Title of the H2L Article - Informatica · Avature User Guide . 2 Abstract ... (DSS). A brief...

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Transcript of Title of the H2L Article - Informatica · Avature User Guide . 2 Abstract ... (DSS). A brief...

© 2013 Informatica Corporation. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior consent of Informatica Corporation. All other company and product names may be trade names or trademarks of their respective owners and/or copyrighted materials of such owners.

Avature User Guide



Avature user guide provides a brief introduction on cloud connectors and its features.

The guide provides detailed information on setting up the connector and running data synchronization tasks (DSS). A brief overview of supported features and task operations that can be performed using Avature connector is mentioned.

Table of Contents

Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Avature Connector ........................................................................................................................... 3

Supported Objects and Task Operations ........................................................................................ 4

Enabling Avature Connector ............................................................................................................ 4

Creating a Avature Connection ....................................................................................................... 4

Creating a Avature Data Synchronization Task .............................................................................. 6

Data Filters .................................................................................................................................... 10

Filters and Operators ..................................................................................................................... 12

Handling Attachments ................................................................................................................... 12

Attachment Content in Fielding Mapping ................................................................................... 12

Reading Attachment Content ..................................................................................................... 14

Uploading File Attachments ....................................................................................................... 14

Editing Field Data Types ............................................................................................................ 15

Editing Custom Filter Fields ....................................................................................................... 15

Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................. 16

Increasing Secure Agent Memory.............................................................................................. 16

Known Issues ............................................................................................................................. 17



Informatica cloud connector developed using SDK framework are off-cycle, off release “add-ins” that facilitate data integration to SaaS and on-premise applications, which are not supported natively by Informatica cloud. The cloud connectors are specifically designed to address most common use cases such as moving data into cloud and retrieving data from cloud for individual application.

Figure 1. Informatica Cloud Architecture

Once the Avature cloud connector is enabled for your ICS ORG Id, you need to create a connection in Informatica cloud to access the connector.

Avature Connector

The Avature cloud connector provides import data services for objects like People, Companies, and Jobs of Avature. The data fetched from systems, such as Sales force, LinkedIn, SAP HR can be imported at ease into Avature databases.

Seamlessly add custom fields for objects supported by the connector.

Feed object fetches all the feeds based on the activity ID. Feed object is available only at source at the moment.

Batch processing of input files for objects people, jobs, and company. Batch processing enables end users to use uncompressed data files.

Upload and download attachments directly from Avature.


Supported Objects and Task Operations

The following table provides the list of supported modules and operations by Avature connector.


Task Operation Data

Preview Look UP DSS

Source DSS Target

Query Insert Update Upsert Delete


Company NA NA NA NA NA



Enabling Avature Connector

To enable Avature connector, contact Informatica support or Informatica representative. It usually takes 15 minutes for the connector to download to secure agent, after it is enabled.

Note: To install secure agent, see Installing Informatica Secure Agent.

Creating a Avature Connection

Before creating an Avature connection in Informatica cloud, you need to generate a random access key in Avature sandbox environment. Please contact Avature customer support ([email protected]) to get Random Access Key. To create a new import service, contact Avature customer support with list of fields you need to import from Informatica cloud.

To use Avature connector in data synchronization task, you must create a connection in Informatica Cloud.

The following steps help you to create Avature connection in Informatica Cloud.

1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Configure.

2. The drop-down menu appears, select Connections.

3. The Connections page appears.

4. Click New to create a connection.

5. The New Connection page appears.

: Supported

NA: Not Applicable


Figure 2. Creating a new connection

6. Specify the following details.

Connection Property Description

Connection Name Enter a unique name for the connection.

Description Provide a relevant description for the connection.

Type Select Avature from the list.

Secure Agent Select the appropriate secure agent from the list.

Domain Name Enter the domain address.

People Import Service

Enter Random Access key provided by Avature for people import service.

Company Import Service

Enter Random Access key generated in Avature for company import service.

Jobs Import Service Enter Random Access key generated in Avature for Job import service.

Export Service Enter Random Access key generated Avature for Job export service.

Time Delay in Mins Enter any number greater than or equal to zero (Valid only for export service).

Enable Logging Tick the checkbox to enable logging.


7. Click Ok to save the connection.

Note: It is recommended to test the connection before saving it. Click Test to evaluate the


Creating a Avature Data Synchronization Task

Note: You need to create a connection before getting started with data synchronization task.

The following steps help you to setup a data synchronization task in Informatica Cloud.

Let us consider the task operation Insert to perform the Data synchronization task.

1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Apps.

2. The drop-down menu appears, select Data Synchronization.

3. The Data Synchronization page appears.

4. Click New to create a data synchronization task.

5. The Definition tab appears.

Figure 3. Definition Tab

6. Specify the Task Name, provide a Description and select the Task Operation Insert.

7. Click Next.

8. The Source tab appears.


Figure 4. Source Tab

9. Select the source Connection, Source Type and Source Object to be used for the task. See Also: Uploading File Attachments.

10. Click Next.

11. The Target tab appears. Select the target Connection and Target Object required for the task.


Figure 5. Target Tab

12. Click Next.

13. In Data Filters tab by default, Process all rows is chosen.

Note: To use custom filter fields for the object Feed, see Data Filters.

14. Click Next.

15. In Field Mapping tab, map source fields to target fields accordingly.

See Also: Attachment Content in Fielding Mapping.


Figure 6. Field Mapping Tab

Note: To perform field mapping, drag and drop the required fields from source to target.

Note: In Avature connector, the field mapping exactly needs to be in the same order as defined

in the Avature Import services.

