Zero Limits Seminar 1 CD 6 of 6

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  • 7/30/2019 Zero Limits Seminar 1 CD 6 of 6

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    Zero Limits Retreat: Audio 6

    Jan. 19 21, 2007

    Hosted by Dr. Joe Vitale & Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len

    Dr. Hew Len: But it...REALLY, you were created perfect, GOD PERFECT.

    Female: Okay.

    Dr. Hew Len: PERFECT!!

    Woman: I have a question.

    Dr. Hew Len: Yeah.

    Female: [Chuckling]

    Dr. Hew Len: Yeah.

    Woman: If I was created PERFECT, why am I so...why am I struggling with hot

    flashes every two hours?

    Audience: Memory. Memory.

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    Woman: [Sigh, chuckling]

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Dr. Hew Len: NOW you guys, its YOU guys now. [Pause] Its YOU GUYS, now! [Pause]

    So, YOU should be paying attention to what she says, because its YOU folks

    that have this COMMON MEMORY and if we ALL clean we would have a

    BIGGER NET to catch all of this stuff. If we think, thats her problem. Listen,

    her problem is OURS: All for one, one for all. So, you CANT get away

    with anything.

    Its like a poem by this Edna Maley, where shes talking about somebody in

    Capri and she lives, I think, in New Hampshire. Somebody in Capri is

    starving. She knows that thats her...this is a BEAUTIFUL poem called

    Renaissance. Somebody is dying. Somebody is starving and she KNOWS that

    its HER. So, in her mind, the poem is about how she goes through her

    cleaning and letting go. Its BEAUTIFUL! But, thats what YOU should be


    So, the BEST line I like in Joes book is a line that says, Now, I am a

    guru...of myself! Like our friendly Irish friend over there, hes going to be a

    guru of you, because if he doesnt do it, hes going to have a severe heart

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    attack. Now, tell me, its telling me...what is this you guys ran by me the last

    time when I said something? Something about its

    Female: Self-fulfilling prophecy

    Dr. Hew Len: I am sorry?

    Female: Self-fulfilling prophecy.

    Dr. Hew Len: Yeah. Self-fulfilling prophecy. [Chuckle] What a bunch of bullshit!

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: When you HEAR it, you should be CELANING!

    Female: True.

    Dr. Hew Len: Because like I said to you, when there was a Tsunami, the animals [Chuckle]

    get it BEFORE you! Thats TELLING you somewhat. Is that self-fulfilling?

    No, I want somebody to TELL ME before it HAPPENS!!

    So, shes telling us something very beautiful! It HAS to do with HELL!!! Can

    I say that again? This HOT STUFF has to do with HELL. Like being and

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    burning, so if you are willing to clean it, it will sound like...well,

    you know, but today you are going to be able to get OUT of that, get out of

    the rage, get out of this HELL, this suicidal theme that runs through our

    minds, like Whats my problem?

    You are going to get out of it today if you are willing to know you are 100%

    responsible. WOW!! I mean, all you have to do is say, I love you. Drink

    your solar water.

    You dont have to...Now, whats happening? HOW COME? WHY?

    You are NEVER going to get it! On that note, lets go drink some water,


    Female: Yeah!

    Dr. Hew Len: Thank you.

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]


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    Joe: So, I know since yesterday morning, some of you have already had some

    breakthroughs, some insights, some cleansing, some...whether it was rage,

    whether it was headaches. Does anybody want to SHARE one of those

    stories? Yes, Bruce. If you want to use the mike, theres a mike over there.

    Bruce: Thank you, Dr. Vitale.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Whispered] See NOW, we get to clean with whatever. [Inaudible

    whispered same time as Bruces next comment. ]

    Bruce: I just wanted to start out with a simple exercise and then Ill go to the insight.

    Anybody have ANY questions?

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Bruce: Does anyone have ANY questions? I just need ONE question. It doesnt

    matter what the question is.

    Cindy: Why?

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    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Bruce: I DONT know!

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Bruce: With THAT being said, Ill tell this from the perspective of my wife, as she

    retold it earlier. I am NEVER without my keys, my cell phone, and my wallet.

    If I am in my office, I can SEE them. Maybe going to the bathroom in the

    same building, I am not doing that, but with that exception, they are

    ALWAYS moving WITH me. But, THIS weekend, I relaxed, I surrendered,

    trusted, I left my keys and my wallet in my luggage.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Very quietly laughing]

    Bruce: As we were breaking for lunch, I had the good fortune of speaking to the

    woman who has been sitting here most of the morning and I was really into it.

    My wife said, Weve got to pack and put our stuff up.

    She said, Dont worry, Ill handle it.

    Woman: [Chuckling]

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    Bruce: So, I am going to segue out of that into something very different. My father

    was diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure six months ago and theres

    nothing wrong with him. He is like seventy-two and hes like as fit as a horse,

    but hes got fluid AROUND his lungs. Hearts fine, bodys fine, blood

    pressure, the whole deal, cholesterol, theres nothing wrong with him; he is

    just fine, except his lungs are COVERED with fluid. So...back to the original

    story. So, I asked Susie if she got the coats.

    She said, I didnt know we had coats.

    So, I went up to the room, got the coats, I took them down to the Suburban

    and discovered that ALL of the keys were in the Suburban and the Suburban

    was LOCKED.

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Bruce: So, I returned to the luncheon and I told Susie that she did a fine job. She

    packed away EVERYTHING, including the keys!

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Audience: [Laughing]

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    Bruce: So, we started talking about it, like we do, and the WORD here that I want

    to OWN and then maybe sharemaybe some of you experience it, tooits

    control. I wanted to CONTROL that Suburban. I wanted to control that

    situation. She probably had some of the same feelings. But, weve been here

    ALL WEEKEND, so weve got some practice and weve been looking at each

    other and hearing Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Vitale, so I thought, Well, lets try

    this NEW thing.

    So, I said, This looks like our FIRST opportunity to do a JOINT CLEANING


    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

    Bruce: So, I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.

    So, she kind of nodded and agreed and we had ONE WITNESS,


    Audience: [Laughing]

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    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Bruce: So, she said, Where are the coats?

    I said, Well, I left them on the truck.

    So, we are kind of doing the NOT cleaning and the cleaning at the same time.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Bruce: So, I decided I was going to go TAKE CONTROL!

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Bruce: So, I dont SEE her anymore. I dont know where she goes. I am RACING to

    the check out place, the receptionists desk because I know that theyve got a

    Slim Jim. THEY are going to help me control the situation and ALL of the

    while, Im running up the hill trying to be in control saying, I am sorry.

    Forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am sorry, I am running and I try to

    control it.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

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    Bruce: So I get there and I open the door and I am ready to talk to the receptionist,

    because I KNOW that Im not the first customer thats had their keys locked

    in the car here, so SOMEBODYS got a solution. I am in control...and there is

    my wife, on the phone, with a AAA Card in her hand.

    Im like, STOP! Wait! Im in control!

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Bruce: She stopped and she looked at me and she said something nice like, Oh, my

    resourceful husband.

    Audience: [Loud Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: [Loud Laughing]

    Bruce: So, I didnt know what to do, because HER solution looked so much easier

    than mine. I was going to BREAK into my truck with some tools that Bill

    [Hibbler] was going to go get and we were going to do a MacGyver move...

    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

    Audience: [Chuckling]

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    Bruce: Who needs a regular window when you can have a broken one? Who needs a

    door that works when you can have one that leaks? Because, I mean, I am in


    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

    Bruce: So, I did the CLEARING right then. I didnt know what else to do. I thought,

    You know what? I surrender. Thatll do it. Thats a great idea.

    So, she ALREADY had Joyces cell phone and AAA Card, she was about to

    make a call and I was trying to STOP HER, because I am in control.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

    Bruce: So, I have LISTENED and paid attention to the courses and the lessons that

    weve had this weekend, and its NOT about the truck. Its not about the

    locked doors. So, about that time we were meeting for the group picture. I

    went over to Dr. Hew Len like a two year old that just took his first steps, I

    am sorry. Forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am trying to show Dad I can

    walk now.

    Audience: [Laughing]

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    Bruce: So, I told him with a BIG smile on my face, I said, My wife and I had our

    first JOINT CLEANING session opportunity.

