White Torma: Sprinkle the white torma with blessed...

Like a dream, like a mirage, like a city of the gandharvas, that’s how birth and that’s how living and that’s how dying are taught to be. – Nagarjuna The unchanging essence is the self-occurring vajra body. Unobstructed natural radiance is enlightened vajra speech. The central channel’s simplicity is the rainbow body’s vajra mind. May the doctrine of the three vajras flourish. – Gyelwang Nyima E – a simplicity that destroys external and internal. Vam – an extravagance of bright affections across expanse. and so … In those for whom wisdom and love have become a brightness within, the luminous field of faith and devotion, brilliance outshines the vagaries of mind’s fixations and the trivialities of worldly concern. And this life becomes known as the daytime’s vast sky, the nighttime’s deep mystery, a deep forest of mysteries – an emerging possibility. 1

Transcript of White Torma: Sprinkle the white torma with blessed...

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Like a dream, like a mirage,like a city of the gandharvas,that’s how birth and that’s how livingand that’s how dying are taught to be. – Nagarjuna

The unchanging essence is the self-occurring vajra body.Unobstructed natural radiance is enlightened vajra speech.The central channel’s simplicity is the rainbow body’s vajra mind.May the doctrine of the three vajras flourish. – Gyelwang Nyima

E – a simplicity that destroys external and internal.Vam – an extravagance of bright affections across expanse.

and so … In those for whom wisdom and love have become a brightness within, the luminous field of faith and devotion, brilliance outshines the vagaries of mind’s fixations and the trivialities of worldly concern.

And this life becomes known as the daytime’s vast sky, the nighttime’s deep mystery, a deep forest of mysteries – an emerging possibility.

KYE MA KYI HÜ! Alas. To those in whom longing for this mystery has not awoken. To them there is nothing which can be said to reveal its allure. They are the field of compassion’s endeavor. They will not understand nor be capable of the demands of this supreme vehicle that encompasses all of the Buddha’s teachings in a single path.


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In them openness becomes restriction, a bright knowing has become mind’s thinking, speech becomes triviality and body becomes the ground of hopes and fears. Turning nothingness’ radiance into things they are blocked by materiality. Turning luminosity into desire they are blocked by grasping. Turning simplicity into complexity they are blocked by fretful efforts.

I, Sukhasiddhi, for whom the lucid expanse has become a home, offer you this heart testament of the Dakinis. I, Sukhasiddhi, for whom appearing has become self revealing Dharmakaya, offer you this gathering of letters, The Heart Essence of Translucent Openness, written in the ink of the Dakini’s heart blood. It is a testament whose meaning is direct introduction the self-elaboration of the syllables EVAM.

The knot of contrivance and fabrication are tied with the rope of non-understanding. May understanding unravel the empty appearing called bondage.

And you will know the unfolding of love,and you will know the unending bright,and you will know the uncontrived freedom,living both in time and the timeless.

EVAM : Oh Lama! Oh Lama! Oh Lama!By calling you up in my heart, from my heart,you are when I meditate.

Precious Lama, sole protector, please always remain within the Wheel of Great Bliss upon the crown of my head, your feet planted firmly within my heart.

Understanding that the unique expanse of reality, a bright openness, is not a subject of intellectual philosophizing and having invoked the presence of the Lama through intense devotion, recite:

Irreducible openness. An expanse of perfect freedom.This panorama of meaning-fullness – Buddha’s body of wisdom.

Bliss’ horizon. An expanse of lucidity and brightness. This panorama of wonder’s expressiveness – Buddha’s Body of Great Pleasure.

An outrageous flirtation. The expanse of empty appearance.This panorama of wisdom and love – Buddha’s Body of manifestation.

Unutterable mystery. An openness that allows.This panorama of non-dimensionality – untouched by Is or Is-not.

This body, this fleeting moment of possibilityof darkness dispersing, an effulgence expanding.I have searched temple, mosque, shrine and churchand nowhere is there a mystery equal to this very body.Precious Lama do not let me go down wrong paths!


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Precious Lama guide me to not waste this fleeting moment!Precious Lama reveal the methods for realization in a single life.

Through secret mantrayana’s skilfull methods – the four empowerments’ profound transmissions and the pathway of great third conduct’s pure samayas; by uniting the Lama’s three kindnesses and the disciples three kinds of devotion may all of us gathered yogis and yoginis upon the path of great bliss attain realization as a single mandala.

Through the four great dzogchen samayas, ineffability, openness, singleness, spontaneity and the uniquely secret methods of cutting through and direct perceiving may all those who encounter this cycle of the Heart Essence of Translucent Openness dwell poetically as the effortless play of Youthful Vase Body.

Waking into practice:

Sitting up in bed in the 7 point posture, bright with the 3 kinds of faith, visualize Orgyen Dorje Chang upon the crown of your head:

Orgyen Lama, precious Lake Born Guru, hold me in the bright warmth of your compassion. 3x

There is no permanence: Only the openness of openness!There is no ending: Only a luminous horizon!There is no duality: Only the bliss of union!


All these appearances, occasional immediacies,family, friends, lovers, sangha, they will not last or remain,precious Lama bless me to directly see the unchanging.

