Tuesday 4th Feb - Representations of British Culture


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Transcript of Tuesday 4th Feb - Representations of British Culture

Page 1: Tuesday 4th Feb - Representations of British Culture

Representations of British Culture

How is Human Traffic a British film?

1. What characteristics do you think are British?

2. Do the characters have a 'British reserve'?

LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

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National Anthem

Read the original National Anthem and answer the


Then read the new anthem from Human Traffic and answer the questions.

LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

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Cultural Hegemony

Cultural hegemony is the philosophic and sociological concept, originated by the Marxist philosopher Antonio

Gramsci, that a culturally-diverse society can be ruled or dominated by one of its social classes. It is the dominance of one social group over another, e.g. the ruling class over

all other classes. The theory claims that the ideas of the ruling class come to be seen as the norm; they are seen as universal ideologies, perceived to benefit everyone whilst

only really benefiting the ruling class.

LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

Gramsci, 1930

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Cultural Hegemony

LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

Gramsci, 1930

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Authority FiguresHow were the 'authority figures' in Human Traffic represented?

1.Moff's father

2.Jip's mother

3.Koop's father

LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

Answer in an essay style.Remember:

1. Technical language (camera shot, sound)

2. Think of a point:Body language, mise-en-scene.

3. Explain how the audience reacts.

4. Explain what it says about their relationship.

Are the characters stereotyped in terms of their gender?

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Spaced (1999)Contemporary to Human Traffic

Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner (1962)

Boy robs a bakery and is sent to a borstal to 'correct him'

If (1968)Critique on public schools.

LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

How is Spaced different to Human Traffic?

Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner and If are both 'social realist' films.

How is authority represented? How do the youths respond?

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Essay Style ComparisonHow are youth represented in British cinema?

LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

You should use:

Technical language to describe camera shots, movement and refer to diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound and mise-en-scene.

Follow the PEE method, then write 'similarly' or 'however'

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What is the British representation of authority in these films?

Is it an accurate representation and do you believe it is fair?

LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

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LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

1. What is the British representation of authority in social-realist films? Compare any media.

Use any theories studied to explain your answer.

Post to your blog under G325.

2. Bring in an item that identifies you or symbolises a culture you belong to.

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LO: To compare representations of British culture from a variety of media and develop a perspective.

1. What is the British representation of authority in social-realist films? Compare any media.

Use any theories studied to explain your answer.

Post to your blog under G325.

2. Bring in an item that identifies you or symbolises a culture you belong to.