Types of Shock Table

Type Causes Manifestations Diagnosis Treatment Hypovolemic - less baroreceptor stimulation from stretch receptors = less inhibition of vasoconstriction - increased chemoreceptor stimulation of vasomotor centers CAUSES: Increase VC & peripheral arterial resistance increase SY stimulation ( NE, E, ADH, RAAS) *No SY effects on cerebral & coronary vessels - intravascular volume depletion (haemorrhage) - extravascular sequestration of plasma volume (ascites, peritonitis) - GI, GU, sensible losses (intestinal obstruction, heat) Hypoperfusion - low blood volume - low cardiac output - increased peripheral vasoconstriction (compensatory increase in cardiovascular adrenergic discharge) * flow to skin is sacrificed first then kidneys & viscera, then heart & brain Manifestations expected with 25- 30% blood loss: - cool clammy extremities - tachycardia (110-120bpm) - weak or absent peripheral pulses - hypotension - oliguria??? 30% loss: - Mild tachycardia - Tachypnea - Anxiety 40% loss: - Requires immediate operative intervention 1. Serum lactate & base deficit - Tissue hypoperfusion - O2 debt - Severity of hemorrhagic shock 2. ABG: measure tissue acidosis *moderately severe & severe shock = easy to recognize, early or mild hypovolemic shock = signs of adrenergic discharge to skin are subtle and difficult to detect - monitor urine output + serial hematocrits + postural changes in BP Sites that cause extravascular blood volume loss -> hypotension: - External - Intrathoracic - Intraabdominal - Retroperitoneal - Long bone fractures In nontrauma px: GI tract Pleural cavity: can hold 2-3 L of blood Intraperitioneal hemorrhage: most common source of blood loss inducing shock (dx: through ultrasound & diagnostic peritoneal lavage) Priority: Secure airway - lower head w/ support of jaw + administration of supplemental oxygen - for those with airway obstruction: trachea should be intubated, mechanical ventilation initiated Control source of blood loss IV volume resuscitation - cannot be done until hemorrhage is controlled - initial resuscitation: administer nonsugar, nonprotein crystalloid solution w/ electrolyte composition approximating that of plasma or hypertonic saline - Aims it to keep sys BP at 90mmHg - if hemorrhage is severe, use blood products (fresh frozen plasma) **if patient is unresponsive to initial resuscitation, there is still ongoing active hemorrhage. **minimize heat loss & maintain normothermia - Hypothermia is associated with acidosis, hypotension, coagulopathy



Transcript of Types of Shock Table

  • Type Causes Manifestations Diagnosis Treatment

    Hypovolemic - less baroreceptor stimulation from stretch receptors = less inhibition of vasoconstriction - increased chemoreceptor stimulation of vasomotor centers CAUSES: Increase VC & peripheral arterial resistance increase SY stimulation ( NE, E, ADH, RAAS) *No SY effects on cerebral & coronary vessels

    - intravascular volume depletion (haemorrhage) - extravascular sequestration of plasma volume (ascites, peritonitis) - GI, GU, sensible losses (intestinal obstruction, heat)

    Hypoperfusion - low blood volume - low cardiac output - increased peripheral vasoconstriction (compensatory increase in cardiovascular adrenergic discharge) * flow to skin is sacrificed first then

    kidneys & viscera, then heart & brain

    Manifestations expected with 25-30% blood loss: - cool clammy extremities - tachycardia (110-120bpm) - weak or absent peripheral pulses - hypotension - oliguria??? 30% loss: - Mild tachycardia - Tachypnea - Anxiety 40% loss: - Requires immediate

    operative intervention

    1. Serum lactate & base

    deficit - Tissue hypoperfusion - O2 debt - Severity of hemorrhagic


    2. ABG: measure tissue acidosis

    *moderately severe & severe shock = easy to recognize, early or mild hypovolemic shock = signs

    of adrenergic discharge to skin are subtle and difficult to detect - monitor urine output + serial

    hematocrits + postural changes in BP

    Sites that cause extravascular blood volume loss -> hypotension: - External - Intrathoracic - Intraabdominal - Retroperitoneal - Long bone fractures In nontrauma px: GI tract Pleural cavity: can hold 2-3 L of blood Intraperitioneal hemorrhage: most common source of blood loss inducing shock (dx: through ultrasound & diagnostic peritoneal lavage)

    Priority: Secure airway - lower head w/ support of jaw + administration of supplemental oxygen - for those with airway obstruction: trachea should be intubated, mechanical ventilation initiated Control source of blood loss IV volume resuscitation - cannot be done until hemorrhage is controlled - initial resuscitation: administer nonsugar, nonprotein crystalloid solution w/ electrolyte composition approximating that of plasma or hypertonic saline

    - Aims it to keep sys BP at 90mmHg

    - if hemorrhage is severe, use blood products (fresh frozen plasma) **if patient is unresponsive to initial resuscitation, there is still ongoing active hemorrhage. **minimize heat loss & maintain normothermia - Hypothermia is associated with

    acidosis, hypotension, coagulopathy

  • Type Causes Manifestations Diagnosis Treatment

    Traumatic May be due to: - soft tissue injury - long bone fractures - burns Hypoperfusion is MAGNIFIED by proinflammatory activation!

