Tuvalu national culture policy strategic plan, 2018-2024; 2018 · 2019. 2. 24. · Culture Policy...

Tuvalu National Culture Policy Strategic Plan 2018 – 2024

Transcript of Tuvalu national culture policy strategic plan, 2018-2024; 2018 · 2019. 2. 24. · Culture Policy...

Page 1: Tuvalu national culture policy strategic plan, 2018-2024; 2018 · 2019. 2. 24. · Culture Policy (TNCP): Strategic Plan 2018 - 2024. The TNCP was conceived by the concerted effort

Tuvalu National Culture PolicyStrategic Plan 2018 – 2024

Page 2: Tuvalu national culture policy strategic plan, 2018-2024; 2018 · 2019. 2. 24. · Culture Policy (TNCP): Strategic Plan 2018 - 2024. The TNCP was conceived by the concerted effort

Tuvalu National Culture PolicyStrategic Plan 2018 – 2024

August 2018Published by the Government of Tuvalu

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The Government of Tuvalu extends its deepest appreciation to the many individuals, community leaders, organisations and institutions who provided valuable perspectives, ideas and support throughout the process that has given rise to this policy. The analysis and deliberations were greatly informed by the national consultations.

Produced by the Ministry for Home Affairs and Rural Development

Government of TuvaluFunafuti, July 2018

Front cover image: © Pamela LysaghtGraphic designer: Yi Shi


This publication is supported by UNESCO and Rei Foundation.

SustainableDevelopment Goals

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BSP BlueShieldPasifikaCBI Community-based Intangible Cultural Heritage InventoryingCCA Climate Change AdaptationCDCC Culture Development Coordinating Committee DoC Department of CultureDRR DisasterRiskReductionFesPAC FestivalofPacificArtsandCultureICH Intangible Cultural HeritageMoE MinistryofEducationMHARD Ministry of Home Affairs and Rural DevelopmentPIF PacificIslandsForumRFL Rei Foundation LimitedSDGs Sustainable Development GoalsSIDS Small Island Developing StatesSPC ThePacificCommunitySPREP SecretariatofthePacificRegionalEnvironmentalProgrammePARBICA PacificRegionalBranchoftheInternationalCouncilofArchivePIMA PacificIslandsMuseumAssociationTCH Tangible Cultural HeritageFTF FonotagaaTakitakioFalekaupule(GeneralConferenceofFalekaupuleLeaders)TNCP TuvaluNationalCulturePolicyTNCW TuvaluNationalCouncilforWomenUCH Underwater Cultural HeritageUNESCO UnitedNationsEducational,ScientificandCulturalOrganisation

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Table of Contents

Foreword 1

Vision 3

Mission 3

Introduction 4

Goals 9

Objectives 10


Annex:Roadmap2018-2024 22

References 28

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I am pleased to present to you herewith the Tuvalu National Culture Policy:StrategicPlan2018–2024.



TheNationalStrategyforSustainableDevelopment (2016-2020) (TKIII)provides theimportantguidelinesonTuvalu’ssustainabledevelopmentacrossdifferentsectorsofthenation.Withregardtoculture,TKIIIidentifiestheneedtoreinvigorateculturalhealthandpreservationinthenationaldiscussioninthecountrythroughthedevelopmentofaTuvaluNationalCulturePolicy(TNCP).





………………………………..Hon.NamolikiSualikiNeemiaMinister for the Home Affairs and Rural Development

Foreword from Minister of Home Affairs and Rural Development

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Talofa,ItgivesmeagreatpleasuretoreleasetheTuvaluNationalCulture Policy (TNCP): Strategic Plan 2018 - 2024. The TNCPwasconceivedbytheconcertedeffortofstaffoftheDepartmentofCultureundertheMinistryofHomeAffairsandRuralDevelopment.The Policy and its strategic planwill promote and safeguard ourTuvaluanculturalheritageandidentityinordertogenerateasenseofplaceandpride.

