Unitat didactica angles x 2 planning


Transcript of Unitat didactica angles x 2 planning

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The model that I have used for this lesson planning is the model proposed

by Pérez Esteve, P and Roig Estruch, V in “Enseñar y aprender inglés en

educación infantil y primaria” (2004) vol. II. Ice Horsori, Barcelona.

This lesson planning is focus on childern aged from 4 to 5 and it is centred

in the story of the Lion and the Mouse, focus on animal vocabulary and


At the end of the sessions, I have added some didactic materials to develop

the lessons and a picture dictionary that could help the children to make the






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Making friends and -Identifying animals - Animals: lion, mouse -Actions:

Animals -Revise numbers pig, snail, dog, cat, sleeping, running,

(1 to 10) elephant, monkey, walking, etc.

-Use of greetings horse, cow - jaws, teeth.

-Act out the story - Numbers (1 to 10) - frienship

-Associate meanings -Greetings: Hello,

and words bye-bye.

- Understand speci-

fic information

Main Receptive Main Attitude Multi Disciplinary Cross- Curricular Language Links Concepts

Theme Aims Target Language Story Language

-What’s your name? - Active involvement -Drama: Representa- -Pace

-How many are in the class, songs, tion of the story. education.

there? games and activities. -Maths; numbers

-Count and say - Show interest in -Communication

-Every body is using English strategies: greetings,

here? ask their names, using

-Where are they? gestures to support

-They become the communication.


- We have finished


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LESSON 1: The lion and the mouse meet.

1. Greetings (5 minutes)

At the beginning of the lesson we must to welcome the children: Hello children! or

Good morning children!. Normally, children will answer you Hello! Then we can take

register with the help of our students, saying: Everybody is here today? Carolina, are

you here today? Yes, you are here. Hello Carolina! Manuel, are you here? Manuel…

Oh! Manuel isn’t here today.

2. Introducing our new friends (10 minutes)

Now, we can introduce our new friends. Children we have a new friend. Then, when

they have looking to us, we can take out slowly the first finger puppet: the lion. Hello,

what’s your name? Children, come on! What is your name? We must encourage to our

learners to ask the name to our new friend. My name is Lion. Hello Lion! We can

change our voice to make it ruder. I am a lion and I have a friend. Yes I have a friend,

he is the mouse. He is here with me, but he is very shy. We must call him to he come

here. Everybody! Mouse, mouse… We take out the mouse slowly. Hello mouse.

Everybody, hello mouse! Hello children! When the mouse speaks, we can change the

voice sharper.

- Animal paper finger puppets.

- Flashcards

- Worksheet number 1 and 2

- Posters

- Pencils, colour pencil, rubber, etc


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The Mouse and the Lion finger puppets

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3. Telling the story (15 minutes)

Now, we are going to tell the story when the mouse and the lion met. We can make a

performance of the story, use the same paper finger puppets, animal flashcards or big

flashcards with the scenes of the story (I add this materials at the end) to tell it.

It is important when we are telling the story to change our voices depending on the

characters. As children know this character, we can start with the first scene directly. It

is important too, to emphasizing and repeat the actions and perform it to children can

understand what is happening. We can make sounds of the scenes like the roar of the


We can make a lot of gestures than can help to our children to understand the story: The

lion was sleeping (we can put our hands together under our face). Please, forgive me

King (we can put our hands together performing to regret)

4. Let’s go to act out the story (10 minutes)

Children know to the characters and their story. Now they are able to represent the

scenes. We can repeat the story again. A child will be the lion and another will be the

mouse. This is an interesting activity because they are listening the story while they are

acting. They must know what is happening in each moment to perform

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The animals went in two by two,

hurrah, hurrah.

The animals went in two by two,

hurrah, hurrah.

The animals went in two by two,

the elephant and the kangaroo,

and they all went into the ark,

just to get out of the rain.

The animals went in two by two

hurrah, hurrah.

the cat, the dog and the woolly sheep

and they all went into the ark

just to get out of the rain.


One day, King Lion was sleeping, when a little The little mouse said “Please forgive me, King, only Mouse began to run up and down his body. When this time. Perhaps one day I will help you in return” the lion woke up and saw to the mouse, he opened his big jaws to eat him.

