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Transcript of Transcripts-tieng-anh-lop-11-ban-co-ban.doc

  • 7/23/2019 Transcripts-tieng-anh-lop-11-ban-co-ban.doc


    Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP

    Lans Talk

    My best friend is Ha. Weve been friends for a long time. We used to live in Nguyen Cong Tru

    Residential in Hanoi. Her family moved to Haiphong in 19!. "t is said that Haiphong people are #old$ but

    Ha is really$ really friendly. " started to get to %no& her &hen " &as going on a t&o'day trip to (o )on last

    year and " didnt %no& anybody there. " gave Ha a ring and she &as so friendly$ she said$ *+h$ "ll #ome to

    visit you., )o she rode on her motorbi%e to (o )on and t&enty minutes later she &as there. )he stayed &ith

    me for t&o days. )he happened to %no& a lot of people there$ so she introdu#ed me around$ and &eve been

    best friends ever sin#e.

    Longs TalkMy best friend is Minh. We met in #ollege. " &as there singing and Minh &as a guitarist. )o &e

    &or%ed together a lot. Minh has a great sense of humour$ hes very$ very funny$ and thats one of my

    favourite things about him. -nd over the years$ &e have been through good times and bad times &ith ea#h

    other$ and thats one of the things " li%e best about him. -nd &e have a lot of the same interests. We li%e to

    go to plays and movies together. ut &hen &ere going through a rough time$ hes really a good friend$ and

    hes a very good listener$ and he al&ays helped me through.


    Unfog!tta"l! E#$!i!n%!s

    Int!&i!'!/ This is Radio 0. "n our *nforgettable 23perien#es, programme tonight &e tal% to Christina$ asu##essful business&oman. Hello Christina$ &el#ome to our programme.

    C(istina/ Hello and than% you4 "ts ni#e being &ith you tonight.

    Int!&i!'!/ Christina$ #ould you tell our audien#e about the most memorable e3perien#e in your life5

    C(istina/ Well$ my most unforgettable e3perien#e happened thirteen years ago$ &hen my house burned


    Int!&i!'!/ Really5 Ho& did it happen5

    C(istina/ The fire started in the %it#hen &here " forgot to turn off the gas stove.

    Int!&i!'!/ What &ere you doing at that time5

    C(istina/ " &as sleeping &hen " &as suddenly &o%en up by terrible heat. " opened my eyes to find myself

    surrounded by &alls of fire.

    Int!&i!'!/ Thats terrible4 Ho& did you es#ape5C(istina/ " &as terrified. Then " heard my mothers voi#e #alling my name. " rushed to her. )he #arried

    me out. 6u#%ily$ " got a&ay &ithout even a minor burn.

    Int!&i!'!/ Not many people are so lu#%y. (id the fire affe#t you in any &ay5

    C(istina/ +h$ yes. 7es$ very mu#h$ in fa#t. -lthough " lost many things in the fire$ the e3perien#e helped

    me gro& up.

    Int!&i!'!/ What do you mean5

    C(istina/ Well$ before the fire$ " &as selfish. " al&ays #omplained to my mother about ho& small my

    room &as$ or ho& fe& #lothes " had. Then the fire #ame and destroyed everything &e o&ned. ut " slo&ly

    began to reali8e that " didnt really need my odd things. " ust needed my family. -fter all$ you #an get ne&

    #lothes anytime$ but a family #an never be repla#ed.

    Int!&i!'!/ " see$ so the fire too% many things from you$ but it gave you some thing$ too.

    C(istina/ 23a#tly. "t taught me to appre#iate my family more than things.

    Unit ): A PART*

    Mai is my neighbor. )he turned 1: re#ently and her parents held a birthday party for her. " &as one of

    those invited.

    The party began at about three in the afternoon. There &ere about t&enty of us gathering in Mais

    house. )he didnt li%e having the party at a restaurant be#ause it is noisy and e3pensive.

    We gave presents to Mai and she happily opened them. "t must really be e3#iting to re#eive all those

    presents. -fter that Mais mother served us soft drin%s and bis#uits. We then listened to musi# and played

    #ards. The &inners &ere given pri8es. -t about four thirty Mais mother brought out the birthday #a%e. "t &asbeautifully de#orated &ith pin% and &hite i#ing. )i3teen #olourful #andles sat in the middles of the #a%e. We

    all #lapped our hands eagerly and sang *Happy irthday, as she ble& out the #andles and #ut the #a%e. We

    helped ourselves to sli#es of the deli#ious #a%e and sang all the songs that &e %ne&.


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    ;inally at about si3 in the evening the party #ame to an end. We &ere all tired but happy. The parents

    of other #hildren #ame to #olle#t them by motorbi%es. " helped Mai and her mother #lean up the mess &e had

    made. -fter that " &al%ed home$ &hi#h &as only three doors a&ay.

