WORKSHOP DAY Monday, March 25, 2019 · MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 1 Tuesday, March 26, 2019 8:00AM...

Monday, March 25, 2019 WORKSHOP DAY 7:30AM REGISTRATION FOR WORKSHOP A & BREAKFAST 8:00AM WORKSHOP A: Personalizing Learning: Strategies on Motivating a Diverse, Multigenerational Workforce Employee careers are now spanning nearly 70 years, with five generations currently in the workplace. From digital natives through to Baby Boomers, today’s workforce is ever- diverse in demands and motivations, requiring training delivery to be just as multifaceted. This interactive workshop will discuss engaging ways to: Create and deliver training in different, personalized ways, catered to employees’ differing tastes Diversify and curate training to better attract and retain talent Delve into the scope of solutions to deliver curated training, particularly through learning experience platforms Jennifer Magnani Senior Director, Quality Academy Sanofi Pasteur 10:00AM REGISTRATION FOR WORKSHOP B 10:30AM WORKSHOP B: Using the Behavioral Strategy of Nudges for Employee Engagement and Organizational Change Borrowing from the revolutionary science of behavioral economics, the creation of “choice architecture”—nudges--is an important new tool to deploy in learning and organizational development strategy. With the need to change employee behaviors more quickly and prove the return on investment for employee development, it’s essential to incorporate the design of nudges into training, programs, and change management. Nudges make change easier and ensure the development of skills is more rapidly effective. Bring your significant organizational behavioral change dilemma to the workshop and develop an action plan you can deploy as soon as you get back to the office. Walk through key factors to build into the choice architecture and practice applying the tools in a worked example Identify key stakeholder groups you can involve to ensure the success of the nudges Develop your own “choice architecture” for your real-time behavioral change issue and define measurements you’ll use to evaluate success Nicole Stragalas Director, Training & Development California Coast Credit Union 12:30PM REGISTRATION FOR WORKSHOP C & WORKING LUNCHEON 1:00PM WORKSHOP C: Build and Optimize the Employee Lifecycle for the Digital Age In today’s Talent War, it’s all-too-common to get promoted into roles with little to no preparation. In addition to causing workplace friction and disengagement, failure to build a viable leadership pipeline hurts the organizational structure and bottom line. This workshop will address today’s most prevalent leadership challenges, along with empowering methods to prepare the workforce for jobs that may not even exist yet. It will also dive into elements of creating an element of optimizing the employee life cycle. Key takeaways: Uncover the challenges learning leaders face in creating new career models and building new technical skills for development Develop a roadmap that considers skills and competency gaps for current and future roles Look at how to structure talent management for the entire employee life-cycle (include pre-boarding, onboarding, off-boarding) Kristal Walker Head of Professional Development Guitar Center 3:00PM END OF WORKSHOP DAY & SITE TOUR AT WEWORK HQ! -

Transcript of WORKSHOP DAY Monday, March 25, 2019 · MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 1 Tuesday, March 26, 2019 8:00AM...



WORKSHOP A: Personalizing Learning: Strategies on Motivating a Diverse, Multigenerational Workforce

Employee careers are now spanning nearly 70 years, with five generations currently in the workplace. From digital natives through to Baby Boomers, today’s workforce is ever-diverse in demands and motivations, requiring training delivery to be just as multifaceted. This interactive workshop will discuss engaging ways to:

• Create and deliver training in different, personalized ways, catered to employees’ differing tastes

• Diversify and curate training to better attract and retain talent

• Delve into the scope of solutions to deliver curated training, particularly through learning experience platforms

Jennifer Magnani Senior Director, Quality Academy Sanofi Pasteur



WORKSHOP B: Using the Behavioral Strategy of Nudges for Employee Engagement and Organizational Change

Borrowing from the revolutionary science of behavioral economics, the creation of “choice architecture”—nudges--is an important new tool to deploy in learning and organizational development strategy. With the need to change employee behaviors more quickly and prove the return on investment for employee development, it’s essential to incorporate the design of nudges into training, programs, and change management. Nudges make change easier and ensure the development of skills is more rapidly effective. Bring your significant organizational behavioral change dilemma to the workshop and develop an action plan you can deploy as soon as you get back to the office.