TheTNCPhasbeendevelopedbyandforthepeopleofTuvalutolinkournationalandregionalculturestrategicplanwiththe2030AgendaforSustainableDevelopment.FosteringcreativityisoneoftheGoalsintheCulturePolicy,whichaimstoassistthedevelopmentofarts,creativity,innovationandentrepreneurship,andsupportthesustainablegrowthofitsculturalproductionandemergingculturalindustries. We hope that our cultural strategieswillmake culture as an engine for ameaningfuldevelopmentbylivinginsmallatollislandsthataresufferingfromtheimpactsofclimatechange. MysinceregratitudetoourbilateralfriendsfromaroundtheglobewhoarehelpingTuvaluintermsoffundingandtechnicalassistance.Wedeeplyvalueyoursupportandwelookforwardtocontinuingourpartnershipinthenearfuture. Fakafetailasi,TuvalumoteAtua

..............................................................Mr.IeteAvaniteleChiefExecutiveOfficerMinistry of Home Affairs & Rural Development

Foreword from Chief Executive Officer from Home Affairs and Rural Development

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Tuvalu National Culture PolicyStrategic Plan 2018-2024







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This introductory section highlightsbackground information regarding thedevelopment of the Tuvalu National Culture Policy (TNCP): Strategic Plan 2018-2024.Thesectionhasbeenpreparedmainlybasedontheinformationin“TuvaluCulturalMapping,PlanningandPolicyReport”publishedbythePacificCommunity(SPC)in2012andotherreports and documents made available untilnow.

Tuvalu, comprising nine islands (Nanumea,Nanumaga,Niutao,Nui,Vaitupu,Nukufetau,Funafuti,NukulaelaeandNiulakita),ishometoaround10,000people.Theculturesamongthese islands are diverse, though they areunitedwithin theprinciplesenshrined in theConstitutionofTuvalu.

Culture in Tuvalu underpins the ability of the people of Tuvalu to live and thrive in the islandenvironment.Strongcommunity-basedculturalvaluessupportatraditionalsafetynet,evenwithoverseascommunities,forresilientcommunities.

Since its independence in 1978, thegovernment of Tuvalu and the people of Tuvalu have committed to keeping theirculture alive. This has been demonstratedby the activeparticipation in theFestival ofPacificArtsandCulture(FesPAC),aregionalfestivalheldeveryfouryearssince1972witha rotating venue among the different island statesandterritoriesinthePacific.

TuvaluisparticularlyrichinIntangibleCulturalHeritage(ICH),alsoknownas“thepractices,representations, expressions, knowledge,skills–aswellastheinstruments,objectives,artefacts and cultural spaces associatedtherewith – that communities, groups and,in some cases, individuals recognize as partof their heritage” (Article 2 of UNESCO2003ConventionfortheSafeguardingoftheIntangibleCulturalHeritage).

Examples of this ICH include Fatele(Tuvalu traditional performing arts), Alofa(presentation of performing arts and gifts intheformsofmatsandhandicraftstovisitorsattheendofwelcomingfeasts),andtraditionalcraftsmanship related to, for example, matweaving, fan making, and shell necklacemaking. Traditional agriculture, such asPulaka (giant swamp taro) pits, is a goodexampleof sustainable farming. Inaddition,traditional community fishing practices arealso important ICH elements that support sustainablelivelihoods.

TuvaluratifiedtheUNESCO2003Conventionfor the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural HeritageinMay2017.AsaStateParty,Tuvaluhas started to establish ICH safeguarding measures, implementing community-basedICHinventoryingactivitiesacrossitsislands.