The lion likes the idea and he let the mouse go. One day, the little mouse was looking for food in the forest when he hear a loud roar behind the bush. He decided to go to see what happened.

He saw the lion caught in a trap. “Hello my friend, Finally, the mouse and the lion become great can I help you?” said the little mouse. “Yes, please” friends. said the lion. The mouse bit the trap with his teeth.


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5. Let’s do activities (15 minutes)

In the following activities we are going to introduce some new friends to our children (a

pig, a cat and a dog). Before they start to work we should introduce the new animals

using flashcards, pictures, etc.

We can introduce them by continuing the story: One day, the lion and the mouse were

walking by the road and they find with a pig who was lost (we show the pig’s flashcard

and put on the blackboard). The lion and the mouse helped to the pig and they became

friends. The following day, the three friends (the lion, the mouse and the pig) where

wolking by the road and they find a cat and a dog. They were very bored. The lion, the

mouse, the pig, the cat and the dog stared to play toguether and they become friends. At

the same time, we can perform the scene.

When we have introduced the new friends, we can distribute the worksheet number 1 &

2 (one per student) and ask them to colour and write in the worksheet number 1 and to

match the names with the pictures in worksheet number 2.

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Worksheet number 1 Colour and write Name:___________________________________

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Worksheet number 2. Match the animals & names Name:___________________________________

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5. Saying bye-bye to our friends.

To finish the lesson we can make a routine. At the same time, the children can put in

order their materials and stand up to go to the mat.

At the same time, when the children are in the mat, all together are saying bye-bye with

their hands to the lion and the mouse. Ok children, we have finished today. Say


Bye- bye my friends

We will be here tomorrow again.

Bye-bye my friends

Tomorrow we will play again.

Bye- bye to the mouse and the lion

Bye-bye to all my friends.

Bye-bye my friends

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LESSON 2: Playing with our friends

1. Greetings (5 minutes)

Before start the lesson we can hide the animal flashcards in different parts of the class.

When the children arrive, we can ask them: Hello children! Every body is here? Ok!

Very good, but... Where are our new friends? Where is the lion? Where is the mouse?

Where is the pig?, etc. Carlos you know where are they? No? ok. Nobody knows where

are they. So please help me to look them.

When the animals start to appear we will welcome to them: Ah! The lion is there. Hello

lion! Children, say hello tohe lion. And we can do the same with the others animals.

2. Continuing the story. (20 minutes)

Now, we are going to put on the blackboard the animal flashcards. To introduce more

new friends, we are going to continue the story. The flashcards are on the blackboard

and we start to revise the story: The lion, the mouse, the cat, the dog and the pig are

friends. How many friends are they? One, two, three, four, five... we point out while we

count. They are five. One day, the five friends were wolking by the road and they find a

- Animals finger puppet.

- Flashcards

- Worksheet number 3 and 4



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snail (we show a flashcard with a snail) who was trying to go to the mountain, but he

wolked very slow. The lion, the mouse, the cat, the dog and the pig helped to the snail

and they become friends. (at this moment we put on the blackboard the flashcard with

the snail). Now, how many friends are they? One, two, three, four, five, six... they are


In this way we will introduce to our students the elephant and the monkey and we will

count the animals in the blackboar.

3. Let’s do activities (15 minutes)

To revise numbers 1 to 10 we are going to ask to the children to count and write in the

worksheet number 3.

In the worksheet number 4 they must match the animals with their names.

4. Playing with our friends (15 minutes)

The flashcards are on the blackboard. We are going to divide the class in groups of

eight. Each pupil will represent an animal that they know (one will be the lion, another

will be the mouse, another will be the dog, another will be the cat, another will be the

pig, another will be the snail, another will be the monkey and another will be the

elephant). They must imitate the sounds, the gestures and the movements of the

animals. We can make the selection of the animals by raffle.

5. Saying bye-bye to our friends. (5 minutes)

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To finish the lesson we are going to repeat the routine of the last class. We can ask to

the children to go to the mat, to sit down and repeat the routin. At the same time, all

together are saying bye-bye with their hands to the animals. Ok children, we have

finished today. Say goodbye to our friends! Bye-bye!

Bye - bye my friends

We will be here tomorrow again.

Bye-bye my friends

Tomorrow we will play again.