    He smiles at me and he says, Tell me about it.

    So, I told him that we locked our keys in our car.

    So, he started seeing the chair talk. You know, I am not there yet, but he can

    see the chair talk.

    He said, Its like a gagging.

    Female: A what?

    Bruce: A gagging. Its like, This is like gagging.

    What he was doing was he was getting it! He was kind of tuning into it, seeing

    it, whatever it is that he does, because I dont know.

    Then he said, Respiratory problems. Is there respiratory problems


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    I said, Yes, my father. [Pause] My father has Congestive Heart Failure and

    his lungs are covered with fluid.

    He said, Well, its STUCK right now, like a gagging, but its going to break

    loose, just KEEP CLEANING!! He says, Because when it BREAKS

    LOOSE, have you ever seen anybody choke when you are eating?

    I said, Yeah. I thought of the Heimlich maneuver, because I am in control.

    He said, Have you ever seen someone choke?

    I said, Yes.

    He said, Well, when it BREAKS LOOSE and it WILL, its ALL going to

    GO AWAY to Zero!

    So to wrap up my story, I kept the phaser on stun, so no one would be

    bothered during the thing. I kept the ringer on vibrate...

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing}.

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    Bruce: ...and I sat back there in the Diaper Room and.... [Bruces meaning was, there

    was an outer room adjoined to our main meeting room where Amy and Andy

    Grant would take their 3 month old baby to change, feed, etc.].

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: [Loud Laughing]

    Bruce: ...and so I got two calls and they were pretty fast. Thank you very much,

    Joyce. They were pretty FAST and I was impressed with that. So, I am

    cleaning it. I am cleaning it. I am saying it.

    Dr. Vitale is up here and hes probably looking at me once and awhile because

    I am WALKING back and forth pacing and I thought, You know, I really

    want to be INTO this, so I take my eraser WITH me because I figured Id be

    doing some cleaning along the way, and I just wanted to hold onto the eraser

    so I wouldnt forget, like I did my keys.

    So, the second ring the second phone call came and they said they were

    here. So I RAN up the hill, doing my cleaning.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

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    Bruce: I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you. I am in control.

    All: [Loud Laughter]

    Bruce: So, I get to my Suburban and the guy is there, sure enough, and hes taking his

    time. Hes looking. Hes not in a rush to break a window out or anything like

    that, thank God. So, I am in control.

    So, I said, What do you want me to do?

    I FORGOT the lessons. The lesson is that its NOT ABOUT THE TRUCK!!

    Its not about me being in control. Its not about the AAA Card, thank you,


    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

    Bruce: Its not about the cell phone being on vibrate. Its about me CLEARING

    something, because if there is a problem, I am there...and I WAS there!! So,

    the man that came because I had a problem, his name is Louis [marker sounds

    of writing the name down in the last remaining spot on the Absentee List

    people paid to be on so they could be cleaned on all week-end and benefit

    from the rooms sacred energy]. So, Louis and I had a chance to clear. At

    FIRST, I didnt want to DO that. I wanted to do the clearing AND be in

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    control. So we tried the back cargo doors and he didnt want to do that to

    begin with, but I was in control so thats where we started out at.

    So, I kept clearing and I saw that it wasnt working and I thought, Whats


    Me, of course, I am wrong. So, I am going to just DO this and not control. So,

    I move around to the front door and I just asked whatever he needed, just let

    me know and he told me. About three seconds later [Kapoo! (Sound effect)],

    the doors opened and I am REALLY grateful that my fathers going to be

    better. So, thats my experience. Thank you very much, Dr. Hew Len.

    Dr. Hew Len: Thank you!!

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Dr. Hew Len: Now, part of why the keys were lost was so he could clear with his father!!

    You know, we keep thinking that the keys got lost or locked in because of

    whatever...its NEVER about what we think. So, the fact that he had a chance

    to CLEAR is really a big deal and the KEY...and the CAR gave him the

    chance to DO THAT. Yeah?

    Joe: Does anybody else have a story? Yes! Right over here.

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    Joyce: Can I get just a one quick second, Joe? First, I dont know that you

    knowthe cell phone he got has my mothers PICTURE on it! My mother

    died from Congestive Heart Failure. So, I will commit to you to clean and

    clear ME, and The Divine can check out ALL of those people with Congestive

    Heart Failure.

    Bruce: Thank you.

    Joyce: Ill TRY to follow that.

    Female: Okay.

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Amy: Well, TWO things. One was a DEFINITELY a moment this morning of

    experiencing Inspiration while being in the Zero State and that was at


    We were having a conversation and Andy said, Oh! Did you get a chance to

    talk to Collette?

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    I said, I LOVE HER! Shes awesome! I talked to her last night...blah, blah,

    blah, whatever.

    Then, I just was like not really thinking of anything and all of a sudden it

    popped into my head like, Oh! Wouldnt it be fun to do like a teleclass with


    I dont even know what her book is about...nothing! But, I was like, Thatd

    be fun! We could set up a teleclass! Ill have to....

    I saw her sitting down at a different table, so it was like, Oh, Ill have to talk

    to her later, and just forgot about it and went on eating.

    Well, a minute later, she comes over and shes like, Is this seat taken?

    She ended up sitting right next to me and having breakfast.

    I said, So, whats your book about?

    She tells me and Im like, Wow! That sounds great!! I am thinking I am

    going to ask her if she wants to do a teleclass together.

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    Then she says, Well, theres just ONE part I havent figured out in this whole

    process and thats how to...because I have this whole method for helping

    people get through their blocks around The Law of Attraction and everything,

    but I havent figured out how to help people DEFINE CLEARLY WHAT


    I am like...I just started laughing. I said, Thats what I do!! Ha! Ha! Perfect!

    So, it was like very clear to me that because it came so inspired, that it was

    like, Yeah, well just keep cleaning and it will just be like, great! Itll be

    awesome! Itll be fun and itll be like a total like connection for us and for all

    the other people who arent really out there, but, you know, well pretend to

    sign them for the class. Anyway, so THAT was fun, so that was an

    inspiration that came.

    Then the OTHER thing that really HIT ME, that I told Andy I said, Even like

    a couple of weeks ago, I would have thought, This is WACKO!

    Like, if somebody had said it to me, I would have laughed them out of the

    room, but it made TOTAL SENSE to me and that was...I dont know if

    anybody here has had the experience of building a house, like from scratch.

    Its like a new construction home. So, Andy and I built a house and moved

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    into it in August, and ever since we have moved in, I have done NOTHING

    but find things wrong with this house.

    Like, Damn! The contractors did that! Look, they messed up that! Theres a

    scratch on the floor!

    Thats ALL Ive done since we moved in and I really GOT that the house just

    wants us to LOVE IT, like it just wants to be LOVED!! Thats just like insane

    that a house wants to be loved, but it makes TOTAL sense, so I was like I

    immediately started cleaning with the house.

    I told Andy, When we get home, we are cleaning this house, like we are

    cleaning, Well, WE might not be cleaning the house, but we are cleaning the


    Audience: [Laughing]

    Woman: So, thank you for I dont know...for getting that clear. It was just a huge

    insight, I think.

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: Thank you. Yes?

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    Collette: To complete MY part was to sit down at a table at breakfast and

    IMMEDIATELY KNOW that it was NOT the table I should have sat down at,

    [Chuckle] so I was like, Oh, I am sorry! I have to go! [Chuckling]

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Collette: Then I sat at another table and [inaudible].

    Joe: Thats great.

    Nerissa or Pat: [Inaudible]

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Joe: Somebody else?

    Male: Its CONTROL groups, okay?

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Nerissa: We want it on video.

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    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Andy: I coach in a program with Landmark Education and MY first introduction to

    Hooponopono was actually when Amy came home from the ORIGINAL

    Manifestation Weekend. Shes running around the house with this pencil

    eraser stuck against the side of her head...

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Mr. Grant: ...and on our checkbook, and you know. Okay, this is whack! Then, I came to

    the second Beyond Manifestation and that Saturday morning when Joe was up

    at the White Board and going through ALL of the different Law of Attraction,

    all of the different things that Ive practiced and learned and put into effect

    and then saying, Okay, none of that matters, what matter is the space

    between them, the white space, the zero space. I was really inspired by that!

