The Science of Happiness at Work

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  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    Putting the science of happiness to work

    Jessica Pryce-Jones

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    A n offer...

    Email me right now and I ll pick three winnersto attend one of our accreditation workshops inthe USA, location to suit you. Winners will learnhow to use our tools and approach free!

    Learning new things makes lots of us happy

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    How we use this knowledge

    What we know and what it is

    A genda

    What next

    Who iOpener is

    How we got there

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    How we use this knowledge

    What we know and what it is

    A genda

    What next

    Who iOpener is

    How we got there

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    W ho is iOpener?

    H uman asset management consultancy thatfocuses on:


    T eam and executive coaching

    Leadership skills development

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    Cl ients

    AELTC Hogg Robinson Group Oxford University PressBASF Howrey LLP Puma

    Baxter Worldwide innocent Sandvik

    BBC Irwin Mitchell Shell

    Cass Business School Judge Business School Tetra Pak

    CERN London Business School UBS

    Chicago Booth Mansell UIB

    Cisco NHBC Unilever

    BAFTA NHS Vodafone

    Equity Ins Group OMD WHO

    Focus Solutions Oxfam Wiley Blackwell

    General Physics Oxford (Said) Biz School Yorkshire Water

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    How we use this knowledge

    What we know and what it is

    A genda

    What next

    Who iOpener is

    How we got there

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    W hat we know

    5 yr project; 5,500 emp loyees

    W hen you compare the happiest emp loyeeswith their least happy co ll eagues:

    1.25 days extra focus a week

    1.5 days vs. 6 days a year off sick

    9 vs. 20 months intention to stay

    Productivity + $

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    E mp loyees who are happiest...

    180% more energized155% happier in their jobs

    150% happier with life108% more engagement

    50% more motivation

    50% more be lief in their potentia l4 0% more confidence

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    W hat is happiness at work?

    Happiness at work is a mindset which a ll ows youto maximize your potentia l. You do this by being


    of the highs andlows when working a

    loneor with others.

    L ooking at these words, select the ones that resonate for you from this definition.

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    W hat is happiness at work?

    Happiness at work is a mindset which a ll ows youto maximize your potentia l. You do this by being

    mindful of the highs and

    lows when working a

    loneor with others .

    T his isnt just about the highs. Its about creating abank which you invest in and then drawn on.

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    How we use this knowledge

    What we know and what it is

    A genda

    What next

    Who iOpener is

    How we got there

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    How did we research it?

    14 focus groups67 interviewsStudy 1: 193Study 2: 4 03Study 3: 19 4 0Version 2 4

    Va lidity and re liabi lity5500 respondents

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    IPP A Phi lade lphia, June 2009

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    T he 5 factors gave us the productivity-happiness mode l

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    M easurab le differences

    The effort you make and your perception of it

    The motivation you havewhatever the


    The fit you have with your


    The extent to which you

    are engaged with your


    A sense of belief inyourself and your job




    4 0%


    Achieving your potential


  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    Yes but...

    D oes happiness come first?

    O r does performance make you happy?O r perhaps it s both?

    Boehm J.K. & Lyubomirsky S, 2008, D oes happiness promote careersuccess, J of Career Assessment, 16(1), 101-116

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    W hat about job satisfaction,engagement and H@ W ?H@W leads to job satisfaction and engagement. Butnot v.v.

    You can have high engagement but low happiness.E

    ngagement and job satisfaction are traditionall

    ydriven top down.JS and E were deve loped in 60s and 70s.E ngagement and job satisfaction tend to focus onorganizationa l attitudes: this is person-centricUnique deve lopment amongst mixed and mobi leworkforce.

    A ugments and deepens any E or JS work

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    How we use this knowledge

    What we know and what it is

    A genda

    What next

    Who iOpener is

    How we got there

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    How we use this: individua ls andteams

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    T eams/organisations

    C a ll ed in when issues around:M ora le

    PerformanceLeadershipResi lience

    C onfidencePu lseDig deeper

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    T eams/organisations

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    How we use this knowledge

    What we know and what it is

    A genda

    What next

    Who iOpener is

    How we got there

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    W hat next: 2 day accreditationworkshops

    Brusse ls, Be lgium, 15-16 September W ashington 2 4 -25 September C hicago, US A , 29-30 September Birmingham, UK, 21-22 October Dubai, U A E , 9-10 November San Francisco, US A , 17-18 November

    Da ll as, US A , 2 4 -25 November London, UK, 2 4 -25 November

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work


    W hat next

  • 8/8/2019 The Science of Happiness at Work