All these efforts to secure happiness – anxious, fretful,unable to overcome impermanence, they become aggression,precious Lama bless me to realize a view without stain.

All this living, the precious human body like a shooting star,a truly unique occasion but here today…. gone tomorrow, precious Lama bless me to not miss the opportunity.

All these choices, life’s decisions, unending and uncertain,each one, with finality, opens one world closes one off,precious Lama bless me to never wander fruitless paths.

All this self-centeredness, hoping to bring satisfaction,so much effort but creating only frustration and numbness,precious Lama bless me to perceive a way through the gloom.


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Like a poor man whose house contains hidden treasure, even though it is present I am unaware of it and live as a pauper. Precious Guru do not let me remain in the poverty of confusion.

Like a prince who has been raised as a servant, I serve the whims of desire – anxiously hoping for scraps from the table. Heruka Lord, right now return me to the kingdom of my true home.

Like an insane man who mistakes himself for another, I live in a world of hallucinations, perplexed by the phantasms of my own deluded perceptions. Lord of Tantricas bless me to realize the supreme view.

On retreat establish the boundaries and protections

Outer Refuge:The Lama is the Buddha, the Lama is the dharma, the Lama is the sangha.

To the massing gathering of Rigdzin lamas,to the dense array of blissful dharmas,to the arya sangha who display fruitionto all objects worthy of refuge, I bow down.

Inner Refuge:

The vajra body’s poetic dwelling admits no coarseness or fixation,aggregates and elements, display the luminous bliss of wisdom,sense and sense field are the frolic of the Bodhisattva’s union,the central channel’s purity is the home of Kuntuzangpo.All of this a sublime refuge for those who practice secret mantra.

Secret Refuge:

Chains of gold and chains of rope are equally binding.White clouds and dark clouds equally obscure.Naturally occurring dharmakaya does not require remedies or fixations:

Beyond fabrication or existence, the expanse of nothingness radiance. Arising from nowhere to noplace, the expanse of radiance nothingness. A bliss pervading, light rays unceasing, the expanse of wisdom and love.


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Refuge prayer repeated during prostrations: AH HO MAHASUKHA HO: Free from being caught in the cage of paths and stages I go for refuge in the luminous three jewels.

Your own body as the red dakini: 3 times do the flask exercise and then 3 times the dissolving Ah breath. Finally, visualizing the seed syllable of the unborn in the sky within a sphere of intensely shining white light, directly above ones head – light from the unoriginated mantra cascades down the right and left channels on the in-breath, flooding up the central channel. The brightness is intense. Surging up the central channel and through the crown of the head into the space of Ah awareness – ones outbreath proceeds from the eyes, dispersing into infinity. Rest mind in non-contrivance.

Bodhicitta: Precious beings vast in number, deceived by the play of mind and appearance, cause my own heart to feel rent asunder. With tears of sorrow upon my face, I take the vow:

Until the depths of samsara are empty I will never abandon beings.


E MA HO!The single bindu beyond contrivance, the Lama’s secret essence mind,Is the source of every wisdom, origin of mandalas,To recall your form and beauty, to recall your secret mantra,Stirs the heart and mind to wisdom, opening cloudbanks of strong blessing.Your mind is vastness without limit, luminous free and undefiled.Your form is wisdom manifesting, your mantra like a lion’s roar,Precious Lama Vajrasattva, I offer praise and pure devotion.

AH: Upon the crown of my own head a lotus white and a moon seat,and from HUNG the sublime Lama as the Buddha Vajrasattva.

Luminous white diaphanous, like sunlight on a snowy mountain,Like a rainbow, a water moon, appearing yet devoid of substance.Peaceful, smiling, ornamented, in Sambhogakaya fashion.His body brilliant joy abundant, in union with the secret consort,with bell and vajra, silks and crown, the essence of both bliss and wisdom.Within my heart the HUNG and mantra spiral as offering to the Hero.Deathless nectar, essence of bindu, flows into the Great Bliss chakra.

Noble Buddha please hear my prayers: With intense regret and remorse I confessall actions, intentions, tendencies which obscure. Vajrasattva, Heruka Lord, honor your promise and purify my mindstream! Reveal yourself as the vajra hero. Be steadfast for me! Be pleased, well pleased, with me! Satisfy my noble aim! Be passionate towards me! Grant me all success and attainment! Make my mind and actions lucid and stainless! Blessed One, vajra of the thus gone, Lord of the Great Bond fulfill your promise!


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Repeat the 100 syllable mantra many times with visualization. Bindu Bodhicitta pours down into your body through the central channel and fills the channel to each chakra wheel and pours out the chakra channels and fills the body to that point and then again up the central channel to the next chakra wheel. Then:

Vajrasattva looks to you with supreme joy and loving kindness and says:

Fortunate child of the noble ones all of your wrongdoings and their results are purified.

