The Temple of Nim Newsletter - February 2009

“The Temple of Nim” Monthly Newsletter of BLUE MOUNTAINS UFO RESEARCH CLUB. Vol. 5 Issue No 2 February 2009 INSIDE: Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Skywatches. ET Mysteries of Kings Tableland. A Report on “Pyramids of Destiny-Lost Pacific Colonies of the Bronze-Age God- Kings. The Big Yowie Documentary. Announcing Two New Gilroy UFO Books. A new Look at the Yowie.


Keep up to date with our latest events and publications by liking our Facebook Page at: Mountains UFO Research Club Skywatches.ET Mysteries of Kings Tableland.A Report on “Pyramids of Destiny-Lost Pacific Colonies of the Bronze-Age God-Kings.The Big Yowie Documentary.Announcing Two New Gilroy UFO Books.A new Look at the Yowie.

Transcript of The Temple of Nim Newsletter - February 2009

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“The Temple of Nim” Monthly Newsletter



Vol. 5 Issue No 2 February 2009


Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Skywatches. ET Mysteries of Kings Tableland. A Report on “Pyramids of Destiny-Lost Pacific Colonies of the Bronze-Age God-

Kings. The Big Yowie Documentary. Announcing Two New Gilroy UFO Books. A new Look at the Yowie.

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Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter February 2009. 2

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month, at the Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 2pm onwards. We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street where there is safer parking. PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES.

ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR THE HOUSE. PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the ‘unexplained’ are invited to share them with us all. Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [email protected][or catch our website on or]. A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.

PROGRAM FOR THE 21ST FEBRUARY • Latest Blue Mountains UFO report. • Any UFO sightings reports from members. • Report on recent Uruan megalithic temple finds at the “Lost City of Kanangra”. • Latest remarkable light energy balls filmed at Wentworth Falls and images of mysterious E.T. beings • There will be DVD/Video documentary presentations on UFOlogy/Astronomy and/or archaeological

subjects. • Weather permitting there will be a Skywatch out on Narrow Neck Plateau. [Don’t forget - warm clothing a

necessity as the weather can change very quickly!]. Don’t forget to bring your torch and binoculars.

Rex and Hea t h e r Gi l r o y , Aus t r a l i a ’ s t op UFO and ‘Unexp l a in e d ’ My s t e r i e s R e s e a r c h t e am .

Pho t o c o p y r i gh t © Rex Gi l r o y 2004 .


By Rex Gilroy.

Over past months our club can truthfully say that it has notched up some remarkable achievements. In this regard I would like to thank Angelo Soccio, Arwyn Kamarudin and Greg Foster who have helped in skywatches other than our usual ones we have [weather permitting] after our monthly club meetings. I would particularly like to thank Arwyn for making the trek out to the far end of Narrow Neck Plateau with me for a full moon night Skywatch/Underground Base investigation a few months back. Even though the weather turned against us and a good view of the valley was ruined by mist and clouds, it was still a great adventure. Arwyn and I, as well as Heather [shift work permitting] will be conducting regular Skywatches as well as expeditions. Angelo, who was recently ‘broken in’ as yet another Gilroy field assistant will be out in the field with us soon in a Sydney area investigation for fossil human feet impressions found some time ago by me in tertiary mudstone deposits at a South Sydney location. Meanwhile Greg Foster and the Gilroys will be kept busy on the recording of newly discovered Celtic ruins of the Bronze-Age [2000-1400 BC] on the Hawkesbury River as well as the search or a megalithic temple at a remote location in Kanangra Boyd wilderness, found by me when I was lost there overnight in the winter of 1999. Our club makes more discoveries, not only concerning the UFO field but also in other paranormal/archaeological/relic hominid and cryptozoological etc., fields than any other club in Australia, as the regular reports of our discoveries published in “Temple of Nim” demonstrate. So we can all feel proud at what we have done.


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Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter February 2009.



Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2008. [This article is composed of material from the Gilroy’s forthcoming book “Energy Beings-ET Abductions from Beyond Time”, URU Publications 2009, copyright © Rex and Heather Gilroy, Uru Publications 2009.] The Kings Tableland region, which lies south of Wentworth Falls township, on the upper Blue Mountains, New South Wales, has a long history of UFO [Unidentified Flying Objects]. The tableland extends north-south along the eastern cliffs of Jamieson/Kedumba/Burragorang Valleys and on clear days and nights gives a panoramic view of the vast Burragorang valley and in particular the gullies many kilometres to the west where lies the massive underground top secret Australian-American advanced space travel technology base. Mystery craft have been seen to descend into or fly out of camouflaged openings in the above gullies, as every member of Blue Mountains UFO research club knows. One incredible incident caught on film occurred on Saturday 2nd March 1986. It was seen at sunset by many people; a saucer-like craft which appeared to change flight angles as it flew over Bullaburra [east of Wentworth Falls], adopting a vertical position as it descended on its approach to Kings Tableland south of Wentworth Falls township. Here it slowed down, to be met by a military helicopter, which escorted it across Burragorang Valley, where it descended into the ‘base’ area/ People phoned the Richmond RAAF Base for an explanation. The ‘official’ RAAF explanation to the many eyewitnesses was that the object was nothing more than a ‘large meteorite’. Obviously this was a passenger-carrying meteorite!

