Kundalini Mental Yoga - About the Galactic Tree of Life (Firstpart)

FOX KUNDALINI MENTAL YOGA VIDEO Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga Kundalini Rise


Kundalini Mental Yoga - About the Galactic Tree of Life (first part)

Transcript of Kundalini Mental Yoga - About the Galactic Tree of Life (Firstpart)


Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

Kundalini Rise

Who is Frances Fox?

Psychic ResearcherShaman

TV Personality Author

Radio Show Host

Frances Fox Author

Sexo: La Puerta a Dios with Veronica del Castillo and Cecile Kachadourian

Tu Matrix, Tu Cuerpo Electrico groundbreaking work on electro stress, en 3 languages

Los Dioses Hablan Conversaciones Telepaticas con Delfines en espanol y Ingles

Energetics in the Business World 2001

Psychic Sexual Secrets unpublished


Autism Research


Despierta America on Univision reported on her groundbreaking work with autism.

In 2001 Primer Impacto on presented a segment on her work on autism ……

Predicted Afghanistan


January 2001 Univision News covered her

prediction that Afghanistan would bring a higher level of world violence due to a portal

that opened in February 2001 which resulted in the attacks on

9/11 World Trade Center

Predicted Earthquake due to 9/11

September 20, 2001 Frances predicted there could be an earthquake in New

York City due to the repressed violence after 9/11.

On 10/20/2001 there was an earthquake with its epicenter in New

York City

Predicted New Orleans Disaster

June 2005 Frances predicted on August 3, 2005 Animal

Planet that there would be more water catastrophes after the 2004 tsunami and they

would result in violence and social breakdown.

Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans in August 2005 and contrary to the tsunami

catastrophe there was unprecedented violence and a breakdown in the social


Even Countries Have a Mission

Discovered the sacred relationships between peoples and countries in their mutual intentions to help the planet.

Colombia's Sacred Mission

Her theory that Colombia has sacrificed itself to “absorb”

the excess violence and conflict in Jerusalem since Israel became a state is

widely accepted.

Colombia's Mission

The Bogotaso, an event identified as the beginning of violence in Colombia was several weeks after Israel became

a state.

The Jerusalem Paradox

In esoteric literature it is understood that the Mid East/Jerusalem may be the area that precipitates the end of the word through a third

world war, making Colombia a key player in the prevention of a third

World War.

Remembering Your Sacred Mission

We suggest this mantra to align you with your sacred mission:

Please God help me with my intention to align with my

sacred mission.

What is going on?

The “ending of the world as we know it”?

End times?The Apocalypse?

Dawning of a New Age?The Golden Age?

The Age of Transformation?The City of Gold?

Mayan Calendar

At this time in written human history there are planetary configurations in the skies that have never occurred

before. These are influencing human behavior and changing the history of

the planet.

Mayan Prophesies

The Mayans predicted a transformational planetary configuration which highlights

December 21st 2012 as a focal point but continues

beyond 2012

That planetary configuration is known as the

Galactic Tree of Life

Planetary Influences

What is happening in the stars is also happening on Planet Earth as

accurately predicted by the Mayans

The Mayans described symbolically what will happen

on December 21, 2012: “the Sun rises to conjoin the

center of the Sacred Tree,the World Tree, the Tree of Life”

Age of Transformation

This planetary configuration is unique and ushers in the dawn of

a new era and a new way of being. The world as we knew it may no longer exist after that formation

the Tree of Life

in the heavens.

Age of Transformation

People are aware the world is changing and they feel a need

to change.Most do not know their internal

processes are guided by astrological processes

Age of Transformation

Many people are already actively transforming themselves through

meditation, detoxification, organic foods, healing, yoga,

mantras and other techniques.

Aligning with the Planets

How do we most effectively align with what is happening

with the planets?

Frances has developedFox Kundalini Mental Yoga

that directly address the issues accelerated by the transformation the

planets are pushing…

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

aligns the human energy system as

symbolized in many cultures by the

Tree of Lifewith what is happening in the

stars, the formation of the Galactic Tree of Life

Synchronizing with the Galactic Tree of Life

Fox Kundalini Mental Yogaaligns each individuals chakra

system to the sacred transformation in the heavens.

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

This alignment synchronizes the person with the

transformation the Mayans and the Bible said

would happen at this time in human history.

Understanding the Transformation

Aligning the The Tree of Life

&The Chakra System

To the Galactic Tree of Life

The Chakra System

You have 7 upper chakras and

You have 7 lower chakraswith a doorway in between..

Not much is known about the 7 chakras below…

The Door to Hell

 The door in between is a portal/doorway called the

Brahmahvara This entryway from the 7 lower

chakras into the top seven chakras separate the “hell” of the

lower chakras from the top chakras.

That doorway is at the bottom of the

Tree of Life the Mayans say will finish

forming in the stars on December 21, 2102

According to the Mayans at the bottom of the Tree of Life which finishes

forming in the heavens on December 21, 2012

is a door to an abyss, which corresponds to the doorway in the human chakra

system, the Brahmahvara

The Gulf Oil Spill

In 2010 an explosion at Deepwater Horizon rig in the Gulf of

Mexico caused the worst oil spill in US history.

British Petroleum had perforated the earth at a depth of 5,000 feet (1,500 m) and caused an oil leak.

Blowing Open the Underworld

Unbeknownst to scientists and the public at large, the perforation of

the earth broke through the Brahmahvara,

rupturing the natural protection humans had to the underworld,

what the Mayans called the abyss.

Apparently the Mayans understood what would happen

at the time the Tree of Life formed in the stars. Apparently

they knew that at the base of it would be an abyss

Protecting The


Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

addresses the issues of chakra purification and alignment

and also closes the doorway to the Brahmahvara

so that the individual is protected from the underworld at the same time he is

purifying and aligning.

Frances Fox

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

provides the protection necessary for individuals to synchronize with

the Tree of Life with the ultimate goal being the

Kundalini Rising

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

Step #1 in the exercise is a visualization of the shutting of the Brahmahvara door 2 inches below

the root chakra.It includes a mantra that reinforces the

intention to shut that portal.This step is often done throughout the

day to provide extra protection/stability to the chakras

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

Step #2 draws your focus to the root chakra and includes a

mantra to provide additional protection to the entry to the

chakra system

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

Additional steps heal and purify the chakras. The mantras are

specifically tailored to address psychological congestions that

could block the Rise of Kundalini

to the crown chakra and beyond to unite with the sacred

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

The Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga trains an individual to

consciously work through the blocks to their Kundalini Rising

so they can align with the

Galactic Tree of Life

The Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga Video is the answer to the need

for a simple, cost free mental exercise

that can align the person’s chakras so that that mysterious energy

called Kundalini can Rise up the chakra system and align the individual with the God/the


Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

Related Products are to support the healing and purifying of the

chakra system and the

Rise of Kundalini

Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

Please try the Fox Kundalini Mental Yoga

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