Vajrasattva dissolves into light and into your own crown and your body like the empty reflection in a mirror becomes the stainless one red in color with consort. The mantra in your heart as Vajrasattva spins clockwise causing a gathering of great bliss wisdom and this travels up the central channel and out of your mouth into the mouth of the consort. There it travels down spins around her heart and down further to her secret lotus. From there it travels into the deity’s vajra and up through his body again making a circle of light blazing wisdom bliss. All of this feeds the HUNG in the heart. Light from the syllable HUNG in your heart shines into all realms and the 5 syllables purify the realms of beings.


When one is finished accomplishing the practice, the world and beings dissolve into Lama Vajrasattva and he into emptiness up to the nada which becomes a green-blue sphere of light. Suddenly blazing bright, this extends to infinity while disappearing, and one rests in lucidity emptiness. The natural state.


Appearance appearing this sky like expanse, display of every sensual offering,adornments for the mandala, ornaments of bliss and wisdom,

body, possessions, loved ones, world, these I offer without withholding,and through this action unhesitating may I become a Victorious One.


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Sambhogakaya offering:

Luminous wonderment vast unceasing, dense array of every bliss,vajra body, the shimmering channels, dakas, dakinis in their pure lands,

the sixteen joys, the pleasures of bindu these I offer in their fullness,and through this action unhesitating may I become the foremost yogin.

Dharmakaya offering:

A lotus field of resplendent light, offering flowers of exaltation,the youthful body substanceless, the mind set free in non-contrivance,

the innate nature of EVAM, these I offer to the Thus Gone,and through this action unhesitating may I abide as deathlessness.

OM AH HUNG: through the great offering of sublime adornments may the gathering of all merit be accomplished.

One makes 3 piles of rice for the syllables OM AH HUNG which encompass all appearing, the unborn wisdom bliss and the inseparability.

Kusali Offering: Mandala offering for beggar yogins

Identity, a charlatan’s pastime, cherishing the body, a demon’s con.Mind set free in vast expanse, resolved into the single syllable AH,and now becomes the fierce Rudrani, performer of the fiercesome offering.

PHAT! The skull is severed, the body chopped up, meat, bone, blood become a feast.

The trident melts,the nectar drips, the offering becomes a sacred feast.


PHAT ! PHAT! PHAT! (blow the kangling 3 x calling the guests with the plaintive cry)

The lower guests the harmful spirits, the medium guests the karmic debtors,the sublime guests the dense array,may all of these be truly sated.

All appearance, all conception, dissolves into the unique expanse.

3 AH dissolving gaze

Offerings in accord with samaya:


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As the samaya of the Buddha Dakinithe assembly of pawos and khandros will make offerings.As the samaya of the Vajra DakiniI will cultivate the habit of bodhicitta, the benefit of beings.As the samaya of the Ratna Dakini I will offer contentment through the four kinds of giving.

(material things, dharma, fearlessness and love)

As the samaya of the Padma DakiniI will sustain the meditative experience of bliss-emptiness.As the samaya of the Karma DakiniI will enjoy the five nectars.

As the samaya of all kinds of dakinisI will sustain the benefit of beings through the four enlightened activities.As the samaya of secret mantra’s skillful meansI will have command over the five pure lands.As the samaya of primordial wisdom of the Great Secret (Vajrayana)I will look into the reality of stainless awareness.As the unsurpassed samayaI will never be separate from the vajra chains.In brief, in all times, I will never transgressthe commands of the Vajra Master.

Guru Yoga:

From the Dra Talgyur Root Tantra: (The Penetration of Sound)“If one does not have faith, the highest faith and devotion in the Lamathen listening to oral instructions and engaging in mantra will incite conceit.They will be like a blind cripple climbing a rocky mountain pass.”

E MA HO: The astonishment of pure perception!

Omniscience abides as magical display: Like the confluence of two rivers – EVAM!

E is the bhaga of unsullied wisdom,Vam the Vajra, spontaneous presence.


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Their bindu resulting – a luminous appearing,magical child of Buddha’s white magic.

Visualize EVAM in the center of the chest and from this the appearance of wisdom bliss as Sukhasiddhi.

From HRI is liberation’s palace, a sphere of light devoid of stain,a lion throne, a lotus white and the moon seat of Sukhasiddhi.Awareness appears in seated posture, pristine beauty, white in color,skull cup, mudra, three eyes gazing, her body a place of pilgrimage.Nape of neck and eyebrows – Pullimalaya and Arbuda,a cloak of kisses over Molava, Devikota the gaze of love,and Odra, Pretapuri, Kulanta and Sindhu,and at the heart a secret land, the smoky mountain Dhumatalasacred land of Dakinis, Buddhafield of Vajrayogini. At its center the Lotus Palace, stronghold of all secret mantra.


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Within expanse without dimension, a luminescing intensity,the union known without fixation, manifesting as EVAM.And the foremost of Dakinis, the sublime Dorje Naljorma. A lambent redness as liberation, a blazing rite of supreme bliss,With the curved knife and katvanga, with the skull for offering,Five skull crown and the fifty one, display the prowess of your conquest. Rent asunder by compassion, your eyes gaze through the triple realm,Your dance and actions, every gesture, are the balm of liberation.Trampling on the ego’s reasons, overcoming through your splendor,Bewildering delusion’s army with displays of great third conduct.