***** In another incident, on Sunday 24th September 2000 several people out on Kings Tableland Road were gathered in the front yard of a property. The time was about 12.30pm when two men in the group Mr Casey Roberts and Lloyd Peters, spotted far to the south-east a bronze-coloured disc-like object approaching to where they were, over the rugged scrub-covered gullies at a phenomenal speed. The craft, which was afterwards judged to be over 15 metres in diameter, zoomed with a whooshing sound high above the gathering as it headed in the direction of Leura and Katoomba beyond. What was surely the same craft was later reported seen high above Blackheath, from where it changed direction to fly north-east, passing high over the Grose Valley and Kurrajong, heading in the direction of Newcastle, then out to sea. Its course was later plotted by the reports of its sightings along the way. Of all the mysterious happenings concerning UFOs and their occupants, are the growing number of ‘light energy beings’ that have been reported hereabouts over the years. Beings ranging from 1.5 to 2 metres and over, glowing from white to yellow and a golden yellow colouration, without any facial or other features observable, have in the past been claimed seen at various points along the Kings Tableland Road, either standing on the roadside near the [now closed] Queen Victoria Hospital, or emerging from the dense bushland that lines this road to stride across the road ahead of approaching vehicles. Now at last there is photographic proof available to support past eyewitness claims, thanks to the new age of digital photography. Digital cameras are able to photograph light energy balls, something not unknown but rare in the case of 35mm SLR cameras. As a result of the new technology a field of research has been opened up for UFOlogists, namely the study of light energy balls and their many different forms. On the night of Saturday 10th January 2009 [as already reported in the January edition of the Temple of Nim Newsletter] I photographed a number of light energy balls on my digital camera out at McMahons Lookout, at the far end of Kings Tableland road, while on a lone Skywatch of the Burragorang Valley ‘base’. Only when we arrived home and enlarged the pictures on our computer, did Heather and I come up with two amazing images, showing that we had not been alone out there, and that invisible eyes were observing us on another dimension! The first and most startling image of the two, is that of a humanoid face, with a mouth, large nostrils and eyes blacked out by the darkness, within a narrow, possibly pointed head, attached to what looks to be a long thin neck extending a long way down to a ‘body’ although limbs are not visible due to the fact that the being was standing among roadside bushes at the time I took the photo. A blue light energy ball hovers above the head. On Tuesday 3rd February Heather and I returned to the scene of these remarkable images in late afternoon, giving me time to inspect the exact locations of the images. The roadside ET image was finally estimated to have stood around 2 metres tall. The second image was unknowingly photographed at the car park of the Lookout and above it are two light energy balls. Yet the image is barely noticeable as it stands at the chain barrier of the south perimeter of the protective fence between two posts, these and the chain suggest the image, when produced as a negative, was about 1.5 metres tall. On our latest visit on Tuesday 3rd February, 2009 we found the area rich in light energy balls and our digital photos have revealed balls of green, blue, red and rainbow colouration. Masses of these balls were captured rising from a megalithic site in the region.

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It was while searching out light balls that I stumbled upon an open piece of ground in which was the unmistakable outline of a humanoid body impressed in what had been soft mud, now dried by weeks of hot weather. The impression of a pointed head, thin neck and body with arms and legs, was photographed. What is the explanation for this impression? There are some eerie things happening out in this isolated area, seemingly linked to the Burragorang underground base. UFOs have been seen to hover about the peninsula in the past, so that there seems to be a strong ET connection with the area.


Two view of the Et image filmed on the roadside at McMahons Lookout by Rex Gilroy on January 10th 2009.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2008

Two close-up head views of the eerie ET image.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

The second photo in negative.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009. The chain barrier where the second being was filmed. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

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Rainy view of Burragorang Valley from the lookout. Photo copyright t© Rex Gilroy 2009.

The impression in hard ground of an ET like humanoid body outlined by leafmould on Tuesday

3rd February, 2009. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Light energy balls of many beautiful colours on the road to the lookout. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Light energy balls filtering down onto the road from cliffs above. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

These photos of many beautiful coloured light energy balls were taken outside Queen Victoria Hospital [now closed] on Tuesday 3rd

February, 2009. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

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Another photo of light energy balls taken at the Queen Victoria Hospital fence taken on Tuesday 3rd

February 2009. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

On Monday night 26th January, 2009 these light energy balls were filmed rising from a UFO [‘saucer’] nest at a Kanangra Boyd

national Park site. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009. Rex Gilroy standing in the centre of the UFO nest [actually a large circular area where a ‘saucer-type’ UFO landed some time

ago] as light energy balls rise from the found in front of him Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

Ann Taylor kneels in the middle of the UFO nest as a small light energy ball rises from the ground behind her.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009. Moth of Fairy?? Take you pick. It was caught by Rex Gilroy in

the grass of the UFO nest. [PS It’s probably only a moth!]. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

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Light energy balls rise from the grass

within the UFO nest. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy


Light energy balls rising from the track to Kanangra Walls

Lookout. Photo copyright t© Rex Gilroy 2009.

Ann Taylor who accompanied the Gilroys to

Kanangra on Monday 26th January, 2009 is surrounded by light energy balls on the track to

Kanangra Walls Lookout. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009.

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Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009. This massive volume, first conceived some eight years ago as a sequel to Pyramids in the Pacific – The Unwritten History of Australia” [URU Publications 2000], is nearing completion as Heather continues scanning photos for this 40-chapter masterpiece. We are now well past the half-way mark and hope to place the book in the hands of the printer by the end of March/early April. It has been a labour of love, containing a lifetime’s filed research findings, and in doing so we have accomplished the seemingly ‘impossible’ gathering our evidence from throughout Australia. Many people have either encouraged or assisted us in the field in the course of our gathering the evidence and we wish to thank our leading field assistant, Greg Foster, for all the help he has given us, such as in the locating and recording of ancient rock inscriptions, temple ruins, etc which are pertinent to our theory, namely that this continent was, during Copper, Bronze and Iron Age times, colonised by mineral-seeking peoples from the ancient Middle and Near-East, who have left behind them ruined pyramids, temples and other remains of an Egypto-Phoenician civilisation which was at its height, far larger than that of the Egyptian homeland. Our book also covers the penetration by these peoples beyond Australia, to New Zealand and the Pacific islands to the Americas, concluding with some amazing evidence of Amerindian voyages of colonisation to eastern Australia, principally North Queensland, with emphasis upon the Peruvian cultures and the surprising extent of Mayan settlement of these shores. Hundreds of photos reveal not only rock inscriptions, temples and pyramids but also images of Australian Sphinx’s. There are many more surprises in store for the reader, who will learn of discoveries which the conservative, narrow-minded university establishment would rather we knew nothing about. This book is a landmark in publications concerning Australia’s history of discovery and exploration. Watch this newsletter and our website for publication details.


