Unleashing The Secrets Of Subliminal Programming For Success · illnesses, attracting wealth,...

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Transcript of Unleashing The Secrets Of Subliminal Programming For Success · illnesses, attracting wealth,...

Keys To Successful Living Unleashing The Secrets Of Subliminal

Programming For Success

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Copyright © 2009 Mentis Marketing LLP All rights reserved. Published by Greg Frost No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise, except as permitted under Canadian copyright law, without the prior written permission of the author. Notes to the Reader: While the author and publisher of this book have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no liability with respect to losses or damages caused, or alleged to be caused, by any reliance on any information contained herein and disclaim any and all warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of said information. The publisher and the author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. It is the complete responsibility of the reader to ensure they are adhering to all local, regional and national laws. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering professional services. If legal, accounting, medical, psychological, or any other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The words contained in this text which are believed to be trademarked, service marked, or to otherwise hold proprietary rights have been designated as such by the use of initial capitalization. Inclusion, exclusion, or definition of a word or term is not intended to affect, or to express judgment upon the validity of legal status of any proprietary right which may be claimed for a specific word or term. The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the author or publisher endorses the information the organization or website may provide or the recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that the websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read. Individual results may vary.

About Greg Frost

Greg Frost is a bestselling author and self improvement coach who has helped thousands of people worldwide achieve their dreams. He believes that it is “Choice, not chance that determines destiny.” Born within a middle-income family, he has struck out on his own and achieved great success in his relationships, career, health and life. His dream is to touch and improve the lives of at least 10 million people worldwide. You can find out more about him and his other products at: http://www.JumpstartNLP.com http://www.LifetimeOfHappiness.comhttp://www.BreakthroughPrinciple.comhttp://www.ChargedAudio.comhttp://www.MindMaximus.comhttp://www.LawsofSuccessfulLiving.comhttp://www.MindSecretsExposed.comhttp://www.SmallTalkBigSuccess.comhttp://www.Photographic-Memory.orghttp://www.More-Confident.com

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Winning the Fight

3. The World Around Us4. The Energy Within Us

5. Our Thoughts

6. Making the Change

7. Your Thought Factory

8. Accelerating Growth

9. The Road Ahead

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1. Introduction

Hi, my name is Greg Frost, Director of ChargedAudioTM, and before I begin, I have to congratulate you for taking the first step that will lead you towards breaking new grounds in your life. What do I mean when I say that? As like most humans, I am sure you would want to get more out of your life, and that there are areas in your life where you would like to improve on. Or perhaps you have some habits that you wish to change but somehow your attempts to change them just don’t seem to work out.

Are there some issues lingering at the back of your mind constantly, issues which you would like resolved but somehow just never seem to go away? These are probably the few things on your list:

• Making more money • Spending less money • Improving your health • Starting an exercise regime • Losing weight • Feeling energetic and enthusiastic whole day long • Improving your memory • Improving your communication skills • Having the ability to cope with stress better • Stop smoking or drinking • Start a new relationship • Etc…

While everyone likes to improve ourselves and achieve more, most of us face a similar obstacle that is holding us back. We lack the willpower and energy to keep us going while we reform our lives and make things happen. However, that is going to change soon. What I have written in this eBook will shed light on the secrets on how to unleash the hidden potential within you through really simple techniques

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that will help to change your life forever! Not convinced? No problem. Alike you, I used to read countless self-improvement books that promised revolutionary changes to my life. These books were filled with powerful techniques and ideas that kept me at the peak of my motivation. I resolved to use my newfound knowledge to make changes to my life. But however, in less than a week, sometimes just hours after I have finished reading a book, I just resumed life the way it has always been. No changes have been made, and the promised revolutionary life changes did not materialize. Whatever knowledge I had acquired from the book was just lost somehow. Glad that you found someone who went through what you are going through now? I realized that the problem with reading self-improvement books is that the knowledge gained just doesn’t get applied. Something further is required. For example, we do not learn to ride a motorbike by simply reading a book and then go charging up the expressways on a motorbike right away. We have to find a way to internalize and “program” our brains so that it knows how and what should we do when we are on the motorbike. Operating the motorbike itself should be done subconsciously; just like when we are walking, we do not have to remember that we need to bring our left leg forward, shift our weight over it, bring our right leg forward, shift our weight over it, then bring our left leg forward again, etc.. These are all done at the subconscious level. The differentiating factor in this eBook is that you will not only discover that our brains are capable of producing astronomical gains in results, but you will also be able to learn about the latest technologies available that will greatly enhance your ability to bring about such enormous improvements to your life. To make it a most successful one that is both fulfilling and satisfying. What you will learn will be an indispensable, internal part of you forever. And not some short term motivation trick that wears out in weeks. Below is a sneak preview of what we have in store for you:

• You would learn about the massive supply of energy within you • You would learn how to harness this energy force to work on personal areas and issues

that you wish to improve on • You would learn how to circumvent a person’s resistance to change with no effort • And you would learn how to “clean up your mind”, getting rid of all negative and

destructive thoughts and supplant them with positive and constructive affirmations Are you ready to take on something bigger than yourself? Will you be able to accept the new you after this transformation? I advise that you take your time and slowly enjoy this eBook. This is an exciting period and will definitely bring about a big change to your life.

2. Winning the Fight

During my school days, I joined the Tae-Kwon-Do club where we had to train twice a week. This was to build up our body physically, as we learnt the different kicks and fighting stances. Naturally, all members of the club wanted to possess tremendous strength, to knock out our opponents at the shortest time possible during duels or sparring sessions. However, my coach left me with some wise words which I would never forget:

“To survive in combat, what you need is endurance and not strength. To be able to endure, you will need to have much more energy than your opponent. Once your opponent’s energy level drops, your victory is secured.”

At that point of time, it did not cross my mind how powerful and meaningful my coach’s words were. To me, it seemed advice to excel in martial arts. However, as I went through more experiences in life, the meaning of his words sank deeper and deeper into my mind. Besides being application to sparring sessions in martial arts, they were more importantly, useful in many aspects of life. Such as starting up a business, keeping with exercise routines, fighting illnesses, attracting wealth, having the willpower to quit drinking/smoking, managing stress, or even becoming a better lover on the bed, etc. Achieving these goals requires a significant amount of energy; some may require just a bit of energy (exercising), while others require massive amounts of energy everyday (fighting illnesses or starting up a new business). Therefore, we can safely conclude that to be successful in attaining our goals and getting the most out of life, we need more than just simple motivation. We need bucket loads of energy. And not only must we generate energy, but we must also be able to make full use of them, directing them towards our goal attainments.

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One thing I have discovered and developed over the years is how I can safely make use of proven techniques to keep myself energized and motivated every day of my life, propelling me towards my goals at a rapid pace. “Are you sure about this?” This is a question I always got from people whom I spoke to. And my reply has always been the same. Yes. It works and I’m sure about it. Curious to find out what I techniques I have discovered and developed? Read on to find out!

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3. The World Around Us

Now that you have realized how important it is to keep ourselves energized all the time, let us look into the fundamentals of energy itself and how our world is created by it. Do you know that each one of us is filled with a vast amount of unexploited or unused energy? Our entire perception of the world around us has been influenced by science and physics. In fact, everything including ourselves is made up of energy waves. We are all sources of energy! So what is this talk on energy all about? Everything around us is merely energy waves? Of course everything is made up of energy. Recall from your school days in the science lessons when we learn that everything is made up of atoms? And how an atom is made up of a nucleus with electrons spinning around? For example, the speed of electrons moving around the nucleus of a hydrogen atom could reach speeds of 2,200 kilometers, or 2.2 million meters per second. This is a terrific speed that can allow one to travel round the world in just 18 seconds. This is also the kind of energy present that creates what we see as objects. For example: water, rock, glass, and metals. While this kind of speed might seem crazy, this is exactly what makes an object an object. The movement of electrons in an atom, amazing isn’t it?

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In short, we can say that all atoms are made up of energy, and that everything in the world that we can see, touch, and feel are made up of energy. We, humans, are also made up of energy. Our thoughts are also a form of energy, which can lead us to generate more energy. This is a very important concept which you will need to understand as this is how you are going to learn how to achieve astronomical results in whatever you aspire to do.

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4. The Energy Within Us

After learning about how we are all made up of energy and are a source of energy, you will need to understand how you can control and focus your energy towards creating powerful reforms and changes to your lives. It is energy that Bill Gates has that allows him to build his fortunes. It is energy that supported Einstein’s determination to create light bulbs. It is energy within Colonel Sanders that enabled him to build up the KFC business at age 65. It is also energy that David Beckham has when he performs his best on the field.