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With regard to Tangible Cultural Heritage (TCH),severalarchaeologicalsiteshavebeenidentifiedinTuvalusuchasPunatauonVaitupuIsland,theancientsettlementofthepeopleofVaitupu.Italsocontainsanimportantpotentialfor Underwater Cultural Heritage (UCH) intheformofshipwrecks,sacredsites linked toits localcommunitiesandunderwaterculturallandscapes. Furthermore, Falekaupule (island meetinghalls) have maintained an important socio-culturalfunctionfortraditionalgovernanceandteaching(servingascommunityculturecentersas well), though the physical aspect of theirtimberarchitecturewiththatchedroofhaveonthe increase replacedbymodern architecturalstyles.

ATuvaluWorldHeritageConventionWorkshopwasheld inFunafuti,Tuvalu, inMarch2015.TheobjectiveofthisWorkshopwastogenerateawareness of the importance of heritagepreservationandenhancement inTuvalu.TheWorkshop concluded by recommending thatTuvalubecomeaPartytotheUNESCO1972Convention concerning the Protection of theWorld Cultural and Natural Heritage or the WorldHeritageConvention.The NationalArchive and Library of Tuvaluwhich safeguard documentary heritage arelocated in Funafuti. Tuvalu does not have aNational Museum. The Falekaupule (islandmeeting halls) serve as multi-purposecommunitycenters,whereFateleareperformedandhandicraftsdisplayed. The communities in Tuvalu have activelyengagedintheculturalproductionofavarietyof handicrafts, such as mats, baskets, fans,shell necklaces, and costumes for traditionalperformances.These handicrafts are designedfor daily use by the community, but are now

increasinglysoughtafterasgiftsforconferencedelegates and tourists. The Tuvalu NationalCouncil forWomen (TNCW) is the nationalfocal point for the promotion of Tuvaluhandicrafts.


TheTuvaluanlanguageisthefirstandcommonlanguageinusewiththeexceptionofoneislandNuiwho people commonly use the I-Kiribatilanguage. Each island has different dialects.School education is based on the Tuvaluanlanguage. The Tuvalu Language Board hasbeenworkingontheTuvaluDictionaryproject.

Facing the formidable challenge of climatechange impact, the global rise in sea levels,and the devastating consequences of extremeweatherpatterns,Tuvalu is at the frontline inadvocatingforthefightagainstclimatechangetogetherwithotherislandnations. Currently, there exists the need to protectTuvaluan communities and their heritagethrough public awareness-raising designedto demonstrate the significant contributionthat Tuvaluan culture has on sustainabledevelopmentandresilience.Additionaleffortsare needed to promote its positive value through strengthened cultural production, and culture-basededucationandmedia. The Tuvalu National Culture Policy (TNCP)2018-2024 aims to provide a strategicdirectiontoensureamorevisibleandeffectiveintegrationofcultureintoeconomic,socialandenvironmentaldevelopmentpractices,and theNational Strategy for Sustainable Development (2016-2020)(TKIII)andTKIV(2021-2024).

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Background and Justification - Existing National Scenario on Culture

CultureisenshrinedintheConstitutionofTuvaluasoneofthethreepillarsoftheConstitution.TheothertwoincludeChristianprinciplesandtheRuleofLaw.ThustheGovernmentofTuvaluhas a constitutional obligation to support the fostering, strengthening and development of theTuvalucultureasshowninthePreamble and Principles quotedbelow.

1) The Constitution and Culture

AND WHEREAS the people of Tuvalu desire to




Preamble to the Constitution of Tuvalu

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ThisActwaspassedin1991andatpresentitisdefunct.ItestablishesaTuvaluCulturalCouncilwith eleven members Chaired by the Minister responsible for Culture while the Permanent SecretaryforCultureprovidesthesecretariatfunctions.ThemainfunctionsoftheTuvaluCulturalCouncilwere:• Develop,plan,preserve,strengthenandrecommendforapprovalof theCabinetaNational

PolicyonCulture;• CarryoutanyotherfunctionsasprescribedbytheMinisterfromtimetotime.

