Time Entry For Work Study Student Employeesmedia.catawba.edu/catlink/documents/Workstudy.pdf · For...

Time Entry For Work Study Student Employees

Transcript of Time Entry For Work Study Student Employeesmedia.catawba.edu/catlink/documents/Workstudy.pdf · For...

Page 1: Time Entry For Work Study Student Employeesmedia.catawba.edu/catlink/documents/Workstudy.pdf · For Work Study Students Questions? Contact your Supervisor for assistance! Hours Worked:

Time Entry For

Work Study Student Employees

Page 2: Time Entry For Work Study Student Employeesmedia.catawba.edu/catlink/documents/Workstudy.pdf · For Work Study Students Questions? Contact your Supervisor for assistance! Hours Worked:

TIME REPORTING *This channel is visible to everyone — this is where you enter your time

Time Reporting, Employment Details, and Time Approval

Make sure your time sheet is submitted on time. Failure to do so WILL result in not getting a paycheck until your next scheduled payroll!

Welcome Susie R. Staff


Log in to CatLink, click the “Employee” tab

Flag will show up when time sheet is

due or active

Click More to see all previous time sheets

already submitted

Active time sheet is displayed — click the

red text to enter hours

See next page for additional time entry


Pay Stub—Click to see list of pay records, then click desired record to see pay stub for that period (deductions, taxes, etc.)

Job Details—Click to see shift, rate of pay, etc. for your job

Leave Balances—Click this link to display the benefit hours you have available. Since Work Study student employees do not have leave benefits, you will not have any leave balance records to access.

Leave Reporting—Only displayed if you are a Monthly Exempt employee. Work study student employees do not have leave benefits, so you will not file Leave Reports.

WARNING!!! Several of these screens display extremely sensitive personal information—

Exit CatLink or lock your computer down (Windows + L keys) if you must walk away from your desk!

On the Employee tab, you’ll see two channels that pertain to employment and time reporting: Time Reporting and Employment Details

EMPLOYMENT DETAILS *This channel is visible to everyone and provides your detailed information

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You would click this link if you wanted to

enter hours you worked on Aug 10th

Your time sheet will be displayed, similar to the one below. As a Work Study Student Employee, you must enter all hours worked. To enter time, click the “Enter Hours” link that corresponds to the appropriate date under “Hours Worked.”

Entering Time

Only one week is displayed at

one time. Click “Next” to enter

time for your succeeding



Note the Submit By Date - you MUST

submit your time by this date or you will

not receive a paycheck until the following pay cycle

Click “Save” after entering time in and out for the day— After clicking save, the number of hours will immediately update

Enter the time you came in to work (ex. 9:15) Enter the time you stopped work for lunch (ex. 12:00)

Enter the time you returned from lunch (ex. 1:00) Enter the time you stopped work for the day (ex. 5:00)

Choose AM or PM for all hours you enter

Once you click the “Enter Hours” link, you will be presented with the screen below, which allows you to enter your time in and out

If you leave or return in the afternoon or evening, make sure to click the “AM” drop-down arrow and select “PM” or you will get an error message when

you attempt to save your time entry!

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Copying Time

You will be presented with the “Copy” screen below. Check the days that you want the hours copied to, then click “Copy.” Note that you are only copying time for the category you are

currently working with. In the example below, we will check Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in that same week, and Monday through Thursday of the following week.

Instead of entering hours individually for each day, you can copy the hours you just

entered to other days. To do this, click “Copy” after you have entered your



The information you are copying is displayed here -

in this example we are copying 8 hours worked

that we entered for Aug 8 to Aug 9—11 and to

Aug 15—18

Check the days you want to copy hours to—check marks will appear in the boxes to indicate the days have been selected. Do NOT check the date you

are copying from. Click “Copy” and you’ll get a confirmation message

Click “Time Sheet” to return to your time sheet and you will see the hours that you copied added to your time sheet

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Preview Time Entered & Submit for Approval

Back on the main Time Sheet screen, click the “Preview” button (near the bottom of the screen) to preview the time you have entered.

A preview of your time sheet will appear showing total hours worked or leave hours each day, as well as time in and out each day.


Back on the main Time Sheet screen, click “Submit for Approval” to submit your time to your supervisor, who will approve your time through CatLink.

U. R. Work-Study

Work Study — PT999H-00

Click “Previous Menu” to return to your Time Sheet

Hourly Infor-

After you click “Submit for Approval,” this confirmation message near the top

of the screen will be displayed

A message near the bottom of the screen will also show

the date your timesheet was submitted and the name of

your supervisor

We strongly recommend that you Preview your

time sheet and check for mistakes before you

submit it for approval!

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Viewing Time Sheet Returned by Supervisor

Once you click “Comments,” you can look for your supervisor’s comments

at the bottom of the screen


Mary Pruitt

Click “Previous Menus” to return to your time sheet

Informs you of status of your time sheet

Click “Time Sheet” to access your time sheet for corrections

If your supervisor returns your time sheet for corrections, it will be noted in the Status. You will need to make corrections on your time sheet and resubmit it to your supervisor.

Aug 12, 2011 Make sure to enter hours worked for the whole month before submitting!

If your supervisor left any notes to explain the problem with your time sheet, they can be found behind the “Comments” button

Aug 12, 2011

If you wish to send a comment back to your supervisor with your time sheet,

type in this box and click “Save”

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Correcting & Resubmitting Time Sheet Returned by Supervisor

Once you have viewed any comments your supervisor may have left, you will need to correct and resubmit your timesheet. You can either make individual corrections, or completely clear

and restart your time sheet.

Once you click “Restart”, you will receive a warning message that all time on your time sheet will be deleted. Click “Submit” to continue,

then re-enter all of your time and re-submit to your supervisor.


If you entered hours for a day that you did not work, open the Time In and Out for that day, then click “Delete” to clear that incorrect entry. Return to the Time Sheet to continue entering

hours for other days that you worked.

To make individual corrections, click on the number of hours you previously submitted, type in correct times, then click “Save”

If you would like to completely restart your

time sheet, click “Restart” Make sure to resubmit your time sheet on time!

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Time-Entry Category Descriptions For Work Study Students

Questions? Contact your Supervisor for assistance!

Hours Worked: Hours worked each day during the pay period

8 I:\CS\Documentation\Banner Training\Time Entry\Work Study.PDF Last revised: 2/16/2012