THE BIG YOWIE DOCUMENTARY. After some five years of hard work, principally in the field, our much-awaited documentary on the Yowie mystery is nearing completion. The documentary covers the ‘fossil foundations’ of the Yowie mystery, to demonstrate that this Aboriginal name, meaning ‘Hairy Man’ [or Hairy people] alluded not to body hair, but rather the marsupial hide garments worn by these beings, who were much like ourselves. Indeed, this documentary will demonstrate that the Yowie is none other than surviving remnant populations of Homo erectus, a tool-making, fire-making race and our immediate ancestor! This documentary is therefore a scientific-researched examination of the mystery. In the course of our fieldwork, assisted by Greg Foster, we have gone into some extraordinary places, such as rock shelters where recently manufactured stone tools of the ‘dawn tool’ variety known to Homo erectus have been found. Fresh footprints found in the bush and casts are shown, along with fossil skull-types recovered in areas long known as “hairy people’ habitats; in this commonsense investigation into the mystery, by Australia’s first, and foremost “Yowie Man”, Rex Gilroy. The documentary is the first one to be released by the Gilroys own documentary production company, URU Film Productions. Our company’s documentaries will by symbolised by our impressive URU Productions stone head against a reddish sky background, with emblem music by Andrew Leese, who also produced our stone head logo from an original sketch plan of mine. Andrews’ conception of our URU logo and also emblem music is typical of this computer art genius [his designs of our book covers are yet another example of his expertise]! We can never thank him enough for the great job he does. Following our Yowie documentary, we plan to produce others, on such subjects as the Uruan civilisation [involving shooting megalithic sites all over the country]; the pre-Dutch history of Australian discovery and colonisation, which will include Bronze-Age Egypto-Phoenician, Celtic and other maritime peoples who preceded James Cook to Australia; cryptozoological mysteries such as the ‘panther’ [a giant marsupial cat], the ‘extinct’ Thylacine; the UFO mystery etc. All this will be accomplished by the Gilroys and their reliable foremost field assistant Greg Foster, with whom some far-reaching plans are being contemplated, such as a Central Australian trip to film material for future documentaries. Our documentaries will be available through the usual advertising in NEXUS etc and our website.


ANNOUNCING TWO NEW GILROY UFO BOOKs. Recently completed are two books on the Australian UFO scene. “The Energy beings – ET Abductions from Beyond Time” and “Alien Cobweb – The ET ‘Mudhead’ Mystery and the Gympie Triangle”.

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The ET abductions book deals with case-histories gathered Australia-wide by the Gilroys, while the “Alien Cobweb” covers the mysterious goings-on in the area known as the “Gympie Triangle” all symbolised by the sensational “Alien Mudhead” found by myself in the Maryborough district, being the endocast remains of an ET head, found at the scene of the 1980 Maryborough UFO crash site. These books are the first of the planned dozen or so books on Australian UFOlogy planned to be released by the Gilroys over the next few years. Our readers can expect plenty of surprises!



Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2009. It is now approaching 52 years since that day in August 1957 while in the library at Liverpool High School, when at almost 14 years of age, I chanced to pick out a book from the shelf that was to set me off on the path that I still follow. The book was on Aboriginal myths and legends, among which were a number concerning the ‘hairy man’ or Yowie [among these beings’ many other names throughout Australia]. Out of interest I began gathering all the information I could on these mysterious male and female beings of old Australian Aboriginal folklore. At this time I had also begun gathering information on other mysterious Australian land and sea creatures, thus unknowingly at the time, becoming the ‘Father’ of Australian relict hominid [ie Yowie] and mystery animal [Cryptozoology] research. Without going into a lot of repetition already published in my newspaper and magazine articles, as well as my books on these subjects, I have since those times carried out countless field investigations in search of evidence, both physical and otherwise, into the existence of these creatures. Among the many mystery animals researched at my “Australian Unknown Animals Research Centre” are the Thylacine, the ‘Australian Panther’ [which for various reasons is not a member of the Asian cat family, but a Marsupial carnivore displaying some superficial feline features, as I have repeatedly explained], the ‘extinct giant Australian monitor lizard, Megalania prisca and many other species. Yet it is perhaps for the Yowie that I have become known Australia-wide.

