Illegal Drugs Cases

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  • 7/24/2019 Illegal Drugs Cases



    Republic of the PhilippinesSUPREME COURT



    PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, G.R. No. 189806Plaintiff-AppelleeP!esent"CORONA C.J. Chai!pe!son,VE#ASCO $R%- &e!sus -#EONARDO-DE CASTRODE# CASTI##O an'


    Accuse'-Appellant% $anua!+ , .,./-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/

    D E C I S I O N

    VELASCO, JR., J.:

    Th C!"This is an appeal f!o) the Au*ust 0 ..1 Decision 2,3of the Cou!t of Appeals 4CA5 in CA-6%R%CR-7%C% No% .898 :hich affi!)e' in totothe Decision 'ate' $ul+ , ..923

    in C!i)inal CaseNos% .8-;98< an' .8-;1=, of the Re*ional T!ial Cou!t 4RTC5 >!anch =; in Ma?ati Cit+% The RTCfoun' accuse'-appellant F!ancisco Manlan*it + T!esballes *uilt+ of '!u*-sale an' '!u*-usepenali@e' b+ Republic Act No% 4RA5 1,=< o! the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002%

    Th F!#$"On No&e)be!

  • 7/24/2019 Illegal Drugs Cases


    5 In C!i)inal Case No% .8-;98EONDREASONA>#E DOU>T of Violation of Section ,u!eauof Co!!ection subect to the p!o&isions of A!ticle VIII RA1,=!ief accuse'-appellant Manlan*it clai)e' that the p!osecution faile' to p!o&e

    his *uilt be+on' !easonable 'oubt% To suppo!t such contention accuse'-appellant clai)e' thatthe!e :as no bu+-bust ope!ation con'ucte'% 7e pointe' out that he :as not in the list ofsuspecte' '!u* pushe!s of MADAC o! of the AIDSTOF% 7e fu!the! e)phasi@e' that the bu+-bustope!ation :as con'ucte' :ithout fi!st con'uctin* a su!&eillance o! test bu+ to 'ete!)ine the&e!acit+ of the !epo!t )a'e b+ the info!)ant% 7e assaile' the fact that 'espite ?no:le'*e of hisi'entit+ an' location the bu+-bust tea) faile' to secu!e e&en a sea!ch :a!!ant%

    Accuse'-appellant also !aise' the issue that the bu+-bust tea) faile' to co)pl+ :iththe p!oce'u!e fo! the custo'+ an' cont!ol of sei@e' p!ohibite' '!u*s un'e! Sec% , of RA 1,=!ief fo! the Accuse'-Appellant 'ate' Septe)be! 1 ..0 a!e"

    ,% The Cou!t a uo *!a&el+ e!!e' in con&ictin* the accuse'-appellant'espite the p!osecutions failu!e to p!o&e his built be+on' !easonable'oubt%213

    % The Cou!t a uo *!a&el+ e!!e' in fin'in* that the p!oce'u!e fo! thecusto'+ an' cont!ol of p!ohibite' '!u*s :as co)plie' :ith%2,.3

    Th R%&'() o* $h Co%+$

    The appeal is be!eft of )e!it%

    F'+"$ I""%:A##%"-!&&!($" )%'&$ /!" +o yo( +!"o(!& o%$

    The fi!st pa!a*!aph of Sec% < of RA 1,=< punishes the act of sellin* 'an*e!ous '!u*s% Itp!o&i'es"


  • 7/24/2019 Illegal Drugs Cases


    the RTC an' the CA foun' c!e'iblea!e no: be+on' uestion% As the Cou!t !ule' inAparis v.!eople"2,3

    As to the uestion of c!e'ib ilit+ of the police office!s :ho se!&e'

    as p!incipal :itnesses fo! the p!osecution settle' is the !ule thatp!osecutions in&ol&in* ille*al '!u*s 'epen' la!*el+ on the c!e'ibilit+ of thepolice office!s :ho con'ucte' the bu+-bust ope!ation% It is a fun'a)ental!ule that fin'in*s of the t!ial cou!ts :hich a!e factual in natu!e an' :hichin&ol&e c!e'ibilit+ a!e acco!'e' !espect :hen no *la!in* e!!o!s *!oss)isapp!ehension of facts o! speculati&e a!bit!a!+ an' unsuppo!te'conclusions can be *athe!e' f!o) such fin'in*s% The !eason fo! this is that

    the t!ial cou!t is in a bette! position to 'eci'e the c!e'ibilit+ of :itnessesha&in* hea!' thei! testi)onies an' obse!&e' thei! 'epo!t)ent an' )anne!of testif+in* 'u!in* the t!ial% The !ule fin's an e&en )o!e st!in*entapplication :he!e sai' fin'in*s a!e sustaine' b+ the Cou!t of Appeals as inthe p!esent case%

    Mo!eo&e! accuse'-appellants 'efense of 'enial :ithout substantial e&i'ence to suppo!t itcannot o&e!co)e the p!esu)ption of !e*ula!it+ of the police office!s pe!fo!)ance of officialfunctions% Thus the Cou!t !ule' in !eople v. %lamado"2,83

    In cases in&ol&in* &iolations of Dan*e!ous D!u*s Act c!e'ence

    shoul' be *i&en to the na!!ation of the inci'ent b+ the p!osecution :itnessesespeciall+ :hen the+ a!e police office!s :ho a!e p!esu)e' to ha&epe!fo!)e' thei! 'uties in a !e*ula! )anne! unless the!e be e&i'ence to thecont!a!+% Mo+o+, '( $h !"(# o* +oo* o* 2o$' $o *!&"&y '2%$

