

Transcript of Word

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Training & Research Division

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Microsoft Word for Windows

Word processing software that enables the user to create, edit, format and print documents. It also enables the users to integrate graphic images and charts to documents in reports. Its various tools allows users to check the spelling, look for other meanings and automate documents elements as well.

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Screen Features

1. Title Bar – is located at the topmost portion of the Window screen. This contains the Program name and the document name.

9 Menus in MSWord BarFile Edit View Insert Format Tools Table Window Help

2. Menu Bar – appears at the top of the Word screen, just below the Title bar. It contains nine (9) menu names, each of which leads to a list of commands that you use during your work sessions.

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Screen Features

3. Standard Toolbar – located just below the Menu bar. It contains twenty two (22) “picture” buttons, each of which represents a commonly used Word command. By simply clicking a button with your mouse, you can access all the features you need to do your normal daily task.

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Screen Features

4. Formatting Toolbar - located beneath the Standard Toolbar, which offers a wide range of formatting features. By clicking a button, you can change the font, font size and appearance of selected text. You can also change the alignment and indention of text.

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Screen Features

5. Ruler – located below the Formatting Toolbar. You can use the ruler to indent paragraphs, adjust left and right margins, change column widths in tables and make other formatting changes to larger sections of your document.

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Screen Features

6. Text Area – the large blank area below the ruler, is where your work displays when you type.

7. Insertion Point – shows where data will be inserted when you type.

8. End Mark – indicates the bottom of the document, it moves down the documents as you type. You cannot enter below the End mark. If you press the Enter key a few times, you will notice that the insertion point and End mark move down the window.

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Screen Features

9. I-Beam – the shape of the mouse pointer when in the Text area.

10. Selection bar – unmarked area along the left side of the Text area. The selection bar makes it easy to work with text. Clicking once highlights the closest line of text; double-clicking highlights an entire paragraph.

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Screen Features

11. Status bar – located along the very bottom of your screen. It displays information about the active document, the page that contains the Insertion point, the status of several keys on your computer and instructions and/or messages when you are issuing a command.

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Standard Toolbar Commands

New – open a document based on current default settings (normal).

Open – open an existing document into its own document window.

Save – save the active document with its current name.

Print - print the active document to the currently selected printer.

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Standard Toolbar Commands

Print Preview – views the document prior to printing.

Spelling – checks the spelling in the active document.

Cut – cut selected text from the document and put in the clipboard.

Copy – copies selected text from the document into the clipboard.

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Standard Toolbar Commands

Paste – paste out or copied text from the clipboard.

Format Painter – copy formatting of selected text.

Undo – undo the last action you performed.

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Standard Toolbar Commands

Redo – redo the last action you undid.

Auto Format – automatically format a document based on its contents.

Insert Table – inserting a table with one or more rows and columns.

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Formatting Toolbar Commands

• Style – A style is a set of formatting characteristics that you can apply to text in your document to quickly change its appearance.

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Formatting Toolbar Commands

• Font – change the font.

* Fonts – are the typestyles or text styles. In Word you can select a variety of typestyles which you can apply in your document.

* True Type Fonts – are automatically installed when you set up Windows on your system. These fonts look exactly the same as they do in a printed document.

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Formatting Toolbar Commands

• Font Size – changing the size of the font.• Bold – applies the bold formatting.• Italic - applies italic formatting.• Underline – applies a single underline

formatting.• Align Left – aligns text to the left.• Center – centers text.• Align Right – aligns text to the right.• Justify – justifies text (spaced only

between margins).

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Page Setup

Page Break – indicates another page of the document.

Large Size Paper – 8 ½ x 14 inches paper (long bond/ legal size).

Letter Size Paper – 8 ½ x 11 inches paper (short bond/ letter size).

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Page Setup

* Portrait Orientation – document is printed in standard vertical manner on the paper.

* Landscape Orientation – document is printed in a horizontal manner on the paper.

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Three (3) Elements of Table

1. Rows – are horizontal lines of text and/or data in your document.

2. Columns – vertical arrangement of document contents in your document.

3. Cells – boxes formed by the intersection of rows and columns.

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View Normal View – is the default document

view you probably will use for most typing, editing and formatting.

