Thoughts on Brave New World

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  • 7/28/2019 Thoughts on Brave New World


    Thoughts on Brave New World

    Brave New Worldis a literary classic, and I think it deserves to be. Like Orwell,

    Huxley wrote this book to illustrate the dangers of totalitarianism, but illustrates it in adifferent, more satirical way than Orwell did with 1984. I enjoyed how Huxley describes

    his dystopia in a quirky, silly way, but more importantly, I liked how he touched on the

    heavy, meaningful subject of humanity vs stability.

    In the first stages of the novel, Huxley introduces the world as more of a utopia

    than anything else. He shows that the citizens are happy, and the world, stable.However, as the book goes on, one of the main characters, Bernard, gets more and

    more frustrated with the limitations of the society that he lives in. He eventually meets a

    savage, called John, who at first seems to be less human than the rest of the normal

    population. However, as the story progresses, John discoverers that it is the civilized

    world that has truly lost its humanity.

    To me, one of the most important parts of the novel is when John has a debate

    with the antagonist, a world controller named Mustapha Mond. Their topic is whether or

    not its worth it to lose humanity for the sake of stability and happiness. Mond supports

    making everyone happy by fulfilling desires that he has created for them (brainwashing,

    in short) while John argues that its not worth sacrificing emotions and relationships,

    which are the fundamental elements that make us human.

    Personally, I havent pondered this topic enough to choose a side, and I feel like

    the more I learn about humanity vs stability, the further away I will be from having an

    actual answer. Nevertheless, this is an eye opening counter argument to the savagery

    vs civilization theme present in Lord of the Flies that displays the dangers of extreme

    human emotions. Its also one of the reasons I chose this book, because I never like to

    be shown only one side of an argument.

  • 7/28/2019 Thoughts on Brave New World


    I also feel like reading classics like these is more fulfilling than reading modern,

    action driven stories such as the Hunger Games. Although Suzanne Collins book is

    more exciting to read through, reading Brave New World has given me new, interesting

    topics to think about. This way, I will still continue to enjoy the book even after Im done

    reading it. My next read will probably be I, Robot, which is another sci-fi that plungesinto deep topics. I hope to continue with this type of literature well into my adult life and

    beyond, hopefully gathering ideas and inspiration on how to live a better, fuller, life.