TheActvestedupontheTuvaluCulturalCouncilthefollowingpowers:• Employanypersondeemedappropriatetoadviseandundertakedutiesinordertofulfillthe

mandateoftheCouncil;• Appoint a StandingCommittee to advise and perform tasks in support of thework of the

Council;• AcceptandkeepaccountsofmoneyreceivedfromtheTuvaluannualNationalBudgetaswell

asmoneyreceivedfromdonorsinsupportofthedevelopmentofculture;• Allocatemoneyreceivedforcultureinaccordancewiththeestablishedpriorities.

2) Tuvalu Cultural Council Act, 1991

3) Falekaupule Act, 1997

AlthoughtheFalekaupuleActisamilestoneformulatedbasedontheTuvalucultureinwhichthe‘power’wasreturnedtotherightfulownersi.e.ChiefsandEldersfromtheelectedcouncillors,itsfocusasfarascultureisconcernedislimitedonlytogovernance.ThereisstillalargegapwithintheActwhichhasnotaccountedforthemanyelementsoftheTuvaluculturethatrequirespreservationbylawandthuseithertheFalekaupuleorTuvaluCulturalCouncilActscouldcontinueto be reviewed and amended accordingly or consideration be given to formulating a newActaltogetherforculture.

Section 12 of the FalekaupuleAct made reference to culture and hereby quoted: ‘c’ expand,strengthenandprotectbylawthemakingofTuvaluhandicraftsplusotherculturalresources.‘d’preserveandprotectFalekaupuletraditionsandprohibitbylawtheremovalofendemictraditionalknowledgeoffamiliesandvaluableculturaltraitsofeach.


ObjectivesofKakeegaIII:• DevelopmentofCulturalPolicy;• ToestablishaCulturalDevelopmentCoordinatingCommittee(CDCC);• TodevelopaStrategicActionPlanforonculturalpreservationanddevelopment;• Toprepareculturalawarenessraisingpromotion.

4) Culture and National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2016-2020 (Te Kakeega III)

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Tuvaluaimstobuilditsnationalsystemforsafeguarding,protectingandtransmittingitsculturalheritageinallitsforms(encompassingtangible,intangible,land-based,underwater, aswell asmovable and immovable)with the participation of localcommunities. At the same time, Tuvalu aims to promote awareness of the linkages betweenculturalandbiologicaldiversitythroughtheprotectionandencouragementofthecustomaryuseofitseco-systems,inrespectoftraditionalculturalpractices,asakeyelementofacomprehensiveapproachtosustainabledevelopment.


Tuvalu aims to assist the development of arts, creativity, innovation andentrepreneurship; support the sustainable growth of its cultural production andemerging cultural industries (including in the digital environment); providetechnicalandvocationaltrainingforcommunities,artistsandculturalprofessionals;andincreaseemploymentopportunitiesforyouthandwomen.



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Strategic Statement

The implementation of theUNESCO2003Convention for the Safeguarding of the IntangibleCultural Heritage will provide a useful tool in assisting communities in Tuvalu to safeguardtheirintangibleculturalheritageandaddressthevariouschallengesofsustainabledevelopment,includingclimatechangeandnaturaldisasters,lossofbiodiversity,safewater,conflicts,unequalaccess to food, education and health, migration, urbanization and social marginalization, andeconomicinequalities.

Objective 1: Safeguard and transmit Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)

Strategic Initiative 1.1: Undertake community-based ICH inventorying

Establish national mechanisms for ICHsafeguardingbyestablishingaculturefocalpoint at Falekaupule (Local GovernmentOffice) in each island. Furthermore,establishoneormorecompetentbodiesforICH safeguarding, which could be part ofthenationalmechanism.

Supportcommunity-basedICHinventorying(CBI)groundedontheprinciplesofhumanrights andgender equality andwith “Free,PriorandInformedConsent”ineachoftheislandofTuvalu.