***** Despite the media persisting in portraying Yowies as large ape-like, long-haired beings for sensationalism to attract its TV/radio and newspaper audiences, the Yowie’s true image is quite the opposite It is true that, when I first started out as a teenage investigator, I too described these beings as a race of hitherto unknown hairy primates. However, as I grew older and my information on the mystery expanded, I Came to realise that our Aboriginal people, long before and after the arrival of European settlers to Australia, called any non-Aboriginal race which occupied this continent before them as “hairy people” not because of they were covered in body hair but because they wore marsupial hide cloaks just like our Aborigines. These ‘hairy people’ ranged from average human height to pygmy and also giant-size. The Gilroys books “Giants from the Dreamtime – the Yowie in Myth and Reality” [URU Publications 2001] and “The Yowie Mystery – Living Fossils from the Dreamtime” [URU Publications 2007] explain all the above in greater detail. The later book presents my theory of an unknown Australian primate evolution, involving Cretaceous ere rat/mouse-size ancestral mammals [ie Plesiadapines] having entered this continent from Africa via Antarctica before the continental break-ups, the few who reached our part of the world subsequently evolving into several forms, one of which resulted in a race of bipedal primates that developed into hominids, namely Homo erectus. Admittedly there is scant fossil evidence to support my theory, but for a fossil hand, two feet of apparent bipedal apes [recovered from 17 million year old volcanic sediments of Miocene times, from Mt Victoria, New South Wales in 1969] and a Plesiadapis-like skull fossil of Cretaceous age from Katoomba. This is joined by several volcanically-preserved skull endocasts of a bipedal primate species from a Bega, New South Wales volcanic site, which had already been dated at around 7 million years BP by ANU scientists some years ago. My media announcement of these fossil discoveries soon resulted in a tirade of academic attacks, these principally aimed at preserving the dying “Out of Africa” dogma for human beginnings! Yet I do believe that more evidence will be forthcoming in the course of time. This evidence will demonstrate that Homo erectus evolved from a ‘proto-Homo erectus’ ancestral form, itself an offshoot of the Bega, New South Wales fossil race. In both my current books on the Yowie mystery I argue that all the pre-Aboriginal races were, through genetic mutation, be they pygmy, giant or average human size, offshoots of ‘archaic’ Homo erectus, having evolved here in Australia independent of outside influences from Homo erectus, fossil evidence of which as seen in this article, dates back to 2 million years. Homo erectus certainly fits the animal hide-clad ‘cave man’ image of our ancestors, archaeological evidence of which gathered worldwide, shows these hominids to have manufactured crude stone, wood and bone tools, and

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also fire; these achievements are beyond the ability of the ‘popular’ big hairy ape ‘Yowie’ image being pushed by the media! While plagiarists and critics scoff at the Gilroys growing fossil hominid/primate evidence as “not relevant” to Yowie research, we disagree. For one thing our opponents know next to nothing on the subject of palaeoanthropology, so that while some simply label their big hairy monstrosity ‘Homo erectus’ others label it ‘Gigantopithecus’. We shall now go to work on both of their apparitions and reveal, through our fossil evidence of much up-to-date material, the real “hairy people”…

***** For a complete picture of the anatomy and physiology of relict hominids, and those of Australia in particular, we recommend our book “The Yowie Mystery – Living Fossils of the Dreamtime” [URU Publications 2007]. This book reveals how, some years ago, I recognised that there were two basic forms of Yowie footprint, one a larger, longer toed form, the other, a smaller, shorter toed one, whose makers were of average modern human height, the other being larger, approaching giant proportions. This later form I named ‘Rexbeast’, otherwise their general feet outlines, allowing for size and shape distortion in muddy conditions, were generally of human shape. It seems incredible to us that our opponents had overlooked these glaring differences for so long! It seems likely that both these types of Yowie are present-day forms of the Pleistocene era average human height and larger, giant form of Homo erectus [better known as Meganthropus palaeojavanicus] in Java. From our own field researches it appears that both these forms share the same mountainous environment of the remoter regions of our eastern Australian mountain ranges. From old Aboriginal traditions it appears that the giant form of Homo erectus/Yowie has always frequented the Wadbilliga wilderness regions inland from Narooma [New South Wales far south coastal district]. Here together with our south coast field assistants Antji and Allan Westrip in recent years we have recovered the first known [endocast] skull-types of an ‘archaic’ and ‘late’ forms of an Australian form of giant Homo erectus in the world dating back between 320,000 and 380,000 years BP [Before Present]. We have also unearthed a couple of average-size though incomplete Homo erectus-type mineralised skulls in this same region, and also recovered numbers of large stone ‘megatools’ as well as those of the smaller, ‘classical’ Homo erectus,. What is more, local Aboriginal people say both these types of ‘hairy people’ still inhabit both the Wadbilliga wilds and Deua National Park to the north. These claims are further backed up in our opinion, by our recovery of apparent recently-manufactured ‘megatools’ and smaller Homo erectus examples in these wildernesses in recent years. This same picture is formed throughout the vast Blue Mountains and the forested mountain ranges extending northwards through northern New South Wales, and again in northern Queensland. Parallel with these finds have been the discoveries of recently-abandoned fine ash [ie Aboriginal-type] campfire remains typical of our fossil human ancestors. So Homo erectus, looked basically much like ourselves but for his somewhat long, narrow [ie doliocephalic] skull, we of course possess the later evolved roundish [ie brachiocephalic] skull-type, Homo erectus had about the same amount of hair on their bodies as we do today, covering themselves in loincloths of marsupial hide, or else larger cloaks of the same material depending upon the seasonal weather conditions, just like our Aboriginal people once did.

***** Let us move into other important aspects of the Yowie mystery and the evidence of skulls and feet impressions dating back to ‘dawn’ Pleistocene times in some cases. At which time giant and pygmy-size Homo erectus forms evolved is still debatable worldwide, but here in Australia our palaeontological discoveries tend to show that the giant form [of which a number of variations would evolve in different regions at different times] evolved as a genetic mutation caused probably by a malfunction of the pituitary gland, very early in the ‘dawn’ Pleistocene period. The pygmy forms would not have been far behind the giants, as indicated in the ages of many fossil feet impressions of both these forms suggest. Overlooking the well-known ‘forest negrito’ pygmy race of the Far North Queensland jungle country [actually they are Australoids whose body sizes shrank while they developed crinkly hair typical of pygmies beyond Australia, due to their long-term adaptation to their darkened forest environment], there can be no doubt as to the antiquity of Homo erectus pygmy races in Australia., as from their skull-types; two of which have been recovered by us a Mt Helena west of Perth, Western Australia; Oberon on the edge of central western New South Wales and outside Maryborough, Queensland while another quite distinct pygmy race has been identified from fossil skull-types recovered at Dundas and Villawood in Sydney’s west, by leading Gilroy field assistant Greg Foster. Another, badly deteriorated skull-type recovered by the Gilroys at Pootnoura, north of Coober Pedy, South Australia, resembles the Dundas/Villawood skull enough to suggest that this particular race was widespread over the continent. The early Aborigines referred to all pygmy forms across Australia as the “little hairy people”, which once again alluded to their crude marsupial hide garments. Thus the term ‘hairy’ was applied to every non-Aboriginal race, all of whom across Australia were lumped together within the ‘hairy man/hairy people” title under a myriad of

