wrong - Amazon Simple Storage Service · power and consistency in your golf swing. Before I reveal...


Transcript of wrong - Amazon Simple Storage Service · power and consistency in your golf swing. Before I reveal...

Page 1: wrong - Amazon Simple Storage Service · power and consistency in your golf swing. Before I reveal the samurai golf swing, I need to give you a little bit of


Page 2: wrong - Amazon Simple Storage Service · power and consistency in your golf swing. Before I reveal the samurai golf swing, I need to give you a little bit of


Thank you for wanting to improve your golf swing. It can be frustrating and confusing with all the conflicting information out there—I very much understand the challenges with learning how to hit the ball better. I went through numerous instructors and made many mistakes before I had success as a player.

It’s not your fault you’ve received bad information, conflicting information or techniques that only work for a few swings. Even the PGA Teaching manual has the wrong information on ball flight…UGH!

After going through a terrible time as a college golfer, I pledged to find the BEST information to coach good people like you to play better golf. It was a chance meeting and friendship in 1998 that changed everything…now you can receive some of the information from my good fortune which is included in this ebook.

I’ve created a story for you in which 99% of the information is completely true and 1% is for entertainment. Please enjoy The Secret to the Samurai Golf Swing AND the accompanying videos that will help your game.

Thank You,

Gary Occhino, PGA#1 Golf Coaching Program in America for AmateursTeam USA Junior National Coach

Ohhh, one last thing: you will only have lasting improvement if you understand that changes take time.

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The old Japanese man was living his last days when he confided in golf professional Soo Hong Yoo the secret to success of the great samurai warriors. He made Soo Hong Yoo swear to him that he would continue his legacy.

Soo Hong Yoo tried to share this revolutionary application of samurai grace and power with a dozen of others. They all laughed at him. They couldn’t understand what Samurai swordsmanship had to do with golf. After all, this was the 1990’s, and they had frame-by-frame video analysis – what did they need with something from Feudal Japan?

The second I saw it I recognized it for what it was. A revolutionary application of an ancient technology that had the power to transform the game of golf. Because I had spent so many years with traditional golf instructors, it took me quite some time to master the samurai golf swing. I struggled through trials and frustrations you can’t even imagine. I understand your challenges with learning this great game of golf!

Then I finally got it, and my life would never be the same.

I beat Tiger Woods when he was unstoppable!

After I beat Tiger Woods I vowed that I would devote the rest of my career to sharing what he taught me. I figured out why it took me so long to learn the Samurai Golf Swing, and I solved the problems associated with traditional golf teaching methods. That way you can learn it in a fraction of the time!

The passionate fire burned within me to never have another student go through what I did. Now my students benefit greatly from receiving scientifically correct and reliable information.

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I have Soo Hong Yoo to thank and hopefully, you can thank him too once you implement the secrets we obtained from the Japanese samurai.

Don’t take my word for it. Meet Kelsey Johnson. She came to me to learn the Samurai Golf Swing in the spring of 2004, when she was just 15 years old. She had an 18 handicap, and shot in the high 80’s. Not bad for a fifteen year old, right?

In 2 months of working with me on her Samurai Golf Swing, she won the Buffalo District Golf Association Women’s tournament.

A few months later she won the International Junior Golf Tour tournament in York, Pennsylvania

(and shot a hole in one).

Several months after that she had 5 top 5 finishes in national level tournaments.

The next year her handicap was down to 3!!!

Read that again – she went from an 18 to 3 handicap in less than a year!!!

Then she went on to play Division one golf in college, and became a National Golf Coaches Association All-American!

To be fair, Kelsey’s results aren’t typical (my lawyers make me say that). She took to Samurai golf like a duck to water, and she worked her ass off to master it.

She is my poster child for what’s possible.

The secret used by the samurai for Power, Speed and Consistency

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is the same secret to a great golf swing.

This single bit of information has transformed golf swings for results that blow away any book or system from the supposed gurus. Once you have the background, you will easily understand and implement the secret for power and consistency in your golf swing.

Before I reveal the samurai golf swing, I need to give you a little bit of background about what is wrong with the way you are being taught right now.