Energy is needed and used by all the most successful people in their field. They all

possess a tremendous amount of energy which they are able to harness and use effectively.

Can you think of a time where you have a seemingly limitless supply of energy? For example when you were rushing for an important deadline where you had to work hard on it for days and nights without having time to sit down for a proper meal or sleep well? While you were working hard at the tasks, what is that one thing that kept you going? What gave you the strength, concentration, and motivation to move on? What gave you the energy to make all these things happen? Such levels of sustained energy, fortunately is accessible for you at any time you wish to use it. Anytime? Yes absolutely.

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It might be when you are dealing with a difficult client, changing a punctured tire, or doing anything else which you normally would not like to do. Once you discover the key to unlock the source of energy within you, you will be able to harness this energy to help you accomplish your goals and make changes to your life. For example, to quit drinking, improve your memory, start saving up, etc. So how can you tap and use this wonderful source of energy to change your life? What is the key to unlock the potential within your inner self? As mentioned in the previous page, I have said that our thoughts are also a form of energy which can lead us to generate more energy. This is where we start for our energy generation plan. All ideas, actions, and results start off as just mere thoughts. So to start harnessing the limitless source of energy within you, you will have to first learn how to produce positive thoughts. Yes positive thoughts. Why positive thoughts? You must be thinking this is all some mambo jumbo. I would move on to explain scientifically how this all works.

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Allow me to introduce you to the idea of psychological programming. The human brain is an extremely powerful tool. However, it has been estimated (by Einstein) that we only use about 5% of our minds consciously. So to better utilize our brain, we have to learn to use our brain not just consciously, but also at SUBCONSCIOUS levels. It is your subconscious mind that is the real power center of your being. The subconscious mind serves as our personal computer. It regulates your heart, plays chemist for your digestive system, and analyzes input from your senses like an ultra sophisticated computer - which it is. Psychological programming is where we “teach” or program our minds, so as to be able to use a bigger portion of our brains and to learn how to create thoughts that can generate the massive amount of energy we need to create changes. The audio programs developed by ChargedAudioTM over the past 20 years are designed to do just that. They are based on current brain research, sound psychological principles, effective mind development techniques coupled with neuro-linguistic programming. After many years of clinical testing with thousands of people, we are proud to have developed the myriad subliminal titles that are helping hundreds of thousands of people around the globe now.

Do take do time to browse through our subliminal titles here.

5. Our Thoughts

Unsure of how powerful your thoughts are? They are the single most important factor in determining your success in whatever you do! A thought has to be generated by your mind every time you do something. Think about the following situations:

• What causes someone to be an ambitious and motivated executive while others finds no meaning in life?

• What causes someone to be consistently punctual while others are perpetually late? • What causes someone to maintain a healthy lifestyle while others drink and smoke

daily? • What causes someone to be labeled a “high flyer”, while others are labeled “losers in

life”? While there could be thousands of “reasons” to explain the few differences listed above, such as different characteristics, different upbringing, different habits, and different lifestyles. But just how valid are the above “reasons”? I am sure all that those people who enjoyed success did not have any additional finger or have bigger brains than the rest. The main reason that caused the difference was just how the people made use of their minds. Deciding to be an ambitious person, a consistently punctual person, or a health conscious person is not simply an outcome that came from nowhere. They were all the result of thoughts; thoughts that resulted in someone being ambitious, punctual, or health conscious. It is the thought that shapes a person’s life. Change a person’s thoughts / thinking patterns, and he or she will be a changed person leading a different life. It is very important to understand how our lives are shaped by our thoughts. Why so? This is because, if you want to be able to achieve your desired (and realistic) goals, you will know that you WILL be able to reach them once you change the way you think.

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While changing the way you think might sound simple, it is extremely or almost impossible to do it if you do not change the way your subconscious mind thinks. As mentioned in the previous chapter:

“It is your subconscious mind that is the real power center of your being. The subconscious mind serves as our personal computer. It regulates your heart, plays

chemist for your digestive system, and analyzes input from your senses like an ultra sophisticated computer - which it is.”