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Within an inexpressible state, where openness is radiance,compassion manifests as forms, and all perception is purified,the glorious yogin Nyima Ozer, appears as fearless conduct’s emblem.His body shining golden red, strong and bright, fierce with joy,a youthful passion manifesting through the practices of bindu.As symbol of his discipline his hair is tied up in a top-knot,as symbol of his innate ease his hair cascading down his back.As symbol of his secret consort he holds katvanaga in his right hand.As sign of mastery over bindu with the left he stops the sun.As sign of mastering worldly concern he wears the cemetery bones.As sign of mastering ego’s blundering he wears the skirt of tiger skin.The outer world is Dhumatala, the inner world the vajra city.

HO: Great Buddha Heruka, destroyer of delusions, with prostrations we salute you,with fearless conduct we make offerings,with heartfelt remorse we make confession,


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and rejoice in your great conduct!We beseech you, turn the wheeland please remain for countless beings,whatever merit is accomplished may this be dedicated to all beings.

You are the Lord, the bringer of endings,you are the One who destroys every clinging,You are demise of grasping to lovers,You are death to the notion of family.You are ruin of every convention,You are the murder of every desire.You are the Lord of those who wish freedom.Tantric Heruka fearless in conduct!


Pray with joy and fervent longing till tears of devotion come to the eyes and thrills pervade the body. Light as offering of devotion spirals from Vajrayogini’s heart to Guru Rinpoche and the nectar of transmission flows down from him into her causing her body to blaze with brightness. After sometime of accumulation:

HRI: Guru Rinpoche, Heruka Lord of Yogins, emblem of wisdom and compassion, enactment of fearless kindness, protector of beings, I offer body, mind, possessions, loved ones, please bestow the empowerments and teachings.

When the end of life comes may no death will be found.When the fierce times come may no suffering will be known.When inevitable loss arrives may I be the one without fear.I rely upon you Lord of Tantricas.Now is the time, Bestow the Great Bliss!Now is the time, grant the empowerment,dynamic awareness untouched by concept.

Receiving the empowerments: Guru Rinpoche, the wisdom essence of your own precious Lama now bestows upon you the empowerments and blessings of body, speech, mind, qualities and actions.

OM: This matrix of mystery a luminous fieldthe proto pattern of embodiment,an elixir of the truly wondrous,bestows the ripening of potentials.

AH: This matrix of mystery an expanse of passions,unborn affections devoid of grasping,


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this amrita elixir of the liberating,opens the doorway to a bliss supreme.

HUNG: this matrix of mystery a vibrant expanse,uncontrived and free of concept,an elixir of space beyond all substance,matures as discovery of innate freedom.

SVA: this matrix of mystery replete with qualities,arisen from the dense array,an amrita of wonderment and beauty,becomes in you expression of meanings.

HA: this matrix of mystery effortless actions,accomplishment set free from fretting,this elixir of medicine liberating,matures the potency of all achievement.

Knowingness luminosity, naked and stainless is Kuntuzangmo. The ownmostness of radiance, naked stainless is known by the name Kuntuzangpo. Without cause or origin. Without stain or ending. The magic of EVAM.

With oneself as the blue, solitary, seated wrathful Vajradharma visualize the central channel and the red and white. Gently expel the stale air from the two side channels 7 times. Then with a long exhale of the sound HA rest in the natural state.

Next visualize from this openness awareness Kunzang yabyum appear in your heart. And in their heart, a rainbow sphere, there is an AH – very fine as if written by a single hair brush. With a very gentle vase breath air is drawn down the two side channels and directed to the heart. Light from the AH radiates out and purifies the world of all materiality, and appearance is liberated as illusion and light.

It is important that the breath not be forced and that on the slow dispersal awareness travels with breath to infinity. If done correctly vision will become a seamless translucence and the false cave of solid appearance will collapse.

Then light returns to heart of the mother, who dissolves into the father. The father dissolves inward like liquid evaporating on a surface, or a rainbow fading. In the state of the non-existence of anything whatsoever, arises, without ends or center, the luminous emptiness of the pure intention, vision, realization, and understanding in totality of the primordial purity of inner space.

Subsequently train in appearance as the naked interpenetration of nothingness and openness. This is appearance. In this way one will reach the very essence of the Ati view.


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Dedication:By this merit of the holy intrinsic nature,may the depths of the lower realms be stirred,not abiding in material existence in any way,may all quickly attain Buddhahood.

Recite the supplication prayer and mantra with flowing tears of faith and devotion.When one becomes drowsy or dull, visualize all of phenomenal appearance filled with lamas and dakinis. The dharmata hums with their meditative experience. Their dancing bodies dazzle and flash. There are roaring sounds of their voices singing songs of realization. Rest in cheerful and happy feeling.

When vicious, demonic spirits arise, first generate a state of authentic compassion. From the heart of oneself as the dakini, multi-colored light rays emanate with elaborate sense pleasures. These offerings satisfy the demons and pacify their viciousness. Light rays from the Lama’s heart purify their karmic traces and obscurations. Visualize them becoming bodies of lamas and dakinis and bestowing siddhis upon oneself.