    "%#h ! "+'o%" #+'2 !)!'("$ $h !&&!($, $h +"%2$'o( o*+)%&!+'$y '( $h +*o+2!(# o* o**'#'!& %$y, !" /&& !" $h *'('()" o*$h $+'!& #o%+$ o( $h #+''&'$y o* /'$(""", "h!&& +!'& o+!&&!($" "&*-"+'() !( %(#o++oo+!$ ('!&.4E)phasis supplie'%5

    Cont!a!+ to accuse'-appellants challen*e to the &ali'it+ of the bu+-bust ope!ation the

    Cou!t cate*o!icall+ state' in &uinicot v. !eople that a p!io! su!&eillance o! test bu+ is not!eui!e' fo! a &ali' bu+-bust ope!ation as lon* as the ope!ati&es a!e acco)panie' b+ thei!info!)ant thus"

    S$$& '" $h +%& $h!$ $h !"(# o* ! +'o+ "%+'&&!(# o+ $"$ %yo" (o$ !**#$ $h &)!&'$y o* $h %y-%"$ o+!$'o(.The!e is note/tboo? )etho' of con'uctin* bu+-bust ope!ations% The Cou!t has left tothe 'isc!etion of police autho!ities the selection of effecti&e )eans to

    app!ehen' '!u* 'eale!s% A p!io! su!&eillance )uch less a len*th+ one isnot necessa!+ especiall+ :he!e the police ope!ati&es a!e acco)panie' b+thei! info!)ant 'u!in* the ent!ap)ent% Fle/ibilit+ is a t!ait of *oo' police:o!?% Be ha&e hel' that :hen ti)e is of the essence the police )a+'ispense :ith the nee' fo! p!io! su!&eillance% I( $h '("$!($ #!", h!'()( !##o2!(' y $h '(*o+2!($ $o $h +"o( /ho /!" &'()$h !()+o%" +%)", $h o&'#2( ( (o$ h! #o(%#$ !(y+'o+ "%+'&&!(# *o+ $hy %(+$oo $h %y-%"$ o+!$'o(.2,;34E)phasis supplie'%5

    Fu!the!)o!e accuse'-appellants contention that the bu+-bust tea) shoul' ha&ep!ocu!e' a sea!ch :a!!ant fo! the &ali'it+ of the bu+-bust ope!ation is )isplace'% The Cou!t ha'the occasion to a''!ess this issue in !eople v. Doria"2,

  • 7/24/2019 Illegal Drugs Cases


    S#$'o( ;1.Custody and Disposition of Confiscated, Sei'ed, andorSurrendered Dangerous Drugs, !lant Sources of Dangerous Drugs,Controlled !recursors and "ssential Chemicals, (nstruments!araphernaliaandor %aboratory ")uipment%The PDEA shall ta?e cha!*e an' ha&ecusto'+ of all 'an*e!ous '!u*s plant sou!ces of 'an*e!ous '!u*scont!olle' p!ecu!so!s an' essential che)icals as :ell asinst!u)entsGpa!aphe!nalia an'Go! labo!ato!+ euip)ent so confiscate'sei@e' an'Go! su!!en'e!e' fo! p!ope! 'isposition in the follo:in* )anne!"

    4,5 The app!ehen'in* tea) ha&in* initial custo'+ an' cont!ol

    of the '!u*s shall i))e'iatel+ afte! sei@u!e an' confiscation

    ph+sicall+ in&ento!+ an' photo*!aph the sa)e in the p!esence ofthe accuse' o! the pe!sonGs f!o) :ho) such ite)s :e!econfiscate' an'Go! sei@e' o! hisGhe! !ep!esentati&e o! counsel a!ep!esentati&e f!o) the )e'ia an' the Depa!t)ent of $ustice4DO$5 an' an+ electe' public official :ho shall be !eui!e' tosi*n the copies of the in&ento!+ an' be *i&en a cop+ the!eof4E)phasis supplie'%5

    In pa!ticula! accuse'-appellant a!*ues that"

    Bhile the )a!?in* of the speci)en :as 'one in the place of inci'ent b+MADAC ope!ati&e So!iano the in&ento!+ of the ite) :as 'one at Cluste! ;%The!e :as no photo*!aph )a'e of the plastic sachet in the p!esence of theaccuse' )e'ia an+ electe' local official o! the DO$ !ep!esentati&es inclea! &iolation of Section , R%A% No% 1,=ase' on such alle*e' failu!e of the bu+-bust tea) to co)pl+ :ith the p!oce'u!al !eui!e)entsof Sec% , RA 1,=

  • 7/24/2019 Illegal Drugs Cases


    To !2'""'&, $h +o"#%$'o( 2%"$ "ho/ y +#o+"o+ $"$'2o(y, $h #o($'(%o%" /h+!o%$" o* $h h''$ !$&!"$ $/( $h $'2 '$ #!2 '($o o""""'o( o* $h o&'#o**'#+" !( %($'& '$ /!" $"$ '( $h &!o+!$o+y $o $+2'('$" #o2o"'$'o( % $o $h $'2 '$ /!" o**+ '('(#.4E)phasis supplie'%5

