Why Illegal Drugs Is Bad. Kinds of Drugs. LLegal drugs. IIllegal drugs.

Why Illegal Drugs Is Bad

Transcript of Why Illegal Drugs Is Bad. Kinds of Drugs. LLegal drugs. IIllegal drugs.

Why Illegal Drugs Is Bad

Kinds of Drugs.

Legal drugs. Illegal drugs.

Drugs Definition A drug is a substance which by its chemical

nature affects the structure and function of the living organism.

Marijuana It is a plant from the cannabis family, is illegal and

highly psychoactive. Some of the first known references of marijuana were found in literature from India, that date back to the second millennium B.C.

The active ingredient in the cannabis family is the psychoactive drug delta-9 Terahydrocannibinol or “THC”.

Cocaine Is one of the 14 known alkaloids extracted from the

leaves of the evergreen coca plant. It is the principal active ingredient of the south

America coca plant. The chemical name for the cocaine is

Benzoylmethyl Ecognine “C12H21NO4.”

Heroin It’s an “opiate”, illegal and highly addictive drug. Opiate refers to certain alkaloids or chemical

compounds found in the milky fluid of the unripe seed pod of the poppy plant.

Heroin is the name, copyrighted in Germany at the end of the 19th century.

It is derived from the nature opium compound morphine “C17H19NO3” into a semi synthetic drug by the name of diacety1 morphine “C21H23NO5”.

LSD It’s 100% laboratory Drug. In 1938 Chemist Albert Hofmann synthesizes

LSD-25 at Sandoz Pharmaceutical Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland, in search of creating a blood stimulant.

Reasons Why Drugs Are


Negative Social Behavior

Family. Responsibilities. Financially. Effects.

Work. Carrier. Performance.

Physical Memory loss problem. Abnormal functioning of

lung tissue injured or destroyed by marijuana user.

Increased blood pressure. Increased heart pulse rate. Increased blood

temperature. Liver disease. Poor health condition. Infection of the heart lining

and valves.

Pneumonia. HIV/aids. Destroyed the blood cell. Destroyed the brain cell. Abscesses. Cellulites. Clogging the blood vessels

that lead to the lungs, liver, kidneys, or brain.

Very high risk of heart attack.

Very high risk of death.

The Brain on Cocaine The PET scan shows brain

function by seeing how the brain uses glucose, the energy source for the basic unit of the nervous system. In these scans, the red color shows high use of glucose, yellow shows medium use and blue shows the least use of glucose

Emergency Room Visits Due to Cocaine and Heroin

Psychological Complications

Sleeping problems. Headaches. Lowered appetite. Decreased sexual

desire. Depression. Talkative. Paranoia. Craving. Losing your train of


Slow speech. Time distortion. Increased hearing loss. Hallucinations. Delusions. Flashback. Effect the abilities of
