Unit 9 - Routines.pdf

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  • 8/10/2019 Unit 9 - Routines.pdf




    v _ Read and listen .

    Then circle the thingsyou do ever y day.

    5 have lunch

    9 dr ink coffee

    Un it 9

    1 stay up late

    10 read a magazine


    Simple Present: ffirmativeStatements

    Simple Present: SpellingRules

    Simple Present: NegativeStatements

    3 sleep

    11 . do the laundry

  • 8/10/2019 Unit 9 - Routines.pdf


    12. eat out


    A 8 Listen. Two people talk about work schedu lesin their countries. Which country is each sentenceabout? Write France), J Japan) or F J both).

    _ _ 1. Many people have long lunch breaks._ _ 2. Many people eat lunch at home .

    _ _ 3. Most people start work at 8:00 or 8:30.

    _ _ 4. Most people have an hour for lunch.

    _ _ 5. Banks and shops aren t open on Mondays.


    B 8(: . ead and listen again. Write the missingwords. Use the words in the box.

    I doesn t don t worksTaka: Hey, Monique, you come from France, right?

    Monique: Yes, why?

    Taka: t says here that in France, most workers

    have a two -hour break for lunch. Is1.

    that true?

    Monique: Well, it depends on the job, ut in general, it s

    true. Many people in France have lunch at

    home. My mother, my sister, and I eat lunch

    together every day. But my father _ _ _2.

    in another city, so he _ _ _ _ eat with us.3.

    Taka: Really? That s interesting. In Japan, we only

    have an hour for lunch, so we _ _ _ _ have4 .

    time to go home. I think I like the French


    Routines III

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    Subject Verb Subject

    Hecooks. a lot.


    We cook a lot.

    ou It works.They

    A Make sentences about the peop le yo u know. Use the w o rds in the box.

    best friends family and I friends and I m other



    boyfriend father girlfriend

    children friends husba nd

    1. My get up early. 5 My

    2. My stays up late. 6 My

    3. My eatsout

    a lot. 7 My4. My sleeps late a lot. S My

    B Co m pl e t e the parag rap h .

    I m from Guadalajara, Mexico. During the week

    I get up early, at about 5:00 A.M. My wife, Sandra,1 get up)

    until 7:30. Then she nd our children2 sleep)

    I full time from 8:00 to3. get up) 4 work)

    2:00 nd then from 4:00 to 6:00. Sandra

    part-time, from 9:00 to 1:00 Then5 work)

    she home nd unch.6. drive) 7 co o k)

    We lunch a little after 2:00.8. eat)

    , Uni t9

    works five days a week.

    wash the dishes at night.

    cooks in the evening.go for a wa lk every day

  • 8/10/2019 Unit 9 - Routines.pdf


    C hat do you think these people probably do? Write sentences Use the verbs in the boxand a lot

    co o k e t out play s leep work

    1. Teresa and Angela are 16 years old.The y probabl ytalk on the phone a lot

    2 Billy is a three month old baby.

    3. Melanie is a mother of six ch ildren .

    4. Annie is five years old.

    5 Sylvia and David Lin like good food.

    6 Mark is a doctor.

    PAIRS Compare your answers Do you agree? Then talkabout the activities Which activities do you do a lot?

    PAIRS Tell your partner about the routines offive people you know Use time expressionsand the words in the boxes or your own ideas

    best friend drink coffee

    brother or s ister e t out a lo t

    chi ldr en get up late

    English te cher go for a walk

    f ther have lun ch t home

    gr ndp rents play computer games

    mother read magazines

    neighbor talk on the phone a lot

    roomm te work full time

    Example:A My best friend ploys computer games every day

    L kTime expressions

    t nightevery dayin the afternoonin the morningin the eveningon weekends

    play computer games


  • 8/10/2019 Unit 9 - Routines.pdf




    stu dy . . stud iesHe studies every day.

    Spelling Rule

    End of verb: consonant + - ySpel ling: change y t i add - s

    kWe go to the movies a lot.He goes to the movies a lot.


    fi n ish . . finish eswat ch . . wat chesm iss . . mi sses

    fJelling _R_u_e I

    f ix . . fi xesHe misses his family.

    A Complete the sentences.

    End of verb: sh ch 55 xSpelling: dd - s

    1. Ming with her husband at night 4 Al cars with Sal every dayrelax) fix)

    2 Ann at sad movies 5 Lynn _ her hair in the morningcry) wash)

    3 Tina unch at 2:00 P Mfinish)

    L kPronunciat ion of final -s

    B~ K walks lsI- ( . Circle the verbs in the sentences. Then comes Iz

    listen. What are the sounds of the verb endings? watches lIz

    Check .1) the correct column.

    lsi /zl IIzl1. My daughter brushes her hair all the time 0 0 0

    2 My mother reads the newspaper 0 0 0

    3 My friend Sam drinks coffee 0 0 0

    4 My sister takes the bus to work 0 0 0

    5 My uncle washes his car once a week 0 0 0

    . Unit 9

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    C PAIRS. Change the underlined words in Exercise B to people you know. Read yoursentences to your partner .

    Example:A: My best friend brushes her hair all the time

    D Look at the chart . It shows schedules in different countries . Complete the sentenceswith the correct words.COLOMBIA SOUTH KOREA IRAN TAIWAN

    start work 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 9:00 A.M.

    finish work 6:00 P M. 6:00 P M 4:00 P M 5:00 PM .

    have lunch 12:00 - 2:00 P M 12:00 - 1 00 P M 12:00 - 1 00 P M 12:00 - 1 00 P M .

    go to school 7:00 A M - 3:00 P M 7:45 A M - 5:00 P M. 8:00 A M . - 3:30 P M 8:00 A M - 5:00 P M

    1. Most students in South Korea go to schoofor almost nine hours.

    2 Most people in Taiwant 5:00 P M

    3 Mo st people in Iranat 8:00 A M

    4 Rosa lives in Colombia . Shefrom 1 2:00 to 2:00 P M

    5 Jae lives in South Korea. Hefrom 7:45 to 5:00 P M

    6 Chia -Pei lives in Taiwan. Sheat 9:00 A M

    PAIRS. Talk about the schedules of people in your country .