    7e!e accuse'-appellant 'oes not uestion the unb!o?en chain of e&i'ence% 7is onl+ contentionis that the bu+-bust tea) 'i' not in&ento!+ an' photo*!aph the speci)en on site an' in thep!esence of accuse'-appellant o! his counsel a !ep!esentati&e f!o) the )e'ia an' theDepa!t)ent of $ustice an' an+ electe' public official% 7o:e&e! as !ule' b+ the Cou!t

    in *osialda as lon* as the chain of custo'+ !e)ains unb!o?en e&en thou*h the p!oce'u!al!eui!e)ents p!o&i'e' fo! in Sec% , of RA 1,=< :as not faithfull+ obse!&e' the *uilt of theaccuse' :ill not be affecte'%

    An' as aptl+ !ule' b+ the CA the chain of custo'+ in the instant case :as not b!o?en asestablishe' b+ the facts p!o&e' 'u!in* t!ial thus"

    #astl+ the contention of appellant that the police office!s faile' to co)pl+:ith the p!o&isions of pa!a*!aph , Section , of R%A% No% 1,=< fo! thep!ope! p!oce'u!e in the custo'+ an' 'isposition of the sei@e' '!u*s isuntenable% Reco!' sho:s that Se!!ano )a!?e' the confiscate' sachetof shabu in the p!esence of appellant at the place of inci'ent an' :astu!ne' o&e! p!ope!l+ to the in&esti*atin* office! to*ethe! :ith the )a!?e'bu+-bust )one+% Afte!:a!'s the confiscate' plastic sachet suspecte' to becontainin* shabu :as b!ou*ht to the fo!ensic che)ist fo! e/a)ination%

    #i?e:ise the )e)be!s of the bu+-bust tea) e/ecute' thei! !inagsanib naSalaysay sa !ag+arestoi))e'iatel+ afte! the a!!est an' at the t!ial Se!!anopositi&el+ i'entifie' the sei@e' '!u*s% In'ee' the p!osecution e&i'ence ha'establishe' the unb!o?en chain of custo'+ of the sei@e' '!u*s f!o) the bu+-bust tea) to the in&esti*atin* office! an' to the fo!ensic che)ist% Thusthe!e is no 'oubt that the p!ohibite' '!u* p!esente' befo!e the cou!t a uo:as the one sei@e' f!o) appellant an' that in'ee' he co))itte' thec!i)es i)pute' a*ainst hi)%

    =HEREFORE the appeal is DENIED. TheCAsAu*ust 0 ..1 Decision in CA-6%R%CR-7%C% No% .898 is he!eb+ AFFIRMEDIN TOTO%No costs%SO ORDERED.


    PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, G.R. No. 199@0AppelleeP!esent"CARPIO J% Chai!pe!son>RION- &e!sus - PERE(SERENO an'REES JJ%

    GOMER S. CLIMACO, P!o)ul*ate'"

    Appellant% $une ,8 .,/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /

    D E C I S I O N

    CARPIO, J.:Th C!"

    This is a consoli'ate' c!i)inal case file' a*ainst appellant 6o)e! S% Cli)aco 4Cli)aco5 fo!

    &iolation of Sections < an' ,, of Republic Act No% 1,=< 4The Co)p!ehensi&e Dan*e!ous D!u*sAct of ..5 fo! ille*al possession 4C!i)inal Case No% ;1,,-SP#5 an' ille*al sale 4C!i)inal CaseNo% ;1,-SP#5 of )etha)pheta)ine h+'!ochlo!i'e a 'an*e!ous '!u*%The Re*ional T!ial Cou!t 4RTC5 of San Pe'!o #a*una >!anch 8, in its Decision 'ate' .$anua!+ ..1 4RTC Decision5 foun' Cli)aco *uilt+ be+on' !easonable 'oubt of the c!i)e ofille*al possession of )etha)pheta)ine h+'!ochlo!i'e a 'an*e!ous '!u* an' sentence' hi) toi)p!ison)ent of , +ea!s an' , 'a+ to ,; +ea!s an' 0 )onths :ith a fine of 8.....%.. inC!i)inal Case No% ;1,,-SP#%2,3In C!i)inal Case No% ;1,-SP# the RTC foun' Cli)aco *uilt+be+on' !easonable 'oubt of the c!i)e of ille*al sale of)etha)pheta)ine h+'!ochlo!i'e an'sentence' hi) to life i)p!ison)ent :ith a fine of P 85 , :hite en&elope as E/hibit C ;5 the e/istence of t:o 45plastic sachets :ith )a!?in*s 6SC-, as E/hibit C-, an' al&e!'eso)e )e)be!s of the #a*una Special Ope!ation Tea) Me)be!s of theP!o&incial Intelli*ence an' In&esti*ation Di&ision con'ucte' a b!iefin*!e*a!'in* a '!u* ope!ation a*ainst a ce!tain 6o)e! Cli)aco No% < in the'!u* :atch list in San Pe'!o #a*una% Du!in* the b!iefin* PO, I*nacio :astas?e' to act as the poseu!-bu+e! an' SPO; Al)e'a as the o&e!all tea)lea'e!% The bu+-bust )one+ :as p!epa!e' :hich consist of P

