Yoga Tree Sept 2010



Yoga - Dance - Wellness

Transcript of Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Page 1: Yoga Tree Sept 2010
Page 2: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Ordinary Miracle

We welcome you to come and share your Spirit withus in a service of celebration! Join us for singing,readings from A Course in Miracles and heartfeltsharing of spiritual insights delivered by speakersfrom all walks of life. Give yourself this time for intro-spection through prayer and meditation.

A Sunday Service for ALL

Oct 3, 17, 31 Nov 14, 28

# 204 - 535 Tranquille Road 250-554-6707

Sundays 10:00 am

954-C Laval Crescent (Right beside Cliffside Climbing Gym)


One Month of Unlimited Hot Yoga Classes

For Only $50.00!Check out the Yoga Tree Coupons section to

clip and save!

90 minute Hot Yoga Classes 7 days a week

Wellness, Health, Spirituality, Healing, Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Fitness, Workshops, Events, Classes,

Community Connection, Personal Transformation

Page 3: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 3

Follow Your Dreams

When you quit your day job

to pursue your dreams!

Dream: a new health bar serv-

ing highly nutritious, inspiring

foods made purely from

fresh raw fruits, vegetables,

nuts and seeds.

Are you crazy? Possibly,

but I just knew this was

the right time. For over

ten years I had been an

Employment Counsel-

lor, working with others

to identify their dream

job and reach their goals,

and I loved watching

people tap into their pas-

sions and follow their

dreams - now it was my

turn. I loved my work, I was

paid well, I had a great boss

and work colleagues and excel-

lent benefits but even this was not

enough. I had a glimpse you see!

All my life I have been interested in health,

wellness and particularly nutrition. When I

stumbled across the wonderful benefits of raw and liv-

ing foods 18 months ago I never knew that it would change my

life the way it has. I instantly felt great eating a high raw diet and

wanted to share this with the world. In September 2009 I “googled”

chef training and found a course in Vancouver. I completed my train-

ing and left truly inspired to change the world, but only on a part time

basis. The risk was too high to give up my job or so I thought at the

time in January 2010. I decided to offer monthly classes inspiring oth-

ers to feel fabulous by eating great food.

Then in June I participated in the Let’s Move Yoga Studio Wellness

Festival, where Malavika, a local psychic would tell me that my an-

gels were there working their magic. I had an astounding response

to my smoothies and treats and there were an amazing number of sig-

nals that weekend that moved me to the place I stand now. I went

home in a daze. What was happening? Was I being literally moved

into pursuing my dreams? On that Monday I went to work with an

intention to quit my job to pursue my dreams, but I was scared. I was

not sure I wanted to give up my security, give up on something I was

good at and had lots of experience in

which provided a steady, reliable

pay-check. When I shared my

dream with a work colleague

she was excited , and it was

her words that moved me

to action that very day, as

if she was put in my

path at that very mo-

ment to deliver her

message “Don’t make

decisions out of fear

Julie – follow your

dreams”. I could

hardly breathe. I met

with my boss and

gave my two weeks

notice. Things beauti-

fully fell into place and

here I sit with an excit-

ing new venture in front

of me.

Am I scared? Not a bit! I know

this is what I am meant to be

doing . Thank you to all who saw

my calling before I did!!!! And when

you come to visit my new healthy raw,

take-out food bar on Victoria Street in Kam-

loops, every order comes with an inspirational

quote. Look out for that famous saying on your order “Don’t

make decisions out of fear”. Thanks Merilee, I love you more than

you know!

Look for the grand opening of Julie’s new restaurant downtown Kamloops

Page 4: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


Issue #16

Wellness can be considered not just the absence of disease, but a state of

physical, emotion, mental, energetic and spiritual well being. You may

or may not be in a state of disease, but how well are you really feeling?

Are you feeling engaged and inspired by life, ready to enjoy the chal-

lenges? This is a state of emotional wellness. Or are you dragging your

butt in protest at what you have to do in your life (emotional non-well-

ness)? It seems obvious to me that feeling inspired to go into the future

is more likely to lead to a state of physical wellness, while dragging your-

self through your life will lead to physical illness and disease. Some sta-

tistics say 95% of all illness starts from an emotional root!

Are you feeling energetic, or does your energy flare out and disappear?

Your lack of energy may not show as a physical disease – in fact, your

medical doctor may tell you all your tests are normal and start you on an

anti-depressant. Yet it might not be depression. It could be a dis-function

in your body’s energy system.

How about your mental habits? Are you in the habit of grumping through

your day? If so, that is a sure sign of mental-emotional discomfort, cer-

tainly not a feeling of wellbeing, when all you can do is grump or find


Do you sleep well? Is your body comfortable to live in? How is your nu-

trition? Do you find yourself so happy that you begin singing sponta-

neously? Do you dance with joy in life?

If not, the beautiful Wellness Room in the Let’s Move Yoga, Dance &

Wellness Studio may have results for you. If you are not feeling as well

as you think you could be, stop in and ask for a copy of a complementary

self-evaluation. It could lead you to discover ways to increase your total

wellness and your enjoyment of life.

For Wellness Centre Practitioners, there is me, Cara Beckett, and I work

primarily with people who have toxic emotions such as anger, hatred, or

fear; or people with traumatic memories who would like to live life with-

out those memories of horror hovering in the background. Emotions and

memories can be cleansed, just like you would cleanse your skin or go

on a physical detoxification to cleanse your body. It is a quick and per-

manent process that enhances self-esteem.

I also work with people who want to deal with the emotions that undercut

their weight management, and those who are simply stressed beyond their

ability to cope. I often use Energy Psychology methods such as Emotional

Freedom Technique, also know as EFT or ‘tapping” to resolve the core

issue of your stress, along with other forms of Energy Psychology and

Source Synergy, although I am trained in multiple modalities..

Terez LaForge offers her Crystal Bowl Meditation once a month at the

Studio, along with Intuitive Massage, Bodytalk, and Reflexology in the

Wellness Room. She also uses a mechanical Teslar device to cleanse the

lymphatic system, and is well-known in Kamloops for her compassion

and care for her clients.

Katrina Ariel has been offering Yoga Therapy. Yoga Therapy can help

your body to recover its optimal alignment, ease pain, and allow natural

healing to take place. We would all feel better if we had Katrina’s flexible,

fluid yet aligned posture, sitting or standing.

ReAnne Johnson offers Reiki Massage and her clients tell me her Reiki

Massages are wonderfully relaxing compared to the massages they are

used to receiving elsewhere. She will be at the Wellness Centre Tuesday

mornings. Call 250-372-9642 to book your appointment.

Erna Stassen also has a glowing reputation as a physiotherapist. Her work

comes highly recommended by her clients. Erna has quickly transformed

the pain her clients have been feeling into a sense of peace and physical

comfort. Erna also offers Pysch-K, to bring balance to your mind, body

and emotions.

Should you not be feeling as well as you would like to feel, stop in at the

Wellness Centre and ask for your complementary self-evaluation. Once

you have worked through the self-evaluation, call for a complementary

half-hour appointment to go over the results. Most people will discover

in their self-evaluation that there really are some issues they would love

to resolve.

How curious are you about the answers you might find about yourself

and your life?

Cara Beckett is a practitioner and the co-ordinator of the Let’s Move Studio Wellness

Centre. 250-372-9642

Let’s Move Studio Wellness Centre

Let’s Move Studio

[email protected] 925 McGill Place, Kamloops

FACEBOOK: Lets Move Studio

More Wellness in Your Life...

Complimentary Self Assesment

By Cara Beckett

EFT, Coaching, Infrared Sauna, Massage, Physiotherapy,

Psych-K, Reflexology, Reiki, Weightloss, Stress Management,

Yoga Therapy & more

Page 5: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 5

We have, as a society, done a smashing job of stressing ourselves out.

Don’t you think?

How often have you felt the anxiety of overwhelm, or a desire to re-

treat into a cave until all the things-that-must-be-done magically take

care of themselves?

Ask any doctor, Western or otherwise, and they’ll tell you that stress

influences all disease. It may be the only thing they agree on, but

health practitioners recognize the danger this pressure poses to the

balance of the human body.

Okay, so you know this already. Good. That means you are in the po-

sition to do something about it. Seeing as you’re reading this in a mag-

azine dedicated to yoga and wellness you probably already know how

good yoga and meditation are for relieving stress and anxiety.

But I’ll let you in on a deeper knowing… the most profound healing

occurs when you re-connect with your own natural pulsation. This is

why yoga and meditation work so well.

This example might help you understand better. For the past few

months I’ve led private yoga sessions for a beautiful woman who has

suffered from Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia. To over-simplify it,

these are rather vague labels that describe a wide range of conditions

that come when the body, mind, and emotions have reached their limit

of anxiety and stress, basically getting to the point of system shut-

down. The resting heart rate is high, but energy is low. Things feel

difficult and fragile.

When she first came to me, this lovely woman looked at me through

hollowed eyes. She was stiff and achy, often gripped with anxiety de-

spite the medications she took to prevent it. The slightest exertion

would tire her, and in fact her doctor thought yoga would be far too

much for her.

What did we do? Using primarily restorative yoga, we focussed on

the breath, meditative visualization, and very deliberate yet short pe-

riods of strength building followed by relaxation, through which we

brought her back into her natural pulsation.

She’s lowered her amount of medication, is able to do more physical

activity, and looks so much brighter. She has said that out of all the

myriad things she’s done (and it sounds like she’s tried everything

she can), that our yoga sessions have been the most helpful. Even her

family tells her she looks like a new woman.

When you turn your awareness to your breath, you honour and con-

nect with the natural pulsation of your body. By meditating and doing

yoga in mindful awareness of your breath, your heartbeat, hormones,

and natural cycles remember their rhythm. You re-discover (again and

again) your true state of peace and the joy that it brings.

It’s wonderful how many different styles of yoga there are, just as

there are infinite paths for each of us to experience life. If you are

dealing with high stress levels, chronic conditions or anxiety, you may

consider Restorative Yoga, which is also helpful for perfectly healthy

people to learn how to slow down and relax.

Whichever practice you are drawn to, I invite you to devote yourself

to attuning to your breath. It is a wise guide, and will happily teach

you how to let go, let things be, and enter the sanctuary of your heart

– that place where peace dwells and joy wells up effortlessly. Return-

ing to your own natural pulsation is the road to healing. From here,

the stresses of life can turn into things that flow and fall easily into


Katrina Ariel teaches Restorative Yoga and Anusara-Inspired™ yoga

at Let’s Move Studio. She also offers online yoga and meditation. Her

many yoga services, schedule and blog are available at

By Katrina Ariel

How To Heal Returning To Your Natural Pulsation

250-372-9642925 McGill Place, Kamloops

Yoga Dance Wellness

Let’s Move Studio. .

Tuesdays and Thursdays

4:00 - 5:00 pm


6:30 - 7:30 pm

Core PowerYoga

A remarkable way to strengthen

the body & relax the mind. With

emphasis on Ashtanga yoga,

Flow Yoga incorporates all as-

pects of fitness to improve your

strength, flexibility, balance & co-

ordination. While you strengthen

and tone your body, let go of

stress and tension as you focus

on the flow of the breath.


Yoga Dance WellnessLet’s Move Studio

. .


Kinesiologist & Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist


Phone: (250) 574-3477 Email:

[email protected]

Page 6: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


Issue #16

Craving more peace and less stress?

Stress management

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Page 7: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 7

Workshops with Michele Gieselman









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Available at the office & at all workshops

# 2-231 Victoria Street250-851-0966

Michele’s IntuitiveHealing & Massage

Understanding and Trusting Intuition

[email protected]

Cost $125.00Place:#204-535 Tranquille Kamloops B.C.Phone # 250-851-0966

Saturday September 25

9:30am - 4:30pm

Page 8: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010



Yoga Dance Wellness.

Find your PassionConnect with SpiritLive Healthy


Weekly classes Open for Drop In or pre-register

Tuesday 9-10:30amTuesday 5-6pmThursday 9-10:30am

Thursday 5-6pm **this class is held at a alternate location - please call for details

Classes with Owner and Director of Let’s Move Studioand Publisher of Yoga Tree Magazine,Elizabeth teaches a style of yoga certainto energize, strengthen and refresh you!Originally trained in Classical Yoga inIndia, Elizabeth now studies Vinyasa:Prana Flow Yoga with world-renownedteacher, Shiva Rea. All classes are funand beginner friendly.

Let’s Move Studio

[email protected]

for updated schedule,

more info & to register for classes:

Yoga Dance WellnessLet’s Move Studio

. .

.Let’s Move Studio

[email protected] 925 McGill Place, Kamloops

FACEBOOK: Lets Move Studio

Page 9: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 9

Change the way you work out!


10-15% off on packageswith this card*

• Improve your posture• Develop longer,

leaner muscles• Gain core strength• Increase fl exibility• Re-balance your body• Sport-specifi c training• Classes for ALL

fi tness levels

#201-1361 McGill Road • T: 250.372.7237 E: [email protected]

*When purchasing certain packages.

Please inquire for details.

There are two fundamental questions we continually ask ourselves:

“Who am I?” and “What is my purpose in life?” Over time, we face

a variety of crises in work and in relationships, often gaining greater

experiences of ourselves, yet we still seem no closer to finding an-


Is there a way we can know ourselves on a deeper level, a level that

somehow seems beyond our reach? Yes, there is a key to understand-

ing our true nature, and that key is through our emotional core: an

emotional core that is, surprisingly, outside our normal perception of


A system which describes nine basic world views along with their be-

liefs, the Enneagram explains our motivation and our unconscious

habits of attention and behaviour. In fact, Enneagram theory suggests

that our core is made up of one of the basic emotions: fear, anger or

sadness which in turn expresses itself as one of the nine basic person-

ality types. Each of us is unique, and yet through knowledge of the

Enneagram we discover that each of the nine personality types is as-

sociated with specific positive and negative traits. And it is these neg-

ative traits or patterns that cause us problems and pain, and hold us

back from being all that we wish we could be. These negative patterns

are caused by unresolved emotional imprinting, which we have tried

to suppress in order to feel better. But in this way we have simultane-

ously diminished our capacity to feel.

