Download - Affiliate Marketing Article


I have been playing around with the whole affiliate marketing game for a while now and along the way I have learnt some excellent information and gained a host of helpful ideas.

One fountain of knowledge I have used and that I recommend is Dotcomology by Stone Evans.

It is full of everything that you need to know about marketing, from getting a website to helpful programs you can use day to day in your Internet money making mission

Now I wont lie to you, even though I have been looking into Affiliate marketing over the years, I have only recently started using it seriously as a future source of residual income online, mainly due to the grind of a normal day job.

in this article I would like to offer some advice that I have learnt in my time online and give tips on how to use articles to help you achieve your goals as and affiliate marketer.

This is knowledge I have gained and am putting into my own words, it is not being copied from another source, so it gives an original look at the whole article and marketing world.

Have a read, digest it and you never know, there could be something within that you didn't know or how to do differently.

By reading this, you already understand or have and idea that article writing is a BIG player in the Marketing game and that it can help you gain good exposure to the people that you would like to attract to your site or blog.

However, you may not know how to go about writing an article or where to gain any inspiration for the content, some might not even know why they play such a big part in marketing, be it affiliate or any other form to be honest.

The writing of original content articles is also a great way of gaining exposure as a writer, leading to the possibility of paid jobs.

Content is King:

Content for your article can be whatever you would like to write about, it could be about anything from painting and decorating to how to build model planes, either way, if you have a good knowledge about any subject, why not write about it?

Example: Say you have a D.I.Y website and you would like to send out an article to drive visitors to your site or even just to mail to you existing customer base in the hope of offering them a product at the end of it,

you could write one about painting and decorating and then at the end you could recommend a product, service or a group of products,

also within the article, you could post links to products as you talk about them, the links would then direct the reader to your site or a site you may be affiliated to, hopefully leading to a sale or new member for your mail list.

But within the article, you have offered them your knowledge on something they may not have known about and they will be more likely to take your advice on the recommended products etc.

Remember, When writing an article, you are branding yourself as 'the expert' on the chosen topic and article writing is not just about business but also about the joy of writing, make it fun, enjoy it....I know i am.

Research, A Vital Part Of Writing:

Whatever the subject, the more you know, the better and easier it will be, there would be no point in writing about great trains of the 50's if you had no knowledge on the subject, that goes without saying i guess.

So if you already know about it, that is a good start, you already have an idea of what it could contain. Gaining more information and ideas can never harm, it can only help to make the article more informative for the reader.

The research process helps to see what others are writing about and how they have structured their articles, helping you to see a gap in the market that has not been covered yet, you can visit sites such as:, or and of course this very site you are on now, those are just some examples of great article sites, that you can research and also post your article to.

So you have done some research on article sites to gain a little more knowledge, here is another bit of research that is worth doing. You want to write a killer piece and have a subject in mind, but you just cant get that inspiration you were looking for,

try going to sites like: or, those are question and answer sites that allow people to post questions about any subject and then those questions can be answered by other users or experts,

it is a great way to see what people want to know and what they need answers to. Doing that will give you an idea of what topic to write about, as you have seen for yourself it is being asked about.

If you do the above, then gaining that content inspiration should not be so hard and you will soon start to build the foundations for that attention grabbing piece of writing.

What's In A Title?

You may not think so, but the title to an article is just as important, if not more so than the content. You could have an amazing article with some great content,

yet without a title that makes the person want to read on, nobody will be drawn in to read it. Within the title you need to let the person know that reading your article

will be the answer to his/her problems. Including one or two keywords is a good thing as well; this is good for search purposes.

The Call To Action:

The call to action is where you let the reader know what he/she can do next. This could be visiting a website or contacting you.

This is good to promote that website you own or the blog you would like to gain more exposure for. Putting a resource box at the end of the article will allow readers to visit your site

or contact you directly if they have questions. Again this is a great idea to get your name out there for people to see.

Finally, before this journey ends, as I said at the top, a great resource for all the tips and advice you could need regarding the subject

of affiliate marketing and article writing can be gained from reading Dotcomology you are welcome to download it HERE for FREE.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this piece and have received some helpful nuggets of information to start you on the way to writing articles. If you should want more great advice, sign up for my newsletter here

until next time.....



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