Bye- bye to the mouse and the lion

Bye-bye to all my friends.

Bye-bye my friends

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How many are there?





Worksheet number 3. Count and write Name:___________________________________

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Worksheet number 4. Match the animals & names Name:___________________________________

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LESSON 3: Animals in a farm

1. Greetings (5 minutes)

To start the lesson all the animal flashcards are in the blackboard. Hello children! How

are you? Say hello to our friends: hello lion, hello mouse, hello pig hello snail, hello

dog, hello cat, hello elephant, hello monkey,hello everybody! How many new friends

have we got? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.... we have eight new friends:

the lion, the mouse,...

2. Continuing the story (20 minutes)

We can continue the story to introduce the last two new friends: One day, the lion, the

mouse, the pig, the snail, the cat, the dog, the elephant and the monke were wolking to

the mountain and in the road they found a farm. (We can show to the children a picture

or a flashcard with a farm).In the farm lived a horse and a cow (then, we show the

flashcards and put in the blackboard with the other animals) and they become friends.

How many friends are they now? Let’s see... one, two... ten! Now they are ten.

- Flashcards

- Worksheet number 5

- Cassete / CD player

- Pencils, colour pencil, rubber, etc


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3. Ordering the story (10 minutes)

Now the students are familiar with the animal names and they know how they met. It’s

time to remembering the begining of the story. We can make groups of five pupils and

ask them to ordering the animal flashcards based on the secuence of the story.

4. Clasifying animals (5 minutes)

Which of this animals could live in a farm? We can ask to the children to draw a farm

with the animals that could live there. We can make too the same activity by using the

flashcards and the blackboard and asking them to put near the farm the animals that

could live there.

5. Song: The animals went in two by two (5 minutes)

Children can listen this song to recognizing the names of the animals that they know

and point out to the animal flashcard where the animal that they listen is. To this activity

they can sit on the map.

6. Saying bye-bye to our friends. (5 minutes)

The children are sitting on the map. Ok children, we have finished today. Say bye-bye to

our friends. Bye-bye lion, bye-bye mouse...

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LESSON 4: Bye-bye friend!

Worksheet number 5. Colour and write Name:___________________________________

- Flashcards

- Worksheet number 6

- A box

- Pencils, colour pencil, rubber, etc


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1. Greetings (5 minutees)

To start the lesson we are going to make to the children thing that our friends are

missing again: Hello children! Good morning! Where are our friends today?

Hello...where are they? Do you know where are they? The children probably star to

look for the pictures. We must to encourage them to call to the animals: lion..., mouse...

pig...comme on! lion..., mouse... then we can star to put the flashcards in the blackboard

in order to the children see them.

2. Mini-project: My favourite animal (20 minutes)

The children are familiar with the names of the animals and with their appearance. It’s

time to let them to express their feelings and their preferances. We are going to ask

them to draw their favourite animal. This is an individual work and we must let it time

to think and draw. They can use a lot of different materials: colour pencils, colour paper

to stick,etc. We can help them if they need.

4. Bingo game (15 minutes)

Now we are going to make a game in which we can test their listening recognizion

about the animal names. We are going to give them the worksheet number 6 in which

there is a lot of animals. Each one has a different worksheet and they only must to circle

the animals that we are saying. The animals that we say are selected by ruffle. It is

everybody ready to start?

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5. Making a farm to say googbye(20 minutes)

Now, we are going to make a farm with paper and a big box. This is a group work and

everybody is going to participate. Each child is going to draw something to put in the

farm (trees, animals, etc).

At the end everything that they have done and the material that we have used in this

lesson are going to be introduce in the box. In this way all the animals is going to be

together in the farm. The animals are going to be the last that we are going to introduce

in the farm. We will say goodbye to each animal: goodbye lion, goodbye mouse,

goodbye pig...

At the end we are going to make our animal routine to end the lesson and the topic.

Worksheet number 6 Circle the correct animal Name:___________________________________

Bye-bye my friends

Bye- bye my friends

We will be here tomorrow again.

Bye-bye my friends

Tomorrow we will play again.

Bye- bye to the mouse and the lion

Bye-bye to all my friends.