When one is suffering from painful illness, this is the ripening of residual karma.Meditate with joy and make supplication prayers. Light rays from the Lama’s heartgather all illness of beings into oneself. Primordial wisdom fire from the Lord of theFamilies’ body incinerates all diseases, evil spirits and karmic traces of one’s own body. Rest in the dimension of emptiness without reference points.

At times of intense excitement/agitation caused by demons of emotional afflictions, focus attention upon the Lama’s heart and look into the essence of the five poisons themselves. Keep the body and mind relaxed, leaving things as they are.These are the profound, essential instructions.

In the fortunate land of Bhutan I, the Guru Nyima Ozer, encoded and entrusted this treasure cycle of the Dakini Sukasiddhi and hid it within the expanse of the Great Dakini Mother. In the future when gyalpo, senmo and damsi spirits flourish and the dharma has become a commodity bartered in the marketplace, those who focus single pointedly on this secret teaching forsaking all secret hope in the eight worldly concerns will find accomplishment swiftly and surely. Kama and terma guardians protect this! Samaya.

Those fortunate yogins who encounter this supreme testament written in the heart blood of the Dakinis, and who practice in accord with samaya, will surely know the dawning of realization in a single lifetime. This is the vow of the Dakini Mother Sukasiddhi, the great bliss companion of fortunate ones.


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In conjunction with the prophesies of The Heart Essence of Pema, and after encountering the Dakini Sukasiddhi face to face, I the vagrant madman Traktung Tulzhug Pawo decoded the script exactly as it appeared. Urged on by the dakinis of varying classes I committed to opening, transmitting and spreading this testament in the twilight land of America.

SAMAYA: GYA GYA GYA: Seal of enlightened body, speech and mind. Pray for blessings and siddhi as though supplicating a wish-fulfilling jewel. May sentient beings as numberless as grains of sand be liberated.


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Lineage Prayers:

From the Innermost Secret Heart Essence of the Dakinis: An Aspiration Prayer called “The Truthful Words of the Rishis” (Dzinpa Rangdröl Volume, pp. 433-436)

E MA HO! How wonderful! How marvelous!Dharmakaya Dorjé Chang, Sambhogakaya Dorjé Sempa,Nirmanakaya Stainless Rishi, Lord of Secrets Vajrapani,Garab Dorjé, Shri Singha, Padma Jungné, sublime Driméembodiment of all, Root Lama Thötreng Tsel deities of the Three Roots and assembly of Rishi Awareness Holders,remain as witnesses to my truthful words!

Through confusion, from the beginning up until now,I have taken countless bodies in cyclic existencebut since I have not embraced the meaning of emptiness and bodhicitta,I am still tightly bound to attachment, aversion and death.

Although I am indeed veiled by the darkness of ignorance,through the timely ripening of the Lama’s bodhicitta,I and others have encountered this most secret vajra path.Now, may we be freed from the shackles of attachment and aversion!

Through the karma of innumerable lifetimes,for companions with whom I am connected who are the playful display of great bliss on the path of skillful means, for parents who have cared for me with their kindness and love,for vajra friends with whom I am connected, joined as one in our samaya andmost importantly, for all sentient beings throughout space,I will rouse my heart through the four mind-turnings andsingle-pointedly persevere in the sacred Dharma.May I perfect the noble qualities of the three trainings!

Through the blessings of the ripening initiations of Maha, Anu and Ati yoga and the four empowerments, may my mind blossom!By perfecting the supreme paths of generation and completion,may I abide by my vajra oaths without fail!

My own body of great bliss is the complete mandala of the Victorious Ones.Having trained the channels, disciplined the winds and made the bindus perfectly supple, through union with the beloved who bestows the wisdom of the four joys,may the winds and mind be mixed inseparably!

Seizing the royal throne of the Dharmakaya’s changeless viewwith undistracted meditation transcending concepts of confusion, liberation, hope or fear and actions free from rejecting and accepting, may I fully realize dharmata’s radiance, the result of ground trekchöd!


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The root of the Ati path, the essential point of luminosity,is the supreme path of the four lamps of tögel.By mastering the experiences of movement, attainment, stability and perfection,may I realize Buddhahood as the great exhaustion of all phenomena beyond all concepts!

To all sentient beings with whom I am connected who have not entered the path,I dedicate the wealth of merit accumulated in the three times andthrough the powerful intensity of this aspiration prayer,may they become disciples and attain Buddhahood in the palace of Great Bliss on the Glorious Mountain!

In all lifetimes, may I never be separate from the Vajra Master, from my vajra companions sangha of the profound path of the four joys orfrom the gathering of awareness holders and friends with the same samaya may all aspects of this mandala be present simultaneously!

Through a myriad of methods, I will work for the sake of sentient beings andwith a 100 million countless emanations who each skillfully teach the dharma in their own language,may I stir the ocean of samsara from its very depths!

Finally, may our fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and their childrenperfect the practices of the great Sambhogakaya andbe liberated as an inseparable, single groupinto the expanse of the youthful vase body, the Akanishta Dharmadhatu.