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names, of which ‘Yowie’ was but one of many by which these beings were known, to the tribespeople of an area roughly covering the north and south coasts of New South Wales extending across the Blue Mountains into the central western districts of the state. The heights of just about all the pygmy races in Australia ranged from as small as 60cm [if we include the mysterious ‘gubba’ race of the Blue Mountains and other east coast localities, which were well known to the early tribespeople] to around 1 metre. The Mt Helena, Western Australian race, represented by two little mineralised skulls, have been named Homo erectus ramsensis, after our Perth friends, Lia and John Ramses, and are at least 1 million years old. We theorise that they may have evolved as an offshoot of the ‘Balingup Man’, a smallish Homo erectus race identified from that state’s first Homo erectus skull find, made by the Gilroys at this town south of Perth. It bears the name Homo erectus heatherii, in honour of Heather, who organises all our expeditions. The skull is that of a ‘late’ Homo erectus form. The Western Australian Homo erectus and apparent pygmy offshoot races so far appear to have developed through isolation from their cousins further to the east of the continent over a considerable time period; the Balingup skull dates back 1 million years BP. The widely-dispersed Oberon, New South Wales; Maryborough, Queensland race is somewhat unique for their rather ‘modern’ structural features. The Oberon specimen, recovered at Essington just outside the town, is actually a partly mummified head turned to ironstone. It displays a little forehead and long nose on a vertical ‘modern’ face. The braincase is missing; the right cheek bone [covered by mummified skin] is present, although that of the left side of the head has been crushed inwards. A strip of mummified skin covers the left eye socket, the right eye socket, although still visible has been crushed on its right side. The lower jaw has been crushed, hanging downwards, with broken adult teeth now turned to ironstone lying in a disarrayed situation. The fossil measures 15.5cm in height by 9.5cm width across the face and 8cm in depth. The fossil’s age is at least 1 million years BP. It now bears the name Homo erectus essingensis. The Maryborough specimen came from the base of a 12.2m high Pleistocene bank and is around 500,000 and no later that 400,000 years BP in age, measuring 14.7cm in height by 9.5cm width and 5.7cm in depth. The ‘modern’ appearance of Homo erectus essingensis raises the question as to when modern humans first appeared. Our earliest evidence for an ‘archaic’ Homo sapien skull is an ironstone skull cap from Narrow Neck Plateau, Katoomba, New South Wales so that it would not be surprising that Homo sapien traits began appearing at a remarkably early period compared to African fossils! The earliest pygmy skull-type evidence so far uncovered in Australia, is the Dundas, New South Wales specimen, with another from nearby Villawood as mentioned earlier, with another similar skull-type from Pootrnoura, South Australia as mentioned earlier. This particular race, now named Homo erectus fosterii, is of considerable age, the Dundas fossil [ironstone] having been retrieved from; ‘dawn’ Pleistocene deposits, ie around 2 million years BP! Its Villawood counterpart came from much later 400,000 year old deposits. Its Pootnoura, South Australia cousin is probably about this ago also, suggesting the race spread from east to west across Australia in the dim past. The Homo erectus fosterii pygmy race bears striking similarities to the Katoomba ‘proto-Homo erectus’ skull with its pointed sagittal crest. Recovered on Thursday January 6th 2005 on Narrow Neck Plateau by me, it represents a late Pliocene-‘dawn’ Pleistocene race ancestral to Homo erectus proper. Therefore it would appear that a pygmy form developed from proto-Homo erectus around 2 million years ago.

***** It is certain that pygmies collectively are a very old race, almost worldwide in past/present distribution, yet at present it would appear that their oldest representatives evolved in Australia at the dawn of the Pleistocene period around 2 million years ago. Homo erectus, going by the Australian evidence of the Gilroys would also appear to have its origins here, having evolved from a ‘proto-erectus’ form. The type specimen of this ‘proto-Homo erectus’ ancestor of Homo erectus proper, was recovered by me from ‘dawn’ Pleistocene ironstone gravels on a Narrow Neck Plateau track, on Thursday 6th January 2005. This places the fossil’s age at around 2 million years BP. The skull-type is unique for its pointed sagittal crest, a rarity in Homo erectus skull-types, at least of later specimens. Named proto-Homo erectus gilroyii, it is now matched by another skull from the Bathurst area of the same age. On January 1st, 2008 together with Greg Foster, I unearthed a limestone mineralised Homo erectus skull from 1.5 million years old Pleistocene bank sediments of the Cox’s River, just west of the Blue Mountains. Now labelled Homo erectus coxii [Gilroy and Foster], it is seen as a possible immediate offshoot of the proto-Homo erectine race. I could go on and on as there are many more skull-types to draw upon, yet what has been revealed demonstrates how Homo erectus, in all his forms, arose to dominate this continent. There can be no doubt that ‘he’ is the origin of the Yowie traditions.

***** Homo erectus was a tool-maker, and while his bone and wooden implements are lost to us, his stone [eolithic] tool technology is to be found all over Australia, for those able to recognise them from ordinary lumps of rock. These are the ‘dawn tools’, or eoliths, the first attempts of our primitive ancestors to manufacture tools to aid their survival in a hostile world.