  • 7/24/2019 Illegal Drugs Cases


    so)ethin*% Bhen he ca)e out 6o)e! sho:e' to PO, I*nacio theshabu% PO, I*nacio sc!atche' his hea' to si*nal the tea) that ite) :assho:n to hi) an' he :oul' e/ecute the bu+in* of the shabu% Afte! 6o)e!as?e' fo! the )one+ an' PO, I*nacio *a&e it to hi) SPO8 Sa)son an' the!est of the tea) i))e'iatel+ )o&e' in to effect the a!!est of thesuspect% Since he :as cau*ht in the act 6o)e! 'i' not !esist an+)o!e% Thetea) li?e:ise sho:e' 6o)e! his :a!!ant of a!!est% PO, I*nacio sa: SPO8Sa)son f!is? an' as? 6o)e! to e)pt+ his poc?ets% SPO8 Sa)son :as ableto !eco&e! anothe! plastic sachet :hich :as inse!te' bet:een 6o)e!sfin*e!s% The plastic sachet :hich :as the p!o'uct of the bu+-bust an' theone !eco&e!e' f!o) 6o)e! :e!e tu!ne' o&e! to SPO; Teofilo Ro+ena :ho

    tu!ne' the) o&e! to the Office of the Special Ope!ation 6!oup locate' at>!*+% Tubi*an >ian #a*una% The plastic sachet p!o'uct of the bu+-bust :as)a!?e' TR-> :hich )eans Teofilo Ro+ena an' the lette! > )eans>ust% Bhile the plastic sachet !eco&e!e' f!o) 6o)e! :as )a!?e' TR-R:hich )eans Teofilo Ro+ena an' the lette! R )eans Reco&e!e'% PO,I*nacio i'entifie' the accuse' 6o)e! Cli)aco in open cou!t% 7e li?e:isei'entifie' his s:o!n state)ent% Du!in* the c!oss-e/a)ination PO, I*nacioa')itte' that he lea!ne' of the :a!!ant of a!!est on 9 Septe)be! ..;onl+% It :as SPO; Val&e!'e :ho inst!ucte' PO I*nacio to con'uctsu!&eillance ope!ation a*ainst 6o)e! :ho :as en*a*e' in !a)pant sellin*of shabu%2a*on* Silan*% On 9 Septe)be! ..; Michael :ent to 6o)e!s )anu?anto *athe! *ua&a f!uits% Bhen he a!!i&e' the!e 6o)e! :as ten'in* to hiscoc?s% Bhile he :as *athe!in* *ua&a f!uits Michael sa: fou! 4;5uni'entifie' a!)e' )en su''enl+ ba!*e into the p!e)ises an' a!!est6o)e!% Afte! he :as han'cuffe' 6o)e! :as )a'e to boa!' a &ehicle:he!e he :as b!ou*ht to $a?a Sub'i&ision% Michael coul' not !e)e)be!:hethe! it :as )o!nin* o! e&enin* :hen 6o)e! :as a!!este' b+

    uni'entifie' a!)e' )en because the inci'ent happene' a lon* ti)e a*o%

    C!istina 6a)boa Cli)aco testifie' that she is the :ife of 6o)e!Cli)aco% She 'i' not ?no: SPO Bilf!e'o Sa)son an' PO, Alain'elonI*nacio% On 9 Septe)be! ..; she :as insi'e thei! house ta?in* ca!e ofhe! chil'% At a!oun' 8".. in the afte!noon of the sa)e 'a+ 6o)e! a!!i&e' inthei! house :ho ust ca)e f!o) >a!an*a+ Cu+ab% Afte! ta?in* a bath6o)e! :ent outsi'e of thei! house% Bhile in f!ont of thei! house 6o)e!calle' the pe!son ta?in* ca!e of his chic?ens% 6o)e! an' that pe!son :entto the bac? of the house% Mean:hile C!istina :ent insi'e thehouse%Althou*h she :as insi'e of the house C!istina coul' see 6o)e! an'the pe!son th!ou*h the :in'o:% At a!oun' ;".. in the afte!noon C!istinasa: fou! 4;5 uni'entifie' a!)e' )en app!oach an' as? so)ethin* f!o)6o)e!% Afte! a fe: )inutes 6o)e! left the bac? of the house :hile the)en :e!e left stan'in* the!e% C!istina :ent out the house an' sa: he!

    husban' *o to:a!' the 'i!ection of St% Re+)on'% At a!oun' =".. in thee&enin* Ci!stina :ent 'o:n f!o) thei! house to as? Michael if he sa:6o)e!% Michael tol' C!istina that he sa: 6o)e! loa'e' into a &an b+se&e!al )en% Du!in* the c!oss-e/a)ination C!istina sai' that she 'i' not?no: of an+ !eason :h+ SPO Sa)son an' PO, I*nacio :oul' a!!est he!husban'%293

    Th D#'"'o( o* $h R)'o(!& T+'!& Co%+$The RTC 'ecla!e' Cli)aco *uilt+ of the c!i)es of ille*al sale an' ille*al possession of)etha)pheta)ine h+'!ochlo!i'e o! shabu a 'an*e!ous '!u*% The 'ispositi&e po!tion of theRTC Decision !ea's"

    B7EREFORE in C!i)inal Case No% ;1,-SP# the Cou!t fin's theaccuse' 6o)e! S% Cli)aco 6UI#T be+on' !easonable 'oubt of the c!i)eof &iolation of Sec% < of R%A% 1,=

  • 7/24/2019 Illegal Drugs Cases



    The RTC foun' that the ele)ents fo! the c!i)es of ille*al sale an' ille*al possessionof shabu :e!e sufficientl+ establishe' b+ the p!osecution% 213The RTC hel' that Cli)acos 'efenseof f!a)e-up is &ie:e' :ith 'isfa&o! as it can be easil+ concocte'% 2,.3The RTC *a&e full faith an'c!e'it to the testi)on+ of PO, I*nacio an' 'ecla!e' the police office!s :ho pa!ticipate' in thebu+-bust ope!ation :e!e p!ope!l+ pe!fo!)in* thei! 'uties because the+ :e!e not inspi!e' b+ an+i)p!ope! )oti&e%2,,3