    When the announcement was made about this weekend, I said, Amy, we are

    going to go and DO this.

    In the program that I am COACHING, I have TWO participants that are very,

    very difficult. They are always right. They are not really coach-able and

    trainable and I had a coaching session with them Monday morning while I

    was at the airport. I was dreading it like...there is just nothing more than I

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    dread it. Its a husband and wife team. I coached the husband first and it went

    relatively well. Then, I got on the phone with the wife.

    Female: [Laughing]

    Andy: It just went as badly as bad can possibly be. So I sat there and I just started

    DOING the process. I just started doing Hooponopono and something shifted

    in who I was being and who she appeared. She suddenly started getting on

    board and actually APOLOGIZED to ME for being difficult and for not being

    coach-able. We had an AMAZING breakthrough phenomenal coaching

    session that redefined our relationship as coach and participant for the rest of

    the program. At that moment I knew, Okay, Ive got to learn more ABOUT

    this stuff. So, thank you and thank you and thank ALL of you for being

    present for defining what this has meant and for what the future holds.

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Cindy: I just wanted to share an experience that I had this morning and the cleansing

    power in this room and with that the HEALING power that comes with it.

    When I woke up this morning, I woke up with a HORRIBLE Migraine, one

    that normally would keep me in bed four to five days. I was bound and

    determined to be here today. An hour ago I was feeling extremely nauseous

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    and my Migraine was so bad, that if I had taken my LAST breath it would

    have been okay with me.

    I have been cleansing all day. Several people in the room KNEW that I had

    this Migraine and have been cleansing FOR me. I was WATCHING and as

    Dr. Hew Len was going through this last cleansing process and was just really

    focusing on the cleansing. As I was doing that, I had eaten four M&Ms, didnt

    even THINK about the fact that I was eating them, and as I was watching him

    doing the cleansing, I suddenly realized my Migraine was COMPLETELY


    It had DAWNED on me that I had eaten these M&Ms after I realized that the

    Migraine was gone and I would like to know if whoever brought the M&Ms,

    if they could come let me know who it was because Id like to get a whole

    CASE of them!

    Male: [Laughing]

    Cindy: But, anyway, I just wanted to share that. My Migraine is completely gone and

    I have TRULY believed in this since the LAST Manifestation when I came to

    the Weekend back in November. This process is just absolutely phenomenal!

    The CLEANSING process AND the healing process that goes along with it!

    So, thank you, Dr. Hew Len, and thank you, Joe.

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    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: Does somebody else have a...?

    Woman: Yeah, I had a question [inaudible]. I woke up this morning at six oclock and I

    thought it was twelve thirty because I had my watch upside down.

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Woman: The clock in my room was not working. When I realized that of course, I

    stayed awake and did my usual, went to the bathroom and since I have been

    here through, I have had to around with the handle because it just

    wouldnt stop filling. So, this morning I did that and it just kept running and

    running and I played around with the handle, and when I got back into the

    bathroom, the water just started to going higher and higher. I should NEVER

    have done this, but I flushed it AGAIN!

    The water kept getting higher and higher and I kept saying, Stop! Stop!

    Stop! The water did not stop and it overflowed and it went EVERYWHERE.

    Now, I am thinking, How do I stop this and get the telephone so I can call the

    front desk? Well, I did! I called and I thought, I finally made it to the front

    desk! [Chuckle]

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    I said, We have an emergency here and I just need a lot of towels because I

    have used what I have and I need some more. I told her what it was.

    She said, We dont HAVE ANYBODY right now!!

    So I went back to the bathroom and I opened up the top and I was holding up

    that bulb whatever you call that thing...

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Woman: ...I REALIZED THAT stops the water from running. I am standing there and I

    am thinking, Well, I need to go unlock the door for whoever is at the door,

    and I am holding this and whenever I put it down, the water keeps over


    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Woman: So when she came in, the poor thing, she came in and looked at this. I had put

    the water bottles in the room that ARE filled with water, I grabbed one of

    those and she stuck THAT underneath the bulb...

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

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    Woman: ...and that held it up. She eventually left that and went out and found a mop.

    She started mopping up all of this. We got that under control. Later in the day,

    of course, the maintenance man came around so, to cut a long story short,

    according to The Attractor Factorhow did I attract that into my life?

    Dr. Hew Len: [Loud Laughing]

    ALL: [Loud Laughing]

    Joe: You just rented the WRONG room, thats all.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Loud Laughing]

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Joe: I would just say...that I DONT KNOW and that YOU dont know. This is one

    of those things where its a Memory. We dont know where it came from.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

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    Joe: We can go and play psychologist. We can go and play detective. We can go

    and try to investigate and unearth where it MIGHT have been active in your

    brain and there was some kind of program in the past...

    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

    Joe: ...but when it was all said and done, you just needed to clean up the mess!

    Thats interesting, because even when I SAY THAT, All you needed to do

    was to clean up this mess, it doesnt necessarily mean the mess that was in

    your room, but the Mess with a capital M as Memory!

    Dr. Hew Len: It has to do with Alzheimers.

    Audience: What? [Chuckle]

    Dr. Hew Len: It has do with cleaning up shit!

    Audience: Shit.

    Dr. Hew Len: Thats what the water is for. As I am cleaning, I am watching to see whether

    anybody else is cleaning. So, the idea is the water is running because its

    cleaning. Its cleaning. It has NOTHING to do with the toilet being


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    The toilet said, Hey! I am going to run, because this is the cleaning process.

    But, its cleaning Alzheimers.

    Audience: Oh!

    Dr. Hew Len: Now, this is what when I HEARD it, my Divinity says this, This time I

    wasnt a wimp! [Chuckling]

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: You know what? I was wrong!

    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

    Joe: Because I was HEARING something like that to SAY, but I thought, Thats


    All: [Laughing]

    Joe: So, Ill let HIM go first. Next time, HE ANSWERS first.

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    Dr. Hew Len: [Chuckling]

    Joe: Then Ill say, What HE says.

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Joe: Somebody else had a sharing or a question?

    Carol: Can I say something?

    Joe: Yeah.

    Carol: Okay. This is okay that I tell them what you told me?

    Dr. Hew Len: Yes. PLEASE! Please.

    Carol: We were supposed to come down here on Wednesday and I could NOT sleep

    well on Tuesday night, just very uncomfortable. So, I emailed my daughter,

    who didnt know we were flying to Texas, to say, Hey! We are going to fly

    out to Texas, just in the back of my mind, in case something happened!

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    Well, my ELDEST daughter, bought me...very, very bad... I could NOT touch

    anything in her life. [Crying] He told her that the plane was going to go down,

    but our flight was canceled.

    Woman: So somebody was cleaning.

    Carol: I think so.

    Audience: [Inaudible]

    Carol: ...and my elbow doesnt HURT anymore! It stopped hurting right here.

    Audience: [Inaudible]

    Dr. Hew Len: Now, again, shes talking about, because somebody was cleaning...I dont

    WHO that is...that elbow indicated a malfunction with that airplane. That

    airplane could have gone down! They go down occasionally! Did you know


    Audience: [Chuckling] Yeah.

    Dr. Hew Len: Yeah. Yeah.

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    Joe: Okay, there was another...somebody wanted to share over here? While I am

    waiting for that person to raise their hand, I wanted to point out that did you

    know that there are two pillars holding us up this room? That couple, right

    back there, right in the center of the room who are now looking surprised

    because I am pointing at them.

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Joe: [Chuckling] Have you noticed that they have been silently BUZZING the

    ENTIRE weekend, except for the one time where they spoke? They KNOW

    Dr. Hew Len, I dont know from HOW far back. They came to the dinner that

    was in February, but I think that they KNEW him and did some training

    BEFORE that. I dont know them at all to know that story. But what I have

    sensed and maybe YOU have sensed is that THEY have been CLEANSING,

    they are cleansing themselves, but as they are DOING it, I FEEL it up here

    and I have been feeling it in the room. No matter whats going on, they seem

    like they are two little Buddhas that are just sitting back there just humming

    out their clarity. Now, thats my understanding. In their head, they might be

    working on their taxes!