Strategic initiative 1.2: Support community-based ICH safeguarding and transmission activities

Support community-based ICHsafeguarding,transmissionandrevitalisationactivities, including: teaching by Tufuga(Tuvaluans with talents), for example,composers,choreographers,housebuilders,canoebuilders,healers,andweavers in thecommunity;islandfestivals;andawareness-raisingcampaignsincooperationwithTuvaluBroadcasting Corporation. Priority will beput on the identification and safeguardingof ICH elements that are under threats and impactedbyclimatechange,thusrequiringurgentsafeguardinginterventions.

Community-based inventorying at Funafuti community © UNESCO/A.Takahashi

Tuvalu village made by MSS staff in Vaitupu© Leotasi Kautu

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Strategic Initiative 1.3: Participate in international cooperation mechanisms for ICH safeguarding

Participateininternationalcooperationmechanismssuch as the ICH Fund and the preparation ofInternational Assistance Requests for the ICHsafeguarding, includingcapacitybuildingactivitiestotrainrelevantstaffintheirdrafting,especiallyforICHelementsinneedofurgentsafeguarding.

Strategic Initiative 1.4: Support cultural festivals

Support cultural festivals in Tuvalu andthe participation of Tuvalu delegations inFesPacin2020and2024andotherregional/internationalculturalfestivalsandfora.

Tuvalu delegation at 12th FESPAC in Guam © UNESCO/A.Takahashi

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Strategic Statement


Objective 2: Protect and preserve Tangible Cultural Heritage (TCH)

Strategic Initiative 2.1: Support community-based heritage protection activities

Supportcommunity-basedheritageprotectionactivitiesandfieldsurveyacrossthecountrywith the aims of identifying archaeologicalsites, monuments, historical buildings andplaces of cultural significance (includingunderwaterculturalheritage),whilecollectingdataandinformation.

A National Heritage Register will be established and legal frameworks will bedeveloped.

Launch a national process with a view tojoining the UNESCO 1972World HeritageConvention as a major priority through awarenessraisingactivitiesandconsultationsintheislands.

Strategic initiative 2.2: Develop Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) strategy for cultural heritage and institutions

DevelopDRRandCCAstrategyforculturalheritage and institutions through awareness-raisingandcapacitybuildingofcommunitiesandheritageprofessionals.

Tuvalu shall endeavour to develop national systems for the Protection the UnderwaterCultural Heritage in light of the maritime nature of the country and the potential ofUCH for sustainable development and understandingclimatechange.

Traditional meeting house in Funafiti© UNESCO/A.Takahashi

Pulaka pit © Jessica Marinaccio

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Strategic Initiative 2.3: Develop a national inventory of movable cultural objects


Draw up a national inventory of movable culturalobjectsincooperationwithcommunities,establishexpertcertificatesorlegalmeasuresinordertopreventillicittraffickingofculturalobjects.

Strategic Initiative 2.4: Support cultural activities at community culture centres and develop a Tuvalu National Culture Centre and Museum


Support the development of a Tuvalu National Culture CentreandMuseuminFunafutiinordertocreateaplacetoshowcasemovableculturalobjectsofsignificanceandprovideTufugaaplaceforknowledgeandskillsharing,andforartistsandcommunitieswithaspacefortheirculturalandartisticactivities,takingintoconsiderationtheUNESCO2015Recommendationontheprotectionandpromotionofmuseumsandcollections.

Performing of Te Fuavaka in Vaitupu © Matini Vailopa

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Strategic Statement


Objective 3: Promote cultural production and industries

Strategic Initiative 3.1: Support cultural production and arts/creativity activities

Support cultural production by artists,especially by youth and women, byassisting community-based activities andthe institutional and capacity developmentof the Tuvalu National Council forWomen(TNCW),addressingthechallengesfacedbyartists in Tuvalu in terms of the supply of raw materials,workspace,promotion,andmarketaccess.

