The Revolutionary War

THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR Told By: A Patriot Named Joseph Lim


Told By: A Patriot Named Joseph Lim. The Revolutionary War. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of The Revolutionary War

Page 1: The Revolutionary War

THE REVOLUTIONARY WARTold By: A Patriot Named Joseph Lim

Page 2: The Revolutionary War

THE FRENCH INDIAN WARWe won the French Indian War!! I am tired because the war lasted

for almost 10 years. We won Mississippi river, Ohio valley, and the Appalachian Mountains. I thought we were going to lose out there but I was wrong. I hope we will win any more battles in the future.

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THE FRENCH INDIAN WAR FACTS The war started because the British and France wanted to

conquer the Ohio valley, The Appalachian Mountains, and the Mississippi river.

The war almost lasted 10 years! After the war Great Britain won the war!! After the war Great Britain had more bills to pay because they

conquered a lot of land.

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THE SUGAR ACTAfter the war the British put taxes on molasses why do they do

these things? I am mad about so I will gather a few friends to boycott the good with me.

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THE SUGAR ACT FACTS On April 5 1764 the British passed the law called the sugar act.

The colonists had to pay taxes for gallons of molasses. Colonists got angry and boycotted the good.

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THE STAMP ACTI am so mad right now!! I have to pay taxes for newspapers! Is

the British serious? I don’t want to pay taxes for papers I NEED so I am going to boycott the papers. I am starting to hate the British NOW!!

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THE STAMP ACT FACTS After the French Indian war Great Britain had to pay a lot of

dept and unpaid bills, so they came up with the stamp act so the colonists had to pay for printed papers like newspapers, pamphlets, marriage licenses, and playing cards.

Some colonists got angry and stopped buying Printed papers.

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THE TOWNSEND ACTSAgain with the taxes. Now I cant buy paper or glass without

paying for the taxes. I want to complain to the British government to stop all these taxes!! I am going to boycott the goods again for the second time.

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THE TOWNSEND ACT FACTS In 1767 Great Britain wanted to raise money again for goods

that were imported from another country like lead, glass, paint, paper, and tea.

The colonists were angry so they boycotted the goods again.

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THE BOSTON MASSACREI feel mad at the British and sad at the colonists that died. The

British should have heard more carefully without shooting. I think we should start a war at this point but I don’t want to share my feelings, or something bad might happen.

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THE BOSTON MASSACRE FACTS Colonists were angry at the British troops because they were

living in the towns and city’s and stealing their jobs. On March 5th 1770 colonists came to the custom house and

started calling a British solider names and throwing snowballs and stones. Captain Preston did not tell the British to shoot but one soldier thought he said “Fire!” and shot. Other British soldiers were scared because the crowd of colonists were coming towards them and shot and killed 5 men.

Paul Revere created this picture to remind the colonists about the massacre.

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THE BOSTON TEA PARTYIt is 1773 the British made a law saying that you HAVE to pay

taxes for tea, but they repealed all the other taxes which I am glad about. But I am still angry about the taxes on tea. I joined a bunch of colonists to boycott the tea even though we like tea. In December 16 1773 some of our friends dressed up as American Indians and dumped tea off the harbor. We were happy

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THE BOSTON TEA PARTY FACTS In 1773 the British wanted to raise money for the British tea

company and the British East Indian company. On December 16 173 some colonists dressed like American

Indians and got on the Boston Harbor. They opened 342 chests of tea and dumped the tea into the water of Boston Harbor.

After that the colonists began to sing a song they made up and got King George III furious.

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THE COERCIVE ACTSThe British put a new law about making you obey Britain. I am

going to stop obeying Britain because they are mean and cruel to their people (which is us colonists).

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THE COERCIVE ACT FACTS The Coercive act closed down Boston Harbor so that the trade

ships wouldn’t reach Great Britain. Many colonies began to send food because they were scared

that the Boston colonists would starve.

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THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESSI was in Philadelphia with George Washington, John Adams,

Benjamin Franklin, and 65 other delegates took part of the congress. We were talking about organizing the colonists for the war I had the most creative idea ever! The second question was trying to find a good leader. We quickly and he agreed to it. The third question was to declare independence from Great Britain.

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THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS FACTS On May 10 1775 65 representatives came together in

Philadelphia. We disused 3 things the most hardest is declaring

independence from Great Britain.

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BATTLE OF LEXINGTON/CONCORD I was at the battle of Lexington/concord and was trying to defend

myself in a tent when I heard a gunshot and a soldiers yelling. When I peeked through my tent and saw people shooting and dead soldiers on the ground. I saw at least 600 men an the British side. I ran up to a soldier and gave my musket to him and hurried to my tent when I heard British shooting at ammunition and tried to arrest John Hancock, and Samuel Adams. We lost the battle of Lexington/Concord.

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BATTLE OF LEXINGTON/CONCORD FACTS The battle happened in April 19 1775 in Lexington/Concord. There was about 700 British soldiers in the battle. The British won the battle.

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BATTLE OF BUNKER HILLWe were fighting in the Charleston Peninsula. The battle was

called the battle of Bunker Hill. We had fewer people then the British I was not fighting obviously I was at my tent waiting until the Battle was over. I was scared because we were losing the battle against the British but when I heard silence I ran out of tent and saw that the British troops won the Battle. I thought to myself “I hope we win our independence against Great Britain”.

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BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL FACTS The British ha 2,400 troops and America had 1,500 troops. The British won the battle of Bunker hill. The battle was on June 17 1775

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BIBLIOGRAPHY1. The Social Studies Alive! American’s past, Editor: Lara Fox,

Publication:2010 by teachers curriculum institute]4.