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How Video Analysis Killed GolfIn the 1980’s many golf professionals were extremely excited to utilize frame-by-frame video analysis to teach students how to swing the club more effectively.

Completely overlooked in using the video was the fact the camera was positioned ten feet away from the golfer. Golf Professionals were trying to teach students from a completely different perspective than from where the student was standing.

The student was next to the ball and the camera was nowhere near. As a result, when it came time to implement changes, the student could not feel and translate the changes from the camera to their personal swing.

Similarly, many supposed gurus thought they were discovering new findings because they could slow down the video and watch frame-by-frame.

Two major problems arose from this new-found excitement.

Firstly, teaching became too technical – it was all about trying to get into these robotic feeling swing positions; and golfers began over-thinking everything which robbed them of power and consistency. Does this sound familiar? Do you have a list of all the stuff in your head you are supposed to remember before you swing? Does trying to remember it all drive you nuts?

It doesn’t have to be this way!!!

Secondly, the camera was lying to professionals and students. It took many years to realize that diagnosing a golf swing fault was strongly dependent upon where the camera was located. Frequently, the viewing angle was misleading and falsely led golf professionals to think they were making new discoveries; in reality, they were being duped by what they thought was a technological advance. In reality, the technology was setting everyone back.

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My Loss, Your BenefitI was a personal victim of poor video analysis and poor translation of what was really happening. My swing instructor thought he was pioneering new advancements, when he actually was teaching incorrect information.

The Samurai SecretIf you skipped to this section, I strongly suggest going back to page one of this ebook. You need to know how I got here, and what’s possible to truly appreciate what you are about to learn.

A small secret learned from the samurai is they understood their history and were holistic in thinking. They did not pursue instant gratification or take shortcuts, because that would get them killed. While you will not die because you skipped a few words, your golf game might suffer until you achieve the viewpoint and discipline of the samurai.

If you have read thoroughly, you are ready for the ancient samurai secret that translates directly to golf swing power and consistency:

CENTEREDNESSThe samurai warrior worked endlessly on how to stay centered while fighting. They perfected techniques which taught centeredness so they could have power, speed, and consistency, all while making it look easy.


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What is Centeredness?This is common question I receive when a golfer approaches me after seeing one of my regular-Joe type students hitting the ball longer and farther than his physical appearance suggests. Usually the curious golfer says something like, “Can you show me how to do that?” And, my answer, is YES. See another popular myth is that you need to workout and be on a fitness program to learn centeredness.

Not true.

The only thing necessary is for you to understand how the body is meant to move.

This understanding and correct performance will lead to you creating power from a powerful center.

How does a figure skater spin with such great speed? How does a great lightweight boxer knockout people heavier bigger than him? It is all from centeredness.

Simply defined, centeredness is your ability to rotate around a constant axis while moving. Let’s translate this into easy-speak for you the golfer...

...Remember the globe that sat in your school library? It rotated smoothly and perfectly around an axis, just like the real earth. The figure skater we just mentioned rotates around the same axis. Well, the same is true for the fighting samurai and for the great golfer. Once you understand your center, power and consistency can be yours.

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The Correct CenterBefore I met Soo Hong Yoo I was mis-informed about the correct center of the golf swing.

Remember my vow to Soo Hong Yoo? Well here is what you need to establish the correct center for your golf swing...

The correct golf swing rotates around your spine.

This means that all of the following thoughts and concepts are now wrong and useless to you:

1.) Keep Your Head Down 2.) Keep Your Left Arm Straight3.) Swing Easy or You’re Swinging Too Fast 4.) The Club Travels Straight Back in Your Takeaway 5.) Rotate Your Hips To Lead the Downswing 6.) Hit Down On the Ball 7.) You are Lifting Up 8.) Roll Your Wrists 9.) Shift Your Weight in Your Backswing10.) You need to workout for golf

There are actually more myths and incorrect swing thoughts that I did not include.

I can assure you that all of the above ten examples will…

rob you of power,

make you inconsistent

cause you joint pain

injure you physically

and frustrate you to no end.

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If you want more power, consistency and to feel an effortless swing, start with achieving the correct center.