Strategic initiative 3.2: Support the professional development of artists and creators

Supportartistsandcreators,withpriorityonyouth, and improve their socio-economicconditions, and promote individualmobility by assisting the establishment of a Tuvalu Arts Council (TAC) and throughthe implementation of the UNESCO 1980RecommendationontheStatusoftheArtist.

Strategic Initiative 3.3: Support the emergence of local markets for cultural goods and services

Support the emergence of localmarkets forculturalgoodsandservicesandfacilitatetheeffectiveand licit accessof suchgoodsandservicestoregionalandpromotionofculturesisacentralelementtoboostinginternationalrelations for Tuvalu through administrative and policy measures specific to this areaand through the national efforts to ratify the UNESCO2005ConventionfortheProtectionand Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.

Local crafts market in Funafuti © UNESCO/A.Takahashi

Tuvaluan fan in making © UNESCO/A.Takahashi

Tuvalu artist © Matini Vailopa

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Strategic Statement

The integration of culture into formal and non-formal education inTuvalu contributes to theenhancementofqualityeducation(SDG4).

Objective 4: Promote the integration of culture into education

Strategic Initiative 4.1: Support projects for the integration of culture into education

Promote, in cooperation with theMinistryof Education (MoE) and other Ministriesconcerned, the integration of culture intoformal and non-formal education based onthe use of mother-language and culturalheritage related contents. This involvesundertaking an assessment on the currentsituation, lessonplandevelopment, teachertraining and development of learning materials.


Tufuga making canoe © Maina Talia

Nauti Primary School performing traditional welcome for Polynesian Leaders Group delegation in Funafuti © Pamela Lysaght

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Strategic Statement

Cultureplaysakeyroleinsustainabledevelopmentanditservesasavehicletofostermutualunderstandingandpeace.Culture isadriverandenabler fordevelopmentandresiliencetowardnaturaldisastersandclimatechangeimpact.

Objective 5: Promote culture for sustainable development

Strategic Initiative 5.1: Mainstream culture in other sectors of Tuvalu for sustainable development

Enhance inter-ministerial cooperationto mainstream the key role of culturein addressing the various challengesof sustainable development, includingclimate change and natural disasters,loss of biodiversity, safe water, conflicts,unequal access to food, education andhealth, migration, urbanization and socialmarginalizationandeconomicinequalities.

Strategic initiative 5.2: Enhance awareness of the role of culture as enabler and driver for sustainable development

Support community outreach activitieson TNCP as well as artists and their role in mainstreaming culture in sustainabledevelopment in each islands of Tuvaluthrough radio programmes, local festivals,andtheproductionofpromotionalmaterials.

David’s Drill heritage site in Funafuti © Matini Vailopa

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Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation






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TheActestablishtheTuvaluCulturalCouncil(“theCouncil”).ThefunctionsoftheCouncilshallbe to:







1. The Tuvalu Cultural Council Act was passed in 1991 and revised in 2008.

2. Te Kakeega III

TKIIImentionstheestablishmentofaCultureDevelopmentCoordinatingCommittee(CDCC).The functions ofCDCC are to develop a StrategicAction Plan forDoC ofMHARD and todevelopapartnershipwithpotentialdonorswhohaveaninterestin,andfundingfor,theCultureProgramme.CDCCistobecomposedofindividualswithtechnicalbackgroundintheareaofculture.

MHARD will report the matters related to the Culture Programme at the Tuvalu Island Leaders’ Summit(TILA)heldevery2yearsbytheGovernmentofTuvalu,bringingtogethertheleadersof9islandsofTuvalu.

MHARD will manage the Culture Programme and Budget and report the implementation of the CultureProgrammetoCabinet.