It is relatively easy to change the way we think consciously. For example, to decide on which house to buy. Your conscious mind will begin to list out all the pros and cons for each house you have short-listed. From there, you can then easily decide which house is the better deal for you. However, for what or how our subconscious mind does or feels, it is very much more difficult to change. Our subconscious mind works like a vast and massive collection of past experiences and / or habits. After seeing how your dad smokes twenty sticks of cigarettes each day when you were young, you now smoke twenty sticks of cigarettes each day too. This is largely a result of the daily repetitive “programming” of your brain that one should smoke twenty sticks of cigarettes each day. As the days go by, you see more and more of your dad smoking twenty sticks a day. This results in a daily reinforcement of the belief that one should smoke twenty sticks a day! This may not be a healthy thing to do, but your subconscious mind has no reasoning skills and therefore it will accept and internalize whatever information is available. Once internalized, it forms part of your thoughts. To add on, our subconscious is more than just a simple “tape recorder”. Once it has recorded some experience or happening, it will automatically playback what it has recorded throughout its life (or rather, our lives). Each time our subconscious plays back an experience, the thoughts and emotions gets reinforced yet again. Our actions and future are caused by our thoughts; both from the conscious and subconscious mind. Our thoughts are largely influenced by our past experiences. The more times we experience something, the more our subconscious reinforces our way of thinking.

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Sounds bad? Fret not! The purpose of this eBook is to enlighten you on the latest subliminal technology we have at ChargedAudioTM that can help to change the way your subconscious thinks! Once your subconscious mind has been reprogrammed, your life and future will get changed accordingly too. Of course, what we are talking about here is in making positive changes. What we are going to do is to first “erase” the effects our past experiences have caused. Once that is done, we will then be able to tune our minds towards making positive changes or decisions. Once our minds are tuned and new beliefs reinforced, our life will start to change for the better. How is this possible?? Can anyone really erase the effects caused by the countless past experiences that could have been planted in his/her mind since young? How can this be achieved? Even if that can be achieved, wouldn’t it take years? And we have yet to talk about adding in positive thoughts! We will disclose more in the next chapter.

6. Making the Change

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At present, there is more than one way of taking charge and managing your thoughts and past experiences to change your subconscious’s thinking patterns. One way is to do it ourselves. However, this would take an extremely long period of time to accomplish compared to the other more effective methods. With the improvement in science, there are available new technologies and techniques which can greatly speed up this process. Carefully-planned, long term counseling and consultation sessions with a psychologist is a great idea. But this will not come cheap and is definitely economically not viable for most of us here. The best strategy for us, (and also a very effective one) for us would be to make use of audio programs that are created to create changes in us. These audio programs work on what we have mentioned earlier: Erase the thoughts and thinking patterns caused by our past experiences, before inputting and reinforcing our subconscious minds with positive thoughts and affirmations.

ChargedAudioTM is a premier subliminal technology specialist. Established since 1981, we have been providing the best self improvement subliminal products to our clients, hence winning their trust and loyalty to our brand.

Our products had previously been available only through close-knitted underground communities across Europe and Asia. One could only purchase our products through word of mouth recommendations by existing customers. At ChargedAudioTM, we constantly conduct rigorous studies, double blind and clinical trials. We test the effects of different keywords, affirmations and self-empowering messages that our panel of experts have come up with to further improve our products. Please browse our broad offering of excellent programs at your leisure. Let us now explore a technique that you can practice right now! This is a very simple technique that allows you to tap into your subconscious. It helps you to become more productive at work and at the same time reduce your stress level. You will have more time and energy to spend with your family after work. Your family will feel happier than ever, and this will in turn boost your confidence to be even more productive at work!

To apply this technique, this is what you will have to do at your workplace, every time before you begin a new task: Take a minute of your time to sit down, close your eyes, and relax as deeply as you can. Take three to five long deep breaths and relax your mind. This will help to calm you down and prepare your mind for the upcoming messages you want to send to your subconscious. This may take some time at first. However, as you practice this more, you will find that you can get into this relaxed state much faster. Once you are in this completely relaxed state of mind, “read” out loud in your mind the following message to yourself:

