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Looking For Legal Ways To Get High? Visit www.drugreviews.infoIf You Want To Pass The Most Impossible Of Drug Tests In Record Time? Visit http://drug-testing-kits.drugreviews.infoTolerance- Tolerance means that it takes more of the substance to "get off". In order to feel the same effect, one has to use more of the drug/alcohol than intended and using it more frequently. The exception to this is marijuana, cannabis, and hashish which store in the fat cells of the brain making it easier to high on lesser quantities.- Tolerance is a measure of addiction and suggests that, if one quits, withdrawal symptoms will begin.- Blackouts - Continued functioning, without any memory of what happened or what was done later, is a sure sign that tolerance has increased addiction and that withdrawal symptoms will be present when one stops using.Withdrawal Symptoms- Cocaine: Agitation, insomnia, anxiety, depression, anger, cravings, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, shakes, irritability, muscle pain- Anti-anxiety medications (tranquilizers): Sleeplessness, irritability, anxiety, feeling shaky, headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, and in extreme cases, seizures- Painkillers/Heroin: Dilated pupils, goose bumps, watery eyes, runny nose, yawning, chills, nausea, muscle cramps, stomach cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, shakes, sweats, feeling jittery, irritable, panic, tremors- Methamphetamine: Fatigue, disturbed sleeping patterns, irritability, intense hunger, moderate to severe depression, anxiety, psychotic reactionsEffects on memory and motivation- Impairments in learning, memory and cognitive functioning.- Losing interest in activities and hobbies that were once pleasurable.Risky behavior- Drinking & driving.- Going to crime-ridden areas or association with "seedy" characters in order to "score" drugs.- Criminal or unsafe, irregular activity to get drugs or money to buy drugs.- Sharing needles .- Having promiscuous or unsafe sex.Signs and symptoms of Cannabis use (Marijuana and Hashish)- Heightened visual and auditory perceptions and increased sensitivity in taste.- Increased appetite.- Problems with memory, difficulty concentrating, paranoid thinking.- Decreased coordination, slowed reaction time.- Bloodshot eyes, elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate.If you, or someone you know, have one or more of these signs or symptoms there is a good possibility that you might have a substance abuse problem. Help is available but, over time, these signs and symptoms tend to get worse - not better - on their own. Treatment works!Dan Cross, Regional Director, Marketing & PR Native Health SystemsTulsa http://kctxs.com 918-835-3017Oklahoma City http://qcs-okc.com 405-672-3033Miami, OK 918-542-1786Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_B_Cross