The way to the transformation and resolution of our existential crisis

is in contacting and feeling the emotional core that underlies the neg-

ative traits or patterns as reflected in our six planes of awareness: ex-

istential, biographical, somatic, perinatal, past life and archetypal

selves. By recognizing our Enneagram type, and gaining some self-

awareness in these areas, we are able to unlock ourselves from un-

conscious traps and open ourselves to more freedom as we engage

life. Through this conscious connection to the emotional core we will

find the key to our transformation.

The Enneagram brings about understanding, compassion and accept-

ance of ourselves and others. It leads to greater peace and harmony

in relationships and to a vision of our greatest spiritual potential.

The Enneagram a Tool

for Transformation

with Cathie Levin and Audrey Meuse


Register by October 5th


Oct. 18 & 25th;

Nov. 12 or 26th

The Enneagram:

a Tool for Transformationby Audrey Meuse and Cathie Levin

Page 10: Yoga Tree Sept 2010


Pilates is an integrated movement system created by Joseph Pilates that

works in a different way than other fitness techniques. It targets the

deeper, smaller muscles versus working the larger, mobilizing muscles

of the body thus building strength from the inside out. Pilates rebalances

the body and helps bring it into correct alignment, improving posture.

With the focus and precision of the movements, it will help to reshape

your body, and create longer, more toned muscles. Pilates will also im-

prove your core, achieving perfect balance between strength and flexi-

bility. Plus is a great way to relieve unwanted stress and tension.


Joseph Pilates was a man ahead of his time when it came to health. Pilates

created The Method originally termed ‘Contrology’. This system is a se-

ries of well thought out, precise exercises created to assist the body in re-

turning to health. He was a firm believer in enjoying life. Practicing

Pilates kept his body in tune in order to do just this.

The Pilates method is fundamentally about learning the form and then

practicing it as a lifestyle. It should not be viewed as just a workout you

do once or twice a week, but rather as a tremendous healing hour you

want to do everyday. It is about uniform development for the ideal, innate

organization of the body. Balance, alignment and tone all become equal

with the ability to breathe deeply and circulate blood to heal from within

is truly empowering.

Joseph said, ‘above all else, learn to breathe correctly’. This simple act

(when done correctly) works to regenerate and detoxify cells. When this

cleansing occurs we feel an ‘internal shower’. This shower leaves us feel-

ing renewed and invigorated and as a result, happier. If we all took the

time to practice reaching this goal, society would be happier as a whole!

There is amazing reward in twisting and working the spine, in breathing

and rejuvenating cells. Therein lies the power of Pilates and the power

of breath. It is not about performing the perfect leg circle (or any other

exercise). It is about embodying the work. We want to work at a level

where we can coach life back into the tissue of the body. We work to

coach the breath. Movement is injecting breath everywhere into the

bones, nerves, muscles. The goal is to get oxygen in and get the toxins

out and to be on the path to health through oxygenation.

My personal Pilates journey started out by just learning a series of exer-

cises. After continued training I now know differently, and it is my goal

to pass on my passion, knowledge and beliefs of Pilates to others. It is

my goal to interpret all of my training and Joseph’s theories and practices

to support people in realizing the full potential of their bodies. It is true

what Joseph Pilates first said and I wish to instill his passion and beliefs

into my practice everyday. Pilates is a way of life, a belief, and a benefit

to everyone who practices. It is a belief that your body can be so much


My first thought when I discovered Pilates was 'What intelligent exercise'

and I signed up on the spot. I began my personal practise in 1999 and my

teaching career in mid 2002. My original training took place in London,

England and since that time I have been honoured to continue my educa-

tion with master instructors such as Amy Alpers and Rachel Segel from

Boulder, Colorado, Marie-Jose Blom Lawerence from Long Beach, Cal-

ifornia to name a few. My teaching today would not be what it is without

my mentor, Noam Gagnon (Beyond Pilates, Vancouver) who has been

an inspiration to me for the past 7 years.

Pilates makes a difference in people's lives and my passion is fuelled by

this. There's no better job than making someone happier and healthier!

Thanks to all of you who have supported me.

Christine currently teaches Pilates at her downtown Kamloops studio - Body Control

Pilates. To view pictures of the studio please visit

by Christine Waterman

September - October, 2010


• B O D Y C O N T R O L P I L A T E S • ®

www.pilateskamloops.com250.320.BODY (2639)Contact Christine for more information.

• We o� er small group mat and reformer classes, privates and semi privates• Quali� ed instructors will help you gain strength for life• Fun and relaxing but motivating atmosphere

Page 11: Yoga Tree Sept 2010 11

Our bodies are amazing. Our cells are very powerful processors, re-

ceiving information, processing information and translating it into

physiology activating an action or response. All responses and actions

are reflected in our behavior, and our behaviour determines the out-

come of our life.

Most of our processing takes place in our subconscious mind. Our

autonomic nervous system takes care of our digestion, breathing, cir-

culation, immune system, nervous system, motor system. It does it

to maintain homeostasis, or balance, in our body so we remain in a

healthy state.

Emotions are very powerful experiences and cause changes in our

physiology through our autonomic nervous system. Through our life,

we go through many life experiences, and we all experience negative

or unhealthy emotions at times, and feel overwhelmed.

Sometimes we can’t quite put our finger on it, yet we find ourselves

uneasy, or can’t let go of a past event where we feel resentment or

fear rising inside us. Or we feel anger or regret around certain expe-

riences or people, but feel powerless to move beyond these experi-

ences. It is likely we have developed Emotional Interference Patterns,

or ‘EIP’s.

EIP’s can cause our physiology to get ‘stuck’ in a repetitive circuit,

preventing us from changing unwanted behavior. They can even cause

changes in our cells, tissues and organs, challenging the homeostasis

and our health.

Repressed, denied or unresolved emotions affect us in two distinct

ways. They cause us to feel an exaggerated emotional response and

they generate a specific, constant, low-level vibration that irritates

body tissues. Tissues that are being distressed continuously over time

begin to dysfunction causing pain, fatigue and illness.

EIP’s block the flow of life-force energy in the body, lower the func-

tion of your immune system and disrupt the mind-body connection.

Many of our physical problems have psychological roots.

Finding and resolving EIP’s can transform the way we feel, the way

we respond, the choices we make, our health and the outcome of our

lives in a positive way. Typical methods used until recently to improve

emotional well-being have been hypnosis, visualization and/or posi-

tive affirmations.

Through research and experience, Personal Empowerment Educator,

Dhebi DeWitz-Jensen, has developed a cutting edge system that

bridges the mind-body connection to quickly and effectively process

EIP’s. Many people have found that when they free themselves of

their EIP’s, they are able to live healthier and happier lives.

Discover ways to release these destructive forces and return harmony

to your body-mind-spirit in a two day workshop, with instructor

Dhebi DeWitz-Jensen, on September 11th and 12th at Let’s Move


For more information or to register, contact:

Erna Stassen in Kamloops 250-682-4477 [email protected]

Erna Stassen: Focus on Health, Advanced PSYCH-K facilitator

Registered Physiotherapist 250-682-4477

Issue #16


By Erna Stassen

Your Healthand

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Page 12: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Yoga Dance WellnessLet’s Move Studio

. .

September - October, 2010


Issue #16

Page 13: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 13

Nia is a total mind, body, spirit celebration!

In this JOYFUL fitness practice you'll experience the expressiveness of dance, the power of martial arts, and the wisdom of healing arts. Nia uses a variety of structured and freestyle movements to uplifting music that stimulates creativity. Nia will strengthen, condition, stretch, energize, align, inspire, and relax you! Suitable for EveryBody of all fitness and health levels. No dance or martial arts experience required.with Natasha

drop-in all classes $10 / $11 at the Y

for more info contact Natasha

[email protected] 250-374-5644

Mondays 7:00 - 8:00 pm Let’s Move Studio, 925 McGill Place

Starts September 6th

Tuesdays 5:30 - 6:30 pm St. Paul’s Church Hall, 360 Nicola St.Starts September 14th

Fridays 10:30 - 11:30 am Let’s Move Studio, 925 McGill PlaceStarts September 10th

Saturdays 11:00 am - noon YM/YWCA, 400 Battle St. Starts September 11th

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Have you ever stopped to think

about your lungs? Air passages branching off, once below your throat,

again in each lung, two in the right, three in the left and again and

again and again. Smaller and smaller until the air spaces look like a

million little leaves. Turn this upside down and you have a tree, a

head of cauliflower. When nature finds a good design she tends to

reuse it.

Feel the rhythm of your heartbeat. This pulse so intimately linked

with your breath. Blood traveling from body to heart to lungs, back

to the heart and then out into the body to begin again. These tiny cells

picking up vital oxygen and taking it just where you need it, clearing

out the waste and taking that to be exhaled, released, let go of. With

every exhale you let go of what you no longer need.

Your muscles and bones, the structure that makes you who you are.

The definition of your physical self. The face you see in the mirror,

your ability to move, to dance - to sit quietly, nobly upright, stable as

a mountain. The good sore you feel after you’ve pushed yourself to

your limit and maybe just beyond as your muscles re-grow, stronger

than before, more able to take what comes.

Miles of electrical wiring, more intricate than the most advanced com-

puter. You breathe with no thought, you stand and walk and talk with

utmost simplicity because of this miraculous design. Motor output,

sensory input and an ever-changing and incessant feedback system

to make it all just so.

This is your body. Your beautiful, miraculous, one-in-a-million body.

The only one you get. Give thanks and take care of it.Jenn Johnson, RMT [email protected] 250-374-6178

Beautiful You

Page 14: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


PMSBy Dr. Melissa Bradwell, ND

The ABC’s

PMS Diagnosis and Treatment

As no two women are the same, neither are their PMS symptoms. It

is possible to have a combination of any of the above symptoms.

Through a PMS health history questionnaire and laboratory testing,

a diagnosis can be made. Adhering to naturopathic principles and

identifying the cause of the PMS is key.

Possible causes include nutritional problems and digestive disorders,

exposure to hormone altering chemicals in the environment, and in-

adequate liver detoxification.

Naturopathic physicians are trained to support the body and aim to

return the body’s hormone levels to a balanced state. Using botanical

remedies, homeopathy, nutrition, and acupuncture, future occurrences

of PMS symptoms can be prevented naturally and with few to no side



The Different Types of PMS Likely Cause Symptoms

Type A (Anxiety) High Estrogen/Low Progesterone Nervous tension, weepiness, anxiety, mood

swings, and irritability

Type B (Bloating) Increased fluid retention due to elevated

progesterone levels.

Stress is a big factor in this type and the

mood changes and irritability will lean

more towards aggression than depression.

Type C (Craving) The correlation between imbalanced blood

sugar levels and symptoms

Increased appetite, craving for sweets,

headache, fatigue, fainting spells, and heart


Type D (Depression)

Low Estrogen/High Progesterone

Emotional changes like depression, forget-

fulness, insomnia, confusion, and weepi-


Type H (Hyperhydration) Excess Aldosterone resulting in fluid reten-


Weight gain (greater than three pounds),

abdominal bloating and discomfort, breast

tenderness, and the occasional swelling of

the face, hands and ankles.

What is PMS?Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is a group of symptoms related to the menstrual cycle, most likely caused by a hormonal imbalance. Symptoms

such as anxiety, bloating, acne, mood swings, breast tenderness, headaches and cravings can occur a few days or a couple of weeks before

your expected period. In most cases, these symptoms will resolve after your period starts. When seeking treatment for PMS, it’s important to

determine which subgroup most accurately fits your symptom picture.

Dr. Melissa Bradwell studied at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. She

offers a variety of services and treatment options for her patients, including IV therapy,

acupuncture, botanical medicine and nutrition.

Melissa can be reached at 250-374-9700.

Page 15: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 15

I had a realization recently that altered the course of my life. This realizationbrought my perception of the concept “Change you thinking, change yourlife” to a whole new level. It has opened me up to a whole new world of pos-sibilities. In November I will be leaving Kamloops to start a new ministryteaching the Science of Mind in Nairobi, Kenya.

It was through a conversation with a dear friend that this realization came tothe surface. He heard me make a statement that I now remember saying manytimes, “well, here I go again stirring things up, but I must like it because Ikeep doing it”. As we talked about it I realized that I had a negative spin oncreating change, because it seemed to result in a fair amount of chaos. Yousee, for many years I had the belief that I was a “drama queen”, and that whenthings were just going along in harmony that somehow I would do somethingto stir it up. I had a belief that I had an “addiction” to chaos and drama. Soover the years I have spent a lot of time reflecting on different ways and tech-niques that I could adopt to overcome this perceived dysfunctional way ofbeing in the world.