“Right here in front of me is an important task which I have to complete. Being a highly efficient and productive worker, I will now commit myself fully to this task. I shall not be distracted by any other minute tasks until I have fully completed this

task.” That is it! Be sure to read out LOUD to yourself the above message, and you will automatically feel empowered and energized to work much more productively towards completing the given task. Make sure that your message is clear, and let your subconscious know that you are serious here. Once your subconscious is aware and convinced, it will work doubly or triply hard for you! If at any point of time you feel distracted or ineffectively, quickly apply this technique again. The important concept behind this technique is that you must use it all the time. If you find yourself doing something unimportant or non-urgent, either delegate it to someone else, or stop and do it another time. Always focus on the most important task ahead of you and apply the technique all the time. It will not be useful if you only use it once or twice. You will only see the amazing results after you have internalized the technique through repetitive, daily, and consistent reinforcement. Once this technique gets internalized, your subconscious will start to take over. Once that happens, you will find that you will still be able to achieve high levels of productivity without practicing the technique consciously.

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Another scientific principle behind this technique is that, every time you complete a task, you will naturally feel better as your body releases endorphins. This release of endorphins will not only make you feel better, happier, and satisfied, it will also reinforce the technique and your working efficiency. So the next time you practice this technique again, your mind will recall what happened when you last practiced this technique, and automatically adjust your mind for peak productivity. Once you get this productive cycle of positive affirmations, highly efficient work progress, rapid task completion, and release of endorphins, your output will increase and you will eventually get promoted faster. At the same time, your stress levels will go down as you get more productive. This will allow you to retain more energy so that you can give yourself more to your family and loved ones. The final outcome would be not just a happy and satisfied you, but also your family and loved ones. *Note: if you find that this technique is not useful, or it does not help you at all, the main reason would be due to an unconvinced subconscious mind. If you are unable to convince your subconscious, it will not work for you. Try again, get yourself into the completely relaxed state, and read out the message clearly and loudly, with conviction to yourself. Repeat as many times as required till you are fully convinced. To convince your subconscious mind, your conscious mind has to first be convinced. Wish to improve on other aspects of your life? Do not worry. We will show you later, other applications and tools to help you in other area of your life.

7. Your Thought Factory

As mentioned in chapter 6, our actions and future are caused by our thoughts. Our thoughts dictate how we apply and use our energy to do things. Before I go on further, here’s a story worth pondering over:

There was a man who worked in a supermarket. One day, as he went into the freezer room to pack some vegetables, the door accidentally closed and he was trapped in the freezer room. There was no one else in the store and his cries for help were in vain. He

tried to force open the door but it remained tightly shut.

As he sat on the floor of the freezer room, he began to feel colder and colder. Not long later, he felt weak and started writing on the wall of the room: “I am feeling very cold

and weak now. I am going to die in here very soon.”

He was found dead by the next morning when the rest of the workers reported for work. The irony of this story is that the compressor for the freezer room broke down a few days earlier. The poor man was unaware of this damage and thus believed that the compressor was working perfectly fine. His mind felt that he was cold. So he got

weaker and subsequently willed himself to die.

The above story has illustrated how our subconscious mind can be deceived. It has no reasoning power and thus accepts whatever information it is given by the conscious mind. In the man’s conscious mind, the compressor is working. Therefore, the room must be freezing, and that is how his subconscious mind got cheated into believing that he is going to freeze to death. Incidentally, our body’s chemical composition is also affected by how we think. When we are

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happy and positive, endorphins are released. From historical studies, white blood cells that help us to combat diseases increase when we are happy. On the other hand, our energy level goes down when we fill ourselves with negative thoughts. For example, when we know that we are going to fail a test tomorrow, or if we know that we are about to be demoted or retrenched the next day, we will naturally start to feel downcast and tired. Our motivation goes down along with our energy level.

So how do you intend to feel for the rest of the day, or rather, the rest of your life? Be downcast all day long for the rest of your life whenever something bad comes along? Or stay happy, healthy and positive all day long for an enriching life? Whatever we have discussed earlier has showed that we will be better off if we fill our minds with positive thoughts. To have a mind with only positive thoughts, we have to rid our mind of negative thoughts first.