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FirstandforemostintheeffectiveimplementationoftheapprovedTNPCwillbetheexpansionoftheDepartmentofCultureasproposedinthenewstructurebelow.ThefinancialpositionoftheGovernmentofTuvaluatthispointintimeisacknowledgedasbeingquitetight.Itisalsoacceptedthat theremaybeequallyrankingprioritieswhichhadbeeninthepipelineforsometime.However,itisstronglyadvocatedthattheimplementationoftheTNPCwillenhancenotonlytheachievementofotherdevelopmenttargetsgiventhemerefactthatcultureimpingesonallsectorsoftheeconomy,butwillalsoaddontothequalityofhumandevelopmentthroughoutthenationaldevelopmentplatform.ThefollowingproposedstructurethereforewilladdressthespecificpriorityrequirementswhichneedbefulfilledrightfromtheoutsetiftheTNPCistobearfruitsofsuccessinitsearlyyearsofimplementation.


Director of Culture(Level 4/3)

Cultural Officer (Informa-tion & Data Collection)

(Level 5)

Cultural Officer (Arts & Theatre)

(Level 5)

Cultural Officer (Research & Development)

(Level 5)

3 Project Assistants(Level 7)

Proposed New Structure for the Department of Culture

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Regional partners for theCulture Programme include, among others, the PacificCommunity(SPC),UniversityoftheSouthPacific(USP),SecretariatofthePacificRegionalEnvironmentalProgramme (SPREP), and regionalNGOs, such as PacificArts Council (PAC), InternationalCouncilofMonumentsandSites(ICOMOS)Pasifika,PacificRegionalBureauoftheInternationalCouncilofArchives(PARBICA),BlueShieldPasifika(BSP),PacificIslandsMuseumAssociation(PIMA).

3. Regional cooperation

4. International cooperationTuvaluwillactivelyengageininternationalculturalcooperationwithinternationalorganisationsandpartnerwithcivilsocietyandtheprivatesector.


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Annex: Roadmap 2018-2024

Objective Strategic initiative Output Time



Resources and


1.Safeguardand Transmit Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)

1.1:UndertakeCommunity-based ICH Inventorying

1.1.1:ICHinventoriesestablished in Tuvalu’s islands


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

1.2:Supportcommunity-basedICHsafeguarding and transmissionactivities

1.2.1:ICHpresentinTuvalu safeguarded and transmitted


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners


1.3.1:InternationalAssistanceRequestsfor ICH Fund developed


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

1.3.2:Cooperationwith WIPO for TraditionalKnowledgeprotectionenhanced


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners


1.4.1:Culturalfestivals in Tuvalu supported


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

1.4.2:Tuvaludelegations participatedinFesPACand other festivals


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners


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Objective Strategic initiative Output Time



Resources and


2:Protectand preserve Tangible Cultural Heritage(TCH)


2.2.1:TuvaluTCHprotectedaNationalHeritage Register established and Tuvalu ratifiedthe1972,1954,1970and2001conventions.


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

2.2:DevelopDRRandCCAstrategyforculturalheritage and institutions

2.2.1:DRRandCCA strategy for culturalheritageandinstitutions developed


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

2.3:Developanationalinventory of movable culturalobjects

2.3.1:Nationalinventory of movable culturalobjectsestablished


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

2.4:Supportculturalactivitiesatcommunityculturecentresanddevelop Tuvalu National Culture Centre and Museum

2.4.1:Culturalactivitiesatcommunityculturecentresandthe development of a Tuvalu National Culture Centre and Museum supported


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

3: Promote culturalproductionandindustries

3.1: Support cultural production and arts/creativity activities

3.2.1: Artists/creators supported


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

3.2: Support the professional development of artists and creators

3.3.1: Report on possible policy measures produced


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

3.3: Support the emergence of local markets for cultural goods and services

3.3.1: Tuvalu became party to UNESCO 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions


MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners

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Objective Strategic initiative Output Time



Resources and


4:Promoteintegration of cultureintoeducation





National budgetDevelopmentPartners

5:PromoteCulture for Sustainable Development

5.1:Mainstreamingcultureinothersectorsof Tuvalu for sustainable development



MHARD National budgetDevelopmentPartners


Safeguard ICH related tolocal/traditionalfoods preparation and preservation that are climateresilient.