    Th D#'"'o( o* $h Co%+$ o* A!&"

    The CA affi!)e' the con&iction of Cli)aco% The 'ispositi&e po!tion of the CA Decision !ea's asfollo:s"

    B7EREFORE the appeal is DENIED an' the u'*)ent 'ate' $anua!+ ...1 of the RTC in C!i)inal Case Nos% ;1,,-SP# an' ;1,-SP# fin'in*appellant 6o)e! S% Cli)aco *uilt+ be+on' !easonable 'oubt of &iolation ofSections < an' ,, of Rep% Act No% 1,=< is AFFIRMED%2,3

    The CA 'ecla!e' that all the ele)ents of the c!i)es of ille*al sale an' ille*al possession of'an*e!ous '!u*s :e!e p!o&en%2,83The CA foun' that base' on the testi)on+ of PO, I*nacio it:as establishe' that the chain of custo'+ o&e! the sei@e' '!u*s :as unb!o?en f!o) thea!!estin* office!s to SPO; Ro+ena an' then to the fo!ensic che)ist fo! e/a)ination%2,;3

    Th I""%

    The sole issue in this case is :hethe! the *uilt of Cli)aco fo! the c!i)es of ille*al sale an' ille*alpossession of shabu a 'an*e!ous '!u* :as p!o&en be+on' !easonable 'oubt%

    Th R%&'() o* $h'" Co%+$

    Be !esol&e to acuit Cli)aco fo! the p!osecutions failu!e to p!o&e his *uilt be+on' !easonable'oubt%PO, I*nacio in his testi)on+ clai)e' that the 'an*e!ous '!u*s sei@e' f!o) Cli)aco :e!e)a!?e' b+ SPO; Teofilo Ro+ena as TR-> an' TR-R%2,ill of Ri*hts 4A!ticle III5 p!o&i'es that in all c!i)inal p!osecutions the accuse' shallbe p!esu)e' innocent until the cont!a!+ is p!o&e'%

    Section Rule ,88 of the Rules of Cou!t li?e:ise states that in a c!i)inal case the accuse' isentitle' to an acuittal unless his *uilt is p!o&e' be+on' !easonable 'oubt% P!oof be+on'

    !easonable 'oubt 'oes not )ean such a 'e*!ee of p!oof e/clu'in* possibilit+ of e!!o! :hich

    p!o'uces absolute ce!taint+% Onl+ )o!al ce!tainl+ is !eui!e' o! that 'e*!ee of p!oof :hichp!o'uces con&iction in an unp!eu'ice' )in'%

    Ch!'( o* C%"$oy O+ $h Co(*'"#!$ I$2"

    The ele)ents necessa!+ in e&e!+ p!osecution fo! the ille*al sale of shabu a!e" 4,5 the i'entit+ ofthe bu+e! an' the selle! the obect an' the consi'e!ation an' 45 the 'eli&e!+ of the thin* sol'an' the pa+)ent%2,93Si)ila!l+ it is essential that the t!ansaction o! sale be p!o&e' to ha&eactuall+ ta?en place couple' :ith the p!esentation in cou!t of e&i'ence of corpus delicti :hich)eans the actual co))ission b+ so)eone of the pa!ticula! c!i)e cha!*e'% 2,03The corpusdelicti in cases in&ol&in* 'an*e!ous '!u*s is the p!esentation of the 'an*e!ous '!u* itself%

    On the othe! han' to successfull+ p!osecute a case of ille*al possession of 'an*e!ous '!u*sthe follo:in* ele)ents )ust be establishe'" 4,5 the accuse' is in possession of an ite) o! obect:hich is i'entifie' to be a p!ohibite' '!u* 45 such possession is not autho!i@e' b+ la: an' 485the accuse' f!eel+ an' consciousl+ possesse' the '!u*%2,13

    In both cases of ille*al sale an' ille*al possession of 'an*e!ous '!u*s the chain of custo'+ o&e!the 'an*e!ous '!u* )ust be sho:n to establish the corpus delicti% In !eople v. Alcui'ar2.3theCou!t hel'"

    The 'an*e!ous '!u* itself the shabuin this case constitutes the&e!+ corpus delictiof the offense an' in sustainin* a con&iction un'e!Republic Act No% 1,=oa!' Re*ulation No% , Se!ies of .. 2,3:hich i)ple)entsthe Co)p!ehensi&e Dan*e!ous D!u*s Act of .. 'efines chain of custo'+ as follo:s"

    Chain of Custo'+ )eans the 'ul+ !eco!'e' autho!i@e' )o&e)ents an'custo'+ of sei@e' '!u*s o! cont!olle' che)icals o! plant sou!ces of'an*e!ous '!u*s o! labo!ato!+ euip)ent of each sta*e f!o) the ti)e ofsei@u!eGconfiscation to !eceipt in the fo!ensic labo!ato!+ to safe?eepin* top!esentation in cou!t fo! 'est!uction% Such !eco!' of )o&e)ents an'custo'+ of sei@e' ite) shall inclu'e the i'entit+ an' si*natu!e of the pe!son

    :ho hel' te)po!a!+ custo'+ of the sei@e' ite) the 'ate an' ti)e :hensuch t!ansfe! of custo'+ :e!e )a'e in the cou!se of safe?eepin* an' use incou!t as e&i'ence an' the final 'isposition%

    In $alillin v. !eople23the Cou!t e/plaine' the i)po!tance of the chain of custo'+"