To begin, we have to learn to distinguish between negative and positive thoughts. What are some of the consequences of having negative thoughts? Unhappiness, anxiety, fears, illness, depression, etc. People usually get negative without realizing it. Negative affirmations are another great source of negative thinking and behavior. For example, saying: “this is impossible”, or “it can’t be done”, are affirmations that strongly belittle you. Your subconscious will be told that the task would be impossible, and eventually result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Unclear of what I mean? Turn around and ask someone around you: “Do you believe that you could one day be richer than Bill Gates?” Strong negative affirmations are sure to surface. “You must be kidding!”, “This is impossible!”, and “I can never do it!” etc… Such affirmations are very powerful, and they set your mind immediately to recognize that such dreams are impossible to achieve and you will stop trying to reach out for them.

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Some common negative affirmations heard and used almost everyday:

• I will never be able to score well for my exams • I can never park the car properly • I can never lose weight • I can never get that promotion • My business will never make that much money • I am not good with numbers • I am getting old • Nothing cheers me up

What are the likely consequences of using the above affirmations?

Negative consequences of course!

The first person will never score well for their exams, while the second one will never be able to park his/her car properly, and the third person will remain fat always, and so on… Once you are aware of the negative thoughts that are running around in your mind, you are in the position to erase negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. The way to remove such thoughts is simple, yet they would require substantial discipline and determination. How simple? Simply stop thinking about them! Does this even sound right? Of course its right! The way to remove such thoughts is to simply stop thinking about them consciously. Whenever you find yourself suddenly thinking about something negative, or if you are in a negative mood, immediately snap out of it and replace your thoughts with something else that is not negative. It could be work, or it could be playing with your kids. Sometimes you might need to do something physical movement to help shake off the negative

thoughts. Try this. Take 3-4 deep breaths to calm your mind. After that proceed on to jump a couple of times and finally end it with a snap of your fingers or a clap. While you are jumping, imagine the negative energy falling off you with the final snap or clap ending all negative thoughts. Always works for me, it might seem a little queer to do it. But which is more worth it? Looking a bit weird or being negative the whole day? Just cut off your negative thoughts as fast as you can, and do not go back to it. Once you have trained your conscious mind to consistently stop thinking negatively, your subconscious will eventually follow suit and in time to come, completely stop thinking negatively.

Once you have pulled the plug on negative thinking, what’s left is to fill your mind with positive thoughts that brings about higher productivity, higher energy level, and happiness. The surest way to achieve this would be through repetitive use of positive affirmations. Just like how negative thoughts can pull you down very quickly, positive affirmations can push you up just as fast. By constantly feeding your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and affirmations, you will reinforce the belief that you are person with a high level of work productivity and energy. These affirmations should be repeated consistently over a period of time such that you internalize them in your subconscious.

As first mentioned in chapter 5, your mind is like a tape recorder, and over time, it’ll replay these affirmations once you have internalized it and reinforce these beliefs more strongly than ever. With such strong affirmation and convictions, your energy is bound to reach new highs and maintain at that. This is where you will find yourself living a new life with renewed confidence in yourself, as well as a positive direction for growth and happiness, for you and the loved ones around you.

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8. Accelerating Growth

The techniques we have discussed so far works from a conscious level. i.e.; the conscious mind is used to feed information into the subconscious mind. It is easy to understand and it works. However It is not without its disadvantages. A lot of discipline and conscious effort is needed to achieve the mindset changes. This is where we will talk about one of the technologies available to speed things up: Subliminal programming. Subliminal is defined as:

“Below the threshold of conscious perception”. The threshold of consciousness is the dividing line between something that can be processed by the conscious mind and something that enters the subconscious mind without any processing. While inadequate to produce conscious awareness, it is able to EVOKE A RESPONSE that can influence the behavior and mental processes of one’s mind.

Subliminal programming is a technology that has been around since the 50's. It involves sending a message direct to the subconscious mind, therefore bypassing the critical conscious mind. This can be achieved in a number of ways, such as whispering quiet suggestions against a music background, or flashing messages at high speed in front of the eyes. While these suggestions cannot be consciously heard or seen, our subconscious mind will be able to receive and store these suggestions as the human brain is highly susceptible to subconscious messages. In short, we are looking at making use of subliminal programming to send affirmations to our subconscious mind without having to go through the conscious mind.

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Copyright © 2009 ChargedAudioTM. All Rights Reserved Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited.

