 1 cent per lb



Capital a n d S u r p l u s , . . .SeeV- 'smim'i.'iboUl

tafteemjiiy'. .. to^i!tat»erervwhiire»v • t -V 1835-6m

lad no cough, and. though I am about seventy years old, I _ . M I . ^ . . ^ - -^jjjfaariBntalt oJl.tojrour medicine—, nle^taoelSaaiti,. Jthjuuid

^ ^ i ^ ^ ^ B B S ^ O0T

leaaeor S * M «

•r- w ew^M^lwW W* W»WV

that ne earrUe on «h» ^T m m»<* »*€

eeVeet-Ceviactea i i i e r . la 1

.Andover: Saii^.'ji! 1*« bottle of #e«M» MagleCbtoponnd whlcolTVceTved

^w*o«l,li»»«htrreljrenreaine6fthefeterehdAUtte. « j jrirehM also used It for BoieTlSWat with very peat benefit iffiffw*V»njW*i» **# Wendtrf njlne erho was thoijght to be »tt*«Mt«a.CeBinirii)tloii, He waeonabreto work; had a

P^**«*«,.',***.*W,a,»!?»<»«f"*1**Ucared, and beleet,

A^'*ittikimi*mm»^ II®.

H. KEUASQ, See'y. SIMEON I . LOOM1S, Prcst.

HANOVER fIREilHSURANCE COMPANY. 45^*1181., New York. '


Capital, , ^1100,00000

It has never made an assessment, and has honorably paid Its losses. ." j,-,% -...,-' :*-,..-.•«

Property Insured at reasonable paying rates, either on the mutual or stock plan.

SAIIinsiV*. VtlAS, president. « - - , . WALLLAC^W.IIARTWEtL,V.Pr«st. ^««M(ratt}f«crBfikry., ^ -.- •* f g ^ t :•*.- i>:!'3 J' .t. f ZifBanu 0. PIATT, TreajurfiK , i

, Wat!»bn|ah,January, 1859, , .; . . ..

MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. yffhxiiirk now pre-

IhreUlnjt pfojiertjf-

the money secured In and by Snld< mortgage, and Hw cffi§S,di.* b « d n ? thereon at the date,K>£,thisjiotice^M o f » a a a 6 , t a d noi^Corjiroceedufgilyair hav ing^ atltuted to recover tbe said mortgage debt or any part* of; now, therefore, notice Is hereby given, that in fwna of.the-power ofealc .containedjn said statutfcln such, ease made and1

scribed in end covered by the1

public auction at the Inn ot Joseph SpjencerT iu the to" Fort Covington,'in the connty of Franklin, on the 16th « March next, at 10 o'clock a, m. of that day.—Dated 1W

The above sale is hereby adjourned until the 15th to April next, at the hour and place above mentioned. -W March 16,1SB1. ALIiEN McUCAN, Mortpf»

By H. A. PjADDOCx, Attorney, i-

f&Maes s. PHitLiPs, ^i^iau and S»-geon, |

J 4 ^esHSncf fS ie»r the^PXMbytt-rtRtWTh Jrch, • •'•' M4LklKE,"s . .y .

Si Pi BATES, d ian ktKi Sixr^eotd

i&3rtliouse !Ea?t e4 the JfHhodiit Cluira

" M A U O * S , ~ N ! r .

^JfMv©£ ARY,0,;.D. S* , . .P f o r m e r l y p r a c t i c e d »e>al

ife&yin Potsdam, and has-since .Suidisdil ^ J * * ! * * ? * ^ to'the Philadelphia C o l l e ^

. . - .^«- ^Jg^Jentaf "fifergiry, would rfepjetfuftv infl thev;«|^eBgi(6r*iira1«»ne knO- T l e i n t i t r , - that h e j «peop |a peamanent Office

^ » y e r ' B t S ^ N t i » f e ' S f l » a f f i a i a n ' s Store, 1S-&L. — H o , - . i n s n J o i i B l o c k . ,

fBBjrj3?P»red~to es.ecule all kinds of DEN'li "J EUSie^or manner and at reasons!