• Walk through key factors to build into the choice architecture and practice applying the tools in a worked example

• Identify key stakeholder groups you can involve to ensure the success of the nudges

• Develop your own “choice architecture” for your real-time behavioral change issue and define measurements you’ll use to evaluate success

Nicole Stragalas Director, Training & Development California Coast Credit Union



WORKSHOP C: Build and Optimize the Employee Lifecycle for the Digital Age

In today’s Talent War, it’s all-too-common to get promoted into roles with little to no preparation. In addition to causing workplace friction and disengagement, failure to build a viable leadership pipeline hurts the organizational structure and bottom line. This workshop will address today’s most prevalent leadership challenges, along with empowering methods to prepare the workforce for jobs that may not even exist yet. It will also dive into elements of creating an element of optimizing the employee life cycle. Key takeaways:

• Uncover the challenges learning leaders face in creating new career models and building new technical skills for development

• Develop a roadmap that considers skills and competency gaps for current and future roles

• Look at how to structure talent management for the entire employee life-cycle (include pre-boarding, onboarding, off-boarding)

Kristal Walker Head of Professional Development Guitar Center


Tuesday, March 26, 2019MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 1




OPENING KEYNOTE: Tackling the Impact of Automation on the Workforce

Automation is here to stay. In this session Rupalli will discuss how organizations can scale their L&D and Talent Management plans in the face of automation’s impact on the workforce. It will also be a candid look at balancing the ROI that automation can bring without losing the talent that becomes redundant once their jobs are automated. If you can’t afford to lose that talent then this session is for you.

• How Amazon is automating the entire learning and development administration space and what that is doing to their talent

• Examples of cross industry situations that failed to anticipate and change with the times

• How Talent Management and Learning can support automation and talent retention by upskilling the workforce at risk of automation

Rupalli Thacker GM, Global Learning Products and Programs Amazon


Reinventing the Learning Experience for a Global Workforce

In a rapidly expanding global workforce, it’s important to reinvent how we train and develop talent. Recognizing the need to create a scalable and sustainable culture of learning, by undertaking a multi-year journey to transform an organization though high-impact educational experiences.

In this session, we’ll explore...

• Centralizing a scattered, global L&D department

• Considerations around embedding and scaling a digital learning strategy to evolve with workplace needs

• Practical tips on strategic implementation, to immediately apply and align with business partners and stakeholders



Meet with leading L&D providers, grab a signed copy of an Amazon bestseller, and break away with your peers for some chatter around the following topics:

New to L&D

New leaders stretching into learning leadership and seeking to position themselves for success

Middle of the Road

Experienced leaders serving as a liaison between veteran leaders and younger talent

Old Timers

Seasoned leaders dedicated to continuous improvement while paving the way for new managers

Employee Engagement

Emerging Technology

Strategic Insights

Agenda Map Key -


During this part of the summit, delegates will be sorted into small groups [capped at 15] to take part in Interactive Discussions around the topics below. They will get the opportunity to select two topics and will rotate between their choices at the 40-minute mark. Discussion groups are kept small, interactive, and PPT-

free, to ensure all delegates get the opportunity to ask their most pressing questions, ensuring a perfectly tailored experience.

11:15AM SESSION A: Why Now? Make the Business Case for Augmented Reality (AR) Solutions in Learning

• An overview ofAugmented Reality (AR)technology as a leadinglearning & performancesupport solution, usingAggreko’s success story

• Uncover benefits ofadopting AR with anenterprise approachversus more bespokealternatives, includingmajor cost savings

• Develop a frameworkfor gaining buy-inand expanding usageof applications forAR along learningthe considerationsfor constructiveconversations with seniorleadership

Facilitator: Walter Davis Global Learning and Technology Manager Aggreko

SESSION B: Building a Coaching and Leadership Mindset

• The case AGAINSTautomating themanagement of people

• Growing leaders andmentoring in a fast-pacedenvironment

Elizabeth Nicolosi Executive Leadership Coach & Talent Development Okta

SESSION C: Implementing and Embedding Effective Cyber-Security Training in your Company

• What is an effectivetraining schedule?How do you promoteinformation retentionin your learners andpromote a cybersecurityconscious culture?

• What are key elementsin making sure yourtraining program iseffective?

• What should the contentinclude? How do youmotivate staff and deliverthe maximum amount ofinformation with a highdegree of focus?

Facilitator: John Trest Vice President of Content Development Inspired eLearning

SESSION D: Break Down Organizational Silos & Increase Engagement

1. Tips on creating cross-function teams with apurpose

2. Getting yourExecutives to seebeyond their ownorganization

3. How to gain cross-functional “buy-in” foryour key initiatives

Doug Folden VP of People Operations Tradeshift

SESSION E: Leveraging Partnerships to Create Internal Pathways for Frontline Workers

• An overview of AnneArundel Medical Center’sapproach to investingin the skills and careersof frontline healthcareworkers to fill criticalworkforce needs

• The benefits andoutcomes of usingworkforce developmentprograms to increasebusiness impact, healthoutcomes and quality jobs

• Best practices inestablishing partnershipswith community partners,buy in from leaders acrossthe organizations andinternal interest groups

• Discuss best practicesthat will bring togetherdiverse communitypartners to helpindividuals develop newskills to advance theircareers in all industries.