    Unit +: ,OLUNTEER -OR.

    )pring )#hool is an informal s#hool. "t provides #lasses to disadvantaged #hildren in HCM City.

    -round 0< street #hildren live and study at the s#hool and about =!< #hildren &ith spe#ial diffi#ulties from

    (istri#t 1 regularly attend #lasses.

    The +rganisation for edu#ational development #o'operated &ith )pring )#hool to set up 2nglish

    #lasses in 199. (an#e$ theatre$ singing and fol% musi# #lasses &ere set up a year later. Children from these#lasses parti#ipate in fundraising performan#es. They raise money to #ontinue their 2nglish and >erforman#e

    -rts #lasses.

    )pring )#hool re?uires volunteers to help organise their fundraising dinner held annually in @une.

    This is an e3#iting night in &hi#h #hildren dan#e$ sing and play musi# at one of the largest hotels in HCM

    City. They also need foreign volunteers to #onta#t sponsors and help to e3pand the s#hool a#tivities.

    Aolunteers are re?uired from ;ebruary until @uly to help organise these events.

    "t is hoped that more s#hools li%e )pring )#hool &ill soon be found in other #ities in Aietnam.

    Unit /: ILLITARAC*

    "n an informal survey #arried out in >erth$ &estern of -ustralia$ students &ere as%ed to give their

    vie&s on &hat ma%es an effe#tive s#hool. < per #ent of the students felt that mutual respe#t in the #lassroom&as essential learning to ta%e pla#e. This implied that students should be treated as individuals &ith both

    their strengths and their &ea%nesses. :< per #ent of the students felt they should be en#ouraged to set

    realisti# goals for their learning$ and to have positive attitudes to&ards themselves and others.

    -bout !! per #ent of the students e3pe#ted their tea#hers to be motivated and interested in &hat they

    &ere doingB this &ould then refle#t in their performan#e of the students. Nearly all the students believed that

    learning should be #entered on important life s%ills su#h as #ommuni#ation$ building self'respe#t and self'

    #onfiden#e$ the ability to learn from failure$ and time management$ suited to the maturity of the students


    +ne hundred per #ent of the students felt that the so#ial side of s#hool &as as important as a#ademi#

    a#tivities. The older students felt that they should be allo&ed to give some input s#hool de#ision ma%ing a

    dire#t effe#t on students.


    Trang/ What are you reading$ >aul5

    >aul/ The history of oston Marathon.

    Trang/ "t sounds interesting4 Ho& often is it held5

    >aul/ 2very year$ in the )-.

    Trang/ When did it begin5

    >aul/ "n 19. -nd the same year$ @ohn M#(ermott &on the first oston -thleti# -sso#iation Marathon.

    Trang/ Who &as @ohn M#(ermott5 Where did he #ome from5

    >aul/ He &as the first man &ho &on the first oston Marathon in the )-. Ha #ame from Ne& 7or%.

    Trang/ Ho& long did it ta%e him to rea#h the finish5>aul/ He #lo#%ed = hours !< minutes and 1< se#onds.

    Trang/ (id &omen have right to parti#ipate in long distan#e running5

    >aul/ 7es ... ut not until 19:$ &omen &ere formally a##epted to ta%e part in the oston ra#es... - fe&

    years later$ Dus#si% be#ame the first offi#ial female #hampion.

    Trang/ When did she &in the ra#e5

    >aul/ "n =9=. There &ere &omen starting the ra#e and all finished.

    Trang/ "s the ra#e held for only -meri#an people5

    >aul/ No. 2a#h year$ more runners from every part of the &orld oin it. "n 19E$ :1:E runners from 0E

    #ountries ran in the marathon.

    Trang/ What are the rules of the oston Marathon5>aul/ The oston ra#e is about E= %m. Runners have to go through 10 to&ns during the ra#e. "t ends in the

    #entre of oston.

    Trang/ +h$ thats great. Than%s a lot$ >aul.


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    "ntervie&er/ Food evening ladies and gentlemen. "n our program tonight$ &e are honoured to have (r. ro&n$

    a &orld famous population e3pert. (r. ro&n$ #ould you tell us something about the &orld population5

    (r. ro&n/ Well$ there are over :$

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    "n the future$ more attention &ill be paid to the rural areas. -t present$ 90 per#ent of #ommunes a#ross Aietnam

    have telephone servi#es. - net&or% of :$

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    Reading enables me to learn about so many things. " learned about ho& people lived in bygone days.

    " learned about the &onders of the &orld$ spa#e travel$ human a#hievements$ giganti# &hales$ tiny viruses

    and other fas#inating things.

    The &onderful thing about reading is that " do not have to learn things the very hard &ay. ;or

    e3ample$ " do not have to #at#h a disease to %no& that it #an %ill me. " %no& the danger so " #an avoid it.

