Urinary System/Renal System

Urinary system It consist of organs that produce, collect and eliminates urine It consist of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder & urethra Function: Blood regulation thru erythropoietin, renin, vitamin D Fluid & Electrolyte Balance & Volume Acid-Base Balance Waste elimination i.e nitrogenous waste in form of urea formed in liver by breakdown of proteins along with urine


Renal system Notes for Medical Transcriptionist(Beginner) by Dr Bali, Nagpur

Transcript of Urinary System/Renal System

Page 1: Urinary System/Renal System

Urinary system

• It consist of organs that produce, collect and eliminates urine

• It consist of kidney, ureter, urinary bladder & urethra

Function:Blood regulation thru erythropoietin,

renin, vitamin DFluid & Electrolyte Balance & VolumeAcid-Base BalanceWaste elimination i.e nitrogenous

waste in form of urea formed in liver by breakdown of proteins along with urine

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External anatomy:Bean shaped, paired structure, right lower than left

Internal anatomy: cortex, medulla

Suprarenal(adrenal gland)

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• Functional unit is the nephron( 1 million)

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Ureter• Muscular tube 10 to 12 inches in length

• Valveless

• Function

transport of urine from kidney to bladder

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Urinary Bladder• It is a hollow muscular organ situated in pelvic cavity, reservoir of

urine• Average capacity is 450 to 600 ml

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urethra• Small tube leading

from the floor of urinary bladder

• 1.5 inch in length in females & 8 inch in male

• Function:

passageway for urine

& semen

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Abbreviations• ADH- antidiuretic hormone• ARF- acute renal failure• BUN-blood urea nitrogen• CAPD-continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis• Cath- catherization• Cysto: cystoscopic examination• CRF- chronic renal failure• ESRD-end stage renal disease• Cl- : chloride• HCO – bicarbonate• ESWL- extracarboreal schock wave lithotripsy• HD- haemodialysis• IVP- intravenous pyelogram• K+ - potassium• Na+ - sodium• KUB – kidney ureter bladder• PH – acidic / alkaline• PKU- Phenylketonuria• UA – urine analysis• UTI – urinary tract infection• VCUG – voiding cystourethrogram

Page 8: Urinary System/Renal System

Terminology in urinary system

Combining form Meaning terminology

Cyst/o Urinary bladder Cystocele

Meat/o Meatus Meatotomy

Pyel/0 Renal pelvis Pyelolithotomy

Ureter/o Ureter Uretroileostomy

Vesic/o Urinary bladder Vesicoureteral reflux

Azot/o Nitrogen Azotemia

dips./o Thirst Polydipsia

Lith/o Stone Nephrolithiasis

Olig/o Scanty Oliguria

Tripsy To crush Lithotripsy

Cali/o Calix Caliectasis

Glomerul/o Glomerulus glomerular

Page 9: Urinary System/Renal System

Pathological conditions of kidney & urether

• Gout• Glomerulonephritis• Interstitialnephritis• Nephrolitiaisis• Nephrotic syndrome• Polycystic kidney• Pyelitis & pyelonephritis• Renal cell ca• Wilms tumour• Renal failure• Renal hypertension• urethritis

Page 10: Urinary System/Renal System

Abnormal constituents of urine & some symptoms

• Albuminuria• Glycosuria• Haematuria• Pyuria• Acetonuria• Bilrubinuria• Urobilinogenuria• Anuria• Dysuria• Polyuria• nocturia

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• Urine analysis• Blood test: BUN, Creatinine cleareance test• CT scan• MRI• Intravenous pyelogram• Renal angiography• KUB xray• VCUG• Retrograde pyelogram• USG• Radioisotopes study

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Urine analysisURINE ROUTINE EXAMINATION• TEST OBSERVATION NORMAL GENERAL EXAMINATION• Volume ml• Colour Pale yellow• Appearance Clear• Deposits absent• Reaction(pH) 4.5-8.0• Specific gravity 1.01- 1.03CHEMICAL EXAMINATION• Urine Protein Absent• Urine Sugar Absent• Urine Ketones Absent• Occult blood Negative• Bile pigment Absent• Bile salts Absent• Urobilinogen Normal• Nitrite NegativeMICROSCOPIC EXAMINATION• Red blood cells Absent• Pus cells Absent• Epithelial cells Absent• Crystals Absent• Cast Absent• Amorphous deposits Absent• Bacteria Absent• Trichomonas Vaginalis Absent• Yeast cells Absent• Pregnancy test