:.rf«arj _ _ Having a renewed Charter fo;

.ittd^.K-lnstrre all kinds of%., Houtes.'wa Morel lb ytlttgei, %ni

t S i l e ^ n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ •"mence OUT second year under ear ren Wed Cbafter, with e

ALBERT a N D R r a , X Rresldsoi,

all the nourl.nlh(.and tavlpratlat pronfrBet^f^ld irbonW-hl3key,lBeomh!*s0nn with msJiyrfppM Alt*. sandBtlterTonics ealculated to «itap&everypai?

the dl?e$Uveorgans, and through them to resch«nd<iur»I


JL edy for flcAvgt, Coconfc^ - = 5 ^ ? , B " Wis0.or.any complaJriUffectinethe wlndbrHofta; ilto Ibi Worms, Yel low "Water. Loat of Appetite.

S n l ^ ^ « ? ^ « i f M , ^ e s f t * e < B r e i n > » i 3 a * t « n ^ «on medlclnelt has no egudl^Ss all who n a ^ o a e a i r t t t S ItbMmtored to perfect .oiwtaew, thewndi ol' hnrw. •appoied^be broken down and almostwotfrfaMiUnca


fl>r * # # « WOO more tbiS t W * o l 5 ^ f f P j r - M ^ . ^ 0 0 * ^ * 1 8 ^ oen!0M wbodeallnhonet ^ ^ ^ ! ^ * * ? ^ n J W 9 ^ « ^ * n » C T n e j l « P i e ^ i » e a S h S S . ^ S ^ . t a l ? 0 . T * a «»''- * e y eelr more r e a S , ' « f l a i c | Sf i t2- p r t o e i - . ' J* "">* to give, suz-e to care, ina safe at S M § ^ n a t o , * n , c ? B M » a m l "O" ««>t prevent «>eHor»e

Do not fall to purchase a package, that you may have It enhand In case of emergency. P . W . HCBD.

.,_. „ . 93Maiden lane, 8. t . Sole Proprietor.

„ F o r s a l * % y p . T i m a l a « t t # B . B . aephen*. jlafene;•« Congdon and 4 .8 . Parker, fort Covington, D. W. Pollard, C h r • • ' • " " - - - — • - - •

*%ifi^§. *$% STff te jit t I k' *~y^^•'^r^syi^i^.«aioae,.K,x- . ... ;.= ^fiP^WJ^JwrfiraftjliBt Su»glaaU«idSIeEhanlcatp«ntiti ' • *&* y^wJ^roJn^frec^of^arg^, "jj^fatMfc".' •'t XT;f—' «"r^J «»•• -4, ? U

eute o f N j w *ork, In order to aeenre"the p«tnent on! ^ ^ ^ J i l T i ^ w i S i 7 •umof t ? e | 5 o , and'lnteresVdhlon ItheSOth day of JED*/ ^ l l P f e ^ ^ T ^ ^ E ^ A ^ T H '.' t f i S ' . ' ^ S ^ f ^ S ? ! n n t o / o h n A. Quaw, of Fort Ooflup f ^ ^ P P ? - - " - "'' * ." U'%Wer?JS' *J ' ' '

"* ' p e ^ c a ^ i ? ^ ; . ^ ^ ^ , erfuaery, Statfooorsat^d^aaj^pajia,,*!^,,.

So. S d^aalllas&f-^4k^Sig.. — • — i u MH^fe

ell, of WeetvllIeTta the cSdnty of Franklin" tiimj

In the county and state . afo» of Und situate in »heta%Siif gjfl. r".AU that tract orp»

, JistYfiteiTor£»ald,anob»s e d and described a s fo l lows: Beglnijing on the hlghwsyl" teg from Westvil le vi l lage towardTwalone, In the «s thereof and at the north-east corner., of a small lot o« by BauTuelCof«5a Jjlng next north of the saw-mill lot o« aa^oceupjedsb* the/OIeaions, mnalng Thence nor» along the centerof the highway flve-rodStttsicewestt* a straight lute parallel with die nortberlS line "of ssid G»J lot so far that a line drawa from the last named line t>!

3 «Sa«at Coggin lot » |

« . R . S T E r » W € J ^ S , - ^ ^ 'dPUBr. &

Jfalet in Stooa-ies, U ,.iws aad Whx^, Pe:

/ So.TS Phoenix Bi-ek, Mbloif. V TT

WdedAalf-P*'; "iSVwblct^

ult has been o s * ot.7mm*im, at f^rf^ev^. **g&M*,MP*M} • * * "Jrerea*. de\__ tftepl&ment ofthe monereecured la and by said monW •"2 .1™ iaJbli'SS^ to ** d M hereon at the daleSJ 22M?1& " ? • " /J^ 1 ! 5 * n d n o « n ! t « proceeding, W *