    P!osecutions fo! ille*al possession of p!ohibite' '!u*s necessitates that theele)ental act of possession of a p!ohibite' substance be establishe' :ith)o!al ce!taint+ to*ethe! :ith the fact that the sa)e is not autho!i@e' b+la:% The 'an*e!ous '!u* itself constitutes the &e!+ corpusdelicti of theoffense an' the fact of i ts e/istence is &ital to a u'*)ent ofcon&iction% Essential the!efo!e in these cases is that the i'entit+ of thep!ohibite' '!u* be establishe' be+on' 'oubt% >e that as it )a+ the )e!efact of unautho!i@e' possession :ill not suffice to c!eate in a !easonable

    )in' the )o!al ce!taint+ !eui!e' to sustain a fin'in* of *uilt% Mo!e than ustthe fact of possession the fact that the substance ille*all+ possesse' in the
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    fi!st place is the sa)e substance offe!e' in cou!t as e/hibit )ust also beestablishe' :ith the sa)e un:a&e!in* e/actitu'e as that !euisite to )a?e afin'in* of *uilt% The chain of custo'+ !eui!e)ent pe!fo!)s this function inthat it ensu!es that unnecessa!+ 'oubts conce!nin* the i'entit+ of thee&i'ence a!e !e)o&e'%

    As a )etho' of authenticatin* e&i'ence the chain of custo'+ !ule !eui!esthat the a')ission of an e/hibit be p!ece'e' b+ e&i'ence sufficient tosuppo!t a fin'in* that the )atte! in uestion is :hat the p!oponent clai)s itto be% It :oul' inclu'e testi)on+ about e&e!+ lin? in the chain f!o) the)o)ent the ite) :as pic?e' up to the ti)e it is offe!e' in e&i'ence in such

    a :a+ that e&e!+ pe!son :ho touche' the e/hibit :oul' 'esc!ibe ho: an'f!o) :ho) it :as !ecei&e' :he!e it :as an' :hat happene' to it :hile inthe :itness possession the con'ition in :hich it :as !ecei&e' an' thecon'ition in :hich it :as 'eli&e!e' to the ne/t lin? in the chain% These:itnesses :oul' then 'esc!ibe the p!ecautions ta?en to ensu!e that the!eha' been no chan*e in the con'ition of the ite) an' no oppo!tunit+ fo!so)eone not in the chain to ha&e possession of the sa)e%

    Bhile testi)on+ about a pe!fect chain is not al:a+s the stan'a!' because itis al)ost al:a+s i)possible to obtain an unb!o?en chain of custo'+beco)es in'ispensable an' essential :hen the ite) of !eal e&i'ence is not'istincti&e an' is not !ea'il+ i'entifiable o! :hen its con'ition at the ti)e oftestin* o! t!ial is c!itical o! :hen a :itness has faile' to obse!&e itsuniueness% The sa)e stan'a!' li?e:ise obtains in case the e&i'ence issusceptible to alte!ation ta)pe!in* conta)ination an' e&en substitution

    an' e/chan*e% In othe! :o!'s the e/hibits le&el of susceptibilit+ tofun*ibilit+ alte!ation o! ta)pe!in* :ithout !e*a!' to :hethe! the sa)e isa'&e!tent o! othe!:ise not 'ictates the le&el of st!ictness in the application ofthe chain of custo'+ !ule%In'ee' the li?elihoo' of ta)pe!in* loss o! )ista?e :ith !espect to ane/hibit is *!eatest :hen the e/hibit is s)all an' is one that has ph+sicalcha!acte!istics fun*ible in natu!e an' si)ila! in fo!) to substances fa)ilia!to people in thei! 'ail+ li&es% raham v. Statepositi&el+ ac?no:le'*e' this'an*e!% In that case :he!e a substance :as late! anal+@e' as he!oin :ashan'le' b+ t:o police office!s p!io! to e/a)ination :ho ho:e&e! 'i' nottestif+ in cou!t on the con'ition an' :he!eabouts of the e/hibit at the ti)e it:as in thei! possession :as e/clu'e' f!o) the p!osecution e&i'ence thecou!t pointin* out that the :hite po:'e! sei@e' coul' ha&e been in'ee'he!oin o! it coul' ha&e been su*a! o! ba?in* po:'e!% It !ule' that unless the

    state can sho: b+ !eco!'s o! testi)on+ the continuous :he!eabouts of thee/hibit at least bet:een the ti)e it ca)e into the posession of the policeoffice!s until it :as teste' in the labo!ato!+ to 'ete!)ine its co)positiontesti)on+ of the state as to the labo!ato!+s fin'in*s is ina')issible%

    A uniue cha!acte!istic of na!cotic substances is that the+ a!e not !ea'il+i'entifiable as in fact the+ a!e subect to scientific anal+sis to 'ete!)ine thei!co)position an' natu!e% The Cou!t cannot !eluctantl+ close its e+es to theli?elihoo' o! at least the possibilit+ that at an+ of the lin?s in the chain ofcusto'+ o&e! the sa)e the!e coul' ha&e been ta)pe!in* alte!ation o!substitution of substances f!o) othe! cases b+ acci'ent o! othe!:ise in:hich si)ila! e&i'ence :as sei@e' o! in :hich si)ila! e&i'ence :assub)itte' fo! labo!ato!+ testin*% 7ence in authenticatin* the sa)e astan'a!' )o!e st!in*ent than that applie' to cases in&ol&in* obects :hicha!e !ea'il+ i'entifiable )ust be applie' a )o!e e/actin* stan'a!' that

    entails a chain of custo'+ of the ite) :ith sufficient co)pleteness if onl+ to

    !en'e! it i)p!obable that the o!i*inal ite) has eithe! been e/chan*e' :ithanothe! o! been conta)inate' o! ta)pe!e' :ith%

