What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

* The Age of Exploration

Transcript of What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

Page 1: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

*The Age of Exploration

Page 2: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

*Bell Ringer

Page 3: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

The Age of Exploration

*This was a time when European leaders saw the need to explore new areas in order to gain access to the spice trade in Asia, spread the religion of Christianity (at the Catholicism), a need for more resources, and more wealth.

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*New spices in Europe (introduced during the Crusades) = demand for the spices.

*Europeans wanted to cut out the middle man !

*Europeans try to find new trade routes because they want new sources of wealth.

Italianssell it

to Europe for

MORE $$$

Europe buys it for a

higher price

Muslims sold Spices to Italians

for lots of $

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The Silk Route

Page 6: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

*GOD (Spread of Christianity)

*The Crusades pushed Christians to feel it was their duty to spread their religion and convert people to Christianity ( and not to be Muslim)

*Bartolomeu Dias – “ To serve God and His Majesty, to give light to those who were in darkness, and to grow rich as all men desire to do.”:

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* First to: Find a direct spice route

Find an area

Create a trading port

Control a COUNTRY!

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*Prince Henry the Navigator 1394-


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*Prince Henry the Navigator

*Ruler of Portugal*He was among the first to realize the power that would come with control of the spice trade.*He founded the first school for navigation in Europe.*Under his rule, exploration of Africa was expanded in an attempt to find a sea route to Asia.*He never went on any expedition himself.

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Page 11: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

*Traveling Further

• After Prince Henry’s death in 1460, Portugal continued their quest for an easier way to reach the Asian spice Islands

• 1488 Bartholomeu Dias rounded the Southern Tip of Africa also known as the Cape of Good Hope

• 1497 Vasco da Gama makes it all the way around Africa to the Spice Islands but during the long return home lost half their ships and cargo

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*Christopher Columbus*Wanted to find a route to the East Indies by

sailing West until he reached the other side of the globe.*Had trouble finding someone to pay for the voyage (Portugal would not support him) until King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed.*He knew that the world was round, but had no clue that two continents lay between Europe and Asia.*He accidentally discovered the “New World” (North and South America)*He died thinking that he had found a new part of Asia

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*The First Voyage of Columbus

Page 15: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

*The Second Voyage of Columbus

Page 16: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

*The Third Voyage of Columbus

Page 17: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

*The Fourth Voyage of Columbus

Page 18: What would motivate you to travel to a completely unknown place?

1. New Maritime Technologies

1. New Maritime Technologies


Better Maps


Mariner’s Compass

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*2. improved ship designs


•65 feet long = more space for food/people.•Able to explore close to shore.•Larger sails for easier movement and power!

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*3. Gun Powder, Guns, and


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*Dividing the Globe in Half

*1493 Ferdinand and Isabella ask Spanish born Pope Alexander VI to support their claim to the lands of the New World.

*First Pope creates line of Demarcation in 1493 and terms of the deal were then redefined in the Treat of Tordesillas in 1494

*Spain got everything to the West of the line, Portugal got everything to the East

*Who got the better deal?

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*Exit Slip

*Look up your technology on your smartphone or device

*First, search the history of you technology

*Second, search how your technology was used for exploration

* Third, explain why your technology would have been so significant