2 b £ * S ? S ? n » . i . < l f ^ » P W ! r f " » h contained to* S S ^ K " " " a ^ i "*»tate-la euch ease made and prori*

n S a S l - ^ ^ J J ' S * 0 * 1 ™ 8 * »»«Inri ot> Joseph he"**! l f e f y 0VfortOadnstJUwln4ald-oounty of rraniun,c!>»


r>:A. m . . B A L L A R D , alter* >» nit J f ^ e l e i >#-~t- J < M ^ i / I . , . *

• 'SrUN-"©?-


SortkTroy.Jnlyl, 15S», L.C. Mtxim* HI n

•HW. JOfiLTfT * »05, Barton T*.; Wholesale Atsntsfor Ws^^rfKetHteHlrf.V., to wboi « U e e « « ^ t f t $ l %

Malone, Jan

'CM^Na.«;'ttai*il«if,:aRtUiri;'.»- f.•.-.• 7-.-s x -•;.-•.•.•.- , - . . . • - - ' ; A | t e i * »



ortx, OrtKAT* L*Wn,-C(W«:itr«vft PiTittts, and *u ^eaUjpft^niiHie'jfeianvllft^rpijWd.. l*-*\V*&mif XltltxMVt Dtttutr, they wUls^e Immedlal* Wier,Jiua • trnpart a stronxhealthy tone to the- syitem., For the cere *f • jMT)*!*, iadTgrttlon, Ncrvoui Disesies. Ltrer COMBlalW

eakneee er-DtWHtj, riAlttlency.ahtl-Ssejee, And aU eo*-~att eeneeqreent upOB*aU0ra«redrti«orthe8««mai*, * s«« «bwett,ih4y arenet M«»J«t A» an agre«bW

^ " y w i i M t v i i i l f y , m i » i W 2 ^ t t e W i ^ » » W l » e a ^ l t a a * t l i e i ^

•TJH- M<»*«e lent8TlJ l f fP0tWe»,e*a le |a¥He»aa«^r lOtnjnpPMlltrBor *

^ ^ n u b l l ^ n e r . U y T t h s e

Extensive Furniture Wart.Rt«*s A r . I > c c . U d m K a . p ^ B l ^ k ) W « t 6 , d # c l

tb* tUvar, ct-'v^r . ^ * " **h

M fnataat *.»oeton, Mt«s.

> Pwlltr BOW k n o w n t o «a .

2^*-B2!S~&'miE^^ JM-JJe iWtef a l tee^Vaj^rf^^KMaliiai ,

whire mif ibe louaoTthe Assortment of Furniture

*w t«f«»***»^ Metloa, and

. ......mi*&m$QtWortwir

^ i S a ^ a a « S a p t » « » ? , * ^ t e **»*«**f*:

SSL&gJEXi&S1** f»r»*»a»-.- «W «•* aj»wajht*»i-.


t'*>« JOHN J . l*A»D0ct, Attoraey.


ajelmt Henry %JLc^h^uwjrfjhe^»aoi^e»wae._* -*-ule; < h e e » j e ^ ^ f e | > ^ 8 l ^ ^ t o ; * > h i l * •»«-»

to WeatvtB».^5iaia e o a ^ l e * s W o ^ H o 5 f e i v «

- — r . „ . „ „. .^.vll ,I»le«rtfief(W«r Burrerttercsw-deceased, that they are re«e«eaTto eS^OtJhe ssniejg the v « ^ s s w t h e « o t t « ^ ' s , h * 9 ^ , ^ a*Wbs>»b^

» m l a a « r k e i | r k n W d & u n t ^ K s # ^ ^ *rtaw.o<J»^t«xt.~T«w^J«Mf '•'.:.TX MAEIA WTCBELL, AatsHWHtd'--

_ . _ „ •$m$Jz.-i1:tii

_. . ' ( fcato^3tn«n«®arust , , , :erc>iarid\segeoer^i+. ^cw:jJa>ldtc^ttl51flSSjG»;t

:ensburgb,Oep.22ri'&4 1^t|

awciiberitavingpurchaaad the oldPtaod'.ls

fWa^^jhirovsh . •. .---^ Lents, Tombstones, Tabtel,

. i^Stoiiea, Htillefs, &c 1

" ^ .•W^trtHijsspooristaiitJy oobaodtbe

^ « * • » • » -

i ^ e i a a a a f f l n ^ , ^