    In this case PO, I*nacio in his testi)on+ clai)e' that the substances sei@e' f!o) Cli)aco'u!in* the bu+-bust ope!ation :e!e )a!?e' as TR-R an' TR->"

    " Bhen SPO; Al)ei'a han'e' o&e! the ite)s to SPO; Teofilo Ro+ena:hat if an+ 'i' SPO; Ro+ena 'o :ith the ite)sH

    A" 7e place' )a!?in*s on it )aa)%" Bhe!e :e!e +ou :hen he place' the )a!?in*sH

    A" I :as p!esent )aa)%

    " Do +ou ?no: :hat )a!?in*s :as )a'eHA" 7e place' his initials TR :hich )eans Teofilo Ro+ena an' the lette! >:hich )eans bust )aa)%" I) sho:in* to +ou a plastic sachet :ith the )a!?in*s TR-> please *oo&e! this an' tell if this is the sa)e ite) :hich +ou confiscate' f!o) theaccuse'H

    A" es )aa)% This is the sa)e%PROS% CASANO" ou! 7ono! the b!o:n en&elope :hich contains theplastic sachet has al!ea'+ been )a!?e' as E/hibit C the plastic sachet as

    E/hibit C-, an' the )a!?in*s TR-> as E/hibit C- 4Continuin*5%/ / / /

    " Tell us the )a!?in*s that :as place'H

    A" Its TR-R the R )eans !eco&e!e' )aa)%" 7o: su!e a!e +ou that the ite)s )a!?e' b+ SPO; Teofilo Ro+ena TR-R:as the sa)e ite) ta?en b+ SPO8 Sa)son f!o) the accuse'H

    A" >ecause the!e :as a 'iffe!ence bet:een the t:o plastic sachetsthe ite)s !eco&e!e' b+ SPO8 Sa)son :as a little bit bi**e! )aa)%" I) sho:in* to +ou a bi**e! plastic sachet :ith the )a!?in*s TR- R a!e+ou !efe!!in* to thisH

    A" es )aa)%283

    >ase' on the testi)on+ of PO, I*nacio the substances !et!ie&e' f!o) Cli)aco an' sub)itte' tothe cou!t :e!e containe' in t:o 45 plastic sachets :ith the )a!?in*s TR-R an' TR->% 7o:e&e!acco!'in* to the Che)ist!+ Repo!t e/ecute' b+ Fo!ensic Che)ist Donna Villa P% 7uel*as on 0Septe)be! ..; the plastic sachets sub)itte' fo! e/a)ination ca!!ie' the )a!?in*s 6SC-, an'6SC- 'iffe!ent f!o) the plastic sachets )a!?e' TR-R an' TR-> containin* the '!u*s !et!ie&e'f!o) Cli)aco"


    / / / /

    SPECIMEN SU>MITTED"A One 4,5 heat-seale' t!anspa!ent plastic sachet :ith )a!?in*s 6SC,containin* .%8< *!a) of :hite c!+stalline substance an' place' in a staple-

    seale' t!anspa!ent plastic ba*% 4Alle*e'l+ bou*ht b+ the Police Poseu!->u+e!5
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    > One 4,5 heat-seale' t!anspa!ent plastic sachet :ith )a!?in*s 6SCcontainin* .%,; *!a) of :hite c!+stalline substance an' place' in a staple-seale' t!anspa!ent plastic ba*% 4Alle*e'l+ foun' f!o) the posession of6lo)e! Cli)aco52;3

    In a''ition in the In'e/ of E/hibits sub)itte' b+ the Office!-in-Cha!*e of the RTC E/hibit C-,:as 'esc!ibe' as a plastic sachet :ith :hite c!+stalline substance :ith )a!?in*s 6SC-, :hileE/hibit C- :as 'esc!ibe' as a plastic sachet :ith :hite c!+stalline substance :ith )a!?in*s

    6SC-2 an' TR-R%#i?e:ise in the han':!itten Minutes 'ate' < $anua!+ .. )eans >ust% Bhile the plastic sachet!eco&e!e' f!o) 6o)e! :as )a!?e' TR-R :hich )eans Teofilo Ro+ena an'the lette! R )eans Reco&e!e'%2934E)phasis supplie'5

    The p!osecution 'i' not e/plain :h+ the )a!?in*s of the plastic sachets containin* the alle*e''!u*s :hich :e!e sub)itte' to be TR-> an' TR-R beca)e 6SC-, an' 6SC- in the Che)ist!+Repo!t In'e/ of E/hibits an' Minutes of the 7ea!in*% In thei! 'ecisions the RTC an' CA :e!esilent on the chan*e of the )a!?in*s% In fact since the )a!?in*s a!e 'iffe!ent the p!esu)ption isthat the substance in the plastic sachets )a!?e' as TR-> an' TR-R is 'iffe!ent f!o) thesubstance in the plastic sachets )a!?e' as 6SC-, an' 6SC-% The!e is no )o!al ce!taint+ thatthe substance ta?en f!o) appellant is the sa)e 'an*e!ous '!u* sub)itte' to the labo!ato!+ an'the t!ial cou!t%

