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Main headline

Magazine name

Main model, linking with main article


Buzz word



Eye contact


Main image

Smaller image


Magazine content

Consistent house style

Effective space

Main image same model as front cover, linking them together

Headline pun

Consistent Alignment

Direct link of communication between artist and audience to seem bubbly, chatty and interesting


Ear stretch

Dark clothing

Iconic symbol

My target audience

• Female

• Teenagers aged 15-early 20’s

•Working class background derived from the grunge rock aspect• •Rock/metal music fans

•Goes to gigs and concerts often

My audience research shows that girls in this music genre culture prefer artists such as Nirvana and HIM and so I included this in my magazine

Unconventional colour scheme choice separates the magazine out amongst other magazines

Femininity of the magazine jumps out as it is unconventional to be associated with this genre

Attracting specific audiences

Magazine is ‘easy on the eye’ as many people react more to bold imagery and fewer words so the magazine doesn’t look daunting to read, which is appropriate for the teenage age group

My target audience is able to identify with my magazine particularly the imagery as the poses are pursuing the idea of being young, carefree and wild using stereotypical ‘Rock stars’