    Audience: [Chuckling]

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    Joe: That they might be thinking of something else that they have to do. I have NO

    idea. Id be curious; can I ASK you what youve been doing?

    Om: My job.

    Joe: Your job. Can you tell me what your job is?

    Om: To clean.

    Helena: Thats it.

    Joe: When you are cleaning, are you doing something different than what weve

    been talking about...the I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank

    you? You ARE doing something different?

    Om: Well, in the same family.

    Joe: In the same family. Can you SHARE what it is?

    Om: No.

    Joe: You cant. Can YOU?

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    Helena: The GREAT thing about Hooponopono...Self-Identity in Hooponopono is

    LOVE and knowing WHO you are. Who you are is Divine Inspiration. So that

    you start we ALL start with I love you. Thank you, and then YOU get what

    is PERFECT for YOU.

    Whats perfect for ME is NOT perfect for you. We dont have the same

    BLUEPRINT! Divinity didnt make ME as he made he makes

    LOTS of us. I mean, you are here to do YOUR JOB!! You do YOUR, I love

    you. Thank you. I dont know. Maybe its somebody elses plane that doesnt

    go down. Maybe its some kid in Africa who doesnt starve to death. Maybe

    its some black hole going through our Galaxy that does not take out Mother

    Earth. I dont know. THATS the PROFOUND part of all this work is that

    you really DONT KNOW and that all it is is just do the job. Thats it,

    because thats all we do.

    Om: I will say one thing Joe about knowing one thing. There were a couple of

    people that I have had a chance to talk to. Ive been with the Foundation for

    about ten years doing Hooponopono. About a year and a half ago, I went to

    Hawaii for training and we have a training/a little vacation. Towards the end

    of the vacation I contracted Encephalitis in Hawaii. I came back and was

    hospitalized. Through the time I lost all movement in my body, all cognitive

    ability, I couldnt tell if it was a box of Kleenex or a ham sandwich. We went

    through a LOT with it.

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    As soon as I was able to UNDERSTAND or get my senses back,

    IMMEDIATELY the cleaning began again. Literally, I was paralyzed. I

    received Inspiration to go to a certain location in the country.

    Ihaleakala has been telling me over and over again, Thick Irish head from

    Boston. Hes been telling me over and over again. DONT stop at _____,

    just GO there.

    So, we took a LONG driving trip. We are driving to this location still with my

    arms all curled up and driving to this location, because I LISTENED. Still the

    cognitive abilities were normal. I went to the location, DID what I was

    Inspired to do at the location [snap] IMMEDIATELY 100% better. The arms,

    everything, my body came back. I turned back into the sarcastic Irish guy

    from South Boston, you know. But it IS AMAZING, because there wasnt a

    doctor. There wasnt a pill. There wasnt anything!

    I went BACK to The Source that CREATED US, because as he SAID all

    weekend, that is the ONLY thing that KNOWS. So, if it could be...I wouldnt

    say the location, because then everyone would say THAT. It might be it for

    some person. It might be a tablespoon of ketchup. The next person it might be

    a pair of sneakers. But for ME it was a location that I went to and it PROVED

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    to me...I have had COUNTLESS experiences over the years, but it PROVED

    TO ME WHAT we are doing there and HOW AMAZING it is!!

    So, I KNOW that it works. I dont know HOW it works. But its an amazing

    thing and I am happy that we came. I am happy that we get a chance to meet a

    bunch of people, happy to meet you, and happy to be here! But, its

    fruitfully... JUST APPLY it to your course, because I am here sitting with you

    people BECAUSE it works.

    Audience: Uh-huh. Wow!

    Joe: Thank you for sitting here with us and thank you for telling us THAT!

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: Wow! [Pause] Are you ready to come back up?

    Dr. Hew Len: Sure. I would like to just go over some of the tools that we went over, so that

    you can APPLY them. Yeah. So, David, please, can you give me one of those

    tools that we went over on the weekend? Just give me any one of them, I am

    just going to list them as them come up. Do you remember?

    David: Water.

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    Dr. Hew Len: Water? Okay.

    David: The Blue water [inaudible].

    Dr. Hew Len: Okay, the Blue Solar water. [Marker sounds] Incredible. Free. Tap water, all

    you need is tap water. So, you get a bottle, fill it up, tap water, put it out in the

    sun for an hour, free energy. You dont have to put it under an incandescent

    lamp; however if it is raining and you need it, you can do that. If you get to

    the point where you cant do it, you can do it mentally. Because you dont

    want to do it mentally, you want to START with this. Then, if you cant and

    there is no other out, you can do it mentally. Okay? Anybody with the Blue

    Solar water, all you have to do is DRINK it!

    Helena, another one please?

    Helena: Breathing Ha.

    Audience: [Inaudible spoken at same time as Helena].

    Dr. Hew Len: I am sorry?

    Helena: Breathing Ha.

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    Female: Breathing.

    Dr. Hew Len: Yeah, the Ha. Now, for YOU folks, its DIFFERENT from some other

    classes that we deal...we do with the Foundation, yours is TEN ROUNDS.

    This TEN rounds is really the number of COMPLETION! This number shuts

    down psychic doors. This is something that we have NEVER TAUGHT in

    any of the other. So, you do whatever you do, these doors open in your mind

    and you dont even know it. You are get suicidal, you get confused,

    you dont know slip into or you begin to lose consciousness or you

    begin to lose your awareness and you turn into, you deal with Alzheimers,

    you deal with Huntington, all of that. But, this is an ANTIDOTE for THAT!!

    Okay, anybody else?

    Audience: Corn. Corn. Corn. [Spoken all at the same time.]

    Dr. Hew Len: I am sorry?

    Male: Sacred Corn

    Dr. Hew Len: Yes! So, I am going to put the word Maize, because its important to use

    THAT correctly.

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    So the Subconscious goes, Okay, Maize.

    Now, with this Maize you can do a whole BUNCH of things with this. It

    could be yellow or blue. You can, if you get it in powder form, you can add it

    to the water. When you add it to the water, the sunlight will stay in there

    permanently. So, as you drink, your cells will get all lit up with this light. You

    can add any blue corn or whatever dust to the water. You can eat it fresh. All

    you need is ONE molecule. Some of you are concerned about weight.

    Male: [Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: One molecule. If you are a massage therapist or you do something with your

    hands, you can dust your hands with it. As I was telling David, because David

    asked, the SILK on the corn...the silk on the corn actually slips into the

    Subconscious and begins to look for and detect and actually pull to itself

    whatever memories that are current and it just Zeros it out, yeah. Okay. Any

    other one?

    Nerissa: Blue bells. [Spoken at same time as male.]

    Male: Blue bonnets. [Spoken at same time as Nerissa.]

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    Dr. Hew Len: I am sorry?

    Nerissa: Blue bells?

    Dr. Hew Len: I am sorry?

    Many: Blue bells?

    Dr. Hew Len: Okay. Thank you. So, the blue bonnet or the blue bell, but lets say...lets put

    it blue bonnet and then the Blue Bell Ice Cream.

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: Again, all you need is ONE molecule!

    Audience: [Loud laughter]

    Dr. Hew Len: There is SOMETHING about...there is something INHERENTLY PURE

    about this, like the blue bonnet.

    The blue bonnet is really about a something, whatever it is...this blue bonnet is

    about elegance. Its about taking the rough edges off of you folks. Its about

    really, about putting edges on the Intellect. The intellect is so ferocious, so this

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    blue bonnet.... So, the way that you would DO it is you would say, I

    mentally.... You can mentally put it on yourself. I was watching somebody

    yesterday with a blue bonnet on her and there was a fairy sitting on top of the

    blueberry, with kind of like a little wand. But, its going to be different.

    By the way, this blue solar water will be different for everybody. You are

    NOT going to get the same solar water, because its already

    David has a particular blueprint. I have one. So, this blue solar water will fit

    our blueprints. Yeah. So, its VERY different.

    Right HERE, what you want to do is add to this the word Maize. I dont

    mean spray. Can you tell me what the maize is all about? What does the

    symbol to maize?

    Heres how it comes in, youll hear it go, [Domp, domk, domp] The

    President of the United States! [Chuckling]

    So, in the House of Representative there is this maize! But, maize in itself, it

    represents authority. So, you can take the maize, like you say, I love you,

    and you can USE that maize on anything. Yeah.