But, what if it isn’t ‘me’ stirring things up? What if it isn’t a negative, dys-functional trait? What I have realized is that I have a deep need to learn andto grow and to experience new things. I love to be on the leading edge ofnew ideas coming into full expression. And I don’t think I am unique in that.I think that there is something inside each of us that is urging us on andpulling us forward. Ernest Holmes called it the divine discontent. He said,,“we have on the one hand the evolution of the individual life under the guid-ance of Divine Providence, which leads to harmony. In contrast there is thefreedom to live under the false guidance of a sense of being separated fromGood, which leads to disaster and chaos. Therefore, I believe that God is toeach one what that person is to God. The Divine Nature must be Infinite, butwe know only as much of this Nature as we embody; in no other way canGod be known to us. I believe the relationship between God and humankindis hidden within, and when we discover a new truth, or have a better under-standing about an old truth, it is really more of this Infinite Mind revealingItself through us. “

What I have come to realize is that the stirring is Spirit within me that wantsto express and experience Itself in a bigger way. In our humanness we tendto become complacent and often the only way that we grow is when we be-come so uncomfortable that we have to make a change. We experience suf-fering not because we are bad or wrong but because we resist that change.When we can learn to recognize the signal or the stirring then we can con-sciously embrace the changes. In my past my tendency was to jump in to thechange without much forethought, hence the drama. One of my life lessonshas been around patience. So, when the stirring started I did something totallyout of character. I sat in it! And I can tell you, it wasn’t comfortable.

So, here is the story of my most recent transformation of consciousness…

About a year ago I received an email, out of the blue, from a friend in Torontowho I had not heard from for eight years. He said that I had come into hismind and he couldn’t get me out so he decided to ‘google’ me. After corre-sponding for a while we decided that he should come to Kamloops for a visit.He came, he loved it and he decided to stay. Well, what I know is that whenthings like this happen I need to pay attention! So, I kept doing my treatmentwork around it to stay open to what needed to unfold.

Another significant and seemingly unrelated comment was made at a retreatI attended in Kelowna last fall. One of my colleagues, whom I highly respectand admire, asked me if I was planning to move on from Kamloops. He hasknown me for all the years of my ministry and apparently saw something Iwasn’t ready to see, because my response was “of course not!”

I had made a really clear and conscious choice to move to Kamloops fiveyears ago to establish a new Centre, in a place where I would love to live, tosettle and put down roots. You see, I have been a nomad all of my life. I wasraised in the oilpatch in Alberta in a time when you travelled to wherever the

work was, so by the time I graduated from high school we had moved over30 times. As an adult I have moved again at least that many times, althoughI haven’t kept track, and to do so would make me dizzy.

So, again the stirring was started. And, again, I sat in it. I think we have atendency to jump in and do something just to get out of the discomfort ofdoing nothing. At least it may seem that we are doing nothing. But, doingSpiritual work is not ‘doing nothing’. Spiritual work is the activity of con-sciousness. So I allowed the stirring to continue to build until it was reachinga level that clearly was getting ready to overflow. It felt sort of like I imaginea pressure cooker feels like just before it explodes!

In February I went to our leadership conference in Denver, and while there Iwas participating in a visioning session. For those of you not familiar withvisioning, it is a spiritual practice where you sit in a meditative state and askquestions, and wait for whatever might come up, be it a word or a symbol ora picture. It differs from visualization in that you do not already have a clearpicture of the outcome. In visualization you have an idea of what you wouldlike to manifest and you visualize yourself experiencing that in great detail.In visioning you are opening up to what wants to happen on a higher level.You get your ideas of what you want to see happen and allow Spirit withinyou, or your highest self, to reveal something new.

Now I have often heard people talk about God speaking to them, and quitefrankly I always thought that was a little “woo woo”! I asked the question“what is my next step?” When I heard a voice in my head say “Africa, andGeoffrey is the bridge” I was a little surprised, to say the very least! I didn’tspeak about this for quite a while, as I didn’t want people to think I had goneto the “woo woo” side.

The stirring had reached a whole new level of activity within me. It was likea giant mixer, maybe like a cement mixer, was in operation. The final nightof the conference I was invited to sit at a table by a woman who came up tome and said “You just have to sit with me because I want to get to know youbetter.” It turns out she is the United Centres for Spiritual Living Global Min-istries minister, in service to people around the world who are interested inlearning Science of Mind. I discovered that last year she had travelled toKenya with a group of practitioners to meet with leaders in eight differentvillages that want the Science of Mind teaching. It is clear that the call thatI heard is in direct response to the demand being made half way around theworld.

There is truly only One Mind… the Mind of God, and we are all a part ofthat One Mind, and when we open up to it seeming miracles happen. I lookforward to the next few months being filled with an abundance of creativityand growth. Kamloops has been such a wonderful place to live and there isno place in Canada that I would rather live. So, it is with a heart full of loveand gratitude that I am able to take this next step.

Rev. Connie Phelps is an enthusiastic and principled minister with seventeen

years experience in the Science of Mind teaching. 250-314-2028

By Rev. Connie Phelps,

Centre for Spiritual Living Kamloops

Stirred by Spirit

Page 16: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors

A One Day Family Constellation Workshop

Sunday, Sept 26th, in Kamloops B.C.

Mystic Dreams Bookstore Cost: $125.00 preregistered

To Register call Florence Ellen at 250-554-8770

Facilitated by Harreson and Blanche Tanner

[email protected]

Constellations work was developed by German best-selling author,

psychoanalyst, poet and healer Bert Hellinger, who at age 85 is prob-

ably Europe’s most innovative and provocative psychotherapist.

Implicit in Constellations work is the insight that there is a natural or-

dering within all systems. Problems and intractable situations arise

when one or more of these natural “orders” are being ignored or vio-

lated. Bert Hellinger ( states that these natural

laws and orders are given by nature itself. The ability to resolve prob-

lems, and/or “settle” a disturbed system is often found when we con-

sent to and follow these orders rather than resist them.

Systemic Constellation work is new in the field of psychotherapy, and

it is both integrative and almost revolutionary. This powerful, inno-

vative process can be used to untangle the many levels of subtle, hid-

den webs that operate within systems, such as individuals, families,

groups, organizations, and communities. Constellation work is espe-

cially useful in helping to resolve difficult and intractable problems

not accessible by other means.

Constellation Work addresses a variety of issues including:

• Unexplained sadness, grief, anger, and shame

• Addictions and other destructive behaviours

• Relationship failures and confusion

(with parents, siblings, partners, or children)

• Depression and unhappiness

• Business failures and money problems

• Illnesses and chronic health problems

• Organizational confusion

• Adoption issues

• Loss of direction and purpose

• Repeating “accidents”

Out of love, we unconsciously "reproduce" the life of one of our for-

gotten or suffering family members. We do not fully live our own

lives, but in part, someone else's. When we experience one or more

of the symptoms above, then chances are we are entangled in our fam-

ily system.

Within a Constellation is the opportunity for the family system to cre-

ate new relationships in which healing and healthy belonging can

occur. For the individual observing his or her family constellation un-

fold, a new “image” emerges that can have transformational influence

at a “soul level” for the entire system and thereby help prevent further

entanglements in the next generation. Family & Human Systems Con-

stellations can re-establish the flow of love in a family, break the

bonds of generational trauma and limitations, as well as provide pow-

erful insights into gifts and barriers in one’s own family system.

This method may be used with business personnel and management,

and has often been found to provide substantial assistance in identi-

fying roadblocks to profit and productivity. Because the Family Con-

stellation method uses representatives (workshop participants who

represent different family members, business associates or other life

issues) actual family or business associates don’t need to be present

to do a constellation.

Harreson and Blanche Tanner have been co-facilitating workshops for personal devel-

opment and life enhancement for over 25 years. Harreson has been a Massage Thera-

pist for over 30 years. Blanche has been a Certified Breath Practitioner,and Counselor

for over 25 years and facilitator of Family Constellation work for over 5 years. Both

Blanche and Harreson have been practicing and teaching Meditation for over 35 years.

Blanche and Harreson Tanner will be facilitating A one day family constellation work-

shop in Kamloops Sunday, Sept. 26th at Mystic Dreams Bookstore.

"The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors"

Sunday, Sept 26th, in Kamloops B.C.

Everyone carries within them the gifts, strengths and challenges and

sometimes, even the fate of our ancestors. Family Constellation work

provides insights and resolution to many difficult personal and family

problems that may have roots far back in our ancestry.

Contact Florence Ellen at 250-554-8770 for more information or to register.

Family and Human Systems

Constellations WorkBy Blanche and Harreson Tanner



Counselling and Training C


e LYNN AYLWARD 250.554.6707

cell: [email protected]

#204-535 Tranquille Rd. Kamloops, BC V2B

Create The Life

Create The Life You You WantWant

ranquille Rd. Kamloops, BC V2B 3H5TTranquille Rd. Kamloops, BC V2B 3H5#204-535

ranquille Rd. Kamloops, BC V2B 3H5

[email protected]: 250.319.7364


Page 17: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 17

B y Ellen Huggett

Botanical name: Pelargonium Odorantissimum / Graveolens Botanical

Family: Geraniaceae

Note: Middle

Part of plant used: stems and leaves

Origin: Algeria, Madagascar and New Guinea

Description: sweet and heavy, similar to Rose


Ambivalent- refreshing and a tonic but also has calming qualities

History: The Ancients regarded Geranium as an exceptional vulnerary

with the power to mend fractures

Properties and Indications:


Astringent - contracts capillaries

Stimulates the nervous system

Excellent for the skin - eczema and psoriasis

Anticoagulant - for circulation

Haemostatic - prevents hemorrhage

Gentle detoxification


Varicose veins

Harmonizing and re-balancing

Regulates and stimulates the adrenal cortex which in turn

balances the body

All essential oils are very potent. Always dilute essential oils in a car-

rier oil such as sweet almond or grapeseed oil when using topically.

Less is more.

Geranium Profile

AromatherapyBy Blanche and Harreson Tanner

How To Use Essential Oils For Your Skin Type

Essential oils can be used in all types of skin products: cleansers, ton-

ers, scrubs, masks, moisturizers and serums. The beauty industry has

used plant essences and extracts in cosmetics for decades. You can

buy aromatherapy products and check the label to see whether it con-

tains essential oils that match your skin type, or you can very easily

make and blend your own tailor-made skincare products. For exam-


Cleanser For Dry Skin - mix two parts aloe vera gel with one part jo-

joba oil and add a couple of drops of chamomile oil

Toner For Oily Skin - add a couple of drops of tea tree oil onto a damp

cotton wool pad

Moisturizer For Mature Skin - add a couple of drops of frankincense

and rose oils to a small bottle of unfragranced moisturizing cream.

Aromatherapy products are simple and relatively inexpensive to make

at home and you can tailor them to suit the particular needs of your

skin. Aromatherapy shower gels, body scrubs and moisturizing

creams can work to tackle most skin problems from spots to dry


Aromatherapy Body Washes

Essential oils can be added to base products (available from health

stores or aromatherapy suppliers) or unfragranced products such as

shower gels or creams. For a basic recipe, pour 100ml unfragranced

shower gel or cream into a bowl. Add 60 drops in total of essential

oils (chosen to suit your skin's needs). Stir well and then pour into a

dark glass jar or wide-necked dark glass bottle to store. Your blend

will last for three months if stored out of direct sunlight in a cool dark


For oily or problem skin, prone to spots on your back or chest, use the following es-

sential oil blend in your shower gel:

20 drops tea tree

20 drops niaouli

20 drops palmarosa.

For dry or sensitive skin types, prone to peeling or scaly skin, add the following es-

sential oils to a shower cream:

20 drops geranium

20 drops lavender

20 drops roman chamomile.

Aromatherapy Body Scrubs

Exfoliating the skin on your body has the same benefits of exfoliating

your face. It removes dead, dull and dry skin cells from the surface

to reveal brighter and smoother skin beneath. It deep cleanses and

helps to keep your skin clear of blemishes and looking renewed.To make a body scrub suitable and beneficial for all skin types, blend:

5 heaped dessert spoons soft brown sugar

5 desert spoons of olive oil (make sure it is pressed extra virgin)

10 drops myrtle oil

10 drops lavender oil

10 drops geranium oil.

The above blend will help to cleanse and brighten (myrtle), balance and prevent dry or

oily conditions (lavender and geranium), prevent blemishes (lavender) and help with

cellulite or fluid retention (geranium). To apply, mix the ingredients together in a bowl

then pat all over your body, avoiding delicate and sensitive areas such as around gen-

itals, breasts or arm-pits. Slowly and firmly massage in using wide circular strokes,

moving up your body. Concentrate particularly on thighs, buttocks and upper arms,

where you may be prone to bumpy or sagging skin. After five minutes of massage,

rinse off in the shower. Pat your skin dry with a towel and apply an aromatherapy mois-

turizer. Your skin will feel as soft as a baby's.

References:,, The Fragrant Pharmacy by Valerie Ann Worwood

Ellen Huggett [email protected]

Page 18: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010



5:45 - 645 am Monday - Friday


Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio Pre-Register!

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels

Elizabeth @ Let’s Move Studio

5:45 - 645 am Monday - Friday


Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio Pre-Register!