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Australian scientists generally dismiss eoliths because their presence in Australia proves the presence of races earlier than our Aborigines [even though Aboriginal tradition speaks of there earlier peoples!] and helps disprove the already dying “out of Africa” school of thought! Yet they exist, and although harder to spot than the more advanced examples of stone tool technology of our Aborigines, they exist throughout Australia. They can be found wherever the shorelines of extinct lake systems lie; they occur scattered in desert country where once a lush environment existed; tools 1 to 2 million years old, and older, stretching back into Pliocene times…

***** I have briefly referred to ape-like fossil feet impressions found in Australia in times paralleling those of Homo erectus. Scant though the evidence is, a handful of fossils dating back to Miocene times of at least 17 million years ago, speak of perhaps a few species of primates having evolved here. The hand and feet slate fossils described here are evidence of perhaps more than one species having left the trees to adopt a bipedal stance 17 million years in the past, well before this event occurred in Africa, a mere 6 million or so years ago. However, two fossil skulls, one an ironstone specimen at least 1 million years old, recovered by Heather and I at a Christmas Creek, Central Queensland site in August 1993; and another, recovered by me in a paddock west of Balranald, north of the Murray River in south-western New South Wales, on Sunday 29th April 2007, now form a picture of a large bipedal primate, but not the kind of “hairy monster” our opponents will be hoping for, because the physical image built up from the fossils so far reveals a former flesh-and-blood, widely-spread species. Although both specimens were crushed flattish by overlying heavy sediments, soon after burial in ancient lake shoreline situations before mud could fill the skull cavities to prevent much of the crushing, reconstruction shows them to have been broad-faced beings with projecting faces and thick, projecting brow ridges. Remarkably both fossils are of partly mummified heads displaying areas of mineralised skin, more noticeable perhaps in the Balranald, New South Wales fossil. However, in the Christmas Creek, Queensland skull, the neck vertebrae are partly revealed, their position in the neck suggesting the being may have walked with a stooped gait. The upper and lower jaws are fused together. This brown ironstone specimen measures 19.5cm from skull dome to base of lower jaw by 10cm in depth. Reconstruction suggests that, with the eye sockets, brow ridges and nasal area restored to their original dimensions, the width of the skull would have been at least 20cm, with the length of the skull from the face to rear of braincase being at lest 30cm. The Balranald skull, although its eye sockets were badly crushed, still displays the remains of a thick, projecting right brow ridge. The jaws are parted sufficiently to detect several surviving upper and lower teeth. It also displays a more complete [though crushed] rear braincase area than does the Christmas Creek fossil. Both creatures possessed flattish, doliocephalic skulls. The Balranald skull, like its Queensland relative, presents a forward-lurching aspect in keeping with a stooped gait. The Balranald skull measures 25cm in height, by 28cm in length from front of brow ridge to rear of cranium, by 12cm in depth with reconstruction suggesting a broad head over twice the present depth. As with the Christmas creek fossil, the restored eye sockets would have been about 4.5cm in breadth by 5cm in length, with a separating gap of about 3cm. At full growth the species, at least in males, would probably have reached a height of at least 3 metres, being strong, muscular creatures. From a study of the small teeth it is clear that this is no Gigantopithecine, and as it was probably an entirely Australian-evolved primate species, at this stage I do not place it within the Asian Dryopithecine family. More likely I believe it to be a representative of an Australian primate family and have thus created the following nomenclature of this obviously widely-spread Pleistocene species: Family Megapithecinae; Genus Megapithecus; Species Megapithecus gilroyii [2007]. It is just possible that this bipedal primate race still lingered on through Aboriginal Australia, and even beyond, through the coming of European settlement, as a race of large ape-like beings were also known to our Aboriginal people, who included them in their “hairy man” traditions to add to the already confusing picture! There appear to have been other large primate forms, as from fossil feet impressions discovered by us Australia-wide, but here at least with Megapithecus gilroyii, we have definite fossil proof of a large primate of probable 2.8 to 3 metres height. We remain open-minded on present-day sightings claims of beings which might fit the Megapithecus gilroyii image, for it is not at all impossible that a dwindling number of small family groups, as with the Homo erectus/Yowie hominids, may continue to roam the remoter mountainous forested regions of eastern Australia. However, even though these ‘Megapithecines’ will be labelled ‘Yowie’ by many people they were not the beings upon which the name is based, the name instead applying to the Homo erectus “hairy people:” with their marsupial hide garments and stone tools, spears and fire-making abilities – abilities so far unknown to the Megapithecus primate race.

Rex Gilroy Australian Yowie Research Centre,

PO Box 202, Katoomba, NSW 2780. Phone: 02 4782 3441


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Plesiadapis, which died out more than 50 million years ago, was distributed in both the Old and New

Worlds. Could Plesiadapis and other primitive mammalian ancestors have penetrated to Australia from Africa before our continent was isolated from

Antarctica? Such a radical proposition could support the theory of a separate hominid evolution in

Australia, as theorised by Rex Gilroy. Sketch “Early Man”, LIFE Young Readers Library, by

F. Clark Howell. USA 1968.

Reconstruction of Plesiadapis, based upon available fossil remains.Sketch “The Evolution of Man”, by David Pilbeam, The World of Science

Library, 1970.

The Mt Victoria, New South Wales Miocene slate fragment containing incomplete feet impressions of two individuals of the same race dating back at least 17 million years BP. That on

the left displays four toes belonging to a slightly larger individual to the foot fragment on the right, which displays four complete

toes with a small portion of a fifth. The fossils are representative of the earliest known ancestral hominid race in the world! The

fossils have been given the scientific name proto-Homo ancestraliaii gilroyii, or “first ancestral Australian Homo”.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

The Mt Victoria, New South Wales Miocene

slate primate [right] hand impression, dating back at least 17 million years. It now bears the

scientific name Primatus primaemontanus gilroyii, or “first mountain primate”.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

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The first of the Pliocene ancestral hominids discovered at the base of a volcanic plug in the Bega District, far south coastal New South Wales on Monday 13th June 2005 by Rex Gilroy, this little endocast was recovered from volcanic [mineralised] ash, which has also originally filled the skull

cavity to form the endocast, the bones having long ago disintegrated. The fossil was a lucky find, Rex Gilroy chancing to see it exposed from among mineralised ash

rubble. The volcanic plug belongs to a group of volcanoes forming the ‘South-Eastern NSW [volcanic] Sequence’, all of which were dormant by 7 million years ago. There can be no doubt as to its age. Photo copyright © Rex

Gilroy 2006.