    So you say, Uh-oh.

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    Somehow, as they are saying, somehow youll have all of these

    tools available as so youll begin to clean, it may be, I love you. Thank you.

    It may be the maize, but you are going to have a whole repertoire of these that

    you can use...a whole repertoire of it, yeah.

    So, we would add to this the, Thank you. [Marker sounds] I love you. All

    of it does the same thing. Its, I am sorry! So, when you use the maize, any

    of that you are saying to The Divinity, I am sorry. Please forgive me. Then

    Divinity will do ONLY what Divinity will do and that is to erase it. Any other

    tool? Yes?

    Cindy: Can I share the one you shared right now?

    Dr. Hew Len: Sure.

    Cindy: You said, Hot chocolate and marshmallows.

    Dr. Hew Len: Yes!

    Cindy: [Chuckling]

    Audience: [Chuckling]

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    Dr. Hew Len: So, she was talking to me and so, we are going to put it up because it came up.

    Hot the way, do you know how hot chocolate begins when you

    take it all the way back, back, back to the plant? How did it all start? Yes?

    Bruce: The American Indians made a bitter drink with the Cocoa plant.

    Dr. Hew Len: Yeah.

    Bruce: Then, the Europeans, I think it was Christopher Columbus, they took a Cocoa

    plant back to Europe and suddenlyand they ACCIDENTLY put sugar in it.

    Dr. Hew Len: Yeah.

    Bruce: So, the cocoa shops, like coffee shops, spread throughout Europe.

    Dr. Hew Len: What happens with the chocolate, you notice the little insect that came in?

    Were you paying attention to that?

    Audience: Yeah. Yeah.

    Dr. Hew Len: That insect was telling me, Tell them about the hot chocolate.

    Female: [Chuckle]

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    Dr. Hew Len: What happened is that at the level of the plant, without the involvement of a

    little minute little bug, that plant will NOT get fertilized. [Chuckling] No

    fertilization? No chocolate.

    ONE little, teeny little thing doing its JOB!!! Otherwise, you dont get the

    process of this cleaning process. Now because of that little...thats why I want

    you to APPRECIATE that, you go all the way back...LIKE THAT!!!

    [Chuckle] See?

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Dr. Hew Len: Okay and then...then the marshmallows. I KNOW it sounds CRAZY, but this

    is the things that have come up. Any other...any other cleaning tools?

    Female: I got an inspiration yesterday that Awake Black Tea.

    Dr. Hew Len: Okay, now I am going to STOP with this. So, now as...its already been

    mentioned in the back by the Collins YOU are going to get your own so you

    can use it for yourself. When you LEAVE this room, as you do your cleaning,

    you are going to hear your own tools, but these are things that are UNIQUE to

    YOU! So, whatever you get may not work for somebody else. Okay? So, I

    want to stop THERE to let you know, you ARE going to get YOUR OWN

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    and you REALLY want to get your own. So, these are just the kind...what we

    discussed today and yesterday....

    Now, I want to put in a couple of websites. Yeah?

    Woman: The eraser you used.

    Dr. Hew Len: I am sorry?

    Woman: The eraser.

    Dr. Hew Len: Maam?

    Woman: The eraser that youve been using to erase.

    Dr. Hew Len: YES! Thank you! So...this eraser. This is why...Suzanne, how many of these

    shops did you have to go to?

    Suzanne: About five.

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Audience: Ah! [Chuckling]

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    Dr. Hew Len: So, THIS is a cleaning tool in your mind. So, you can take it home. So, if you

    forgot yours, lost it.... But, she went to five shops, so, this is itself a cleaning

    tool. Thank you very much.

    Now, if you want to really get a background, theres an article at Theres an article written named, Whos In


    Bruce: [Chuckle]

    Dr. Hew Len: So, that article will tell you a little bit, a summary, of what we discussed over

    this weekend. Its a VERY SIMPLE article to read. Part of the design and part

    of that article is in Joes book, because it is just simply written.

    Then, Ive got HERE...I am going to ask Suzanne and Bruce if they would

    pass this around. These are called CEEPORTS. [Pause] All they need is ONE

    of them. So, to get any more information on the CEEPORTS, again this is

    cleaning tools, what they do is they SPIN. They create vortexes like you

    would pull the plug and the stuff would go down the drain or down the toilet,

    they just spin! So, I have a pin on! So, this is something going so

    that in case I SLIP and not do my cleaning, hopefully this will keep going.

    Yeah. So,

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    So, Joe has a LOT of information in his book, I mean a lot of sites that you

    can go...

    Joe: You can put ?

    Dr. Hew Len: Can you do that?

    Joe: Yeah. I have a website up for the book at

    Dr. Hew Len: So, we were ALL created PERFECT! Pure as Crystal! Silent! Then, for

    whatever reason, Divinity decided to fill us, infuse us, with Light! This is this

    water. This represents Inspiration beyond ALL understanding. So, this is what

    happens. You started off NATURAL, the ORIGIN of YOU. Then out of this

    naturalness, Divinity inspired you! This is what inspiration is. It just suffices

    you with this information. Then, along the way came THIS stuff.

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Dr. Hew Len: This stuff could have been green, it could have been purple, but

    NOW you are STUCK with this stuff, TONS OF IT!!! So, as you do your

    cleaning, THIS gets REMOVED, you return to yourself and you get inspired.

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    Theres NO THINKING, coping, managing, none of that will get RID of this talking, no how come, no because, no crying, no whining, no

    bitching, no moaning, wont do it. I LOVE YOU! THANK YOU! and you

    get THIS as a reward. You get Inspired BEYOND your understanding and

    your expansion grows.

    So, I want to ASK you if there are any questions with any of the tools and

    why you are about...why you are here? You are ONLY here [bell sound] to be

    you! [Bell sound] Youve got to give this up, so that you can get THIS!

    So any questions about any of the tools? Any unclarity on my part? If you

    want, Joseph can answer any questions you might have. Yes, sir?

    Sir: Last February, you mentioned the strawberries and blueberries..

    Dr. Hew Len: Yes, so Ill put THAT up.

    Sir: cleaning tools.

    Dr. Hew Len: Yes. Yes. So, Ill put Strawberries. Now, strawberries, for whatever reason, I

    have no idea, but strawberries clean up memories that deal with weight!

    Weight not physical, but depression!!! All you need is ONE molecule of it

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    now. [Chuckle] You dont even have to eat one whole strawberry! [Chuckle]

    But, I dont think any of you who can eat just one MOLECULE.

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: If you can eat it in the form of jelly, ice cream, whatever form, but all you

    need is one molecule. But it works primarily on like things that cause us to

    kind of feel LOW, down, and kind of confused, even suicidal. Yes, sir?

    Male: Coconut.

    Dr. Hew Len: Coconut? Okay. Lets put coconut down. So, coconut, in the OLD DAYS,

    what the Hawaiians did is that...what they would take from the coconut

    would be ALMOST equivalent to antibiotics. So, all they did was just to drink

    it. Open the coconut and just drink it. So, NOW you can do it MENTALLY!!

    You dont even HAVE to drink it, but YOU COULD! So, at the

    house, when I eat in the morning, I always put...I mix strawberries with

    coconut and blueberries and other stuff. Yes?

    Female: Joes business card.

    Dr. Hew Len: I am sorry?

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    Female: Joes business card.

    Joe: Thank you!

    Dr. Hew Len: Joes business card?

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Dr. Hew Len: Joe, can there a place to get the business card?

    Joe: They should all have the business card. I passed it out yesterday.

    Dr. Hew Len: Okay. Okay. Yes? Oh, wait. Let me get the person in the back? Yes, sir?

    Male: The lady in front of me created a GREAT [Chuckle]...I dont know if youd

    call it a cleaning tool....

    Dr. Hew Len: Okay, so I am going to have her come up. Its NOT a cleaning tool, but it tells

    you how she can work it because shes been working it like the Collins. So,

    come on up. What she has done is she has made a REMINDER for herself,

    which is INCREDIBLE. So, I am going to have HER explain it to you.

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    Lee: Okay. I took a coaster and I wrote, I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me.

