WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com [email protected] Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education...

WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com [email protected] Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal

Transcript of WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com [email protected] Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education...

Page 1: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

[email protected]

Dr. Mary Kay BacallaoEducation Legislation- State and Federal

Page 2: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

School Board Gag Law 2010

(SB 84)

Accreditation Agency Power over BOENo Public Money for Attorneys 2103

(HB 115)

Locally Elected BOE

Status Quo(No Waivers) Charter System

Investing inEducational Excellence

1. Must keep CCRPI score high to keep local authority over all local schools (school by school basis).2. HB 441 (2015) set cut score at 80. (Did not pass)

Benefits: 1. No need to stay under class size maximums set by

the state.2. No need to spend at least 65% of the budget on

instruction.3. No need to pay teachers the state minimum for

experience and education. 4. No need to have certified teachers.

Page 3: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

School Board Gag Law 2010

(SB 84)

Accreditation Agency Power over BOENo Public Money for Attorneys 2103

(HB 115)

Locally Elected BOE

Status Quo(No Waivers)

State Charter CommissionGoverned by Unelected

Councils(HB 797)

Charter Admissions Policies, 2015(HB 474) Priority to “educationally disadvantaged” students and military students. Includes: economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, limited English proficient students, neglected or delinquent students, and homeless students

Charter Commission Private Foundation, 2015

(SB 156)

Page 4: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

School Board Gag Law 2010

(SB 84)

Accreditation Agency Power over BOENo Public Money for Attorneys 2103

(HB 115)

Locally Elected BOE

Status Quo(No Waivers)

Opportunity School District, 2015(SB 133)

If the CCRPI score of any school in a district falls below a 60, the school can be taken over by the appointed leader of the Opportunity School District. The schools are then converted into charter schools, accountable to unelected councils, not citizen voters.

This is unconstitutional! That is why it is on the ballot in 2016.

Page 5: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

STATE BOE- Appointed by the Governor

School Board Gag Law 2010

(SB 84)

Accreditation Agency Power over BOENo Public Money for Attorneys 2103

(HB 115)

Locally Elected BOE

Status Quo(No Waivers)

The Georgia Constitution was changed in 1983 to make the State BOE appointed, not elected.

Georgia State School Superintendent

Page 6: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

CCRPISchool Rating System

SB 410 (2012)

All Common Core END OF COURSE

Assessments, comparable to other

states, must be online in ‘15- ’16

(HB 91) 2015

StatewideContent Standards

Career Pathway completion

Dual Language Schools

PBIS- Behavior Modification

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SB 164)

International Baccalaureate (IB) a program from UNESCO the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Advanced Placement (AP) run by the College Board, headed by David Coleman a lead architect of the Common Core

School Climate Ratings: parent, teacher and student surveys

“Growth” compares

students with other students.

All students can’t grow. Only half of the teachers and schools will be able to show


Page 7: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

HOPE SCHOLARSHIP Requirement(HB 131) 2014

International Baccalaureate (IB) a program from UNESCO the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Advanced Placement (AP) run by the College Board, headed by David Coleman a lead architect of the Common Core

Public and Public Charter School Students Private School Students

Rigor includes AP, IB or dual enrollment for English and History.The rigor requirements increase each year.

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Statewide Teacher Evaluation System (HB 244)

Longitudinal Data System

Public and Public Charter School Students Private School Students

Teacher Effectiveness Measure

Leader Effectiveness Measure

Both measures are based, in part, on the results from Common Core assessments. Teachers are observed based on the outcomes based education framework. All of this data is recorded in the State system.

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Teacher CertificationLed by the appointed Professional

Standards Commission Tiered Certification, 2015 (HB 502)

Out of State Teachers (HB 502, line 500)

Page 10: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

College OR CareerFascist System

“Work Based Learning”

Bridge Law HB 400, 2010

Plan reviewed annually and

approved by the student’s counselor or teacher advisor…

Career ClustersHB 713

Career Education beginning in

Kindergarten, path pre-selected,

trademarked from Achieve, the

company responsible for Common Core.

Work Based Learning HB 766

(2014) SB 2 (2015) No need for “academics” after 10th grade

No need for minimum wage.Dual enrollment

College and Career Academy

State GrantsTeacher


Corporations and Industries

Career education is GREAT,but the government should not be making those decisions. Students and parents need to make those decisions!

Page 11: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

ONLINE Learning

State Run Digital Classroom SB 89 (2015) All Materials MUST BE APPROVED BY the STATE BOE-5 Superintendents can request-Teachers from 20 different school districts can requestParents and BOE members cannot request.

SB 289 Mandated at least one online course for all public school students.

HB 502 *Grants for private school students and home study*Virtual Learning *Safeguards removed, *content standards inserted

SB 89: The local BOE does not own the materials they purchase, they are “RENTING” them and they must be digital by 2020.

Page 12: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

S. 1177 Every Student Achieves Act, 2015

Georgia must have a State Plan to be submitted to the APPOINTED Secretary of the U.S. DOE. The Secretary appoints a Peer Review team to approve or deny the state plans.

The same knowledge, skills, and levels of achievement expected of ALL students.

Reading OR Language Arts (not necessarily English), math, and scienceFirst 3 years in another language for non English speakers, up to 2 more years

Assessments and learning based on the UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING at most 1% of students may take an alternative assessment

Growth, page 92Tracking of discipline by race, submitting results to federal governmentProtects students from physical restraint or seclusion solely for the purposes of discipline or convenience

Page 13: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

S. 1177 Every Student Achieves Act, 2015

Lumping of all local, state, and federal funds… towards a single payer system, page 68

State data for a National Education Report card must be submitted in digital format. Page 90

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JODY HICE is on our heroes list.Also on the list: Mike Crane, Marty Harbin, and Josh McKoon.Who else wants to make the list?

Page 15: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

HR 5 Thank you JODY HICE! Just VOTE NO!

Exact same information about the State Plans to be submitted to the Secretary.

Provides money for Pre-K and Post Secondary Charter Schools

Teacher certification not based on qualifications, now based on EFFECTIVENESS

Includes representatives of private school children, by passes state officials

Section 1120- Services to benefit private school students and private school personnel, comes with the requirements for assessment, certification, and evaluation.

Title II Takeover of Teacher Evaluation, sets up a system to ration teachers.

Incentivizes Charters, grants can go to public or private entities.

Gives counseling to “unaccompanied youth” so they can become independent students and obtain financial aid.

Creates a single payer system for education.

Introduces the “Director” of the Institute of Education Sciences with broad powers.

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HR 5 Title IX- Grants

New money for GamingWhat is wrong with games for learning? These games can be very powerful in targeting attitudes and beliefs. There are companies developing this technology. Why should taxpayers fund initiatives so that the products end up being sold for a profit?

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Page 18: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

Federal Income- Tax 1917

Gold backed money

Home Mortgages

Eminent Domain- property

Bureau of Land Management

Healthcare-single payer

Education-single payer?

Public Schools… what is next?

Page 19: WWW. EducationalFreedomCoalition.com MaryKayBacallao@hotmail.com Dr. Mary Kay Bacallao Education Legislation- State and Federal.

Genesis 3:14-16 New King James Version (NKJV)14 So the Lord God said to the serpent:“Because you have done this,You are cursed more than all cattle,And more than every beast of the field;On your belly you shall go,And you shall eat dustAll the days of your life.15 And I will put enmityBetween you and the woman,And between your seed and her Seed;He shall bruise your head,And you shall bruise His heel.”

Go for the head of the snake!Repeal all education legislation that takes authorityaway from parents, teachers, students, and local citizens!Elect legislators committed to repealing this!