6:00 - 7:00 am Pilates: Power-Paced Pilates

Alma @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

10:00 - 11:30 amGentle Yoga

Margaret @ The Mind Body Connection

9:00 - 10:15 am Anusara-Inspired Yoga: All Levels

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

9:00 - 10:15 am Deep Healing Restorative Yoga: All Levels

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

12:05 - 12:55 pm Lunch Hour Yoga

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

10:00 - 11:00 a mPilates: Beginner Mat Class

Christine W @ Body Control Pilates

12:00 - 1:00 pm Bellydance

Lucille @ Let’s Move Studio

12:00 - 1:00pmPilates: Mat Pilates for Well-Backs

Cassie @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

11:00 am - 12:00 pmAwareness Through Movement: All Levels

Susinn @ Let’s Move Studio

12:30 pm Tuesdays & ThursdaysAi Chi: Beginners

1st class free: Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

12:15 - 1:15 pmPilates: Beginner Mat Class

Christine W @ Body Control Pilates

12:00 - 1:00 pm Yoga: Gentle Hatha

Karen @ Let’s Move Studio

4:00 - 5:00 pmCore Power Yoga: All Levels

Natalie @ Let’s Move Studio

12:30 pm Mondays & WednesdaysAi Chi: Advanced

Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

3:00 - 4:30 pm Stress Management & Meditation

Cara @ Let’s Move Studio

5:00 - 6:00 pm Yoga: All Levels

Elizabeth @ Let’s Move Studio

3:00 - 4:30 pm Weightloss Magic Program

Cara @ Let’s Move Studio

4:30 - 6:00 pm Bellydance: All Levels

Shirley @ Let’s Move Studio

5:00 - 6:30 pm Yoga: All Levels

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

4:45 - 6:15 pmMulti-level Yoga

Margaret @ The Mind Body Connection

5:00 - 6:30 pmBeginner-oriented Yoga

Margaret @ The Mind Body Connection

5:30 - 6:30 pm Nia

Natasha @ St. Paul’s Hall

5:00 - 6:30 pm Belly Dance: Beginners

Rosi @ Let’s Move Studio

5:30 – 6:30pmCore Power Yoga

Natalie @ Nuance Dance Studio

5:30 - 6:30pmPilates: Beginner Mat Class

Cassie @ EVOLVE Pilates Studio

6:30 - 7:30 pm Core & More

Monica @ Let’s Move Studio: *Preregister

5:30 – 6:40 pmPower Yoga

Amber @ St Andrews

6:15 - 7:30 pm Anusara-Inspired Yoga All Levels

Katrina @ Let’s Move Studio

7:00 – 8:10 pmPower Yoga

Amber @ St Andrews

7:00 - 8:30 pm Ashtanga Yoga: All Levels

Colleen @ St. Paul’s Hall

7:15 - 8:15 pm Awareness Through Movement

Susinn @ Nuance Dance Studio

7:00 - 8:00 pm Feldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement

Colleen @ St. Paul’s Hall

7:00 – 8:00 pmNia

Natasha @ Let’s Move Studio

7:00 - 8:30 pmPrenatal Yoga

Samantha @ The Mind-Body Connection

Let’s Move Studio 925 McGill Place 250-372-9642 www.letsmovestudio.comNuance Dance Studio 253 Victoria St. 2nd FloorSt. Andrews 159 Seymour St.St. Paul’s Church Hall 360 Nicola St.The Mind Body Connection 253 Victoria St. 250-374-2748/ 250-374-5421 YM/YWCA: Downtown 400 Battle St. 250-372-7725


Body Control Pilates 142 Victoria 250-320-BODY www.pilateskamloops.comCentennial Building Wellness Centre 153 Seymour 250-374-7383

EVOLVE Pilates Studio 1361 McGill 250-372-7237

KSOC: Kamloops Sport & Orthopedic Clinic 200 -1201 Summit Dr

Page 19: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 19


9:00 - 10:00 am Meditation: by donation

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels

Marcia @ Let’s Move Studio

10:00 - 11:45 amBreathing, Yoga and Meditation

Margaret @ The Mind Body Connection

9:00 - 10:00 amFeldenkrais: Awareness Through Movement

Colleen @ St. Paul’s Hall

9:00 - 10:10 am Power Yoga

Amber @ Downtown Kamloops Y

11:00 am - 12:00 noon Nia

Natasha @ The YM/YWCA

9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga: All Levels

Elizabeth @ Let’s Move Studio

10:00 - 11:30 am Gentle Yoga

Margaret @ The Mind Body Connection


12:00 - 1:00 pm Yoga: Beginners

Angie @ Let’s Move Studio

10:30 am - 11:30 amNia

Natasha @ Let’s Move Studio

12:00 - 1:30 pm Yoga 50+

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

7:00 - 9:00 pm Body, Breath & Bowls ($30)

Must pre register by 3 pm Audrey @ CBWC

4:00 - 5:00 pmCore Power Yoga: All Levels

Natalie @ Let’s Move Studio

5:00 - 6:00 pm Yoga: All Levels


5:00 - 6:30 pm Yoga: All Levels

Christine S. @ The Mind Body Connection

Sundays 9:30 - 12 Sept 19, Oct 24, Nov 28

Meditation with Ajahn Sona Let’s Move Studio: By Donation

5:00 - 6:30 pm Belly Dance: Advanced

Rosi @ Let’s Move Studio

8:00 - 10:00 pm Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 17Crystal Bowl Meditations

Terez Laforge @ Let’s Move Studio

5:30 - 6:30 pm Woga (Water Yoga)

Starting Sept 21 Tuesdays & Thursdays Audrey @ CB Wellness Centre

Sept 25, Oct 23 & Nov 27 9:30-11:30 amTransform Your Running

Susinn Shaler @ Let’s Move Studio

October 1-35Rhythms: Roots and Wings

Bettina Rothe @ Let’s Move Studio

6:30 – 7:30 pmCore Power Yoga: All Levels

Natalie @ Let’s Move Studio

Oct 16 & Nov 20 9:30-11:30 amSounder Sleep Workshops

Susinn Shaler @ Let’s Move Studio

October 23, 11- 5Raw Food, Yoga & Movement Workshop

Colleen & Angie @ St. Pauls Hall

Angie 250 - 319-9855 [email protected]

Alma 250-372-7237 [email protected]

Amber 250-318-5370 [email protected]

Audrey/Alex 250-374-7383

Cassie 250-372-7237 [email protected]

Christine S. 250-374-5421 [email protected]

Christine W. 250-320-2639 [email protected]

Colleen 250-377-7203 [email protected]

Elizabeth 250-371-1938 [email protected]

Katrina 250-374-6493

Lucille 250-571-4090 [email protected]

Margaret 250-374-2748 [email protected]

Natalie 250-574-3477 [email protected]

Natasha 250-374-5644 [email protected]

Rosi 250-372-9642 [email protected]

Samantha 250-318-2223

Susinn 250-572-1887 [email protected]

Tyson 1-250-265-3827 [email protected]


Awareness Through Movement:

Yoga with Tyson

Saturday, September 25 & October 301:00 - 3:00 pm and/or 3:00 - 5:00 pm

By Donation (Dana)Tyson Bartel @ St Paul's Hall

6:30 - 7:30 pmYoga for Back Health

Angie @ Let’s Move StudioSept 12 - Oct 31 Please Pre-register

8:00 - 9:15 pmNew Moon Nidra: Guided Relaxation

By Donation - Angie @ Let’s Move Studio

Sept 12, Oct 3 & 10

Page 20: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


Let’s Move StudioYoga Dance Wellness. .

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5:45 - 6:45 am Monday - Friday Yoga Fitness Bootcamp for WomenPre-register: Sept 7 - Oct 1, Oct 18 - Nov 11, Nov 29 - Dec 17

9:00 - 10:15 amYoga


Katrina (MYKA9)

9:00 - 10:30 amYoga

All Levels: Flow

Elizabeth (TYE9)

9:00 - 10:15 amYoga


Katrina (WYKA9)

9:00 - 10:30 amYoga

All Levels: Flow

Elizabeth (RYE9)

9:00 - 10:30 amYoga

All Levels

Marcia (FYMW9)

11:00 - 12:00 pmAwareness Through


Susinn (MFS11)

10:30 - 11:30 amNia

All Levels

Natasha (FNNL10)

12:00 - 1:00 pmYoga

Gentle Hatha

Karen (MYKB12)

12:00 - 1:00 pmBellydance

American Tribal

Lucille (TBL12)

12:00 - 1:00 pmYoga


Angie (RYE9)

3:00 - 4:30 pmStress

ManagementCara (MSC3)

4:00 - 5:00 pmPower Yoga

All Levels

Natalie (TYNS4)

3:00 - 4:30 pmWeightloss Magic

Cara (WWC3)

4:00 - 5:00 pmPower Yoga

All Levels

Natalie (RYNS4)

4:30 - 6:00 pmBellydance

All Levels

Shirley (MBS5)

5:00 - 6:00 pmYoga

All Levels: Flow

Elizabeth (TYE5)

5:00 - 6:30 pmBellydanceBeginners

Rosi (WBR5)

5:00 - 6:30 pmBellydanceAdvanced

Rosi (RBR5)

6:00 - 7:00 pmBollywood


Bonnie (MBB6)

6:15 - 7:30 pmYoga

Anusara Inspired

Katrina (TYKA6)

6:30 - 7:30 pm Core & More

Monica (WCM6)

Please Pre-register

6:30 - 7:30 pmPower Yoga

All Levels

Natalie (RYNS6)

7:00 - 8:00 pmNia

All Levels

Natasha (MNNL7)

8:00 - 9:00 pmYoga

All Levels

Janis (TYJ8)

6:30 - 7:30 pmYoga for

Back HealthAngie (SYBAE6)

Sept 12 - Oct 31Please Pre-register


8:00 - 9:15 pmNew Moon Nidra Guided Relaxation

By Donation - AngieSept 12 & Oct 3 & 10

Classes are open for drop in

and for beginners ANYTIME!

1 Hour classes Drop in $10

$37/ 4 week session

$72/ 8 week session

$105/ 12 week session

$136/ 16 week session

5x Punchcard $48.75

10x Punchcard $95

1.5 Hr classes Drop in $15

$50/ 4 week session

$96/ 8 week session

$138/ 12 week session

$176/ 16 week session

5x Punchcard $70

10x Punchcard $130

Emotional Interference Pattern

with Dhebi Sept 11-12

Body Feng Shui Workshop

with Nicola Sept 25, 1- 4pm

5Rhythms: Roots and Wings

with Bettina Rothe Oct 1-3

Secret of Money & Emotions

with Cara Beckett Oct 23 & 30

Crystal Bowl Meditation: Terez

Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 17

Meditation with Ajahn Sona

Sept 19, Oct 24, Nov 28

Transform Your Running

Susinn: Sept 25, Oct 23 & Nov 27

Sounder Sleep Workshops

Susinn: Sept 18, Oct 16 & Nov 20

Sacred Sound Meditation & Healing

Sept 26, Oct 17, Nov 21, Dec 12


Let’s Move Studio

[email protected] 925 McGill Place, Kamloops

FACEBOOK: Lets Move Studio


FALL 2010

4 Week Sessions:

Sept 6-30 session 1

Oct 4-29 session 2

Nov 1-26 session 3

Nov 29 - Dec 24 session 4

Or choose ANY 4, 8 or 12

consecutive weeks!

Or buy a punchcard for flexibility

in ANY class - good for 1 year

Register ONLINE:

YOGA THON & Open House

Friday, SEPT 24. 1pm-8pm

Crystal Bowl Meditation 8pm

FREE classes, healing garden,

clothing swap, tea & cookies

Open to the Public: FREE

Page 21: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 21

By Bikram Choudhury & Emmy S. Cleaves, 1992 abridged

YogaA Vehicle for

Global Healing

Direct From



“The Original Hot Yoga in Kamloops”“The Original Hot Yoga in Kamloops”KAMLOOPS, BC









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340 Victoria St, Downstairs from Boston Pizza 250-314-3636

As we are now in the 21th century, we find humanity suffering from

many ills: stress, substance abuse, being overweight, chronic illness

and AIDS. Many of these problems have their roots in the separation

of body from mind.

I believe yoga science is a proven way to help overcome most of these

ills. Often, when medical science has given up on a person, Yoga will

help them. Ideally, one should start Yoga practice before the body's

systems break down. The spine is the greatest nerve center in the body

and Yoga starts with correcting any imbalances in this important part

of the body. A healthy nervous system will carry impulses to all other

organs of the body, making them function correctly and in the process,

making the immune system incredibly strong.

I am a teacher of Yoga and over the last 30 years have observed the

effects of this health maintenance system on thousands of western

people that I have instructed. Yoga means union - first connecting be-

tween body and mind, and ultimately between God and Human

Being. This is what we call Self-Realization. On the road to this ulti-

mate self-realization, we have to first put our "physical house" in


Yoga postures re-establish the body's essential balance through neu-

romuscular integration and strengthening of the body/mind connec-

tion. They enhance health in a natural way, acting therapeutically on

chronic disease, achieving and maintaining normal body weight and

increasing the body's energy. The regular practice of Yoga challenges

all the weak areas and systems of the body until radiant health is


In Hatha Yoga, both physical and mental powers are developed si-

multaneously and they assist each other in the process. In my experi-

ence, Hatha Yoga has helped many people transform their ignorance,

pain and suffering into self-knowledge, love and meaningful action

in life.

We are living in a time when the world seems to be losing all of its

humanity and society is in a free-fall of self destruction. Violent crime,

environmental destruction, political corruption, selfishness, family

challenges and greed are the order of the day. On the other hand, the

world could be a beautiful place to live in if we human beings could

only get our self-confidence back. If we can know ourselves as

human beings, and as a reflection of God, then we will understand

the exact reason why we are living. Not for money, but for the intrin-

sic humanity that is our birthright. The place to start correcting the

world is with ourselves.

Yoga is the perfect vehicle to change ourselves and to create a strong

and powerful body and mind. It is the starting point for which we can

then begin to realize our human spirit. Only then can we hope to effect

a global healing of the planet.