    Thank you, around the outside and Zero in the middle and, Clean, clean,

    clean around that! I am holding it in the middle and as I am just being here in

    the room, I am turning it and I am reading it and its GREAT! Because I am

    always present to it and its right there in my hands. I will be making these

    and selling them!

    Dr. Hew Len: [Laughing]

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Lee: I just felt inspired!

    Joe: No need to [inaudible].

    Okay. First of all, that is BRILLIANT! From an entrepreneurial stand point, I

    am PROUD of you.

    Woman: [Chuckling]

    Joe: You came up with a product. She is one of the coaches in my Miracles

    Coaches program and so is Anya. Would you come here?

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    Anya: Sure.

    Joe: It just seemed like this was an appropriate time to go ahead and say something

    about what the Miracles Coaching program is. Ive passed out a flyer to

    everybody. But because Dr. Hew Len already pointed her out as somebody

    who was using a cleansing tool and applying what shes learned here this

    weekend in a creative WAY, I thought you might want to know what they are

    DOING day-to-day! Either of you want to...?

    Lee: Well, I just want to say that its really an incredible opportunity, because I get

    to do this every day with people and our practice is that we clear and clean for

    five minutes before our phone calls with people, so that we handle anything in

    US that may be contributing to anything that they are experiencing. Ill let

    Anya tell you about the program.

    Anya: You want me to tell them about the program?

    Hi, everyone! Well, I was joking with Joe, I said, Well, if I am going to tell

    them, here is what I would say, We keep your Intellect BUSY for six months

    while we are cleaning!

    Audience: [Chuckling]

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    Anya: Thats what we do in the six month program. So...there actually is a structure

    to the program. It is a six month program. You actually meet with your coach

    EVERY week. It IS about miracles coaching, so you take on projects and

    games as you can be in a PLAYGROUND for having come up what

    comes up to be cleaned. So, we dont teach you Hooponopono, we dont talk

    about it, unless in the moment we are inspired with a particular client, but we

    ARE cleaning in the background.

    For those of you who are inspired to, you should give me a call. I could give fact Ill put my direct number up there and DONT give it to anybody

    else though. If you are interested and want to know about the details, I have

    outlines and we can share. I think probably the most important thing to know

    is we ARE passionate every day and every day I actually...I sit in my office

    and my coaches come in and tell me the stories. Thats mostly how it goes is

    they get to SHARE the breakthroughs that people are having in their lives.

    I have been coaching a LONG time in the corporate world, in the business

    world for fifteen years, a LONG time. Not only is this the EASIEST job, but

    it...the RESULTS come very, very quickly. So, we are really on the phone one

    week and its a COMPLETELY NEW PERSON with a NEW LIFE with

    NEW RESULTS the very next week. In all the years that I have been doing

    this, I have never had that happen SO FAST! So, its a joy.

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    If you guys are interested in it, its a six months inquiry. So you jump in for

    six months with us. If you are interested PLEASE give me a call! You can fill

    out that form, just with your name and address, et cetera, and we will give you

    a call about it. If you have any questions, I am HAPPY to answer them.

    Joe: You were going to write your number down here?

    Anya: Uh-huh.

    Joe: You might as well write that website. Its

    Anya or Lee?: Can I share ONE THING? Id love to share one particular client. We talk to

    people ALL over the world, but this particular client is in India. In India,

    you...they dont make a lot of money. They make...if somebody is making five

    or six hundred dollars a month, its a lot of money. So, I got this client who is

    EXTREMELY, EXTREMELY BRIGHT! This man was making about three

    thousand dollars a month!

    So...but he was very FEARFUL of TELLING anybody that he made this

    money, because he had told somebody ONCE that he made...he was making

    very good money and they put a CURSE on him! This is his FEELING about

    it, and then his business started going down hill. So, he CAME to the Miracles

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    Program because he wanted to have a miracle and have a breakthrough in

    being fearful, because he lived his life in fear.

    I said, Well, are you sharing this with your wife?

    He said, No, I dont talk to ANYBODY about it.

    I said.... You know, in India they ALL live in ONE house, the mother, the

    father, the grandparents, the children, at least in his community.

    I said, Well, what about your PARENTS?

    He said [that] nobody knows how much money he makes, because he CANT

    TELL them. So, after our first call, we talked for awhile, and I really just

    listened and CLEARED.

    The NEXT call, I said, Well, HOW is it going?

    He said, Well... His homework was TO SHARE with his family!! The next

    session he came and he said, I had an Inspiration to create a product!

    I said, Great!

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    He said, I am going to put it online this week.

    I said, Great!

    Then the NEXT time that I talked to him, HE MADE $15,000!! He expanded

    his list ENORMOUSLY!!

    I said, Well, are you SHARING this with people?

    He said, YES!! I mean, he was SO EXCITED!! I mean...and the

    DIFFERENCE in his VOICE was just AMAZING.

    Id say by the third or fourth session, I asked him, How is your FEAR level?

    He said, Its seventy-five percent gone!

    Then the LAST time that I talked to him, which was last week, he was

    bringing in an average of thirteen to seventeen thousand dollars a month and

    he was fear-free.

    So, I cant TELL you [Chuckling] that this happens to EVERYBODY, but

    when it does...and everybody has their version of this kind of occurrence in

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    their life. Its just the most extraordinary thing to HAVE the opportunity to be

    in the presence of that. So, thats kind of what its about.

    Joe: Beautiful story! Thank you! Thank you BOTH!

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: I want you to know that what they are doing when they talk to these people,

    whether its the fellow in India or anybody else, is they are doing INSIDE

    THEIR MIND, not telling the other person, Thank you. I love you. I am

    sorry. Please forgive me.

    Because after doing all of this and writing the book, I KNOW that the

    Miracles Coaching Program is important to me and a lot of people WANT it,

    but I want the people that are REPRESENTING ME, to be doing THIS! When

    they are Inspired to do something else or to SAY something else, they go

    ahead and do it, and if they are inspired to SHARE what they are doing they

    will go ahead and do it.

    But, whats THE MOST IMPORTANT THING is the very thing that you all

    have all been hearing, is that YOU DO IT!!!

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    So, I am doing it and they know to do it. Thats what they are doing when

    they are talking to people, besides anything else that may surface from

    inspiration. Questions? Comments? Yes?

    Woman: [Inaudible]

    Joe: Some of you got a mustard seed. Its a mustard seed coin. There wasnt

    enough for everybody, but if you already HAD one from another seminar, you

    can give it to somebody who didnt get one. Its just that that is something

    from me thats a gift.

    THIS is something that I have carried around as a cleansing tool for ME. I

    dont even know that I have talked to Dr. Hew Len about it, maybe I did and

    maybe I didnt. This is a little coin that actually has a mustard seed IN IT,

    with the famous quote about, Having the faith of a mustard seed, nothing is

    impossible, and so forth.

    Its kind of like my anchor. I often keep it in my pocket. Sometimes I am

    inspired to GIVE it to somebody, but I often keep it in my pocket and I just

    kind of fidget with it and its the thing that reminds me to be in the moment

    and have faith, just trust. So that I am back at, remember when I had the dot

    on the board? I am back at the dot where I am at, instead of going to another

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    dot. So, I thought that I would share this with as many people as I can get one

    to. Does somebody need one on this side?

    Audience: [Inaudible]

    Joe: Do most of you have it?

    Audience: [Inaudible]

    Joe: This one is for YOU then. Questions? Comments? There is one WAY over


    Mathes: I actually just wanted to share that earlier when we were talking that yesterday

    I had an experience that was kind of neat. I was so tired. I had this thought to

    go back to my room to clean. I just kept thinking, _________________. Then,

    I was invited to go do a little shopping with a couple of women.

    I thought, Oh, yeah, that sounds good. Yeah.

    Then, I stayed in the environment. I was chattering around and they were

    around, and the next thing I know, they were gone!

    I thought, No, no! They must have left without me!

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    So, I looked around and got calm and I went, I was going back to my room


    I went back and I felt like getting down and sitting on the bed and started

    cleaning. There were some things on my mind, some things I thought I needed

    -- also I was thinking about memories and things that I was missing in my

    work. So, especially two particular memories around things I dont perceive

    sometimes in my life around support or whatever. So I started cleaning around

    my ex-husband. Then I had an inspiration. I thought, Well, why not look on

    my email? Ill check my email today. I need to send a couple of things.