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Dog Cow Mouse Cat

Horse Pig Elephant Hippo

Worksheet number 6 Circle the correct animal Name:___________________________________

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Pérez Esteve, P. & Roig Estruch, V. (2004) Enseñar y aprender inglés en educación

infantil y primaria. Vol. II. Ice Horsori, Barcelona.

The Teacher’s Magazine nº 32

www.bestofkids.net/dibujos-para-colorear-naturaleza.shtml www.enchantedlearning.com

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The model that I have used for this lesson planning is the model proposed by Pérez

Esteve, P and Roig Estruch, V in “Enseñar y aprender inglés en educación infantil y

primaria” (2004) vol. II. Ice Horsori, Barcelona.

This lesson planning focuses on children aged from 4 to 5 and it is centred in the fruits’

names and their colours.

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SYLLABUS: I’m hungry

- Healthy food -Use of greetings - Greeting: hello, good- - Bird

-Learn the names of bye - Tree

food. - Apple

- Revise colours -Food: orange, lemon, - Numbers

- Revise numbers pear, banana and

(1 to 10) grapes

- Acting out the - Numbers: (1 to 10)


- Participate actively

in the games and

activities understan-

ding the language

Main Receptive Main Attitude Multi Disciplinary Cross- Curricular Language Links Concepts

Theme Aims Target Language Story language

-There are - Participate actively -Maths: numbers - Health education:

- I’m hungry in the rhyme, activi- -Music: rhyme the importance of

ties and games. - Drama: miming the eating fruits to stay

- Show interest rhyme healthy

using the language - Communication

strategies: greet, using

the gestures to support

the communication

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1. Greeting time

I beginning to sing the “hello song” that we sing everry morning. At the same time that

we sing the song, the puppet (Paul) sing the song with the children.


2. Practice and presentation

We show a real apple. Paul says I’m hungry and eats the apple. We must practice with

the class. We make the same with the other fruits.

3. Practice. Let`s do some activities

We give to the children the worksheet with the fruits, and then they must circle the

correct fruit that we said before.

You say goodbye, and I say hello

Hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello, hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello

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Circle the fruit________________________________________________

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4. Drawing fruits.

Give to the children a piece of paper and ask them to draw their favourite fruit.

5. Goodbye time.

We sing the song again and say goodbye to the children.


You say goodbye, and I say hello

Hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello, hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello

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1. Greeting time

I beginning to sing the “hello song” that we sing everry morning. At the same time that

we sing the song, the puppet (Paul) sing the song with the children.


2. Story time.

To revise numbers we are going to tell a story. We are going to use a flashcard on

the board and show to the children the story.

You say goodbye, and I say hello

Hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello, hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello

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There are ten apples on the apple tree

A bird takes two

Now how many do you see?

There are eight apples on the apple tree

A bird takes six apples

Now how many do you see?

There are two apples on the apple tree

Go and take the apples one for you

And one for me.

3. Colour time

Now we give to the children some pictures with a fruit and they must colour them at

the same time we are going to ask them the name of the fruit and the colour.

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Colour the Picture ______________________________________

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Colour the Picture ______________________________________

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Colour the Picture ______________________________________

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Colour the Picture ______________________________________

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Colour the Picture ______________________________________

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4. Goodbye time.

We sing the song again and say goodbye to the children.


You say goodbye, and I say hello

Hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello, hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello

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1. Greeting time

I beginning to sing the “hello song” that we sing everry morning. At the same time that

we sing the song, the puppet (Paul) sing the song with the children.


2. Creative drama: “Shopping trips”

Display tables in the classroom as if they were different shops. Bring real fruit and

empty boxes. Let the children play pretending to buy what they need to a week.

You say goodbye, and I say hello

Hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello, hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello

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3. Eating vocabulary

We ask to the children about what fruit we have in our hands,

and if they are right, they can test the fruit.

5. Goodbye time.

We sing the song again and say goodbye to the children.


You say goodbye, and I say hello

Hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello, hello, hello

I don’t know why you say goodbye

I say hello


FRUITS: an apple, an orange, a pear, some grapes and a lemon

COLOUR PENCILS: orange, yellow, green, purple




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Pérez Esteve, P. & Roig Estruch, V. (2004) Enseñar y aprender inglés en educación

infantil y primaria. Vol. II. Ice Horsori, Barcelona.

The Teacher’s Magazine nº 32 &37