At ChargedAudioTM, after years of intensive research, we have developed audio programs that make use of subliminal programming to rapidly speed up the time one takes to improve their lives through mindset changes. Our audio programs are designed to not only send affirmations directly to the subconscious mind, but also to occupy the conscious mind with nature sounds which help activate our right brain. Research has shown that internalization can be done more effectively when both our left and right brain are activated at the same time. Here’s a quick overview of what ChargedAudioTM has to offer: ChargedAudio™ Subliminal Technology utilizes Revolutionary and Powerful Brainwave Technology to aid you in reaching new heightened levels of awareness. This State-of-the-Art programming encodes powerful positive affirmations through Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) commands beneath the soothing sounds of nature music, stimulating your brain in its relaxed meditative state. Exposure to our ChargedAudio™ Subliminal Technology programming process can be a life changing experience. No matter what task you’ve chosen to accomplish, you will feel yourself becoming a more powerful, confident, and dynamic person as this programming process continues. All ChargedAudioTM Subliminal CDs contain the following ChargedAudioTM exclusive technologies to create optimal results for you:

• Wave Repose TechnologyTM (WRT) – To assist in inducing relaxation and

proper breathing patterns for maximum acceptance of subliminal messages.

• Matrix Dimensional Binaural BeatsTM (MDBB) – Our latest and newest technology that is much more effective than ordinary binaural or dual binaural beats.

• Dual Subliminal Scripting – Triggering responses from both hemispheres of your brain for enhanced results.

• NLP Optimized Messages – Rigorous testing has been carried out to ensure the powerful and effective affirmations are embedded within ChargedAudioTM products

• Reverse Messaging – Messages are encoded in reverse manner to circumvent the critical senses of your conscious mind to produce long term positive results.

Our audio programs are designed to stimulate and teach you how to use more of your mind, we worked on the subconscious experience to “reprogram” the subconscious mind with thousands of positive Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) audio affirmations and suggestions. To come up with the best combination of positive affirmations and suggestions, we gathered together our entire panel of experienced psychologists, hypnotherapists and NLP experts to work on the program together. This ensures optimal effectiveness for our clients, something which other sellers in the market are not able to replicate. After confirming the affirmations, using our patented brainwave technology, we digitally embed the affirmations with natural sounds to ensure that no distinguishable words can be heard at the conscious level.

While your conscious mind can only hear the soothing natural sounds, your subconscious will accept and bring into reality the subliminal suggestions presented in our program. The tremendous power of a subliminal suggestion is that it circumvents a person’s resistance to change by going directly into the deep subconscious mind.

Usage Instructions:

To get maximum results from our audio programs, we highly recommend that you listen to the program every morning after waking up and every night before going to bed. Start with a 10-minute meditation session to clear your mind and open it up, before listening to our audio program. You are advised to listen to the program for a duration of 30 minutes to 1 hour. You are expected to experience positive results within 2 weeks.

* Results might vary between individuals

This routine will constantly refresh your mind every day and night with all the critical and evoking key affirmations to bring your attitude and abilities to new


Copyright © 2009 ChargedAudioTM. All Rights Reserved Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited.

Copyright © 2009 ChargedAudioTM. All Rights Reserved Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited.

ChargedAudioTM Brand Promise

To provide the latest and most effective innovations in subliminal technology, we at ChargedAudioTM constantly conduct rigorous studies, double blind and clinical trials. We test the effects of different keywords, affirmations and self-empowering messages that our panel of experts have come up with to further improve our products. Therefore, rather than having a static list of dated affirmations, we have built a carefully designed and dynamically updated database consisting of the most powerful, effective, and updated strategies, affirmations and messages for each of our product. In addition, we have a Research & Development Department to further improve and develop new methods of masking technology to produce the optimal subliminal experience.

This is our promise to you as our client, to provide you with the most updated and

effective subliminal messaging audio program.

9. The Road Ahead

I must once again congratulate you for reading this eBook up until now. As we come to an end here, I am sure that you have learnt something useful and I hope this book is just a beginning for you, and that you will continue to work on the techniques discussed. We have shared with you all the important fundamentals that will allow you to propel yourself forward to far greater heights of personal success, lead a fulfilled life, and make everyone around you happy and fulfilled too. Good Luck & God Bless!

Yours Sincerely, Dr Greg Frost, Director of ChargedAudioTM

Copyright © 2009 ChargedAudioTM. All Rights Reserved Unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly prohibited.