Contact Bikram Yoga of Kamloops for more info 250-314-3636

Page 22: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


Issue #16



Breath Integration CounsellingLynn Aylward 250-319-7364Breath Integration, Counselling, Bodywork [email protected]

Vital Point Acupuncture Jennifer Larsen, R.Ac. #102-1120 8th Street 250-376-3070

Centennial Building Wellness CentreFreeing the body in water: Aquatonics,WATSU, AI CHI, WOGA, AQUA JOGGING 250-374-7383

Healing & Wellness Directory


HEALTH BY DESIGN Certified NutritionistMelanie Pouliot, CNC 250-571-1932Individualized Nutri-Body® Assessments

Certified Advanced PSYCH-K® [email protected]


Innovative Changes – Community Educationand Consulting Services - Kim JensenUsui & Karuna Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher 250-376-6614

Body In Balance: ReAnne JohnsonReiki: Usui System of Natural HealingRelaxation & Healing Massage/Bodyworkby appointment at the Let’s Move Wellness Centre 250-372-9642

In-Home Service 250-573-1035 [email protected]

Individual Feldenkrais Sessions with Susinn ShalerRe-discover flexibility and grace250-572-1887

Kamloops Sport and Orthopedic ClinicMassage Therapy, Kinesiology, Oxygen Therapy, Core Stabilization Therapy, Yoga & more! 250-377-3367BE FIT, FEEL HEALTHY, LIVE PAIN-FREE!Book 24/7 at:

Awakenings Healing Centre Society A non profit agency seeking to provide free alternative

healing therapies to all people of BC Contact: Cassandra


Emotional Cleanse - Detox Your Emotions! Deal with anger, fear, unwanted memories, romantic baggage and more Cara 250-554-7902 [email protected]

Cynthia Yaunish, Certified Bodytalk PractitionerOptimize the body’s internal communication.Non-invasive, completely safe. 250-572-4690 [email protected]

Inner Balance: Kevin J.E. Knight: Swedish Massage *Reflexology * Usui & Karuna * Reiki250-320-4273

Nicola Organic Massage250-319-4111#7-1315 Summit Drive, Kamloops

Fluid Fire: Lisa Hyder: firedance equipment, LED toys & custom hula hoops. lessons and performances [email protected]


When you think books…think second first! At Second Glance Books448 Victoria St 250-377-8411 [email protected]


Wild Roots Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Clinic Dr. Andrea HansenWomen's Health, infertility, and pre- and post-natalsupport, "Natural Fertility Awareness" [email protected] 250-682-7289

Mystic Dreams: Kamloops’ ONLY Metaphysical Store!

Books, Tarot cards, crystals, jewelery, clothing,CDs, buddhas, statues, incense, candles & more!Tranquille Rd. Near Cowboy Coffee, North

Begin Within Healing PEAT Processing, Certified International Trainer, Energy Therapies, LifeCoach, Trauma Relief, Pain Management, Polarity

Integration, Change Work, Spiritual Technologies

Debbie Quigley 250-320-1072 [email protected]

Wellness Practitioners Needed!For the Let’s Move Studio Wellness CentreCall for more information: 250-372-9642email: [email protected]

Advertise Here: Yoga Tree MagazineKamloops’ favourite resource for wellness!250-371-1938

Page 23: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 23

September - October, 2010

One-On-One Fitness and MassageChristine Karl: Personal Trainer Ortho-Bionomy, Shiatsu, Reiki Master. 250-320-9960

BODY: HEALTHY Registered Massage TherapyWendy McLean, RMT 778-220-2225#260 - 546 St. Paul Street, Kamloops BC



In the kamloops naturopathic clinic

100 - 1315 Summit dr., KAMLOOPS, BC V2C 5R9




Relax - Release Stress - Reduce Pain - Receive PleasureFully-clothed acupressure massage 'Yoga for Lazy People'

Kamloops Sessions By Donation [email protected] 1-250-265-3827

Cara Beckett: Wellness & Life CoachUpcoming wellness program for chronic pain.Weight management and stress managementclasses at Let's Move Mondays & Wednesdays 250-554-7902 [email protected]

Thai Massage, Feldenkrais & Yoga with Tyson

Let me help you find your solution

Susan Chambers: Certified Life Coach Practi-tioner [email protected]

Musings and Mud Coaching StudioCreate the thoughts and actions that get you whereyou want to be. Janet L. Whitehead, Certified Professional Life Coach 250 [email protected]

Vera Stark: Certified Emotional Life Coach,Transformational Healer, EFT Practitioner, Heart Resonance Therapy 250-375-2307

Beyond The Box Solutions...experience lastingchange: Powerful processes for alligning youwith your deepest desires Brenda Falk: CertifiedVisionary Coach: [email protected] & Group Presentations 250-852-1012

Craving more peace and less stress?

Stress management

eace p

e aeac

[email protected]:let


moc.gnitlusm oc.gnitlusno




NMNcSBe ralCennair

Craving more peace and less stress?

Stress management

eace p

e aeac

[email protected]:let


moc.gnitlusm oc.gnitlusno




NMNcSBe ralCennair

Family Guidance System : Gerrianne Clare MNNavigate through the chaos of raising kids whiledoing everything else

Suki Fox: Energy WorkerResonance Repatterning and Energy Work.Shift energy around any issue for individualsand groups. Quantum change made easy.Suki Fox (250)307-7301

Sagesong HealingLeanne Fisher, BSc. IEHPIntegrative Energy Healing Practitioner

250-320-3695 [email protected]

Terez Laforge Certified Bodytalker, Cranialsacral reflexolo-gist & keeper of crystal bowls.778-471-5598 or [email protected]

Norm Eisler, Registered Massage TherapistHands on Health 250-377-7675Tudor Village, Clock Tower, # 103 - 1315 Summit Dr., Kamloops [email protected]

Quantum Universal Energy TherapyQuantum Biofeedback - Spiritual Dowsing - Spiritual Coach

Betty J Dery 780-815-3585 [email protected]

Jenn Johnson, Registered Massage Therapist

Pain management, stress reduction, injuryprevention and rehabilitationColumbia St, Kamloops

Body Mind Spirit Coaching: Marlena Field, PCC, CPCC Professional Certified Coach: Learn to trust your body'swisdom as you face challenges and make 250-851-0145

Hands On Homeopathy: Constitutional approach for acute and chronic concerns. With manual chi gong for maximum benefit. Brian Scrivener, Hands On Health,Tudor Village250-377-7675


Sound Bodeez: Natural Health & Fitness Tanning, Whole Body Vibration, InfraredSauna, Ionic Foot Baths, nutrition & more 778-470-5812 601 Fortune [email protected]



Centennial Building Wellness CentreFreeing the body in water: Aquatonics,WATSU, AI CHI, WOGA, AQUA JOGGING 250-374-7383

Let’s Move Studio Wellness CentreEFT, Coaching, Infrared Sauna, Massage, Physio-therapy, Psych-K, Reflexology, Reiki, Weightloss,Stress Management, Yoga Therapy & 250-372-9642

Hands On Health Clinic: Spirited, manuallyoriented, professional care for your healthconcerns. Physiotherapy, massage therapy,homeopathy, therapeutic yoga. Tudor Village,Kamloops 250-377-7675

RADIO SHOW: Wellness CoachesWith Audrey and Cara: Thursdays at 2PMListen in to Kamloops' newest radio show onHolistic Health & Wellness! 92.5 FM The X

Page 24: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010



Ordinary Miracle: A Sunday Service for All10:00 am Oct 3, 17, 31 Nov 14, 28# 204 - 535 Tranquille Road250-554-6707

Centre for Spiritual LivingChange Your Thinking...Change Your LifeSundays: Meditation 10:00 am Celebration 10:30 am

540 Seymour Street

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Sharing tools to transform your personal life���������and make a difference in the world.���������������� ���������������������������� ������������������������������������� �� ����� �������� ���!���" ��#��$���$#�#%����&&&'!��(����� �'��)�


Lynne Kraushar, Certified Rolfer#6-231 Victoria St.250-851-8675



Rolf Method of Structural IntegrationTamara D. Duncan, Certified Practitioner250-819-9300 [email protected]

Cathie Levin, BSc. PT: Holistic Physical TherapyPhysiotherapy and massage, facilitating wellness The Bodymind Centre, #205-635 Victoria [email protected] or 250-374-4383

Helping You Make Healthy Moves Theresa Takacs - Century 21 Riverside Realty867 Victoria St. Kamloops BC [email protected]


Body Control Pilates 250.320.BODY (2639)

Christine Waterman: Building strength from the inside out. Mat & re-former classes, privates and semi-privates.#202-142 Victoria St.


Acutonics, Sound Bath, Watsu with TibetanBowl 250-374-7383 Audrey Meuse

Focus on Health Physiotherapy Erna Stassen BSc. PT. Registered PhysiotherapistAdvanced PSYCH-K™ facilitator, Balance Mind, Body &

Emotion. Pool therapy and home 250-682-4477


Hands On Health Clinic: Spirited, manuallyoriented, professional care for your healthconcerns. Physiotherapy, massage therapy,homeopathy, therapeutic yoga. Tudor Village,Kamloops 250-377-7675

Kamloops Momma MagazineThe free magazine for local moms…and dads too! [email protected]



Pure Cuisine: The Way Nature Intended

Julie Bayman New healthy take-out food bar opening September 13th! 442 Victoria St.250-851-8194

Dr. Melissa Bradwell, ND Full Naturopathic services: Acupuncture andIV Therapy 735 Victoria Street 250-374-9700


Highridge Health & WellnessFocusing on Regenerative Nutrition,Healthy Aging and Peak Performance.Kenna & Geoff McKenna-Andrew


Mighty Oak Midwifery CarePersonal, professional, woman-centered maternity care.250-377-8611


Crystal Bowl Meditation with Terez Laforge: Fridayevenings closest to the Full Moon at Let’s Move Studio and to the New Moon at 125 Bestwick St. Contact Terez for info 778-471-5598


Breathe Into Being Childbirth ServicesSamantha Lynn: DONA Trained DoulaCertified Prenatal Yoga Instructor250-318-2223

[email protected]

Shambhala Meditation Group of Kamloops 433b Lansdowne St. Meditation instruction. Thursdays 7pmThursdays, Fridays, Saturdays drop in 12 - 1 pm. Evelyn 573-5519/ Liz

EVOLVE Pilates Studio 250-372-7237Cassie Marchuk: Change the way you work out!Achieve improved posture, balance & strength.Reformer/mat, Personal Training/ post rehab #201-1361 McGill Rd

Page 25: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 25


Awareness Through Movement: Yoga with TysonSaturdays, Sept 25 & Oct 30 1-3pm and/or 3-5pm Attend one or both classes by Donation (Dana) 1-250-265-3827 [email protected] St. Paul's Hall.

Earthcare Kamloops Vegetarian Potluck. Last Sunday of the month Doors: 5:30pm dinner: 6pm. 520D Seymour St, Interior Com-munity Services, beside Moviemart. Pleasebring: A Vegetarian/Vegan dish for 8, eggs anddairy ok; Recipe/list of ingredients is manda-

tory; Your own dishes; nametag & Suggested $2 [email protected]

Telling Your Story writing/coaching workshops

with Patsy Alford MFA - writer and editor

and Lerae Gidyk - master certified coach 5 Sundays Sept & Oct.

[email protected]

Shambhala Meditation Group: Weekend meditation pro-gram on the Art of Being Human. The simpleand profound technique of mindfulness/aware-ness can benefit people of any spiritual tradi-tion and is a way to uncover the basicgoodness and wisdom we all possess.

Oct 1-3 Evelyn: 250-573-5519, Anne: 250-372-3392.

Full Moon Group Meditations with Crystal Bowlsat Let’s Move Studio. Fridays: 8-10pmSept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 17 $10 admission

New Moon Toning/Chantingat 125 Bestwick. With crystal bowls and

other instruments. Fridays: Sept 10, Oct 8, Nov 5, Dec 3 $10 admission Contact Terez for info 778-471-5598

The Ennegram: a Tool for Transformationwith Cathie Levin and Audrey Meuse Oct. 18 & 25th; Nov. 12 or 26th $225 Register by October 5th 250-573-2789

Celebrating, Cultivating, and Connectingwith Your Psychic Youth: Weekly GroupFundraiser for Awakenings Healing Centre Society

Sept. 22 - Oct.27 Cassandra [email protected]

New Paradigm Parenting WorkshopJerry Levinson & Brenda Falk at Let’s Move StudioFriday, Sept 17, 7-9 pm Saturday Sept 18, 12 - 4 pmSingle: $75.00 Couples: $125.00

Brenda 250-852-1012 [email protected]

Sacred Sound Meditation & Healingwith Audrey Meuse & friends: Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Bowls, Harp, Gongs, Toning & more Sundays: 11am -12 $15. Sept 26, Oct 17, Nov 21,Dec.12 Let's Move Studio Private sessions too!

Lifeshift Seminars: Harreson and Blanche Tanner

The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors: One Day FamilyConstellation Workshop Sunday, Sept 26th,Mystic Dreams Kamloops B.C. 250-227-6877

[email protected]

LifeShifts e m i n a r s

fhifeSeShiff tfftfhihifeSeShiffeSiifLanimes



with Jerry Levinson & Brenda Falk

“New Paradigm Parenting is not the old way of parenting

improved ~ it is a whole new way of understanding who we are.

It is a path based on the utmost love, respect & devotion for our child's

deepest self. This way allows parents to avoid power struggles, the use of

anger or control, and nourish their relationship in ways that allows

them to live in harmony.

th thFriday, September 17 7-9 pm & Saturday, September 18 12-4 pm

Let's Move Studio925 McGill Place, Kamloops

Single: $75 Couples: $ 125

Single: $55 Couples: $100 rd

Pre-register by September 3

Friday Lecture:

importance of following a child's natural inclination in each moment. We will explore how the usual

methods used to teach children almost anything often backfires with opposite results.

Saturday Workshop: Will provide parents with the opportunity to explore these principles in

depth and learn how to apply them to their own family situation.

Will focus on understanding how a child's self concept is formed and the

Jerry Levinson“come out” as the radical disbeliever of all he has been taught. Free now to speak about what is true and not bound by title, he believes the truth when deeply understood, will set us free from the suffering we create for ourselves and our children.

Brenda Falk a Certified Teacher Assistant influenced by Jerry's writings chose to remove herself & her children from the public school setting to allow for the natural process of learning to unfold. Trained now as a Journey Practitioner & Conscious Living Coach, she presents “Reconnect to your Authentic Self ” workshops, working with people to find their way home to the heart. She passionately shares Jerry's vision to inspire in parents a desire to honour the spirit and uniqueness in each of us, in ways that allows us to be free to be ourselves & truly enjoy our children and our lives.

a registered psychologist for over 30 years, has let his licence expire to

To Pre- Register Contact: Brenda Falk

250-852-1012 or [email protected] Beyond the Box Solutions

Limited Seating!