16. Click Next.

17. The Schedule tab appears.

18. In Schedule tab, you can schedule the task as per the requirement and save.

Note: You can also edit field data types in field mapping at both source and target. Click Edit Types. See Editing Field Data Types.


19. If you do not want schedule the task, click Save and Run the task.

Figure 7. Save and Run the Task

After you Save and Run the task, you will be redirected to monitor log page. In monitor log page, you can monitor the status of data synchronization tasks.

Data Filters

Data filters help you to fetch specific data from FEED object in Avature connector. The Data Synchronization task for Feed object will process the data based on the filter field assigned to the object.

Note: Advanced data filter is not supported by Avature Connector.

The following steps help you to use data filters.

1. In Data synchronization task, select Data Filters tab.

2. The Data Filters tab appears.

3. Click New as shown in the figure below.

Figure 8. Data Filters


4. The Data Filter dialog box appears.

Figure 9. Data Filters-2

5. Specify the following details. For supported filter fields, see Filters and Operators.

Field Type Description

Object Select Feed

Filter By Select the Filter Field

Operator Select the corresponding operator

Filter Value Enter the Filter value

6. Click Ok.

For example, when you want to fetch data based upon the date of the activity.

1. In Object, select Feed.

2. In Filter field, select Activity_Date.

3. In operator, select Equals.

4. In Filter value, enter the activity date (YYYY-MM-DD).

5. Click Ok.

When you run the task, it fetches all the data of a particular activity date.

Note: The Run_By_Activity_ID filter field is used to get incremental updates. The filter value must consist of file path to a local property file.

The local property file contains key of the activity ID. The file gets updated, every time you run a Data synchronization task.

For example, C:\Test\Avature\RunByActivity.ini is the location of sample local property file containing activity ID.

A local property file will automatically be created in the mentioned file path. If the file does not exist, a file with key as the “ActivityID” needs to be created.


Note: Use Download_Attachment filter fields to read attachment files. See Reading Attachment Content.

Filters and Operators

The following table provides information on the available filters for Feed object.

Object Filters Operators


Activity_ID Any

Activity_Date Any excluding IS Null and IS Not Null

Actor Equals

Action Equals

Download Attachment Equals

Run_By_Activity_ID Equals

Handling Attachments

Attachment Content in Fielding Mapping

When you setup a data synchronization task, it is mandatory in field mapping tab to edit Attachment_Content field to handle files of large capacity.

1. In Field mapping tab, click edit Attachement_Content as shown in the figure below.


Figure 10. Edit Attachment Content

2. The Field Expression page appears.

Figure 11. Field Expression

3. Enter the value in Expression field.


Enter " ENC_BASE64” (Attachment_Content) for Feed object only.

Enter "DEC_BASE64” (Base64_encoded_attachment_Content) for objects Companies, Jobs, and People.

Reading Attachment Content

To read the Attachment_Content field in field mapping follow the steps given below.

1. In Filter field tab, click New.

2. In Object, select Feed.

3. In Filter field, select Download_Attachment.

4. In operator, select Equals.

5. In Filter value, enter 1 as the value.

6. Click Ok.

Note: When you use the Download_ Attachment filter field, you will find the attachment file

encoded in base 64 format in Attachment_Content field of field mapping, after you run the task.

You can read the file content after you run the task.

Uploading File Attachments

To upload an attachment, mention the path of the attachment in Base64EncodedFile field or provide the base64 content of attachment in the Base64-encoded attachment content field in the source object file as shown in the figure below.

Figure 12. Uploading File Attachments


Editing Field Data Types

You can edit field data types to customize the precision, scale and data types of fields. Edit field data types is applicable to both export and import services.

To edit field data types in field mapping follow the steps given below.

1. In field mapping tab, click Edit Types.

2. The Edit Field Data Types page appears.

Figure 13. Edit Field Data Types

3. From the list of available fields, select the field which you want to modify.

4. You can modify the Datatype, Precision, and scale for each of the available fields.

5. Click Ok to save.

Note: The precision limit is limited to 100,000 for all field data types.

Editing Custom Filter Fields

Below is an example of syntax that helps you to add and capture the value of custom fields.

Object Operator Field Size

People Equals Region 100

The property file to edit custom fields is located at

<Informatica Cloud Secure Agent Installed Location>\main\tomcat\plugins\<Plugin-Id>\customFields.ini.

The field size of an existing field can also be modified by providing the field name as mentioned in above syntax.

Note: The field name in property file is case sensitive. The new field size will not be reflected in the cloud until the field mapping is refreshed.



Increasing Secure Agent Memory

To overcome memory issues faced by secure agent follow the steps given below.

1. In Informatica Cloud home page, click Configuration.

2. Select Secure Agents.

3. The secure agent page appears.

4. From the list of available secure agents, select the secure agent for which you want to increase memory.

5. Click pencil icon corresponding to the secure agent. The pencil icon is to edit the secure


6. The Edit Agent page appears.

7. In System Configuration section, select the Type as “DTM”.

8. Edit JVMOption1 as “-Xmx512m” as shown in the figure below.

Figure 14. Increasing Secure Agent Memory-1

9. Again in System Configuration section, select the Type as “TomCatJRE”.


11. Edit INFA_memory as “-Xms256m -Xmx512m” as shown in the figure below.

Figure 15. Increasing Secure Agent Memory-2

12. Restart the secure agent.

The secure agent memory has been increased successfully.

Known Issues

The content size of Base64Encoded attachment Content field should not exceed 30 MB.

The attachment size provided in Base64EncodedFile field is restricted to 20 MB.