Lisa Walker Manager of Performance and Career Development Anne Arundel Medical Center -

Tuesday, March 26, 2019MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 1





Create a “Go Explore!” Culture through Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs)

• A market overview of why Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs) are anincreasing alternative to the Learning Management System (LMS)

• Explore use cases of curating training to attract and retain talent

• Reskill employees to new roles through customized content delivery

B.J. Schone Digital Learning Lead Atlassian

Deliver Personalized Learning through Human-Centered Design (HCD)

• A high-level review of human centered design, involving real world examples ofideation, empathy and personalization

• Scale for talent and identify what technologies and people need to be in place toroll out an HCD strategy

• Review challenges in engaging spectrum of users, along with the diverse, preferredrange of training modalities (synchronous, face-to-face, or self-paced eLearning)

Brian Austin Head of Training Xactware


Embrace The Future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Workplace Learning

• Explore the benefits of leveraging AI tools, specifically to deploy custom learningpaths that result in increased career growth and professional developmentopportunities

• Review Publicis Groupe’s AI learning roadmap, along with lessons learned andexpectations

• Identify learning AI success metrics and benchmarks via a real-time work inprogress report

Carol Sinko Senior Vice President, Publics Learning Global Lead Publics Media

Coach for Development: Anticipate Future Workforce Needs

• Identify the process of an integrated coaching development action learning labprocess that aligns with mission, leadership competencies, and ensuring growthof a leadership pathway from individual contributor to manager

• Demonstrate and make recommendations to increase visibility and long termbuy-in by incorporating internal coaching program to meet future workforceneeds.

• Discuss and share perspective in building a coaching framework in a and incorporating metric driven strategies that ensure engagement andbusiness outcomes to establish a workable action plan moving the individual/team forward and keeping them on track

Stephen Russell Senior Director Learning and Development MAXIMUS -

Tuesday, March 26, 2019MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 1


Preview emerging technologies and chat with innovative solution providers in lightning speed rounds


PANEL DISCUSSION: Humanize the Age of Automation

• Navigate the balancing act of face-time in conjunction with an increasingly digitized workplace

• Reinforce why critical thinking and problem-solving skills are significant to future job growth and stability

• Impactful use cases of organizations that are leveraging face-to-face training to offset tech roles

Jeanne Tari Global Head Delivery Channels Business Education Facebook

Julie Veloz Vice President of Learning Development, Head of Diversity and Inclusion IPG Mediabrands

Jen Freitas Director for People Learning & Engagement Clif Bar & Company

4:00 PM

STORY TIME: The Power of Storytelling to Humanize Your Learning Experiences

• Be inspired by a world-class storyteller that has designed award-winning learning programs for numerous tech clients

• Be introduced to the science behind storytelling and understand why it’s a powerful tool in today’s complex business world

• Discover best practices on how to leverage effective storytelling in the design and delivery your own learning experiences

Kevin Finke Chief Storyteller Experience Willow -

Tuesday, March 26, 2019MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 1

4:30 PM

CASE STUDY: Reinventing the Onboarding Experience at Verizon: Delivering the Promise

Hear how Verizon’s payroll organization, faced with an unconventional approach to learning, reinvented its onboarding process by focusing on progression planning, performance metrics and standardizing their training strategy to prepare talent with a path to achieving targeted results within their first 90 days.

• Tips to help engage stakeholders and increase the likelihood of their buy-in and support.

• Adopt best practices in onboarding programs to suit your organization

• Methods and strategies to help boost speed to productivity.

Miguel A. Reynoso Sr. Learning and Development Leader Verizon Finance I Global Payroll


Closing Insights from a Silicon Valley Innovator

• Stories from the frontlines on what it means to develop an innovation culture

• Champion the challenge of making your company a great place to work

• Bring the human factor into the workplace through continuous feedback, coaching and mentoring opportunities

Liz Sweet Senior Director of People Strategy, West WeWork


Wednesday, March 27, 2019MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 2




OPENING PANEL: Prepare for the Unknown: Career-Pathing & Job Redesign Practices for the Evolving Workplace

• Work together in utilizing a career framework that incorporates digital, personal growth, and emotional intelligence development strategies to prepare for a future workforce

• Share how creating sustainable learning and development strategy based on skills and engagement bridges and supports a multigenerational and diverse workforce

• Provide a learning and development framework to engage leaders to recognize the risk/benefit and investment strategy required to develop workplace activists that createsthe positive pull for change


Dan Dobson Smith Chief Learning & Culture Officer Essence

Carol Sinko Senior Vice President, Publics Learning Global Lead Publics Media

Stephen Russell Senior Director Learning and Development MAXIMUS

Karmiko Burton Head of Global Franchise Training and Capability Yum! Restaurants International

Employee Engagement

Emerging Technology

Strategic Insights

Agenda Map Key -


3 Keys to Avoid Feeling Overwhelmed and Thrive in your Learning Environment.

To succeed in our ever-demanding field of learning and development, we want to equip ourselves so we can bring our best selves to work. Part of that entails developing our emotional intelligence (EQ) and also expanding our capacity so we can thrive as leaders in the learning field.