Transform Your Running Form with FeldenkraisSept 25, Oct 23 & Nov 27 9:30-11:30 amSusinn Shaler @ Let’s Move Studio250-572-1887

Meditation from the Birken Forest Monastery withHead Abbot Ajhan Sona at Let’s Move StudioMeditation, potluck and Q&A Sundays: Sept 19, Oct 24 Nov, 28 9:30am-12:00info: [email protected] 250-314-9550

Fall into the...Roots of Rhythm: African DanceSangoma Pauline de la RoodeSunday September 19th 1:00 - 2:00 pmAn ancient African magic. Let this Groove light upyour Fuse! Let’s Move Studio $20.00

Raw Food, Yoga & Movement workshopHands on preparation of yummy, organic, healthyraw food, yoga and awareness through movement.Colleen & Angie: Oct 23, 11- 5pm St. Pauls Hall

250-377-7203 [email protected]

Sounder Sleep Workshops Oct 16 & Nov 20 9:30-11:30 amSusinn Shaler @ Let’s Move Studio250-572-1887

The Secret of Money and Emotion Cara Beckett. Saturdays at Let’s Move StudioPart 1: Oct 23 12:30-5:30 pm. Part 2: Oct 3010:30-4:00 pm Part 1 $77.00 Parts 1 & 2 $137.00

250-554-7902 [email protected]

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Kamloops Freedom of religious thoughtSeeking spirituality, practising

RADIO SHOW: Wellness CoachesWith Audrey and Cara: Thursdays at 2PMListen in to Kamloops' newest radio show onHolistic Health & Wellness! 92.5 FM The X

YOGA THON & Open House Friday, SEPT 24. 1pm-8pm Meditation 8pmLet’s Move Studio: Yoga - Dance - Wellness FREE classes, healing garden, clothing swap250-372-YOGA (9642)

Emotional Interference Patterns Workshop with instructor Dhebi DeWitz-JensenLet’s Move Studio September 11th 9am-5pmSeptember 12th 9:30am-4:30pm Cost: $265.00Erna Stassen 250-682-4477 [email protected]

Roots and Wingsa 5 Rhythms Workshop With Bettina RotheIn this 5Rhythms workshop we will practice openingourselves to our relationship with the earth, findingour roots and our ability to be grounded, centered

and present in the here and now.Fri, Oct. 1: 6:30 - 9:30 pm Sat, Oct. 2: 11 AM - 5 m Sun, Oct. 3: 12 - 4 pm

Cost: $195 15% discount is given to students, seniors and unemployed

Friday evening only: $35 ($30 reduced rate)

Page 26: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


Mystic Dreams 419 Tranquille near Cowboy Coffee 250-554-8770

Drop by the store or check the website fora new calendar of events every month!

Workshop Schedule

Potluck and movie night 6 - 9:00 pmfirst Saturday of every month!

Please Pre-register for all workshops. A minimum donation of $5is required unless otherwise stated. Thank You.

Arwen’s Apparelnow available at Mystic Dreams

Dancer Belts, Pixie Coats and Vests!

Now Open




Tarot: Miles, 1-5PM $20/20min

Gentle Yoga: Karen, 5:45 – 6:45 PM $10

Meditation: Karen, 7-8PM $10


Tarot: Miles, 1-5PM $20/20min

Raindrop & Reiki: Candice 12-4 PM $20/20min

Sept. 14th - Book signing “A Sacred Cosmogram”

by Alexandra Luppold, 2-5:30PMWednesdays

Gentle Yoga: Karen, 8:45AM – 9:45AM $10

Bellydancing: Saskia, 6-7PM $10

Sept. 15th, 22, 29.Thursdays

Bodywork: Jason, 12-4PM $1/min

Runes: Tomas, 1-4PM by donation

Fridays (Sept. 3rd & 17th only)

Palmistry and Tarot: Heidi 12-5PM $20/20minSaturdays

Massage: Sara, 12-5PM 30, 45 or 60 minutes, $1/min

Astrology Readings: Caitlin 11AM-4PM $20/20min

Sept. 25th: Potluck & Movie night 6:30-9:0PM


Sept. 19th - Atlantis Workshop: Warren,

10AM – 5PM $100


Bikram Yoga The Hottest Yoga in Kamloops! 340 Victoria

Psoma Yoga Therapy: Donna Martin 635 Victoria St. 250-374-2514 [email protected]

Let’s Move StudioYoga - Dance - Wellness 250-372-YOGA (9642)

Kamloops Hot YogaYoga for your Whole Family954 C Laval Crescent (beside Cliffside Climbing Gym) 250-374-7426

Optimal Health with Optimal AlignmentKatrina Ariel ~ 250-374-6493Freedom from pain through [email protected]


Advertise Here: Yoga Tree MagazineKamloops’ favourite resource for wellness!250-371-1938

Sacred Body Yoga Therapy for Body & SoulExplore your physical, emotional and spiritualissues. Certified Yoga Therapy Practitioner:Brian Scrivener, Hands On Health 250-377-7675

Tudor Village, Kamloops

Yoga For Back Healthwith Angie Edgson at Let’s Move StudioSundays Sept 12 - Oct 30 6:30-7:30pmAngie: 250-319-9855 [email protected]

YOGA THON & Open House Friday, SEPT 24. 1pm-8pm. Meditation 8pmLet’s Move Studio: Yoga - Dance - Wellness FREE classes, healing garden, clothing swap250-372-YOGA (9642)

RADIO SHOW: Wellness CoachesWith Audrey and Cara: Thursdays at 2PMListen in to Kamloops' newest radio show onHolistic Health & Wellness! 92.5 FM The X

Meditation from the Birken Forest Monasterywith Head Abbot Ajhan Sona at Let’s Move StudioMeditation, potluck and Q&A Sundays: Sept 19, Oct 24 Nov, 28 9:30am-12:00info: [email protected] 250-314-9550

Page 27: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 27

For subscriptions, comments, advertising

opportunities, information or to contribute

articles contact us!


Gavin Murgatroyd

Copy Editing

Natasha Lyndon, Leanne Fisher

Kamloops’ FREE Yoga & Wellness Magazine

Elizabeth Beeds, Publisher


[email protected]

Bodytalk is an energy medicine that works with the premise that our

bodies know how to heal themselves. When all the parts and systems

of the body communicate with each other, healing and homeostasis

occur naturally. However, stress, trauma, unhealthy belief systems

and lifestyles force the body to adapt. These factors cause commu-

nication breakdown in our bodies, resulting in discomfort and disease.

Bodytalk identifies these breakdowns and uses a light tapping tech-

nique to restore communication, helping our bodies to come back to

full healthy function.

Our bodies are designed to heal and grow - physically, emotionally,

mentally and spiritually. When our internal communication is over-

taxed by stress or other undesired factors, the already busy lines of

communication break down. Instead of our whole body working as a

team, it starts to segment itself.

Bodytalk asks the body which parts need better communication and

harmony, and in which order the factors need to be addressed.

Through the use of kinesiology by trained Bodytalk practitioners, the

body's innate wisdom determines the priorities. The practitioner then

uses gentle tapping on the head and heart areas. The head tapping

tells the brain to be mindful and to repair the communication. Tapping

on the heart helps the body remember its design in perfection. Once

the body is aware of the issue, it starts its own healing processes. Our

bodies know how to heal themselves, they just need to remember how.

Bodytalk sessions address fundamental health issues and other areas

for improvement, such as peak performance, learning difficulties, fi-

nancial flow, family and group dynamics.

Terez Laforge is a bodytalker and a cranial sacral reflexologist. She is a lifelong incor-

rigible explorer of healing modalities and the mysteries of life.

Terez is available for 45 minute Bodytalk sessions at the Let's Move Studio Wellness

Centre at 250-372-9642 or at her home office 778-471-5598 email at [email protected]

Imagine a community united by words and pictures — a visual

and textual tapestry of faces, names, thoughts and feelings, from

every neighbourhood and every walk of life.

On Oct. 19, 2010, The Kamloops Daily News will ask every cit-

izen of this great city to participate in The Kamloops Project by

sharing what they're doing, thinking or feeling at any point during

those 24 hours.

The goal is to create an unprecedented community archive of our

collective humanity — one that tells us who we are as a commu-

nity and what matters most to us.

This collection will be uploaded to a permanent website as well

as becoming part of a commemorative printed publication distrib-

uted throughout Kamloops.

Please consider joining this important and historical community

project. Visit for a list of Frequently

Asked Questions that will tell you everything you need to know

to be ready for Oct. 19. And visit our YouTube channel at Kam-

News, where you'll find a fun promo video.

Some people say a single moment has the power to change every-

thing, change how we see the world, how we relate to our neigh-

bours, how we live our lives. If that's true, imagine what 24 hours

could do.

By Terez Laforge

What is Bodytalk?The Kamloops Project

Page 28: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


This spring I had the opportunity to visit England, Stonehenge, Glas-

tonbury, the Thor amazing cathedrals, and the ancient giants of Eng-

land, the trees. Of all of the manmade sites to behold in this ancient

land of England the trees spoke to me in a way I never imagined. They

are huge, and I was blessed to see a tree that was 2000 years old, an

ancient yew tree growing in a churchyard in Brocken Hurst. Standing

beneath these giants of the Mother Earth, I felt as if they had stories

and messages to tell me if I only took the time to listen.

Being away from my regular life gave me time to meditate and sit

among these giant beings. I realized the Mother Earth offers us magic

to discover every day and in seeking this we can allow her energy to

feed us in the most profound way. I began to consider that the Mother

Earth creates a circle of life. We are given an opportunity to learn

from her every morning, because when we awake a new circle is be-

ginning, and we are standing in the center of this circle. Spending

time with the trees made me consider the cycle of the tree and the cir-

cle it creates.

In the winter the tree stands tall and appears to be barren. She has no

leaves upon her branches, and stands dark against the chill of winter,

waiting patiently for the earth to warm up her roots and begin the life

force of the sap to flow through her trunk up to the branches. Each

of us may have gone through our own dark night of the soul, huge

transformations such as divorce, death of a loved one, illness. These

life experiences are the winter of our lives and seem to be dark and


In the spring, the tree begins slowly to bud with new shoots, leaves

and flowers coming forth, as the tree brings forth her beauty. When

we allow new hope to come to our heart, embrace a new passion, for-

give an old hurt, trust in our wisdom, we are allowing the spring to

come into our being.

In summer the trees are in the fullness of beauty with their leaves are

green and lush. They whisper in the wind, creating shade and respite

for animals and humans, They are generous with their shade from the

hot summer sun and give sustenance to the creatures of the earth. In

the summer of our life, we are able to help a friend, be a confidante,

and spend quality time with our families. We feel full of love and life

force so that we are able to be generous with this energy of love.

In autumn the trees again go through transformation as their leaves

turn brilliant colors, and then fall quietly on the ground to be mulched

into fertilizer for the next season. The circle is complete and Mother

Earth has worked her wonder. The autumn of our life may come when

we must let go of a situation, change our career, move forward, or die

to the old way of engaging in life allowing for new birth, and creating

fertile ground for new growth to occur.

This simple story of the life of a tree can remind us how Mother Earth

always creates circles and can bring our awareness to the understand-

ing that our life is s a circle.

With autumn 2010 unfolding around us, I invite you to take some time

to walk among the trees here in our Thompson Valley region, listen

to the whispers of the aspen, breathe deeply the pungent smell of the

pines, and delight in the colours that are unfolding around you, as the

trees go into a new cycle. Notice where you are in the circle of your

life, and trust that you will find wonder and wisdom from your life


Therese Dorer leads meditation groups and Shamanic Journeys in Kamloops

The Magic of TreesBy Therese Dorer

Page 29: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 29

Standing Hip Stretch

Workplace YogaBy Lynn Roberts

Innergy Corporate Yoga Inc.Phone/Fax (Toll-Free): 1.888.457.3543Phone (Kamloops):


Deeply stretches hips and buttocks, strengthens standing leg, re-

leases tension in hips, buttocks and legs, tones abdominal mus-

cles, lengthens spine, improves balance, improves circulation to

pelvic region, improves digestion, increases fertility, improves sex

drive, reduces stress, rejuvenates body, increases energy and



Step 1: Remove your socks and shoes if possible. Stand behind

your chair (or desk, or anything you can use that is about belly

height). Stand with your feet hip distance apart, feet parallel to

each other. Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your chest up

and relax your shoulders back and down.

Step 2: Hold onto the top of the chair with both hands. Take a

step back with the right foot, then the left, about 2-3 feet from

your chair.

Step 3: Reach down with your right hand and grab your right

ankle. Place your right ankle just above your left knee and allow

your right knee to turn out.

Step 4: Place your right hand back on the chair with your left. As

you inhale, lengthen your spine, and as you exhale, press your hips

back and hinge forward from your hips. Keep your back flat and

standing leg straight but do not lock your knee. Allow your right

knee to open to the right side, without turning your hips. Sit as

deeply as you can and breathe deeply. Keep your abdominals con-

tracted and shoulders sliding down your back. Stay here for 3-5

deep breaths.

Step 5: To come out, as you inhale, rise up tall, and as you exhale,

place your right foot back on the floor. Repeat on the other side.

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Page 30: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


Recipe of the MonthAngie’s Chocolate Zucchini Brownies

Although this recipe looks unusual, it produces very moist choco-

laty squares. We love that these are low carb, low fat, no eggs even!

Please trust the process and give them a try.

