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Email marketing

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Meelis OjasildPartner

altex marketing

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Email elements

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Subject lineFrom nameFrom addressTo addressReply-to address



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How does email work?

› At first only in English as ASCII text

› Pictures, styles (font styles etc.) and attachments will be transferred into text and back to “readable” email again upon receiving (reading)

› Email is still being read by text-only email services such as,, Pine (in Linux) etc.

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Types of email

› Opt-in› Unconfirmed› Confirmed (double opt-in)

› Spam

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Laws that regulate email marketing

• Infoühiskonna Teenuse Seadus (in Estonia)• Advertising Law• Data Protection Law

– § 6. Commercial email transmission• (1) Physical persons can be targeted by commercial

emails only:– 1) with a prior permission from the recipient;– 2) if the recipient is made aware of how to opt out

from further commercial messages;

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Emails perceived as spam:

• 56% - “it doesn’t interest me”• 50% - “I receive too many emails from companies I

know”• 31% - “it was once useful but not anymore”

Source: Spam Complainers Survey by Q Interactive and Marketing Sherpa

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Ways to reach to people/companies

• Email list rental (example:,, ...) – e.g. third party campaigns

• Co-operation with other lists (example: Kaubamaja & Zara joint campaign)

• Advertising in third party newsletters (banners, sponsorship, paid article)

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The terms used in email marketing

• Total email opens– Shows how many emails were opened.– Not a unique number (some of the recipients might have

opened the email several times).

• Open rate– Opening percentage.– Example: if 100 emails were sent out and 20 of them were

opened then the open rate is 20%.

• Unique email opens– Shows how many unique emails were opened.

• Unique open rate– Unique opening percentage.

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The terms used in email marketing

• Total email click-throughs– Shows how many times the links in email got clicked.

• Click through rate (CTR)– Shows the click percentage.– Example: 12% CTR means that out of 100 emails

there were 12 clicks on the links.

• Unique email click-throughs– Shows how many unique recipients clicked on links

• Unique click through rate– Unique percentage of the clicks compared to the

emails sent out

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The terms used in email marketing

• Bounce– Shows the number of emails that bounce back

(because the inbox is full, the email address doesn’t exist anymore etc.).

• Bounce rate– Shows the percentage of bounces compared to the

number of emails sent out.

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The terms used in email marketing

• Campaign page– E.g. the whole campaign site (registration, rules etc).

• Landing page– The first page (on the campaign site) on which

recipients land after clicking a link in the email.

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The terms used in email marketing

• Conversions– Shows the number of people who “participated” in a

concrete action.– Example: if the goal is to get new newsletter subscribers

then every person who joins the newsletter is 1 conversion.

• Conversion rate– Percentage of conversions compared to the people who

visited the web page - it shows how well the website is performing

– Example: if 100 people visited the campaign page and only 3 subscribed to the newsletter then the conversion rate is 3%.

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Which numbers really count?

• How many people filled out a form? (conversion rate)

• How many people actually bought something?• How much did I pay per purchase (incl. the

time that went to building the campaign site)?

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What happens after the click?

• Google Analytics:•• Google Analytics URL Builder:

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What happens after the click?

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What happens after the click?

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Email campaign planning

• What is the goal of the campaign?• Which offers/endorsements can be used?• How can we segment the list to send out an

offer that’s relevant?• Can we integrate the campaign with other

marketing channels?• How will we measure the results and how will it

improve the next campaigns?

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• One-off campaigns bring one-off results

• Think about long term goals – would it make sense to build your own email database?

• Use other channels to collect emails (example: feedback forms in hotels)

• Set concrete goals and measure them!

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Email marketing software benefits

• Full control over the visual aspects of the email• Statistics• Segmentation• Personalisation• Efficiency (send out 10,000 emails in a couple of

minutes)• Automatic responses (example: “Thanks for

subscribing!”)• Automatic list management (takes care of bounces,

unsubscriptions, subscriptions etc.)• Testing

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How to create a proper email?

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How to create a proper email?

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Why does it matter?

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19%Revenue increasefrom changin the picture height

According to Äripäev campaign

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2 rules + an option

• Simple

• Consistent(email and other marketing channels > website)

• Individualistic(written very personally)

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Test before you send it out...

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What to test?

• Subject lines• Sender’s name & address• Content (copy)• Visual design• Call-to-action• Landing page

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What to test?

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subject line:

Chill out – whereever you please!

New prizes every month!

Do you want to?

London awaits – for free!

Loser – don’t click!

You’re invited to the winners club!

Free trip to London plus allowance!

Free vacations, free tickets (it’s all for you)

Choose an event and have fun for free!

Take your friends out for fun for free!

Win a trip to London!

Win a Sportland gift card!

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What to test?

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subject line: open rate clicks CTR

Free vacations, free tickets (it’s all for you) 26.6% 75 7,5%

You’re invited to the winners club! 33.9% 74 7,4%

Win a Sportland gift card! 26.6% 62 6,2%

Do you want to? 29.0% 56 5,6%

Take your friends out for fun for free! 25.0% 52 5,2%

London awaits – for free! 23.2% 51 5,1%

Free trip to London plus allowance! 27.7% 46 4,6%

Choose an event and have fun for free! 21.8% 44 4,4%

Win a trip to London! 20.8% 42 4,2%

New prizes every month! 24.4% 36 3,6%

Chill out – whereever you please! 19.9% 27 2,7%

Loser – don’t click! 27.5% 22 2,2%

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Where to test

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• Have a look at your list first – sort by domain

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Where to test in Estonia?

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Firefox with

MS Outlook

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Where to test in Latvia & Lithuania?

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Firefox with (.lt) (.lt)

MS Outlook

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Before you send it out...• Send a test to a colleague or a friend

• It it going to right people?• Have they give you the permission?• Does the email say where did you get the permission?• Does the email say how to opt out?• Are there any spelling mistakes?• Is it the right subject line?• Is it the right sender (sender’s name and address)?• Do the links work?

• Is the email consistent with the campaign page?• Can the message be simpler?

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How to ask an offer?• What is the price per contact (specify the

segmentation options and budget if possible)?• Can the service provider prove that all email are

opt-in (ask for guarantee or links to appropriate places where the permission was given)?

• What results can we expect based on previous campaigns?

• Start with a smaller test audience

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Practical work...

Source: Fresh Spam

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Practical work...

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Login at:

Username: [email protected]: training

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Practical work...

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Create an introductory (welcome) email to others about your organisation with links to the most important sources of information and social networks (e.g. how to connect/interact with real people related to your organisation)

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[email protected]: atjackiejohns