In this talk - you will learn:

• Why pausing, or intentional shifts in behavior is so important in our field and this day and age.

• Ways to pause daily, or develop a pause mindset that can lead to feeling more satisfied and more meaning in your career and day to day work.

• How to follow your yearnings and why they are so important to thriving at work.

Rachael O’Meara Author of Pause: Harnessing the Life Changing Power of Giving Yourself a Break and Platforms Demand Channel Sales Google


Gathering: How to Bring People and Organizations Together for Movement, for Change, and For Good

There is immense potential and possibility when a group comes together. But when we gather in a room, we don’t always maximize this. We pull people together to only have our efforts fall on deaf ears. We invest money and then wonder why the initiative didn’t stick. Subsequently, very few of these gatherings create real change or commitment. What would take them from simply tick-the-box, to transformational?

• A 2x2 matrix to define, diagnose, and adjust your own gatherings, from town halls, to training classes, and more. Ideal for anyone who has taken part in a large gathering, toexecutive decision makers, change management professionals, and HR leaders.

• How to harness the power of an in-person experience to lead others through change

• Key leadership lessons on change and motivation no matter the size or scope of your work

Lindsey Caplan Director of Talent Development Credit Karma



Head-Smarts vs. Heart-Smarts: A Story on Essence’s Bespoke Leadership Development Program

• An overview of Essence’s learning and development strategy, which has grown its people in line with its own double-digit growth

• How Essence ensures its leaders develop the empathy and emotional intelligence to lead in an increasingly digitally-driven market, full of smart people

• In an increasingly connected world, find the value of creating space for people to pause and reflect on their inner game – and ultimately, how this makes them better leaders

Dan Dobson Smith Chief Learning & Culture Officer Essence

Wednesday, March 27, 2019MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 2 -


A Leading Measure to Enhance Learning’s Strategic Value

• Discuss the challenges traditional learning measures pose to assessing learning’s contribution to strategic initiatives

• Demonstrate a scalable, non-intrusive way to bridge this gap

• Discuss this measure’s potential to inform program design, personalize coaching and reinforcement, and inform business strategy

Greg Wilton Director of Branch Learning & Development Edward Jones

John Beckstead Principal, Training Facilitation Edward Jones



Culture Catalyst: Build a Motivational Mindset to Attract & Retain High-Performers

• Define what creates intrinsic motivation, especially as the lines between work and play increasingly mesh together

• Pilot solutions for motivationally-starved teams, including microlearning platforms, to accelerate learning curve and accelerate course completion

• Instill a motivational culture through injecting components into the entire employee life-cycle, from acquisition and onboarding through to career development

Brent Boeckman Global Sales and Learning Enablement Forescout Technologies

2:30PM Creating a Diverse & Inclusive Mindset:

While many organizations understand the value of diversity & inclusion as a method to improving creative thinking and problem solving, they have not asked the question, “Is Diversity & Inclusion a problem to be solved, or a mindset to embrace?”

In this interactive talk, we will address the environmental shifts that must take place for Diversity & Inclusion to move from a HR initiative to a true leadership imperative.

Dessalen Wood Vice President Talent Development Cineplex Entertainment


Wednesday, March 27, 2019MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 2 -


State of the Industry: Optimize Onboarding in Times of Fast Growth

NextGen America scales from dozens to hundreds over a few months to meet the needs of election cycles. In this session, we will:

• Learn what’s worked and how these tools apply to challenges like M&A’s, the rise of the gig economy and seasonal work

• Identify and share tools on blended approaches to reduce time-to-competency and stave off early turnover

Rachel Marcuse Vice President, People Operations NextGen America


CLOSING SESSION: Mindful Leadership

• Participants will learn how the mind works and ways we can become more aware as leaders to reduce bias, reactive management styles, and the prevalence of fear basedmanagement.

• Stress management tools and techniques will be offered to immediately address the elephant in the room, workplace stress.

• Psychological safety tips and mental health awareness will help leaders improve the overall health of their talent with an understanding that EAPs can only do so much.

Drew Aversa CLW Silicon Valley Inspirational Speaker for 2019!


Wednesday, March 27, 2019MAIN CONFERENCE DAY 2 -