½ cup oil

1¼ cup brown sugar

2 cups grated zucchini

½ cup cocoa

2 tsp. vanilla

2 cups flour

1 tsp. salt

1½ tsp. baking soda

1 cup chocolate chips

1 cup chopped walnuts

Mix first 5 ingredients together. Blend flour, salt, baking soda and

add to wet ingredients. Mix in chocolate chips and walnuts.

Pour into greased 9 x 13 pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 18 to 22 min-


Great served with cappuccino ice cream, or on their own. Icing not


Recipe is compliments of Angie Burns


This favourite salad dressing has been a staple in our home for over

25 years. Even visiting children ask for the ‘sauce’, remembering

its flavour on Greek salad or on greens. About every 5 days, our

empty dressing bottle gets refilled with this simple and light dress-


2/3 cup oil [I use grapeseed oil]

¼ cup apple cider vinegar

1 tsp. salt

½ tsp. pepper

1 tsp. white sugar

1 tsp. dry mustard

½ tsp. oregano

1 clove garlic, minced [optional]

Mix all ingredients together. Shake well before ap-

plying dressing to salad. On occasion, I reduce the

apple cider vinegar to 2 tablespoons and add 2 table-

spoons of balsamic vinegar. Lovely change!

By Arlene Soloman

Book Review:By Arlene Soloman


A Woman’s Guide to the

Heart and Spirit of the

Yoga Sutras

By Nischala Joy Devi

I love this book – even

more so on its second and

third reading. Nischala

Joy Devi has imbued Patanjali’s

Yoga Sutras with a woman’s perception and understanding. Most

translations of Yoga Sutras and Vedic text have been very capably

written by men, and this interpretation contributes significantly as

well, to a balanced understanding for women and men.

As the author indicates in her informative introduction, much of the

wisdom of the Yoga Sutras is distilled from earlier sacred texts: the

Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita and perhaps even some

Buddhist texts. The reader is gently drawn into the deeper meaning

of the Sutras by the author’s complete and simple explanations. Fur-

ther engaging the reader is the insertion of many personal stories. Al-

though The Secret Power of Yoga is a comfortable read, my third

reading had me taking in smaller bits and applying some of the won-

derful meditations and contemplations included at the end of each

section. This book would be an excellent choice for small group con-


I deeply appreciate Joy bringing the essence of the feminine into such

sacred material. I know that I will continue to reach for this lovely

volume when my heart and mind seek Home.

Through identification with pure consciousness, the physical world

can be transcended.

Nischala Joy Devi is a renowned Yoga expert who has been teaching

internationally for more than thirty years. She is the author of The

Healing Path of Yoga, which is regarded as the definitive guide to the

subtle use of body and mind in healing and stress management. She

is a featured presenter at Vancouver’s Yoga Conference and Show,

held September 30 to October 3 at Vancouver Convention Centre.

Arlene Soloman is a dedicated Yoga student and regular contributor to Yoga Tree

Page 31: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16 31

Heart Resonance is a simple solution

to relieve the stresses of daily life

The intentions of Heart Resonance Therapy

are to provide Divine Love Healing, allow-

ing you to create your life in the powerful,

positive environment of love, and to assist

in raising your positive vibrational level, al-

lowing you to transition smoothly and easily

with our planet as it moves into the next

cycle of its transit.

Heart Resonance works through a transmis-

sion process which connects you to “Divine

Love Energy”. Heart Resonance Therapy

is a powerful spiritual approach that is sim-

ple and practical. This heart based energy is

a compelling and positive force, calling you

to balance and heal. The beauty of Heart

Resonance is in its simplicity. It is easy to

learn and effective to use. Once connected

to this energy source, you will be taught to

use your breath to amplify and expand this

energy. You will be able to use it to heal

yourself, others and the planet. As a matter

of fact if you can breathe you can become

proficient with Heart Resonance Energy and

you will regain the peacefulness that is your

divine birthright.

Energy fields surround our bodies and while

we are not always aware of these fields they

are present and we are sensitive to them and

their effects on us. You may experience a

feeling of joy and enthusiasm when you are

in the presence of another person who is en-

thusiastic and joyful. This person’s energy

left you feeling happier and more energized.

You may have also experienced being in the

presence of someone who through their neg-

ative demeanour, their anger or their low en-

ergy level left you feeling uncomfortable,

upset or tired. You might say the difference

between these two interactions would be the

attitude or the manner of these people and

you would be correct and on a deeper level

there was an energy exchange which is de-

scribed in Heart Resonance Therapy as en-

trainment. Entrainment is literally being

pulled into alignment with the most power-

ful energy field, negative or positive. Heart

Resonance Energy strengthens your energy

field bringing it to a higher positive fre-

quency making yours the most powerful en-

ergy, thereby entraining all others to this

higher frequency.

You can learn how to strengthen your energy

field through the practical techniques taught

in the Level One and Level Two Heart Res-

onance Workshops, Level Three Heart Res-

onance Workshops are an exponential jump

in frequency and assist in your abilities to

manifest and intuit. You will experience a

sense of joy and contentment in all areas of

your life and you will develop an ability to

manifest that is surprisingly quick and easy.

Heart Resonance Energy nourishes your

spirit, reenergizes your physical body and

dissolves disharmony to enhance your life

with love. Working within the energy sys-

tems of your body, it effectively clears neg-

ative emotions, residual feelings, and old

beliefs leaving a tranquillity that allows for

resourcefulness and healing on all levels.

Jacqueline A. Kania CHt, HRT, NLP

Trilogic Hypnosis

Jacqueline is a Certified Level 1, Level 2, & Level 3

Heart Resonance Teacher, Certified Level 2 Reiki Prac-

titioner, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and a Certi-

fied NLP Master Practitioner.

Jacqueline will be in Kamloops facilitating Level 1 and

Level 2 Workshops starting this fall at Kamloops Sport

& Orthopedic Clinic #200-1201 Summit Dr.

See ad below for more information.

If you would like more information about Heart Reso-

nance Therapy and Workshops, contact Jacqueline A.

Kania 604-534-2990

or [email protected] or go to the web-


Lead your Life

Jacqueline A. Kania


[email protected]

www.trilogichypnosis.coLOCATION: Kamloops Sport & Orthopedic Clinic #200 1201 Summit Dr. Kamloops, BC (250) 377-3367

Heart Resonance Therapy Workshop

By Jacqueline A. Kania

Heart Resonance Energy...Yours to Discover!

from your Heart

Heart Resonance Level 1 $288October 2, 2010, February 12, 2011 & April 30, 2010Heart Resonance Level 2 $188October 16, 2010, February 26, 2011 & May 14, 2011Heart Resonance Level 3 $288November 13 & 14, 2010 & March 12 & 13, 2011 & May 28 & 29, 2011

private sessions available onthe Sunday of the weekends

of levels one and two

Page 32: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

September - October, 2010


Yoga Dance WellnessLet’s Move Studio

. .


925 McGill Place, Kamloops

Yoga forBack Health

Starts September 12


6:30 - 7:30 pmSeptember 12 - October 31

8 wks session

Please pre-register

class size is limited

Angie Edgson teaches at Let's Move Studio. Trained in Thera-

peutic Yoga at Kripalu Centre in the USA and Ayurveda in

Northern India, she uses her background to adapt the yoga

practice to the individual and to groups with special needs.

Angie personally understands the emotional and physical

stresses related to back pain. In 2005, after personally expe-

riencing a serious disk injury in her lower back, she em-

barked on a quest to learn how to heal and rebuild her back

using yoga. Today she maintains a daily practice specifically

designed to maintain back health.

Learn tools and tech-

niques to relieve back

pain and maintain a

strong and healthy back


Pre-registration: 250-319-9855

or email: [email protected] Register by September 9 receive $10 off

Mention this ad to Redeem

Yoga Dance WellnessLet’s Move Studio

. .

Work at a desk or computer all day? Use

your back doing physical work? Sore, stiff,

strained? Then this course is perfect for you!

Also appropriate for those with back prob-

lems in the past who are beyond the acute

phase and would like to learn preventative

measures to ensure future back health.

Classes are gentle - suitable for any fitness

level, no yoga experience required

This 8 wk session is progressive so it’s recommended to attend every class to obtain the fullest benefit

Page 33: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

Issue #16

Why is it that so many of us make the effort to get ourselves to a yoga

class, or faithfully get out our mats and practice yoga on our own?

Undoubtedly, we‘ve answered this question for ourselves and it prob-

ably includes something like: we practice yoga because yoga is good.

It helps us to arrive at a place where we feel more peaceful in our

whole being - we feel stronger, lighter, more open and able

to handle the stresses of our lives. Beginning practitioners

may be a little at a loss as to how this comes about, however, as we

advance and gain more awareness, the messages our teachers (includ-

ing our own inner guru) remind us about – to breathe, relax, and be

aware – slowly become our new normal, both on and off the mat.

Two of the key concepts that are discussed in yoga classes and that

are discovered in our awareness are the principles of sukha and sthira,

which basically translate as comfort (or ease), and steadiness (or


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, is a paramount and sacred Yoga text be-

cause of the depth, breadth and organization of the knowledge it illu-

minates. In it, the writer Patanjali strings together 196 succinct

phrases (sutra) which lay out the path of yoga as the way to attain

peace of mind and liberation. As such, it focuses mainly on the mind

itself, and only one of the 196 sutra refers to what many in the west

assume yoga is all about: asana, or physical postures.

Sthira sukham asanam.

This sutra, though terse, has quite vast implications for the practice

of yoga, describing how our posture, our seat, (our asana) ought to

be: relaxed (sukha) and steady (sthira). Since many of us begin to

practice yoga through the door of the physical postures (asana), it is

a crucial sutra to explore and contemplate. It is also important to re-

main aware that while the physical body is a significant aspect of our

experience as living human beings, it is the vessel that houses our

whole being, which includes levels that are less physical, increasingly

subtle, and in yogic philosophy, increasingly profound. Steadiness

and ease in the body are important in the physical postures, and be-

cause we are unified mind, body and spirit – even though we might

not always feel it – it makes sense that whatever we cultivate with

our physical body will impact all other levels of our self. And, as ex-

plored in other paths of yoga, the body is also a vehicle for liberation.

Most people are introduced to yoga through classes or books, and so

the first part of our training often centers on learning new positions

that tend to feel strange for our bodies. We are encouraged to be

aware of the breath; with a little practice, this also becomes something

we can focus on while in a posture. The quality of our breathing be-

comes an indicator of how much effort we are putting into our prac-

tice, and how, in order to nurture the balance and calmness we seek,

we may need to back off or slow down so that we don’t “lose our

breath.” Granted, our breathing will change and become deeper while

we practice, but as we become a little more adept at the postures – as

we develop more comfort (sukha) and steadiness (sthira) with them

and become more physically open and strong – the breathing also be-

comes increasingly steady and comfortable with change.

We are now well on our way to expanding our awareness

to the relationships between the body, mind, and breath;

between engaging and letting go; between being both fully

aware as well comfortable with the sensations and details we

can attune to.

Steadiness and strength in the body and the breath lead to steadiness

of mind and the ability to stay present and aware in any given moment

of our lives, with whatever comes up, either from within us or from

around us. And as our yoga practice becomes more fluid and ease-

full, so do the rest of our lives. We begin to understand the other

possible translations of sukha: happiness, pure joy and pleasure. Who

knew it might be as simple as being relaxed, mind and body? Sthira

as well has other meanings: steadfast, alert, stable, and fully engaged.

If you think about the times you feel most centered, happy and

healthy, they likely include both of these qualities, sukha and sthira,

in exquisite balance.

Are these not the deepest desires of most people on the planet?

Margaret teaches Yoga at the Mind Body Connection [email protected]

Exquisite Balance in Your Yoga PracticeBy Margaret Huff

Page 34: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

There is a fundamental misunderstanding aboutraising and educating children that is so profoundand all-pervasive that it must be changed if chil-dren are to become the glorious creatures that na-ture intended.

To put it very simply, children do not need to be“raised” or “educated.” Just as a child does nothave to be “taught” to speak or to walk, he doesnot need to be “taught” almost all the things we asparents and teachers usually spend our time tryingto teach. What's more, not only are our attempts toteach children what we want them to learn unnec-essary, they are usually paradoxical in their effectsand lead eventually to the opposite of what was in-tended.

The human organism has been evolving on thisplanet for about three billion years and our geneticstructure provides each of us with a unique path toactualize our awesome inborn potential. The rea-son that almost nobody truly actualizes their fullpotential is because we, as children, are not al-lowed to follow our inborn path. We are forced tofollow parents who believe that they know howwe should feel, think and act.

Many parents do not know the truth about eitherthemselves or their children. They are not told thatall of us are born wise, creative and intelligent,with an inherited “knowledge” about how to de-velop, in much the same way that we all are pro-grammed to develop physically in our own uniqueway and time.

We all have goals for our children. We want themto be happy, loving, well educated, caring, giving,prosperous, etc., and because these goals are soimportant to us, we set out to bring them intobeing. The problem with this goal directedness isthe law of paradox, which states that any attemptto directly actualize a goal with a child will leadultimately to a result directly opposite from theone intended. The law of paradox applies to mostparental interventions because the fundamental na-ture of children is rooted in the totality of exis-tence, and almost all parents operate from theirfear-based rational intellects. A limited rationalmind cannot effectively raise a multi-dimensional,universal based consciousness.

For example, let's look at the goal that childrenwill become sharing and giving adults. This is anadmirable goal and one that would be manifestedby all children as they reach adulthood if they wereallowed to follow their natural, inborn blueprint.Most parents, however, do not trust in the basicgoodness and innocence of their children. Theybelieve that their children have to be taught toshare. So when little Sally does not want to shareher new doll with her sister, she is often forced todo so by her well-meaning parents, thinking thatshe will learn to be a sharing or giving person bythis outside influence.