    GROUPS. Make five sentences about classmates in other groups. Use the wordsin the box or your own ideas.

    cry t sad movi es

    exe rci se e ver y day


    fix his fr iends co m puters

    miss his family

    ly fixes his friend's computers.

    w ash her hair eve ry day

    w atc h a lot of DVD s

    WRAP-UP. Now tell the class your sentences. For every correct sentence yourgroup gets a point. The group with the most points wins.

    Routin es 4

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    don t work every day doesn t work every day .

    A Read the sentences. Write the correct names on the desks in the picture.

    1. Ali sits beh ind Maria. He doesn t sitnear a window or door.

    2. Jin and Ozan sit next to Maria.They don t sit next to Ali.

    3. Lin sits near the door. She doesn tsit in front of Jin.

    4. Pedro and Ozan sit near thewindow. They don t sit next to Lin.

    PAIRS Look at the pictures on pages 86-87. Write sentences about the things youdo a nd don t do every day.

    Examp le:I cook every day OR I don t cook every day

    B Comp lete the sentences. Use the negative form of the verb.1. David goes out on Saturday night, but he = o =e:..::s Jt _ 9L::.o ut on Sunday night.

    2. Mr. and Mrs. Kim drink coffee, but they tea.

    3. I do the dishes every day but I he laundry every day.

    4. The children have dinner at home, but they lunch at home.

    5. My friends and I play tennis, but we soccer.

    6. Ms. Li works on Mondays, but she on Tuesdays.

    7. I get up late on weekends, but I late during the week.

    S. Amy watches TV in the morning, but she TV in the evening.

    Un it 9

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    C Look at the chart. Make sentences about the people.


    eat out no yes yes no

    go to the movies no yes yes yes

    play computer games yes no no yes

    watch sports on TV yes no yes no

    1. Alicia ana Oliva aon/t watch sports on TV






    TV / Alic ia and Oliva)

    (ea t out / Alicia and Paul)

    (movies / Carlos)

    (computer games / Alicia and Paul)

    (sport on TV / Alic ia)

    (eat out / Carlos and Oliva)

    PAIRS Talk about your friends activities onthe weekend. Say what they do and don t do.

    kt =also in affirmativerespo nses

    A: Maria likes movies.B: John does, too.

    e ith e r =also in n egat iveresponses

    A: Maria doesn t exerciseB: I don t either.

    PAIRS Look at the pictures on pages 86 -87. Make a story. What are the people snames? What do they do every day? What don t they do every day?

    ExampleA: Susie Li is a student. She stays up late every night.B She doesn t sleep much.


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    Grammar, MCt

    .sCC.. Correct the paragraph. There are seven mistakes. The first mistake is corrected foryou. Then listen and check your answers.

    aonJt h veMy roommates nd I not have the same routines. Julia get up late, at around 10:00 A.M.

    Katie nd I get up early. Katie have class at 8:00 A.M., and I start work at 9:00 A.M. Julia

    don't work. She just takes two classes in the afternoon. She's lucky because she finishs

    early. Then she goes out with friends. She doesn't studies very much, and she doesn't cook.

    Katie and I study and goes to work every day Julia's life is pretty good

    Dictation, MCt

    listen. You will hear five sentences. Write them on a piece of paper.

    SpeakingGROUPS Talk about the sentences below. or each sentence, write T true),false), or ? not sure). If the sentence is false, change it to make it true.

    aonJt spe k1. Most people in the two languages.

    , Unit

    2 Most people in the U S watch soccer on TV

    3 Most people in the U S have two hours for lunch.

    4 Most people in the U S ride a bike to work.

    S Most women in the U S don't work outside

    the home.

    6 Most men in the U S . don't do housework.

    7 Most children in the U S don't wear

    uniforms to school.

    8 Most teenagers in the U S have a part -time job. housework

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    . isten . A radio reporter talks about how people around the world spendtheir time. Match the activities with the worldwide averages.


    _ e_ l hours of sleep a night

    2. hours of work a day

    3. percent of men who do housework

    kJohn works 40 hours a week .Paul works 50 hours a week .Sarah works 60 hours a week .On average, they work 50hours a week,40 + 50 + 60 =150 + 3 =50

    =pe rce nt.2.5 = tw o point five

    Worldwide Averages

    a. 21

    b. 79

    c. 15

    4. percent of people who eat at home every day

    S. percent of men who cook

    d. 9.6

    e. 7.4, ~ A C

    B II ) Listen again. Complete the sentences . Circle the correct verb.l People in Japan sleep I don't sleep a lot.

    2. People in South Africa work I sleep 7.9 hours a day.

    3. People in Argentina and Turkey cook I work a lot.

    4. Men in Turkey and Egypt do Idon't do a lot of housework.

    S. Most women in Egypt cook I work.

    Complete the sentences about your country.

    l On average I think people in my country get hours of sleep a night.2. On average, I think people in my country work hours a day.

    3. I think of people in my country eat at home every day.

    4. I think of men in my country do housework every day.

    S. I think of men in my country cook every day.

    GROUPS. Compare your answers. Discuss any differences. Then tell the class aboutyour countries.

    Routin es