    As hel' in $alillin v. !eople203to establish *uilt of the accuse' be+on' !easonable 'oubt incases in&ol&in* 'an*e!ous '!u*s it is i)po!tant that the substance ille*all+ possesse' in thefi!st place be the sa)e substance offe!e' in cou!t as e/hibit% This chain of custo'+ !eui!e)entensu!es that unnecessa!+ 'oubts a!e !e)o&e' conce!nin* the i'entit+ of the e&i'ence% Bhenthe i'entit+ of the 'an*e!ous '!u* !eco&e!e' f!o) the accuse' is not the sa)e 'an*e!ous '!u*p!esente' to the fo!ensic che)ist fo! !e&ie: an' e/a)ination no! the sa)e 'an*e!ous '!u*

    p!esente' to the cou!t the i'entit+ of the 'an*e!ous '!u* is not p!ese!&e' 'ue to the b!o?enchain of custo'+% Bith this an ele)ent in the c!i)inal cases fo! ille*al sale an' ille*al

    possession of 'an*e!ous '!u*s the corpus delicti is not p!o&en an' the accuse' )ust then beacuitte' base' on !easonable 'oubt%Fo! this !eason Cli)aco )ust be acuitte' on the *!oun'of !easonable 'oubt 'ue to the b!o?en chain of custo'+ o&e! the 'an*e!ous '!u* alle*e'l+!eco&e!e' f!o) hi)%=HEREFORE :e SET ASIDE the 1 Ma!ch .,, Decision of the Cou!t of Appeals in CA-6%R%CR-7%C% No% .80=. affi!)in* the u'*)ent of con&iction of the Re*ional T!ial Cou!t >!anch 8,San Pe'!o #a*una in C!i)inal Case Nos% ;1,,-SP# an' ;1,-SP# 'ate' . $anua!+..1% Be AC>?IT appellant 6o)e! S% Cli)aco base' on !easonable 'oubt an' :e ORDERhisi))e'iate !elease f!o) 'etention unless he is 'etaine' fo! an+ othe! la:ful cause%

    Be DIRECTthe Di!ecto! of the >u!eau of Co!!ections to i)ple)ent this Decision an' to !epo!t tothis Cou!t on the action ta?en :ithin fi&e 4

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    Pe!e@ initialle' t:o 45 PhP -8-AK5!eco&e!e'Gbou*ht f!o) hi) bein* a 'an*e!ous '!u* the sa)e is he!eb+ o!'e!e' confiscate'an'Go! fo!feite' in fa&o! of the *o&e!n)ent an' to be fo!th:ith 'eli&e!e'Gtu!ne' o&e! to thePhilippine D!u* Enfo!ce)ent A*enc+ 4PDEA5 p!o&incial office fo! i))e'iate 'est!uction o!'isposition in acco!'ance :ith la:%

    The i))e'iate co))it)ent of accuse' to the national penitentia!+ fo! se!&ice of sentence isli?e:ise fu!the! o!'e!e'%


    A**!ie&e' accuse'-appellant appeale' to the CA !aisin* the sole issue tha t his *uilt :as notp!o&e' be+on' !easonable 'oubt% 7e )aintaine' that assu)in* :ithout conce'in* the &ali'it+of the bu+-bust ope!ation the p!osecution faile' to sufficientl+ p!o&e that the inte*!it+ of thee&i'ence :as p!ese!&e'% Raisin* non-co)pliance :ith Sec% , of RA 1,=

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    45 Bithin t:ent+-fou! 4;5 hou!s upon confiscationGsei@u!e of 'an*e!ous '!u*s plant sou!ces of'an*e!ous '!u*s cont!olle' p!ecu!so!s an' essential che)icals as :ell asinst!u)entsGpa!aphe!nalia an'Go! labo!ato!+ euip)ent the sa)e shall be sub)itte' to thePDEA Fo!ensic #abo!ato!+ fo! a ualitati&e an' uantitati&e e/a)ination%The case !eople v. $usa

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    A" It :as place' in the e&i'ence loc?e! of the D!u* Enfo!ce)ent Unit to*ethe! :ith othe!e/hibits%

    " Bho place' the confiscate' ite)s insi'e the loc?e! in the office of the D!u* Enfo!ce)entUnitH

    A" M+self%

    " Bho ?eeps the ?e+ to that loc?e!H

    A" Police Inspecto! $onathan #o!illa%

    " Asi'e f!o) Police Inspecto! $onathan #o!illa is the!e an+ othe! pe!son :ho has access tothat loc?e!H

    A" No )o!e%It is e&i'ent f!o) this seuence of e&ents that 'u!in* the inte!i) Inspecto! #o!illa const!ucti&el+acui!e' custo'+ o&e! the sei@e' ite)s% As the lone ?e+ hol'e! an' conseuentiall+ a lin? in thechain Inspecto! #o!illas testi)on+ beca)e in'ispensable in p!o&in* the *uilt of accuse'-appellant be+on' !easonable 'oubt% Onl+ he coul' ha&e testifie' that f!o) Au*ust to

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    effecti&el+ 'i)inish the safe*ua!'s offe!e' b+ the la: in fa&o! of the accuse'%c!a,a:la:,ib!a!+

    =HEREFORE the appeal is GRANTED% The $une 0 .,8 Decision of the Cou!t of Appeals ishe!eb+REVERSEDan' SET ASIDE% Accuse'-appellant Ma!lon Abeton* + En'!ano ishe!eb+ AC>?ITTEDbase' on !easonable 'oubt%

    The Di!ecto! of the >u!eau of P!isons is o!'e!e' to i))e'iatel+ RELEASEaccuse'-appellantf!o) custo'+ unless he is bein* hel' fo! so)e othe! la:ful cause an' to INFORMthis Cou!t

    :ithin fi&e 4