So what happens to little Sally? What does she re-ally learn from being forced to share? She learnsthat she is not acceptable to her parents the wayshe is. She learns that wanting to possess some-thing only for herself is wrong. She learns her par-ents don't understand or support her in havingwhat she wants. She learns her parents are insen-sitive or uncaring about her feelings about beingforced to do something she doesn't want to do. Shelearns that it is more important to consider some-one else's feelings than her own.

What she certainly does not learn is the feeling oftrue giving or wanting to share, because that canonly come naturally as the child matures and is re-spected first in her not wanting to share. So in thiscase the law of paradox states that only the childwho is fully allowed to possess and be as “selfish”as she wishes will eventually contact the innerrichness of self from where true sharing comes,and that the child who is forced to share before sheis ready will only learn the behavioural act of shar-ing, but will never contact the inner abundance that makes true sharing possible.

To repeat, any attempt by parents to “teach” per-sonal qualities such as honesty, responsibility, lov-ingness, gentleness, perseverance, independenceor intelligence will backfire. The only things thatcan ever be taught directly to a child are behaviors;but the real underlying human qualities that sup-port these admirable personal attributes can neverbe taught since they are already pre-programmedand will only emerge as a natural result of a lovingenvironment.

Let's take a look at the desire parents have thattheir children become independent adults. Whenfive-year-old Jimmy is afraid to go in the otherroom to meet the guests who have just arrived, andwants to hold onto his mommy's dress and hide in-stead, his mommy feels embarrassed and thinksthat he should learn to be a “big boy.” She fearsthat if she “indulges” his fear he will remain awimp for the rest of his life. She must teach himto be independent. So she “encourages” him to goand talk to the guests, with some combination ofanger, threats, blame or perhaps some promise ofpraise or reward. In most cases she will succeed,and Jimmy will behave like a model independentchild. This “act” may reinforce mother's false be-lief that she has helped Jimmy take a step towardstrue independence. But as you might already see,she has not done anything except use her superioremotional and physical power to force Jimmy toact against himself and perform the desired “bigboy” behaviour. He has not learned anything abouttrue independence, which comes slowly and natu-rally as a result of having one's dependency needsmet first. He has merely learned to pretend and toplease and to make someone else's reality moreimportant than his own.

The same principle, which in other words is to

trust the inborn wisdom of our children and not totry to alter or control it, applies to our understand-ing of our children's educational needs as well.Children are born curious, intelligent and eager tolearn. By age three, most children have, withouteffort, mastered our incredibly complex languagesystem, one of the greatest learning challenges inlife. The manner in which language is learned isthe way nature intended all education to comeabout; namely that it occur naturally in the courseof daily living, that it be part of the immediateneeds of the child, that it be self motivated and un-evaluated by others, and that it be interesting andinvolving.

Play is the essential medium for childhood learn-ing. The so-called education that occurs in schoolhas absolutely nothing to do with the personal re-ality of children and has therefore nothing to dowith true learning. When a child is forced, as he isin school, to put his own reality aside to attend tohis teacher's agenda, he is damaged. He is forcedto leave his rich inner world and pay attention tosomething that is often boring and irrelevant, outof fear of the consequences of displeasing his par-ents and teachers and being made fun of by theother students.

Since our educational system does not understandhow real learning occurs, the law of paradox runsrampant in our schools, teaching our childreneverything we don't want them to learn. Much toooften what children really learn in school is: (a)that true learning is boring and tedious and irrele-vant; (b) that success in life depends on forcingoneself to sit quietly and endure endless hours ofboredom; (c) that nobody, including one's ownparents, can be counted on to either understand oroffer protection against this daily assault againstthe child's real needs, and (d) most sadly, that thisis what life is all about – being forced to be awayfrom the ones you love and having to endure thesterility and meaninglessness of this alternate re-ality.

The good news is that there are now more andmore parents who intuitively know what their chil-dren need and know how damaging “normal” par-enting and schooling has been. These parents haveoften suffered deeply in their own childhoods andhave explored their pain enough to get clear ofmany of the illusions of our child-toxic world. Itis this increasing number of enlightened parentswho hold out the real hope for our troubled planet.Even a few children raised in a manner that allowsfor the full manifestation of their inner magnifi-cence will be able by the force of their love, wis-dom and personal power, to truly heal the world.

Jerry Levinson is a Registered Psychologist

and parent who lives near South Slocan, BC.

Join Jerry along with Brenda Falk for a weekend

workshop Sept 17-18 at Let’s Move Studio.

See ad to the right for more info. 250-852-1012

What children do not need to be taught...and why

with Jerry Levinson & Brenda Falk

“New Paradigm Parenting is not the old way of parenting

improved ~ it is a whole new way of understanding who we are.

It is a path based on the utmost love, respect & devotion for our child's

deepest self. This way allows parents to avoid power struggles, the use of

anger or control, and nourish their relationship in ways that allows

them to live in harmony.

th thFriday, September 17 7-9 pm & Saturday, September 18 12-4 pm

Let's Move Studio925 McGill Place, Kamloops

Single: $75 Couples: $ 125

Single: $55 Couples: $100 rd

Pre-register by September 3

Friday Lecture:

importance of following a child's natural inclination in each moment. We will explore how the usual

methods used to teach children almost anything often backfires with opposite results.

Saturday Workshop: Will provide parents with the opportunity to explore these principles in

depth and learn how to apply them to their own family situation.

Will focus on understanding how a child's self concept is formed and the

Jerry Levinson“come out” as the radical disbeliever of all he has been taught. Free now to speak about what is true and not bound by title, he believes the truth when deeply understood, will set us free from the suffering we create for ourselves and our children.

Brenda Falk a Certified Teacher Assistant influenced by Jerry's writings chose to remove herself & her children from the public school setting to allow for the natural process of learning to unfold. Trained now as a Journey Practitioner & Conscious Living Coach, she presents “Reconnect to your Authentic Self ” workshops, working with people to find their way home to the heart. She passionately shares Jerry's vision to inspire in parents a desire to honour the spirit and uniqueness in each of us, in ways that allows us to be free to be ourselves & truly enjoy our children and our lives.

a registered psychologist for over 30 years, has let his licence expire to

To Pre- Register Contact: Brenda Falk

250-852-1012 or [email protected] Beyond the Box Solutions

Limited Seating!

New Paradigm Parentingby Jerry R. Levinson


September - October, 2010

Page 35: Yoga Tree Sept 2010

with Jerry Levinson & Brenda Falk

“New Paradigm Parenting is not the old way of parenting

improved ~ it is a whole new way of understanding who we are.

It is a path based on the utmost love, respect & devotion for our child's

deepest self. This way allows parents to avoid power struggles, the use of

anger or control, and nourish their relationship in ways that allows

them to live in harmony.

th thFriday, September 17 7-9 pm & Saturday, September 18 12-4 pm

Let's Move Studio925 McGill Place, Kamloops

Single: $75 Couples: $ 125

Single: $55 Couples: $100 rd

Pre-register by September 3

Friday Lecture:

importance of following a child's natural inclination in each moment. We will explore how the usual

methods used to teach children almost anything often backfires with opposite results.

Saturday Workshop: Will provide parents with the opportunity to explore these principles in

depth and learn how to apply them to their own family situation.

Will focus on understanding how a child's self concept is formed and the

Jerry Levinson“come out” as the radical disbeliever of all he has been taught. Free now to speak about what is true and not bound by title, he believes the truth when deeply understood, will set us free from the suffering we create for ourselves and our children.

Brenda Falk a Certified Teacher Assistant influenced by Jerry's writings chose to remove herself & her children from the public school setting to allow for the natural process of learning to unfold. Trained now as a Journey Practitioner & Conscious Living Coach, she presents “Reconnect to your Authentic Self ” workshops, working with people to find their way home to the heart. She passionately shares Jerry's vision to inspire in parents a desire to honour the spirit and uniqueness in each of us, in ways that allows us to be free to be ourselves & truly enjoy our children and our lives.

a registered psychologist for over 30 years, has let his licence expire to

To Pre- Register Contact: Brenda Falk

250-852-1012 or [email protected] Beyond the Box Solutions

Limited Seating!

“Learn How to Heal Yourself.”

www.Yoga With

YOGA THERAPY Learn to align for optimal healthDiscover freedom from pain

Visit the website for details:

DEEP HEALING Restorative Yoga (Mon. 9:00-10:15am)

Boost your immune system Melt away stress and anxiety

TOTAL HARMONY Anusara-Inspired™ yoga (Tues. 6:15-7:30pm & Weds. 9:00-10:15am)

Play. Be challenged. Expand your Self.

Page 36: Yoga Tree Sept 2010


WORKSHOP CLASSES at Let’s Move Studio $30/Session

MONDAY 11-12 am

at Let’s Move Studio

September 13 - December 13

Drop-in $10,

Punch cards 10 sessions/$90

TUESDAY 7-8 pm

at Nuance Dance Studio

September 14 - December 14

Drop-in $12, 14 weeks $140Nuance Dance Studio

253 Victoria St. 2nd Floor

Individual Lessons or

Functional Integration

Each lesson is 1 hr

$65/session 4 for $200


Awareness Through Movement

To Register:


Susinn ShalerCertified Feldenkrais Practitioner

Sounder Sleep® Teacher

250-572-1887 [email protected]

Transform Your RunningAdjust your form for optimum running

Saturdays 9:30-11:30 am

Sept 25: Access the Power of the Pelvis

Oct 23: Use Your Spine and Shoulders

Nov 27: Better Balance - Right & Left

Sounder Sleep Workshops The Natural Insomnia Solution

Movements to relax your body, calm

your mind and be lulled to sleep!

Saturdays 9:30-11:30 am

Sept 18, Oct 16, Nov 20

Let’s Move Studio

[email protected] McGill Place, Kamloops

FACEBOOK: Lets Move Studio

Let’s Move StudioYoga Dance Wellness. .

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

5:45 - 6:45 am Monday - Friday Yoga Fitness Bootcamp for WomenPre-register: Sept 7 - Oct 1, Oct 18 - Nov 11, Nov 29 - Dec 17

9:00 - 10:15 amYoga


Katrina (MYKA9)

9:00 - 10:30 amYoga

All Levels: Flow

Elizabeth (TYE9)

9:00 - 10:15 amYoga


Katrina (WYKA9)

9:00 - 10:30 amYoga

All Levels: Flow

Elizabeth (RYE9)

9:00 - 10:30 amYoga

All Levels

Marcia (FYMW9)

11:00 - 12:00 pmAwareness Through


Susinn (MFS11)

10:30 - 11:30 amNia

All Levels

Natasha (FNNL10)

12:00 - 1:00 pmYoga

Gentle Hatha

Karen (MYKB12)

12:00 - 1:00 pmBellydance

American Tribal

Lucille (TBL12)

12:00 - 1:00 pmYoga


Angie (RYE9)

3:00 - 4:30 pmStress

ManagementCara (MSC3)

4:00 - 5:00 pmPower Yoga

All Levels

Natalie (TYNS4)

3:00 - 4:30 pmWeightloss Magic

Cara (WWC3)

4:00 - 5:00 pmPower Yoga

All Levels

Natalie (RYNS4)

4:30 - 6:00 pmBellydance

All Levels

Shirley (MBS5)

5:00 - 6:00 pmYoga

All Levels: Flow

Elizabeth (TYE5)

5:00 - 6:30 pmBellydanceBeginners

Rosi (WBR5)

5:00 - 6:30 pmBellydanceAdvanced

Rosi (RBR5)

6:00 - 7:00 pmBollywood


Bonnie (MBB6)

6:15 - 7:30 pmYoga

Anusara Inspired

Katrina (TYKA6)

6:30 - 7:30 pm Core & More

Monica (WCM6)

Please Pre-register

6:30 - 7:30 pmPower Yoga

All Levels

Natalie (RYNS6)

7:00 - 8:00 pmNia

All Levels

Natasha (MNNL7)

8:00 - 9:00 pmYoga

All Levels

Janis (TYJ8)

6:30 - 7:30 pmYoga for

Back HealthAngie (SYBAE6)

Sept 12 - Oct 31Please Pre-register


8:00 - 9:15 pmNew Moon Nidra Guided Relaxation

By Donation - AngieSept 12 & Oct 3 & 10

Classes are open for drop in

and for beginners ANYTIME!

4 Week Sessions:

Sept 6-30 session 1

Oct 4-29 session 2

Nov 1-26 session 3

Nov 29 - Dec 24 session 4

Or choose ANY 4, 8 or 12

consecutive weeks! Or buy a

punchcard for flexibility in ANY

class - good for 1 year

1 Hour classes Drop in $10

$37/ 4 week session

$72/ 8 week session

$105/ 12 week session

$136/ 16 week session

5x Punchcard $48.75

10x Punchcard $95

1.5 Hr classes Drop in $15

$50/ 4 week session

$96/ 8 week session

$138/ 12 week session

$176/ 16 week session

5x Punchcard $70

10x Punchcard $130

Emotional Interference Pattern

with Dhebi Sept 11-12

Body Feng Shui Workshop

with Nicola Sept 25, 1- 4pm

5Rhythms: Roots and Wings

with Bettina Rothe Oct 1-3

Secret of Money & Emotions

with Cara Beckett Oct 23 & 30

Crystal Bowl Meditation: Terez

Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 19, Dec 17

Meditation with Ajahn Sona

Sept 19, Oct 24, Nov 28

Transform Your Running

Susinn: Sept 25, Oct 23 & Nov 27

Sounder Sleep Workshops

Susinn: Sept 18, Oct 16 & Nov 20


Let’s Move Studio

[email protected] 925 McGill Place, Kamloops

FACEBOOK: Lets Move Studio


FALL 2010