5.2.1CHconcernedinventoried and transmitted to younger generations.


MNR National budgetDevelopmentPartners

5.3:IntegrationofCulturein Fishery:

Conserve,maintain,andimprovetheconservationareas(LocalMarineManagement Area and MarineProtectedArea).



5.3.2ICHconcernedinventoried and transmitted to future generations.


MNR National budgetDevelopmentPartners

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Objective Strategic initiative Output Time



Resources and


5:PromoteCulture for Sustainable Development

5.4:IntegrationofCulturein Health:

• Promote traditional healthy diet and cookingmethodstoreduceprevalenceofNCD.

• Recognizeandsupporttheknowledgeandskillsoftraditionalhealers.

• Promoteresearchandprojectstoidentifyscientificevidenceontheefficacyoftraditionalmedicine.

5.4.1Awarenessoffamilies,communitiesand students on the benefitoftraditionaldietenhanced.

5.4.2 ICH concerned safeguarded and transmitted to future generations.

5.4.3 Association of traditional healers established.

5.4.4 The knowledge and skills of traditional healers enhanced through relevant trainings provided by MOH

5.4.5 Researches into traditional medicine and practices supported.


MOH National budgetDevelopmentPartners

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Objective Strategic initiative Output Time



Resources and


5:PromoteCulture for Sustainable Development

5.5:IntegrationofCultureinto Tourism:

• Collaborate in the implementation ofactivitiesintheNational Tourism Development Strategy andTourismPolicyanditsoutcomes.

• EncouragetheparticipationofTuvalu at International Expositions,RegionalTourism Fairs to promote Tuvalu national festival and itsculturalproduction.


5.5.2Culturaleventsandactivitiesat regional and international expositionsenhanced.





Department of TourismMFATTELKaupuleCommunity



• Integrate Tuvaluan heritage,arts,andcreativityintothecurriculum.

• Upgrade TVET programme related to traditional and life skills.

• Strengthen Tuvaluan Studiesatalllevels.

• Encourageandpromote Tuvaluan cultureactivitiesandtraditional games at allschools.

5.6.1Tuvaluheritage,artsandcreativityintegrated in the curriculum.

5.6.2 Review of TVET programme conducted.

5.6.3 Tuvaluan Studies strengthened at all levels including USP.

5.6.4 Tuvaluan cultural activities and traditional games promoted at all schools.


MEYS National budgetUNESCOUNICEFWorldBankUSP

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Objective Strategic initiative Output Time



Resources and


5:PromoteCulture for Sustainable Development


• Increasethenumberof women involved indecisionmakingbodiesatalllevels.

• Empowercraftspeople–womenandmen–andtheiractivities.

• Encouragetheequalparticipationofwomen and men in good parenting at all families.

• Safeguard and promote Tuvaluan recipeandtraditionalherbalmedicineprimarilypracticedbywomen.



5.7.3Equalparticipationofwomenand men in good parentingenhancedatallfamilies.

5.7.4ICHconcernedinventoried and the previously published bookonTuvaluanrecipeandherbalmedicineupdatedandpromotedwidely.


TNCWDepartment of Gender at OPM

National budgetUNDPUNESCOSPCDFATPacificWomenCouncil

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6.Alamai Sioni and Rt Hon. Bikenibeu Paeniu. 2012. Secretariat of thePacificCommunityHumanDevelopmentProgram:TuvaluCulturalMapping,PlanningandPolicyReport.SecretariatofthePacificCommunity:Funafuti,Tuvalu.


Page 34: Tuvalu national culture policy strategic plan, 2018-2024; 2018 · 2019. 2. 24. · Culture Policy (TNCP): Strategic Plan 2018 - 2024. The TNCP was conceived by the concerted effort