    I hadnt been on my email, so I wasnt sure I wanted to be on email this

    weekend. So I opened it up and there was an email from my ex-husband and

    in the subject line [chuckle]..Joe, I think you are an internet marketer, youll

    appreciate, in the headline it said, $$$$ in your account!

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Mathes: So, I opened it and I was like, WHOA!!! I opened it up and it said, I put

    five thousand dollars in your account. So, it was just, Wow! It

    just came out of the BLUE! I wasnt expecting it. So, it was really kind of

    like, Wow! This is neat! It WORKS!!! [Chuckling]

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    Audience: [Laughing]

    Mathes: So, I just wanted to share that.

    Joe: Beautiful!!

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: Lets take a short break.


    Joe: I have several housecleaning tips too...or several facts and figures and trivia to


    One is...somebodys already asked, What is this pin?

    I am wearing a pin. You ALL were given a sticker and the CEEPORT pins

    and stickers were all being given from HIM, but does anybody know what it


    Audience: A cleaning tool.

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    Joe: Its a cleaning tool. Its a cleaning tool! But, does anybody know where it

    came from or what it means or the story behind it or anything like that?

    Female: Is it necessary to know?

    Joe: Its NOT necessary.

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Joe: It is NOT necessary to know!

    Woman: Id LIKE to know!

    Joe: But I thought that some of you might WANT to know! Yeah, but obviously

    you dont need to know. [Pause] As I understand it, it is something HE

    received from inspiration as a cleaning tool, with the word CEEPORT.

    The CEEPORT is supposed to be: Clean, Erase, Erase, as you return back to

    port. Thats how I understand it. Hes nodding his head, so that must be

    correct. Thats the story. So, its been a cleansing tool.

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    On the website, you can get the business card that

    had it on there, that design, you can get these pins. I believe that it is a

    cleansing tool and I wear...I wear TWO of them, because I want to DOUBLE

    UP the cleansing process!

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Joe: So, I usually am wearing TWO at almost ALL times. There is one on my hat

    now. There is one in my luggage now. There is one on ME right here, so I

    have THREE going. I told HIM about it and the next thing I know and HE

    was wearing TWO of them. I believe that if there is anything that is going to

    help me cleanse, and its not a big deal to just put it on and wear it. If

    somebody asks me about it, Ill just say, It just kind of cleans the air. Its an

    ionizer, or Ill just say whatever I feel like saying at the moment.

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Joe: I dont have to go into, Oh, its Hooponopono. It came from Divine

    Inspiration. Then, somebody else wanted to know, what all of these names

    were. Does anybody know what THAT is? You DO know what this is? (Joe is

    pointing to the poster that has all the absentee names on it people who paid

    to have their names placed in the room during the seminar).

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    Craig: Is that the people who could not be here, but wanted to be present that you are


    Joe: Yes. These people are being cleansed by everything that we have been doing

    here. They are ALL part of our reality as I am cleaning they are being cleaned,

    because they are part of my experience. I am taking 100% responsibility for

    my experience. It includes THEM. They definitelythey raised their hand

    and they said that they wanted on.

    Its so interesting, that Bruce...there was a hole here and Bruce just on his

    own, filled in the hole. [Chuckling]

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Joe: So, this wonderful person here is being cleansed. This is the Absentee list.

    My book, people have asked about that. You can see the excerpt of it at, right here and there is actually a graphic ON THERE

    that is a CLEANING device. Its a CLEANSING tool. If you look at that

    website and just relax, you will FEEL it DOING something!

    Because that graphic is SO POWERFUL, I had Nerissa, the Video Queen who

    is running the camera over there, create a bunch of clothing, a pillow, a

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    framed piece of art, a mouse pad, all with this piece of art and SHE sketched

    in almost subliminally the phrases, Thank you. I love you. I am sorry. Please

    forgive me. There is a Caf Press Store, all of the links I think are on the where you can go and get some of those.

    Personally, I think its a cool idea to know that I have a PILLOW that is a

    cleansing tool, that I can lay my head on and that all night long that cleansing

    is going on even while I am also doing the additional things and I am also

    wearing the pin. So, I just think I am a whirl wind of cleansing energy! Ive

    got a LOT TO DO, but I am still working on it!

    Then, I also wanted to give a few thanks. NONE of this would happen

    including MOST of my day-to-day living, if it wasnt for Suzanne, right

    there!! [Chuckling]

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: She is an angel. She is...I cant find the words to describe all that she does and

    she does a TREMENDOUS amount! I think it began where she was going to

    work ten hours a week or something like that, part time for me. Now, she

    doesnt get ten hours to HERSELF...out of the week. Its VERY BUSY, but

    shes always handling it, shes always CALM. Shes always ANGELIC. If

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    any of you have ever talked to her on the phone, you know that that is her way

    of BEING ALL of the time.

    I also wanted to thank BRUCE, because he was my Body Guard this

    weekend. [Chuckle]

    Audience: [Laughing, Clapping]

    Joe: He even went to the extent of making up the T-shirts that I think it said, Joes

    Body Guard or Joes Security. I DEFINITELY did not need it THIS

    weekend! I HAVE BEEN in places where I have needed it, was just

    NICE to have it there! So, thank you for volunteering to do that!

    Of course, weve got some other folks who have been working. NERISSA,

    my partner, the Video Queen, her website is

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: She has been JOYFULLY filming this whole thing and I would look over a

    few times and shes in BLISS!! You know what we talked about...

    Audience: [Chuckling]

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    Joe: ...just doing the...shes in The Divine. You know, theres a smile on her face.

    She looks RADIANT right now. Doesnt she?

    Audience: Yes.

    Joe: Shes DOING WHAT SHE LOVES!!! Shes playing her role.

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: [Chuckling] Pat OBryan has been back there filming the whole thing, quietly.

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: Pat has a seminar coming up in February and Id LOVE to promote it, but the

    darn thing is already SOLD OUT! We are doing it...hes doing his event like I

    do all of my events at the place that we love the most, [Chuckling] Vintage


    Audience: [Clapping]

    Joe: I am SO grateful that David BUILT this place!

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    Then, RODNEY, there he is. He has been quietly taking pictures. Hes going

    to be taking some photos AFTERWARDS, too. We took the group

    photographs earlier, but AFTERWARDS, I think Dr. Hew Len is going to

    hang around and Ill hang around, so if you want to try to sneak in some

    pictures either WITH him or on your own, that can still happen. Rodneys

    website is at Thank you for taking the pictures and


    Mabels book, The Easiest Way...I DO have a few flyers for it. Can they get it

    at Amazon?

    Mabel: Yes.

    Joe: Okay. So you CAN get the...

    Mabel: [Inaudible]

    Joe: on if you WANT to. I think she shares the website Arent you on

    Mabel: Yes.

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    Joe: I do have a few flyers here if anybody is interested you can have a flyer for

    her book.

    People have asked, When is the next event? [Sigh] I would LOVE to

    announce another event, but I have got TWO problems...challenges...whatever

    you want to call them.

    Speaker: [Inaudible]

    Joe: Yes, that too. [Chuckling]

    Audience: [Chuckling]

    Joe: How do I TOP this one? Thats the FIRST one!! How do I top this one?

    Then, the second is, I am doing...I would do it again with Dr. Hew Len and I

    went up to him moments ago and I said, What do you think about doing

    another one? He said EXACTLY what I thought he was going to say!

    Female: No?

    Joe: No, he said, I DONT know.

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    Audience: [Laughing]

    Joe: He DIDNT say NO, he says, I dont know. Thats how I feel. I dont know!

    I am going into a whirlwind of busyness. I would LOVE to announce another

    one. This is SO WONDERFUL!!!


    ENERGY is OFF the CHARTS!! The buzz in the room, the look in your

    faces, the Enlightened Souls that I SEE!! OF COURSE I want to do another


    So, I would LOVE to announce it, but I have got NOTHING to announce

    right now. I have got to wait until Inspiration comes through and HIS

    Inspiration comes through and there is a match there or something else shows

    up. I dont know what it will be. So, I THINK that those were my

    announcements there. Did anybody have any questions before I bring Dr. Len

    up? Yes?