    -lso " do not have to deep into the ungle to find out about tigers. " #an read all about it in a boo%.

    oo%s provide the reader &ith so many fa#ts and so mu#h information. They have #ertainly helped

    me in my daily life. " am better e?uipped to #ope &ith living. +ther&ise " &ould go about ignorantly learning

    things the hard &ay.

    )o " #ontinue to read. Reading is indeed a good hobby.

    Unit 1+: RECREATION

    Three -meri#an students are tal%ing about ho& they &ould li%e to spend their summer va#ation.

    -NN-/ "ts hot and humid in Ne& 7or% City in the summer and " often feel depressed then. )o in

    @uly and -ugust " often go out of the #ity to the &est &here there are some beautiful national par%s and

    forests. " often go &ith my friends$ and " spend t&o &ee%s in a national par% every year. We might stay at

    #ampgrounds in the par%$ but &ilderness areas are more fun. What &e enoy most is to ride our dirt bi%e in

    the desert$ ta%e sho&ers in &aterfalls and s&im in the la%es and rivers. -nd at night &e sleep in our sleeping

    bags or tents and #oo% on our gas stove. "ts &onderful that &e #an live in nature and enoy it.

    T2RR7/ " used to go to the mountains$ the desert$ and other pla#es &ith spe#ta#ular s#enery in

    summer. " dont any more$ although "m attra#ted to the beauty of nature. ut " do thin% these natural pla#esarent as beautiful as they used to be. No& more and more people are going to these pla#es. They leave trash

    in the forests$ and ta%e ro#%s and plants &ith them. They dont #are about nature. " believe not only people

    are important to the &orld ' nature is important$ too.

    M-R7/ 6i%e most other people "m very fond of natural spe#ta#ular s#enery$ but &hen " travel$ "

    spend most of my time in #ities. Why " dont &ant to live in nature and enoy it5 "ts the solitude of the

    &ilderness. "ts for animals and plants$ not for me. " hate #amping$ too. " #ant put up an umbrella tent in the

    &ind. " #ant ma%e a fire in the rain$ and a ba#%pa#% is usually too heavy for me. )o "d better stay in the

    #ities and enoy the #omfort they offer.

    Unit 1+: RECREATION

    Three -meri#an students are tal%ing about ho& they &ould li%e to spend their summer va#ation.-NN-/ "ts hot and humid in Ne& 7or% City in the summer and " often feel depressed then. )o in

    @uly and -ugust " often go out of the #ity to the &est &here there are some beautiful national par%s and

    forests. " often go &ith my friends$ and " spend t&o &ee%s in a national par% every year. We might stay at

    #ampgrounds in the par%$ but &ilderness areas are more fun. What &e enoy most is to ride our dirt bi%e in

    the desert$ ta%e sho&ers in &aterfalls and s&im in the la%es and rivers. -nd at night &e sleep in our sleeping

    bags or tents and #oo% on our gas stove. "ts &onderful that &e #an live in nature and enoy it.

    T2RR7/ " used to go to the mountains$ the desert$ and other pla#es &ith spe#ta#ular s#enery in

    summer. " dont any more$ although "m attra#ted to the beauty of nature. ut " do thin% these natural pla#es

    arent as beautiful as they used to be. No& more and more people are going to these pla#es. They leave trash

    in the forests$ and ta%e ro#%s and plants &ith them. They dont #are about nature. " believe not only people

    are important to the &orld ' nature is important$ too.

    M-R7/ 6i%e most other people "m very fond of natural spe#ta#ular s#enery$ but &hen " travel$ "

    spend most of my time in #ities. Why " dont &ant to live in nature and enoy it5 "ts the solitude of the

    &ilderness. "ts for animals and plants$ not for me. " hate #amping$ too. " #ant put up an umbrella tent in the

    &ind. " #ant ma%e a fire in the rain$ and a ba#%pa#% is usually too heavy for me. )o "d better stay in the

    #ities and enoy the #omfort they offer.

    Unit 1/: SPACE CON9UEST

    "n a spee#h to the Congress in 19:1$ the ) >resident Dennedy #hallenged the nation to put a man in

    the moon before the end of the de#ade. -fter the presidents spee#h$ N-)-s -pollo program &as developed

    to meet the #hallenge.+n @uly 1:$ 19:9$ the -pollo 11 &as laun#hed. The astronauts on board of the spa#e#raft &ere Neil

    -rmstrong$ u88 -ldrin and Mi#hael Collins.


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    +n @uly =resident Dennedy #hallenged the nation to put a man in

    the moon before the end of the de#ade. -fter the presidents spee#h$ N-)-s -pollo program &as developed

    to meet the #hallenge.

    +n @uly 1:$ 19:9$ the -pollo 11 &as laun#hed. The astronauts on board of the spa#e#raft &ere Neil

    -rmstrong$ u88 -ldrin and Mi#hael Collins.

    +n @uly =