Page Layout View – you can see a document as it will look when printed and refine its text and formatting.

Outline View – you can collapse a document to see only the main Headings or expand it to see the entire document.

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Text Selection

To Select text – click and drag over text to be selected.

To Select a word – double-click on the word.

To Select a sentence – hold down the CTRL button and click on the sentence.

To Select a paragraph – triple-click on the paragraph.

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Text Selection To Select a line – position the mouse

pointer at the extreme left of the line (till the mouse pointer points to the right) then click once

To Select the entire document – position the mouse pointer at the extreme left of the line (till the mouse pointer to the right) then triple-click. You may also press CTRL+A to select the entire document.

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Copying Text

Select the text to be copied; Click on the EDIT menu and

select COPY; Move the cursor to the desired

destination of your copy; and Click on the EDIT menu and

select PASTE

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Moving Text

Select the text to be moved; Click on the EDIT menu and select

CUT; Moved the cursor to the location

where the text is to be transferred; and

Click on the EDIT menu and select PASTE.

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Saving a Document

Click on the File Menu and Choose SAVE;

In the filename text box, type in your desired filename;

Click on the pull-down arrow in the drive box to change the drive (if necessary); and

Click on OK

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Retrieving a Document

Click on the FILE menu and choose OPEN;

Click on the pull-down arrow in the drive box to change the drive) if necessary); and

Click on the file to be retrieved and click OK

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Text Formatting Select the text to be

formatted. Click on the FORMAT menu

and choose FONT. At the Font dialogued box,

format any of the following:

* Font – the typeface of the character* Style – Bold, Italic, etc.* Size – measured in points* Underline – single, double, etc.

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Paragraph Formatting Select the paragraphs to be formatted. Click on the FORMAT menu and select

PARAGRAPH. At the Paragraph dialogue box, format

any of the following:

* Indention- Left, Right, Special* Spacing – Before paragraph, after

paragraph, line spacing* Alignment – Left, Center, Right, Justified

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Applying Borders and Shading

Select the paragraph(s) to be formatted.

Click on the FORMAT menu and select BORDERS and SHADING.

On the Border tab, select a desired border and style.

On the shading tab, select a desired shading.

Click on OK.

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Applying Column Formats

Select the paragraph(s) to be formatted.

Click on the FORMAT menu and select COLUMN.

Click on the desired number of columns.

Click on OK.

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Inserting Pictures

Click on the INSERT menu and choose PICTURE.

Select a desired picture and click on OK Moving Pictures.

Click on the picture to select it (handles should appear).

Click on the INSERT menu and choose FRAME.

Position the mouse anywhere inside the frame and drag the picture to the desired location.

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Resizing Pictures

Click on the picture to select it (handles should appear)

Point the mouse on any of the handles until it represents a double-headed arrow.

Click and drag on the handle to your desired size.

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Deleting Pictures

Click on the picture to select it (handles should appear)

Press on the DELETE key in the keyboard.

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Spell-checking the Document

Click on the TOOLS menu and choose SPELLING.

To change desired words, either click on the suggestion or type directly on the Change To text box and click on Change.

To ignore a spell-check, simply click on the Ignore button.

Word will indicate is spell-check is complete, Click on OK.

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Print preview the Document

Choose PRINT PREVIEW in the FILE menu

View the document as desired (click on the appropriate tool in the toolbar

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Setting up the Correct Margins

Click File in the Menu bar Click PAGE SET-UP Choose the MARGINS in the TAB Type the desired margin, on Top,

Bottom, Left and Right.*(The default margin is one inch)

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Setting Up the Page

Click FILE in the menu bar. Click PAGE SET UP. Choose the PAPER SIZE in the TAB. Choose between LEGAL for long bond

paper size or 8 ½ x 14. Letter for Short Bond paper or 8 ½ x

11. Choose Orientation whether Landscape

or Portrait.

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Printing the Document

Choose PRINT from the FILE menu Choose a page range and set the

number of copies Then Click OK* You may also click the PRINT button

on the standard toolbar to print all pages of your document.