    Female: What is the SOONEST we can get your bookZero Limits?

    Joe: You can PRE-Order it at Amazon. If you go to and you

    search for MY name or for the name Zero Limits, the book will COME up,

    the cover is there, some description is there and it says that you can pre-order

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    it. I would DO that. Then the DAY the book is AVAILABLE, Amazon will

    send it to you.

    Right now, it looks like it will be Mid-June, but I am URGING Wiley, the

    Publisher, to consider how HUNGRY people ARE for this. The book was

    ACTUALLY a pre-publication best seller over the holidays on Amazon and

    the book is not coming out for six months!!! People want the book SO BAD

    they were pre-ordering it to such an extent that it was being driven out of

    NOWHERE to the TOP 100 at Amazon!!

    So, when Wiley catches on that, Oh, theres a market for this. We should

    PUSH for this. They may put this book ahead of a few other books and then

    it may come out sooner, but right now, its looking like summer. All I can do


    Summer might be the ULTIMATE BEST TIME for it to come out! It may be

    sooner. It may be later. I dont know. But, if you want the best way to reserve

    it, Pre-Order it via Amazon and you will get the alert! [Pause] Yeah! Thanks

    for asking. Yes?

    Male: Can we get e-versions of, you know, trying to help you offer it and

    things like that?

    Joe: E-versions of the book, like the e-book version ofZero Limits?

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    Male: Yeah.

    Joe: Thats controlled by the publisher. Normally, I WOULD go ahead and release

    that myself, so I cant do it. I am just kind of contractually OBLIGATED

    NOT to release it. But, GREAT question.

    There IS an excerpt from the book at If you send an

    email, which is also on the sight, to [email protected], youll get back an

    excerpt from the book. So, you can get a couple of DROPS, a couple of

    TASTES of whats in the book. You got MORE than in the book, here

    anyway!! THIS WAS the book and this was BEYOND the book!!! OnceZero

    Limits comes out and people say they want Volume Two, Ill transcribe this

    ENTIRE weekend...

    Craig: [Laughing]

    Joe: ...and say, Here is Volume Two.

    Audience: [Some chuckling]


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    So, reading the book for you would just be like a comfortable bedtime story.

    You already KNOW it.

    Audience: [Laughing]

    Joe: Youve already LIVED IT! Itll be FUN to read, but it wont be anything

    EARTH SHAKING, because the Earth shaking WAS HERE!!!

    SO...I am going to bring Dr. Hew Len back up so he can talk about the

    Unconscious Mind, the Subconscious Mind, and anything else he feels

    inspired to talk about.

    Female: Yeah!

    Audience: [Clapping]

    Dr. Hew Len: Okay, what we need is the room to be VERY QUIET.

    1. What you want to do is put both of your feet on the floor, with your back,

    your ancestral back up against the back of the chair, but very comfortably,

    because you want to make sure that your ancestors are involved in this. If your

    back is bent, they wont get the benefit of doing this.

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    What you want to do is take your thumb and your forefinger and you just

    simply touch them together. So, you want to make sure that at least at the

    physical level you are encouraging the Subconscious to be One with God.

    Now we are going to start with God first, or The Infinite, or whatever you

    want to call that Being.

    So, I am going to have you TALK to It. All you are going to say to It, is again,

    simply, I love you. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to come into THIS

    lifetime to be FREE. However you want to say it, so Ill just give you a

    minute or two. We want to thank The Divinity, because Its where it ALL

    STARTS. It has NOTHING to do with US. We are Zero. We dont do

    ANYTHING. If we do anything that is even a MIRACLE, it comes from The

    Divine, so lets just take a minute to do that. Just simply acknowledge The

    Divinity in you. [Pause]

    [Baby cries] Thats the baby acknowledging. Dont take the baby out. Thats

    the babys acknowledgment of The Divinity. [Pause] Thank you very much.

    2. Now, we would like to acknowledge the Super Conscious or the Spirit part

    of you. That part of you is ALWAYS MEMORY FREE!!! It has no is ALWAYS CONNECTED to The Divinity! Unmoved by any

    junk!!! So, we want to acknowledge THAT part of you, by simply saying, I

    love you. I acknowledge that you are there. I thank you for whatever it is that

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    you do. I am not CLEAR about it, but I dont care. But, I want to acknowledge

    your presence as part of my existence. So, if youll do that for a minute or


    As you are doing it, I am just going to tell you a little bit about the Super

    Conscious. Its the one that has been assigned the job of listening FIRST to

    your petitions to make ANY adjustments before it sends it on to The Divinity,

    because IT and The Divinity are PERFECTLY ALIGNED. [Pause] Thank

    you very much.

    3. We are going to talk to our Intellect. We are going to say to Intellect, We

    love you, too and we thank you! We know how difficult it is for you to give up,

    to let go, so we LOVE YOU ANYWAY!

    So, I would like for you to acknowledge the Intellect part of you. [Pause]

    Thank you very much.

    4. Now we are going to acknowledge the Subconscious, which is a CHILD

    aspect, the Unihipili, what the Hawaiians call the Unihipili. The Unihipili to

    the Hawaiians is like a grasshopper. Its just always bouncing around. So, we

    are here to acknowledge the presence of the Child. So we are going to say to

    the Child, We LOVE YOU! NO MATTER WHAT COMES, I will always love

    you and be thankful to you!

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    So, would you do that? So, if you find yourself with any particular hang up or

    some bother or some fear, you can say it to Unihipili, I LOVE YOU! Please

    LET GO! You have the Mother...or the Intellect has to give the Child that

    single. I am willing to let go and I want YOU to let go. PLEASE LET GO. If

    you dont let go, I will LOVE you no matter. [Pause]

    5. Then you want to acknowledge your total being. So, you would say

    something like, Dear Father or Dear Infinite, Dear God, Dear Spirit, Dear

    Intellect, Dear Child, I love you in whom I rest, abide, and have my being. If

    you would do that as a TOTAL BEING. In whom I REST, ABIDE, and have

    my Being. [Pause]

    6. Okay, then I am going to ASK you to do TEN ROUNDS of the

    BREATHING. So, as you are breathing, whatever needs to be gone, as you

    leave this place, you will NOT leave it in the building, in the chairs, in the

    table, in the ceilings, in the land. You will leave it SCOTT FREE!! So, if you

    would do ten rounds of breathing and when you are done if you would open

    your eyes. [Pause]

    [Breathing sounds heard]

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    Suzanne Burns, can you flip this chart over and find a clean page, please on

    this one?

    Bruce, can you clean this up and just so we can have it clean?

    So here is what I hear the room saying. The room would like for you to leave

    it CLEAN. So, when you go, make sure that you pick everything around you

    and dont leave a TRACE BEHIND, like the Indians. All you are going to

    leave is a whisper of Divine Breath in the room.

    So, please remember when you leave, pick up your body and leave, you want

    to take dont want to leave anything of you here, which includes

    bottles, cans, paper. Look around you, because the room has been VERY good

    to you and we want to make sure that we will honor the room, by you leaving

    early and not leaving anything in the room.

    We came into this lifetime right at the VERY beginning, absolutely PURE IN

    HEART! This is how we started off!

    My friend Joe Vitale says, We are like the white board. We are pure as the

    driven snow.

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    This is what we came into this lifetime to do, is to restore this purity of heart

    so that we wont kill each other.

    So, unless Joe has ANYTHING he has to say, I dont have anything. I am

    not...I dont even want to answer any questions. I just want to make sure that

    when you leave, if you would leave the room quietly so we can leave nothing

    behind. Okay?

    Now, again, just a moment of silence, if youll close you mind, close your

    eyes, I am going to thank the room, thank all of you and your family relatives

    and ancestors that Joe and I and ALL involved are very grateful to you and to

    your family relatives and ancestors, back to the beginning of creation, when

    we were...some of us were just a drop of rain, some of us were just a molecule

    in a pond, some of us were just clouds, some of us were just part of galaxies,

    so we are grateful that you have come to give us this opportunity to make

    right with you and all of your family relatives and ancestors. Again, we thank

    you for coming. So, have a nice day!

    Audience: [Clapping]