    - due to external and internal volume losses (loss of blood from wound externally and loss of blood into damaged tissues) - worsened due to plasma extravasation into tissues and organs distal from injured areas (due to a generalized systemic intravascular inflammatory response) Ex. Small volume hemorrhage + soft tissue injury or any combination of hypovolemic, neurogenic, cardiogenic, obstructive shock = precipitates proinflammatory activation

    Treatment plan: - Prompt control of hemorrhage - Adequate volume resus. To correct

    O2 debt - Debridement of nonviable tissue - Stabilization of bony injuries - Appropriate treatment of soft tissue

    injuries Others: Administration of a balanced salt solution (several liters) - If BP does not respond promptly: Vasoconstrictors - To restore venous tone - Vasoconstriction of systemic

    arterioles = increased BP *body temp must be monitored & excessive heat loss prevented

  • Type Causes Manifestations Diagnosis Treatment

    Septic/ Vasodilatory - Final common pathway

    for profound & prolonged shock

    - Development of a hypermetabolic state

    - dysfunction of the endothelium & vasculature secondary to circulating inflammatory mediators and cells - as a response to prolonged and severe hypoperfusion (failure of vascular smooth muscle to constrict appropriately) Causes: - systemic response to infection (by product of the bodys response to disruption of host-microbe equilibrium resulting in invasive/severe localized infection) - hypoxic lactic acidosis - CO poisoning - decompensated, irreversible hemorrhagic shock - terminal cardiogenic shock - non-infectious systemic inflammation - pancreatitis - burns - anaphylaxis - acute adrenal insufficiency

    Manifestations: - Peripheral VD + resultant

    hypotension + resistance to treatment with vasopressors

    - Enhanced CO - Fever (due to

    hypermetabolic state) - Leucocytosis - Hyperglycemia - Tachycardia VD in septic shock due to: - Upregulation of the inducible

    isoform of NOS in vessel wall = increased amounts of NO for sustained periods of time

    - Renders vasculature resitant to vasoconstrictors

    Signs of hypoperfusion: - Confusion, malaise, oliguria,


    Sepsis: infection + inflammation Severe sepsis: hypoperfusion + signs of organ dysfunction Septic shock: above + systemic hypotension

    1. Assessment of adequacy of airway and ventilation

    2. Fluid resuscitation + restoration of circulatory volume w/ balanced salt solutions

    3. Use catecholamines = vasopressors o Patients with SS are

    resistant to catecholamines -> use Arg vasopressin

    4. Manage hyperglycemia (intensive insulin therapy)

    5. Corticosteroids o Improved MAP in response

    to NE o Patients with SS are

    believed to have adrenal insufficiencies

  • Type Causes Manifestations Diagnosis Treatment

    Cardiogenic - Circulatory pump

    failure = diminished forward flow + tissue hypoxia

    Most common cause: acute, extensive MI Vicious cycle: Myocardial ischemia -> myocardial dysfunction -> more myocardial ischemia Ex. LV damage = low SV Low CO/contractility with an adequate intravascular volume will lead to underperfused vascular beds + reflexive SY discharge (increase in HR, Fc, O2 consumption)

    Manifestations: - Sustained hypotension


  • Type Causes Manifestations Diagnosis Treatment


    - Mechanical obstruction of venous return o Due to tension

    pneumothorax o Cardiac tamponade:

    sufficient fluid has accumulated in pericardial sac to obstruct blood flow to ventricles

    - IVC obstruction o DVT o Neoplasma

    - Increased intrathoracic pressure

    Hemodynamic abnormalities: - Due to increased

    intracardiac pressures, ventricular filling is limited = low CO

    Determinants of degree of hypotension:

    1. Increased intrapleural pressure due to air accumulation (TP)

    2. Increased intrapericardial pressure due to blood accumulation (CT)

    = low CO = increased central venous pressure

    Tension pneumothorax: - Respiratory distress - Hypotension - Diminished breath

    sounds - Hyperresonance - Jugular venous distention

    (may be absent in hypovolemic px)

    - Shift of mediastinal structures to unaffected side with tracheal deviation (usually late finding)

    Cardiac tamponade: - Dyspnea - Orthopnea - Cough - Peripheral edema - Chest pain - Tachycardia - Muffled heart tones - JV distention Becks triad for CT: hypotension, muffled heart tones, neck vein distension

  • Type Causes Manifestations Diagnosis Treatment

    Neurogenic - Diminished tissue

    perfusion as a result of loss of vasomotor tone to peripheral arterial beds

    o Increased vascular capacitance

    o Low venous return

    o Low cardiac output

    - Spinal cord trauma - Spinal cord neoplasm - Spinal/epidural anesthesia

    Manifestations: - Bradycardia (because there

    is no SY discharge) o SY activity/input is

    disrupted = prevents reflex tachycardia that occurs with hypovolemia

    - Hypotension - Cardiac dysrhythmias - Low CO - Low PVR - Warm extremities (loss of

    peripheral VC) - Motor and sensory deficits

    - Restoration of intravascular volume alone

    - Administration of vasoconstrictors (as long as hypovolemia is excluded as cause of hypotension)

    o If patient is unresponsive, give dopamine.