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We have been there and we are here to help. Seed can provide the best candidates for positions you need to fill. Stop sifting through resumes and start engaging with the best candidates for your roles.

Will a candidate fit with your team? We help you identify candidates that will connect with your company vision.

Reintroducing the human element into hiring...


Have you ever been 5 minutes into an interview and realized that you are not sure how you will spend the next 55 minutes interviewing this candidate?

We know how difficult it can be to hire and select the right team members for the job. Our expertise is identifying candidates that will not only a technical fit within your organization, but also a cultural fit. In our process, we go beyond screening and submitting multiple resumes that may only include the buzzwords from your job description. You will meet candidates who will be able to make an immediate impact in their new role.

Cultural Fit


We are focused on finding the right fit for your company instead of wasting your time with numerous resumes. Too many staffing companies will send resumes to make their own internal submittal to hire ratio goals.

Do these candidates have the technical skill to do the job? Our process includes performance-based interview questions.

Defining success so you can repeat it...


These interview questions will validate what the candidate actually has done in certain situations; not just what they would have done. To ensure that our questions target the results your company desires, we do a deep dive to truly understand how success is determined and measured in the role.

Transparency. It is something that is missing in the hiring process for most companies and almost all agencies. There is no smoke and mirrors here. We spend time actually learning what each candidate is capable of performing and any potential limitations.

Technical Fit


You can stop using agencies with outdated methods to find your candidates, when they have been proven to be unreliable.

Can you learn enough about a person from a resume alone? We build a profile that is beyond just a resume.

We make your decision easier and have metrics behind it...


We know that hiring new team members can be a pain and usually involve a bit of a guessing game. Utilizing our Seed Profile, you can eliminate the guess work and the leaps of faith. Let us help you #stophiringbodies.

The Seed Profile will help you find the right fit all around for your company. Our goal is to help clients and candidates love what they do. Too often, people are stuck with the same passionless employees because of the pains of hiring new staff members. Let us help you get unstuck and hire A players that will have passion in everything that they do.

Beyond a Resume




Reintroducing the human element to the hiring process. In each position we do a deep dive to discover what does success

mean in this role. With our Seed profile it is no longer taking a leap of faith or bringing in a warm pulse.

We take the time to get to know our candidates and clients. Candidates are not products, and our clients are not a dime a dozen. We bring back the human element in hiring.

Seed, the {un}STAFFING Company -Love what you do.