Through the power of the Dharmadhatu’s completely pure nature andthe infallible relationship of phenomena’s causes and consequences,by accomplishing the truthful words of this prayer without hindrance,may the most secret doctrine spread beyond all boundaries and never wane!

This aspiration prayer, “The Truthful Words of the Rishis,” a supplement to the Innermost Secret Heart Essence, is the unerring speech of Vimalamitra. I, Padma Thötreng, deciphered (the symbolic script) and my Noble Son transcribed the bliss-bestowing dakinis’ special treasury of jewels as letters. May the doctrine of the trilogy of the innermost drop be all-pervading and the powerful blessings of the Three Roots and dakinis and the protectors’ enlightened activities be unobstructed!


Lineage Prayer: IIE MA HO! How wondrous!Mother of Great Emptiness, essence of the Youthful Vase Body,


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your unobstructed, self-radiant luster appears as Kuntuzangpo.Dorjé Sempa appears as the effulgence of your compassion.Primordial wisdom dakini, supreme Mother of Wisdom,I pray to you! Please bless my mind stream!

Unchanging great bliss, Vajra Varahi,Vajrapani, Lord of Secrets who holds the collection of the doctrine,chief of the mandala, Traktung Héruka,Lhacham Déterma, supreme secret consort,I pray to you! Please bless my mind stream!

Déwa Yingdrönma, master of the pure realms,collector of the commandments, Rigdzin Dorjé’i Jak,awareness holders of the supreme special transmission,assembly of 100,000 primordial wisdom dakinis,I pray to you! Please bless my mind stream!

Tamer of the savage lands and barbarian peoples, Sinpo Lingpa,Rigdzin Traktung Héruka, translator of symbolsopening the most secret heart essence dharma of the formless dakinis,Dharma Lord and ally, protector of all desirous ones,I pray to you! Please bless my mind stream!

Dakini sisters, magical transformations of space and awareness,vajra companions of the fortunate ones destined to receive the special transmission,oath-bound protectors who work for the doctrineand assembly of arrogant lords, the haughty caretakers,I pray to you! Please bless my mind stream!

Through the blessings of single pointed prayerawakening unwavering, fierce devotion and fervent longing for the Lama,may we, the vajra brothers and sisters bound by samaya,turn from grasping to samsara’s impermanenceand break the shackles of attachment and aversion!

Striving to practice in places uncertain,In villages, cities, charnel grounds and forests,hermitages, jungles, islands, rock shelters – everywhere,through the fearless conduct of an aimless madman,may the channels, winds and bindus be pristine!

Recognizing daytime appearances as wisdoms and kayasand in the night, entering the dimension of lucidity and luminosity,by striking the nail of the Lama’s instructions in the bardoand perfecting the results of trekchöd and tögel,may I be liberated into the womb of primordial space!


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Through this vajra connection, may the ignorance and mistaken fixations ofall the people gathered here be liberated into their natural condition.May concepts – good/bad, happiness/suffering, hope/fear, accepting/rejecting –collapse and through the natural purity of afflicted emotion, karmic traces and distortions, may we all become disciples of the most secret heart essence.

Through seeing, hearing, remembering and touching, may we always be linked.May all sentient beings pervading space, our own precious parents,experience the luminous emptiness bodhicitta of their own being.May all be fully awakened Buddhas in the realm of the Glorious Mountain of Akanishta. May the depths of samsara be emptied!

Fulfilling the enlightened intent:


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HRI: Within the palace Supreme Great Bliss, upon the Copper Colored Mountain,sublime yogis and yoginis accomplishing great third conduct,offer substances of samaya,the luminous nectar of deathlessness.

Unadorned invariant light, treasury of the uncontrivedAti Buddha Kuntuzangpo, may I fulfill your sublime wishes.Dimension of unstained bliss, who bestows the empowermentOrgyen Pema Dorje Chang, may I fulfill your sublime wishes.Heruka King of all tantricas, bestower of the secret mantra,Guru Pema Tro Tren Tsal, may I fulfill your sublime wishes.Forefather of the golden chain, lion amongst all the Siddhas,Sabara and Sabari, may I fulfill your sublime wishes.Supreme amongst wisdom Dakinis who opens up the sky like treasury,Khandroma Guhyajnana, may I fulfill your sublime wishes.Queen of the pure realms, master of karmas,Dechen Gyalmo Great Bliss Queen , may I fulfill your sublime wishes.Single Mother of us yogins, who bestows the secret bliss,Khandroma Yeshe Tsogyel, may I fulfill your sublime wishes.

In the sublime purity of form, sound, scent… taste and touchRasas of union, liberation, are exaltation’s gift of great bliss,Great third conduct’s exaltation, the supreme tantric offering substance. Is the ground, the path the fruit of mantrayana’s ganachakra.

Those who subdue, bind, suppress,One hundred thousand Dakini forms,Activity, supporting, flesh eating, worldly,Dakinis of the mandala, may your sublime wishes be fulfilled.

Oathbound lords, treasure holders,keepers of miraculous powers, servants of the mandala,minions of the bliss gone ones.may your sublime wishes be fulfilled.

