iuceedotcom.files.wordpress.com · Web viewSemi-Automatic Water level Indicator-- In this...

12/1/16 IUCEE-EPICS Reports Semester Information 1. Institution Name: HYDERABAD INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT (HITAM) 2. Contacts Primary Contacts Primary secondary Name AZEEM UNNISA Mr. SURRENDRA Email azeemunnisa.ece@hitam. org [email protected] Phone +91-9052190300 +91-9248711151 address HITAM HITAM 3. Number of active projects: Note: Dear sir, we have implemented EPICS till prototype level and faced problem in making it into projects fully, so I am describing the number of prototypes and also small projects which were done as a part of EPICS at problem identification or need of projects. No. of Prototypes by first year students: 21 teams x 3 prototypes= 63 prototypes No. of Prototypes by second year students: 17 teams x 3 prototypes= 51 prototypes No. of projects done at understanding the need of projects by second year students= 24 projects 4. Brief description of each project (1-3 sentences) Note: 1.Since only four projects after prototype level where continued and finished, I am adding those projects descriptions. Remaining other prototypes and all project data I have documented, will present you on your visit to HITAM. If you need that document now only please email me, I will send. Project 1: Counter system for security- Counter system designed here is based on IR sensor which is used to count the breaks of the infra-red rays. This is used in Xerox machine to find that how many

Transcript of iuceedotcom.files.wordpress.com · Web viewSemi-Automatic Water level Indicator-- In this...



Semester Information


2. Contacts

Primary Contacts Primary secondaryName AZEEM UNNISA Mr. SURRENDRA Email [email protected] [email protected] +91-9052190300 +91-9248711151address HITAM HITAM

3. Number of active projects:Note: Dear sir, we have implemented EPICS till prototype level and faced problem in making it into projects fully, so I am describing the number of prototypes and also small projects which were done as a part of EPICS at problem identification or need of projects.No. of Prototypes by first year students: 21 teams x 3 prototypes= 63 prototypesNo. of Prototypes by second year students: 17 teams x 3 prototypes= 51 prototypesNo. of projects done at understanding the need of projects by second year students= 24 projects

4. Brief description of each project (1-3 sentences)

Note: 1.Since only four projects after prototype level where continued and finished, I am adding those projects descriptions. Remaining other prototypes and all project data I have documented, will present you on your visit to HITAM. If you need that document now only please email me, I will send. Project 1: Counter system for security- Counter system designed here is based on IR sensor which is used to count the breaks of the infra-red rays. This is used in Xerox machine to find that how many papers Xerox are taken from the Xerox machine. It will be placed at the paper outlet part which causes number of breaks in sensor which increment the count and help the stationary person to know how many number of prints students has taken at his place without going manually and checking how many prints students has taken.

Project 2: Goods Security system- This system is designed for the security of goods at the canteen, when the canteen management person is busy with cooking and no one at desk for security of Goods.

Project 3: Semi-Automatic Water level Indicator-- In this semi-automatic controller relay is used as the switching device. When we switch on the motors tank starts filling when tank got fill up it touches the relay wire and gives any indication or sound. Then we must go and off the motor. So this is called as semi-automatic device. Need of project is to stop the overflow of water and save the water. Problem is identified at many houses.


Project 4: UNICITY- This is an app which is designed to give info about all students and teachers of a college or community, it was designed taking lack of communication between students and teachers of our college.

5. List of the community partners:

Note: The community partners listed here are taken from our Campus itself as there was monitoring issue of sending large students groups out of college for meeting community partner outside campus as part of EPICS Pilot-1The below are the Community partners considered at campus:

1. Gardener2. House keeping3. Security of college4. Administration5. Faculties6. Workshop at Campus7. Canteen8. Labs9. Stationary10. Water management 11. Electricians

6. Number of EPICS students enrolled

Presently- total no.of students = 46

Level Male Female1 9 42 13 73 9 44 - -

7. Does EPICS count in your curriculum? _No___ If yes, how_____________________________________

8. Provide two stories of interest and two photographs of EPICS activity on your campus or in your community this semester.

Story 1: Students were interviewing the community people first time, there were mixed responses as they were struggling to identify problems at the design thinking stage and also for proposing multiple solutions . It was the first time that students were trying to solve real world problems


which they are supposed to do as an engineer. There was lack of faculty who were trained about EPICS, so it was difficult for me to manage things and I was finger crossed till students designed their prototypes and took a big sigh of relief when they presented it in the prototype EXPO. They have presented multiple solutions for the problem they have identified. Good Feedback received but still need to work to have good number of faculty on board who can motivate students and open the deadlocks wherever they face in the process of learning the design process.Story 2: Implementation of EPICS at HITAM itself is a story. I was designing curriculum for EPICS for first and second year students as per our requirement. I was searching the means to make it started and suddenly due to semester break announced by university for advance supplementary exam. The management took this opportunity and started EPICS pilot for all second year students who were all clear and have enough credits. It was done with lots of challenges but succeeded in making some learning for the students who enrolled for the program.


Prototype EXPO:

Second year students:


First Year students:

Project EXPO second year:


9. List three efforts, challenges or priorities for this semester or year for your EPICS Program

Training faculty both design process and technical skills to assist students in their process of learningMore organized way of running EPICS center and accessibility to students to be more flexible Starting EPICS program for third year students as mini project which is one of the biggest challenges and the update of this will be provided on your visit as it is under process.

10. Bi-weekly Status Report

Progress What was done

during this period

Issues Goals

Week 1 Review meeting after workshop

To start small or big, no.of projects, how to start

Curriculum design for second year and first year

Week 3 Curriculum designed for second year and first year

How to integrate this in the courses or labs as we are affiliated college

Curriculum design for third year and fourth year

Week 5 Curriculum designed for third year and fourth year

Mini and major project , whether the program owner will adopt it or not

Implementation of EPICS Program Pilot-1 for second year

Week 7 Implementation of EPICS Program Pilot-1 for second year till prototype design was done

Problem identification, community partners

Prototype expo, (present the outcome of design thinking and students ability to propose multiple solution for a given problem)

Week 9 Prototype expo Fall off of students, lack of technical knowledge

Training on technology to help students to develop projects on their own from prototype

Week 11 Implementation of EPICS Program Pilot-1 for first year till prototype design was done

Problem identification, community partners,Lack of manpower and skills in faculty to guide students

Prototype expo, (present the outcome of design thinking and students ability to propose multiple


solution for a given problem)

Week 13 Prototype expo of first year students

Fall off of students, lack of technical knowledge, struggle to propose multiple solutions.

Training on technology at EPICS center on to help students to develop projects on their own from prototype

Week 15 Project Expo of second year on the theme need of project and to understand problem identification which is on of the important step of design process

Partial outputs, technical issues

Students who enrolled in EPICS center will be getting trained on technical skills and will be made to do one project per semester / year.