Watch this video to show you how to have “Centeredness” for your wedge game and short iron swing:

While the video above shows you how to achieve centeredness for your wedge and iron swing, it gives you a strong foundation. The full system for your golf swing consistency is contained in your video download, Samurai Swing Consistency. This shows you exactly how to take your golf swing to the course and what is required to have a consistent swing that lasts for you.



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Your Driver Consistency & Power—Samurai style!It is not as paramount to stay as perfectly centered with your driver. When we start speaking about POWER, the concept of centeredness is important, however, your most important element is SEQUENCING.

Whether you’re a Japanese warrior or aspiring golfer, you need the proper sequence of movement to create YOUR POWER! Check out this video that is ONLY TAUGHT BY ME FOR YOU…it is called the “footwhip technique” and it will give you the beginning to swing power.

Please remember, changes take time for your brain and body to recognize your new movement pattern. In the Samurai Swing Power video down-load, you will see the precise step-by-step proven method for sequencing so you can have your swing power. It starts with your unique set-up and swing path and then how to use your body correctly! Your results are 100% guaranteed.



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FIX YOUR ANNOYING SLICE OR HOOKOk, we are on a roll, so I am giving you a BONUS!! I hate bad information and I hate the fact that the PGA Teaching manual and 97.5% of so called experts are teaching you the WRONG information about your golf swing—YUCK!

For those of you that suffer from a perpetual slice or a perpetual hook, you need to see this video. It’s quick and the concept is sooo simple it’s almost funny.

Do me a favor…if this one video fixes your slice or hook, then write me a quick version of your story. I love hearing of your success! If you only found some improvement, that means you need a deeper fix. That is why we have the video downloads for you: Samurai Slice Fix and Samurai Hook Fix. These show you the exact set-up and impact technique needed to get-rid of your painful, annoying banana ball! Remember, your results are 100% guaranteed with these video downloads, so all you have to do is follow along and you’re guaranteed success!




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Remember how we

said that the location

of the camera led to

your problems? Well,

consider your problem

solved. We show you the

precise techniques AND

what it should feel like

from your perspective.

Not the camera’s

perspective, not the

golf professional’s

perspective, YOUR

perspective! This the

main reason why my coaching program is the #1 golf coaching program for

amateurs in America based on results. Everything we give you is designed

for you, from your perspective. It works!

The best part is, we have your videos that are 100% Guaranteed, risk-free

for You. Yes, your Samurai swing fix videos are going to fix your slice or

hook and give you golf swing consistency, 100% Guaranteed.

Folks, we are tired of the wrong, cliche information being fed to you. It’s

not your fault that other pro’s and your golfing buddies teach based on

preferences and guesswork. The Samurai Swing Fixes are based on

scientific law and have fixed thousands of swings. This is why you’re 100%

guaranteed to have success!

I feel your frustration and understand you. I played for years searching

through the muck known as golf instruction. There are simple

methods that work and we have them waiting for you, only here!

“The only problem I am having now, is that I HIT MY CLUBS TOO FAR.” John Slaughter

“I dropped from a 26 to 16 handicap!” Jim Dunlop

“I made 9 birdies in my first two rounds!” Vince Morreale

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I am on a personal mission to get the correct swing techniques to you,

stopping your inconsistency and frustration with your slice or hook.

You have five customized options for your Samurai Swing Fixes:(each option is a video download you can have immediately!)

Click the links below you want to get Your swing fix, 100% Guaranteed!

Samurai Slice Fixhttp://www.samuraigolfswing.com/samurai-slice-fix/

Samurai Hook Fixhttp://www.samuraigolfswing.com/samurai-hook-fix/

Samurai Swing Consistencyhttp://www.samuraigolfswing.com/samurai-swing-consistency/

Samurai Swing Powerhttp://www.samuraigolfswing.com/samurai-swing-power/

Samurai Short Game Solutions http://www.samuraigolfswing.com/samurai-short-game-solutions/

Click the above links you want to get Your swing fix, 100% Guaranteed!

To Your Golf Swing Excellence,Gary Occhino, PGA#1 Golf Coaching Program in U.S for Amateurs

#1 Amazon Bestselling Author

Coach, USA Junior Golf Team