Gods and demons, ancestral spirits, mountain lha, nyen and lu, Keepers of my karmic debts,Hungry ghosts and hell realm ones,may your sublime wishes be fulfilled.


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By the view of supreme ati, may your sublime wishes be fulfilled.By meditation without concept, may your sublime wishes be fulfilled.By bliss without reference, may your sublime wishes be fulfilled.By activities without restraint, may your sublime wishes be fulfilled.By the fruition free from hope and fear, may your sublime wishes be fulfilled.

Whatever fault flaw infraction,from carelessness or intention,may secret mantra’s pure samayasbe purified through stainless bliss. All of you, now fulfilled, bestow the rainfall of your blessings:

Spoken – Let the rainfall of siddhis begin.


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Prayer to the tri-kaya Lama:

Lama to you I pray.Lama to you who are the all pervading Dharmakaya I pray.Please grant your blessings which dispel the darkness of ignorance!

Lama to you I pray.Lama to you who are the radiant Sambhogakaya I pray.Please grant your blessings so that luminous clarity may arise from within!

Lama to you I pray.Lama to you who are the compassionate Nirmanakaya I pray.Please grant you blessings so that the two aims are spontaneously accomplished!

Lama La Sol Wa Deb So (Lama La – on the in breath and Sol Wa Deb So – on the out breath – let the breathing become a rhythm)

The blooming lotus of love and devotion calls to the Lama’s compassionate mindstream!Delighted he revels joyous and clouds of amrita descend on my head. Rest in even spaciousness – a dimension of awareness without fixation. This will cause the blessings of the 3 kayas as dimensionalities of lived experience to swiftly enter.


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White and Red Torma Offerings, Protection Circle:

White Torma: Sprinkle the white torma with blessed water.OM AMRITE HUNG PHET


From emptiness arises BHRUM, which becomes a jeweled vessel.

Inside of it the syllable OM. From this the torma as pure nectar.

OM AH HUNG: Recite three times.



HRI: Gods, nagas, yakshas, gyelpos, dza, tsen and gandharvas,

kinkaras, demons, yamas, mamos, rakshas, yakshas, yul-lha,

assembly of gods, elementals – partake of torma and golden drink!

Obey instruction that I give to you! Especially tenma and earth goddess,

Sadak and your retinues – partake of torma and golden drink!

Do not be envious, malicious, jealous. Bestow this place’s precious treasures.

All of you enact my wishes, accomplish aims of pure intentions!

Gek Torma:RAM YAM KHAM Recite three times.

From emptiness a jeweled vessel, inside of it the syllable KHAM.

From this the ransom desirable torma whose qualities appear as nectar.

OM AH HUNG: Recite three times.


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Assembly of geks, misguided beings, those who hold my karmic debts,

Elementals and all spirits who wander below, upon, above,

By the wrathful king’s command, by the hindrance tamer’s word,

Filled with blazing fiercesome power, resounding with protean might,

Gather here at once this instant, gather, massing without exception.




HUNG: Listen up assembly of geks, listen up misguided beings,

Listen up you elementals, be sated by this ransom offering.

A massing of desirable substance, an offering of the sublime torma,

All karmic debts and consequences of my actions in all lifetimes.

Evil forces of distracting geks, temporary adversities,

Be sated by this supreme torma, butter lamp, and pleasing substance

Cooked rice, fruit, meat, chang and so forth, all delights which you could wish!

Turn back, be gone, to your abodes! Turn back and leave this sacred site!

If you ignore and you cause harm here, the price is high beyond all measure.

The wrathful king of playful wisdom, sent forth, will crush your life to dust!

The command has been issued and with four HUNG mantras, the geks are driven out. Scatter mustard seeds. Then, the great king sends out the torma offering. Meditate upon the protection circle and then proceed with the main practice. This was printed according to the original pécha of the great tertön’s consort.

A circle of protection removing all hindrance to accomplishment: Guyagharba Tantra BENZRA MAHA SHRI HERUKA

In a single moment’s flash, recollection of the Hero,


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Dorje Traktung Krodhi Shori, joined in most exquisite union,

My raksha body flaming fiercesome, stands amidst a boundless fire.



From Traktung Yabyum’s place of union, the wrathful ones are emanating,

Countless unkempt wild with fury expelling what obstructs the view.

Expelling what prevents our practice, expelling those of perverse conduct.

Expelling those who break discretion, expelling those who lead astray.

Cast out to the furthest limit, block from entering by vast fire!



Gathering back the wrathful minions, their bodies form the vajra tent.

Outside this the winds and ocean, vajra fence and ceaseless fire.

All becomes supreme protection of those who dwell within samaya.


Descent of blessings:


Beyond delusion’s “meeting parting,” beyond the concepts “here and there,”

Beyond the boundary “before or after,” beyond the barrier “self and other,”

Dharmakaya’s potent splendor pervades all space spontaneously,

Shining forth as ceaseless blessing, light rays, tigle, symbols, mantra.