Reconstruction of a male Gigantopithecus, based upon the conservative scientific theory that these apes walked on their

knuckles like a gorilla. The depiction of the head is conjectural, because no remains other than partial lower jaws and single teeth have been found. It is assumed by scientists that the giant ape’s

body was in proportion to its massive jaw and that, except for its size and much higher face, Gigantopithecus would have stood

about 9ft [2.75m] tall when upright and may have weighed as much as 600lbs.

Sketch by kind permission of Scientific American.

The Christmas Creek, Queensland, giant mineralised [ironstone] skull, found in

August 1993 by Rex Gilroy. Reconstruction of the crushed specimen

reveals primate rather than hominid features. The height of this creature has been

estimated at 2.3m and it would have been a very muscular individual, perhaps a

Gigantopithicine or other Dryopithecine species. The fossil may be anywhere from

500,000 to one million years old. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

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On Sunday 29th April 2007, in a paddock just west of Balranald, north of the Murray River, in south-western New South Wales, Rex Gilroy recovered the large, distorted and

flattened, partly mummified head of a primate, since shown to be the same race of giant bipedal

primate as the Christmas Creek partly mummified skull. The fossil, shown here in

right profile, possesses a thick, projecting brow ridge and flattish skull dome, which like the

neck is outlined in chalk, showing the head to be forward-projecting as in the Christmas

Creek, Queensland, skull [as shown by its neck vertebrae]. The Balranald NSW skull is unique not only for its open jaws, but for the ten visible teeth therein outlined by pen. Not

counting the thick Pleistocene mud layer coating the cranial area, from the chalk outline

cranium to base of neck the skull measures 25cm in height, by 28cm length from front of brow ridge to rear of cranium. The skull is

12cm in width across the facial area. The race has been given the tentative name of

Megapithecus gilroyii. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

This frontal view of the Balranald NSW skull shows the distorted

right eye socket and open mouth with teeth outlined by pen. Reconstruction of the skull suggests that, had it been in its original shape, it would have measured no less than 24cm in width. The

eye sockets would have been about 4.5cm in height by 5cm in length, being separated by a gap of about 3cm. The primate would

probably have been a strong, muscular creature of at least 3m height. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

This frontal view of the skull shows its flattened condition. Note the open mouth outlined in chalk and the distorted condition of the right eye socket, which measures 4.5cm in height by 5cm in length, the left eye socket being crushed with the left side of the skull, which is of calcrete mineralisation. The

nasal ridge has been distorted. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

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Tarana Skull No 2. This limestone endocast came fro the same deposits as skull No 1. Both skulls date back at least

300,000 years BP and show that ‘late’ Homo erectus shared the central west region with his offshoot ‘Archaic’ Homo

sapiens. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2008

“Tarana Skull No 1”. Reconstruction of this mineralised skull identifies it as that of an ‘archaic’

Homo sapien. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

The Tarana NSW skull endocasts were the first real skull evidence, other than

fossil hominid footprints, that Australia has a pre-Aboriginal Stone-Age history. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

Cast of a Homo erectus skull from China [Beijing Man]. Note

the long, narrow braincase and projecting brow ridges typical of Homo erectus skull types such as the Mudgee skull.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

The Mudgee, New South Wales, mineralised [limestone] ‘archaic’ Homo erectus skull, found by Rex Gilroy on the

morning of Wednesday 4th June 1997 [left profile]. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

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Frontal view of “Balingup Man”, the first [non pygmy] Homo erectus skull-type recovered in Western Australia, found by Rex Gilroy on Thursday 2nd August 2007. Although missing portions of the braincase, and the facial section having been distorted towards the

left, with a large rock crushing against the lower jaw, when the skull was in the early stages of burial, there remains enough features to identify this fossil as a ‘late’ form of Homo

erectus. The skull is doliocephalic, with a forehead receding back from thin but projecting [partially intact] brow ridges. The left eye socket is largely missing with the left facial

section, and the nasal ridge is noticeable above the fused jaws. The face projects forwards. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

Sketch copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007

New Ireland


New Caledonia

New Zealand


Solomon Is.



New Guinea

South-East Asia

Sri Lanka



The great Pliocene-Pleistocene land shelf which formerly linked New Guinea and Australia to mainland

Asia, also extended from New Guinea to New Zealand, thus enabling primitive Stone-Age races to move between Australia-New Zealand 2 to 4 million or more years ago! Sketch copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

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This 19th century Aboriginal girl, from the Shoalhaven district of New South Wales, wears a furry kangaroo hide garment. The early Aboriginal people described the Yowie or ‘Hairy Man’ as such because these hominids also wore marsupial hide garments.

Portrait by M King, Sydney NSW.

Ancient Homo erectus Eolithic tools from Narrow Neck Plateau, Katoomba, New South Wales. All

are small chopping and scraping implements of immense age. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

The Katoomba proto-Homo erectus skull. Now turned to ironstone , besides distortions it bears extensive signs of an earlier period of long-time

surface exposure, as shown by excessive, deep pit-marking. The skulls’ distinctive, though badly

worn pointed sagittal crest, distinguishes it from all other Homo erectus skulls so far discovered in

Australia. The originally doliocephalic braincase was partly crushed flattish due to sediments not

having sufficiently filled it to otherwise provide some resistance to distortion in the early stages of burial.