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Supplementary texts:

Consecrating speech: Engage nine rounds breathing and then rest in vajra recitation for a short bit. There is no greater purification than this. The tummo fire of pristine wisdom becomes a Ram which blazes inside ones mouth burning away all ordinary speech. From emptiness comes a moon disk and the syllable DHI manifesting red Manjushri in union with his consort Saraswati. In their hearts a ruby red light shines to infinity as you chant OM AH RA PA CHA NA DHI 108 times.

All the time this shining light with mantra draws the speech of all Buddhas back into the red Manjushri, and on the final repetition repeat DHI over and over til breath runs out while this wisdom light becomes your tongue and speech.

Consecrating the Vajra and Bell: First, brandish the vajra.

From HUNG appears the wisdom vajra, the nature of vast skillful means.


Ring the bell.

From MUM appears the ringing bell, the nature of unsullied wisdom.


While holding the vajra and bell together at the heart in the embracing mudra:

The inseparability of skillful means and wisdom, bliss and emptiness, are the nature of ultimate bodhicitta.


Consecrating Musical InstrumentsResound the drum, damaru, bell and other musical instruments.

From AH and HUNG, the drum and beater, arise as Kunzang Yab-yum’s union.

Their great sound is all pervading, unsurpassable sound of Dharma.


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Consecrating the phurba: brandish the phurba


From emptiness the roar of HUNG becomes the foremost hero Kila,

Wrathful might and wildsome fury are compassion of the Buddha,

From OM AH HUNG the blazing brilliance draws the power of vast wisdom,

Liberation beyond delusion is the action of the Victors.


Deity dissolves in light and becomes the action phurba,

Capable of overthrowing obstacles and every hindrance,

Capable of decimating every demon which obstructs,

Capable of liberating and enhancing accomplishment.

Burning IncenseFrom RAM appears a wisdom fire, burning grasping to all substance.

YAM appears and from it wind, scattering impurities,

karmic traces blown asunder into the sphere of emptiness.

With abundant refined fragrance, may the Three Roots gather massing.





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Consecrating Vase WaterFrom emptiness arises BHRUM, from this appears the fierce dakini,

Dhatvishvari, within a vessel, jewel encrusted, of great splendor,

She dissolves into the contents, all becomes the pure amrita.


Recite three or seven times.


Blessing the Men, Torma and RaktaWith three repetitions of OM AH HUNG, bless the men, torma, rakta and so forth and sprinkle them with consecrated water. Purify them with:



From emptiness, wind and fire, and a hearth of human skulls,

And from Ah the supreme skullcup equal to the dharmadhatu,

Within the five meats and five nectars, melting into five fold wisdoms,

Wisdom nectar, samaya nectar, ocean of great non dual nectar.

The wisdom and samaya nectars join in an ocean of non dual nectar. Bless the men with three repetitions of:




The torma formed from mind’s own grasping to appearance as concrete


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Is purified through three fold mantra, fire, wind and cleansing water,

Substance becomes ephemeral, empty luminous purity.

OM AH HUNG: From emptiness, wind and fire, and a hearth of human skulls,

And from Ah the supreme skullcup equal to the dharmadhatu,

Inside, samsara’s six fold cause, poisons five and avarice,

Flesh, blood, brains, bones, internal organs, essence of 100 flavors,

A massing heap of sensual pleasures, desirable substance without end.

Bless the torma with three repetitions of:



RaktaInside the skullcup RA appears and from it rakta’s ceaseless flow,

Samsara emptied, afflictions conquered, delightful ocean of red blood.

Bless the rakta with three repetitions of:



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From the Innermost Secret Heart Essence of the Dakinis:The Confession Practice called ‘Stainless Crystal’(Dzinpa Rangdröl Volume, pp. 91-2.)

Dorjé Sempa, supreme essence of all Buddha’s minds, to you I bow down!

The king of confessing impairments and broken commitments is this doctrine, the Stainless and Completely Pure Crystal.

HO: Think of me, Buddha Dorjé Chang!Look upon me, fathers and mothers of the five families!Vajra Master, glorious Buddha,Dorjé Sempa, please keep me close to you! I have committed many negative actions and evil deeds.I have distorted and broken Pratimoksha and Bodhisattva preceptsand the distinctive vows of the Vajrayana.I have damaged root samayas of body, speech and mind,branch samayas andhave contradicted vajra words.I openly confess this with remorse and regret.


Through the Lord of Secret’s timeless protection,awareness appears as self-arising primordial wisdom.Non-existence, oneness, all-pervasiveness and spontaneous presenceare the realizations of the Buddha’s wisdom mind.Transcending experience and protective boundaries,all notions of accepting and rejecting, hope and fear, good and evilvanish into the sphere of phenomena’s exhaustion beyond concepts,mingling with the expanse Dorjé Sempa’s enlightened mind.


Recite seven times and sustain the natural way of abiding. Conceptual elaborations of designations and names collapse.

This confession, which contains the authentic meaning of reality, is a jewel with special qualities for realizing the dharmata. By merely encountering it, one’s impairments and breeches are purified. It must not fall into the hands of those who are less than worthy! From the passionate sky-expanse of great bliss, I, the Passionate Vajra of Great Bliss, deciphered the Lapis Letters according to their intended meaning. This was written down by Yeshé Déwa.