This right side view of the skull shows the face projected outwards with the right, badly worn brow

ridge having been thick and projecting. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

The proto-Homo erectus skull, frontal view. Note the weathered pointed sagittal crest. Although no lower jaw has

survived, the dental arch [not visible here] shows faint outlines of several teeth sockets. Note how the right brow ridge projects

outward. Outward projecting brow ridges is a feature of archaic skull types from Asia and Africa.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

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Another view of Homo erectus billyii. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

The Homo erectus Coxii skull in situ. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2008.

The Homo erectus fosterii skull, frontal view. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

Close up of the broken lower jaw, showing teeth.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

The Homo essingensis skull, frontal view. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

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The Maryborough, Queensland Homo essingensis skull

endocast, frontal view. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

Frontal view of the better preserved example of the two Mt Helena, Western Australia pygmy skull-types, representing a

pygmy race descended from Homo erectus, dating back at least 1 million years BP and now named Homo ramsensis.

Note black pen outline of indistinct surviving brow ridge and eye sockets. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

Left profile view of the Mt Helena pygmy homo skull. Note

forward projecting face. The fossil measures 13cm in length by 8cm in height, by 6.6cm across the facial area, 7cm width across the frontal area of the cranium, 6.3cm across the mid cranial area

[which was crushed inwards on the left side], and 5.2cm to 4.3cm width towards the rear of the cranium. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

A right view of the mineralised mud-coated face of the incomplete, distorted pygmy skull from Mt

Helena, east of Perth, Western Australia, right profile. It measures 11cm in length by 7.2cm tall at

the rear. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

A left profile view of the incomplete pygmy skull from Mt Helena.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007. A right profile view of the incomplete Mt Helena pygmy skull.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

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Pygmy or juvenile fossil hominid footprints?These small feet impressions, found on ironstone rocks [formerly

parts of a single extensive mudflat turned to stone], dating back at least a million years, were discovered by Gilroy leading field assistant, Greg Foster, in the Kenthurst district in Sydney’s

northwest, while on field investigations with the Gilroys during 2004. Photos copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

The two pygmy skulls, underside view. Note black pen outline of the palates and dental arches. Note the outlines of worn down mineralised teeth, and the underside of remaining braincase, of the smaller skull,

which has been twisted to the left [when observed from above]. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

A close look at one of the small campfires. They are reminiscent of those once made by wild Aborigines, and probably Homo erectus. It would appear that these hominids still roam these wilds. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

On one winter 2004 search, deep in the Newnes forest country, Rex Gilroy examined two small campfires in a forest clearing. Nearby a number of recently-

made stone tools were recovered. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

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Size comparisons: the 16.5kg jasper club and hand-axe from the Bathurst, New South Wales megatool site,

compared with an Aboriginal stone hand-axe and club beneath. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

On Wednesday 29th August 2007, the Gilroys discovered this large fossil lower jaw fragment of a giant hominid at a

Macquarie River, Bathurst district site. The limestone fossil shows the remains of a decayed lower back molar tooth, with

the worn down outline of another molar in front of it. The fossil is seen here in situ

[left profile]. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

Left profile view of the giant hominid jaw fragment with both teeth exposed due to lengthy exposure resulting in

much of the left side of the fragment being weathered away. The teeth have been outlined in black pen due to their faded appearance. Note the outline of the worn down

molar, whose roots have been outlined. From the top of this worn down molar to the base of its more intact left

root is 7.3cm, the length from the top to surviving base of the right root is 5.7cm, the molar being 3.8cm in width. The jaw fragment, which has been dated at around 1 million years BP, has been given the scientific name of

Homo gigantii bathurstensis gilroyii [ie “Giant Man of ancient Bathurst”]. This giant Homo erectus race was

probably responsible for the megatools that occur throughout the region now under detailed investigation by

the Gilroys. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

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This monstrous footprint, embedded 14cm into solid rock in the Kanangra Boyd wilderness,

measures 68cm in length by 50cm across the toes and 27cm wide at the heel. It was discovered on December 9th, 1998 by Rex Gilroy while he was searching for fossil footprints in volcanic shoals.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

This fossilised footprint of a giant hominid, found by Rex Gilroy at a remote Kanangra Boyd National Park, NSW site, measured 90cm in length by 54cm

width across the toes and 40cm width at the heel, by 7cm in the solid rock. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

Wadbilliga Skull endocast No 1., frontal view. A distinct groove exists where the upper and lower jaws were fused together before the outer skull bones disappeared. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

Wadbilliga Skull endocast No 1., frontal view from another angle. The rear braincase area is missing. The specimen measures 33cm in available length, by 33cm width across the facial section by 18cm in depth. The eye sockets measure 7cm in length and 6cm in width. The jaw area has been crushed on its right side. Had the endocast been complete and the bones present, it is estimated that a complete skull would have been 37-

40cm in length, the hominid standing 12ft [3.66m] in height. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

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The second Wadbilliga giant hominid endocast fossil skull type, recovered over 30 metres from the site of the first giant hominid skull endocast find. This right side view shows a receding forehead, a large

nasal area and enormous eye sockets. Much of the rear braincase area is missing, although reconstruction suggests that the original skull was

doliocephalic, suggesting the individual to have been a ‘late’ giant form of Homo erectus! Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2006.

The second giant hominid [Homo erectus] skull [left profile] endocast could suggest that further giant hominid discoveries await the

Gilroys and their assistants in this area. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2007.

Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one. There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us

up here at Katoomba, weather permitting. Meanwhile, there a lot happening ‘up there’ at present so -

Until our next meeting –

Watch the Skies!

Rex and Heather

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Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter February 2009.



DComing Soon!

To be released in 2009

Pyramids of

Destiny – Lost Pacific Colonies of the

Bronze-Age God-Kings.

by Rex and Heather Gilroy

Price to be advised.



LLoosstt PPaacciiffiicc CCoolloonniieess ooff tthhee BBrroonnzzee--AAggee GGoodd--KKiinnggss..

Rex and Heather Gilroy

URU Publications