“The P olish Q ualifications F ramework and its level descriptors ”.

“The Polish Qualifications Framework and its level descriptors”. Ewa Chmielecka, Warsaw School of Economics, Educational Research Institute, Bologna Expert, Seminar: Úvod do problematiky národných kvalifikačných rámcov. Bratislava, 21 September 2013


“The P olish Q ualifications F ramework and its level descriptors ”. Seminar: Úvod do problematiky národných kvalifikačných rámcov. Bratislava, 21 September 2013. Ewa Chmielecka, Warsaw School of Economics, Educational Research Institute, Bologna Expert,. Contents. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of “The P olish Q ualifications F ramework and its level descriptors ”.

Page 1: “The P olish  Q ualifications  F ramework  and its  level descriptors ”.

“The Polish Qualifications Framework

and its level descriptors”.

Ewa Chmielecka, Warsaw School of Economics,

Educational Research Institute, Bologna Expert,

Seminar: Úvod do problematiky národných kvalifikačných

rámcov. Bratislava, 21 September 2013

Page 2: “The P olish  Q ualifications  F ramework  and its  level descriptors ”.


Intention: to present the Polish QF for HE case as an example of good (?) practice answering the question of level descriptors – Structure of the Polish QF– Level desciptors – Example: how to implement QF? case of the PL

higher education


Page 3: “The P olish  Q ualifications  F ramework  and its  level descriptors ”.

The scope and structure of the Polish QF (PQF)

8 levels. Three categories of level descriptors: knowledge, skills, social competences.

In the PQF: 2 categories of level descriptors by their degree of detail universal (first layer/stage) typical for different types of education (second layer/stage).

Possible third layer/stage of generic descriptors (in sectors, inside HE…)

Covers all types qualifications Full qualifications Partial qualifications


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Structure of the Polish Qualifications Framework

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Key aspects of the comprehensive description of LO



Scope Completeness of the cognitive perspective

Depth of understanding Dependencies


Problem solving and applying knowledge in practice

Complexity of the problemInnovation in the approachIndependence of actionsConditions under which one acts

Learning IndependenceMethods

Communication Scope of expressionComplexity of expression

Social competence


ParticipationSense of responsibilityConduct


Team workConditions under which one actsLeadership


Consequences of one’s own actionsConsequences of the team’s actionsEvaluation

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Structure of the Polish National Qualification Framework (PQF)

EQF levels PQF levels

1 1 General elementary education

2 2 General post-elementary education

3 3 Lower vocational education

4 4 General secondary education

5 5 „empty level” – debate on the full qualification of the level continued

6 6 Higher education: BA, engineer

7 7 Higher education: MA, post diploma non-degree programs

8 8 Higher education: PhD


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elementary schoolcertificate of completing elementary school 1

lower secondary school

certificate of completing lower secondary school 2

basic vocational school

certificate of completing basic vocational school

not yet determined

vocational certificate 3

vocational diploma 3

upper secondary technical school

certificate of completing the upper secondary technical school

not yet determined

vocational certificate3 or 4

depending on the qualification

vocational diploma 4

matura certificate 4

general upper secondary school

certificate of completing general upper secondary school

not yet determined

matura certificate 4

Qualifications awarded in the Polish education system below higher education (children and youth)

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Qualifications awarded in the Polish higher education system

Type of studies: Name of qualification ECTS credits



level in the PQF

first cycle studies (Bologna first cycle)

diploma certifying the professional titleof licencjat /inzynier or equivalent


at least 180 6

second cycle studies (Bologna second cycle)


long cycle studies

diploma certifying the professional titleof magister /magister inżynier orequivalent title (e.g. physician)

second cycle studies – at least


long cycle master degree studies:

at least 300 (5 year studies), 360 (six year studies)


third cycle studies (Bologna third cycle)

diploma certifying the academic degree of doktor in a specific discipline

45-60 8


postgraduate non-degree studies certificates of completion of

postgraduate non-degree studies

at least 60; (the studies should

not be less than two semesters)

depending on the programme

Page 9: “The P olish  Q ualifications  F ramework  and its  level descriptors ”.

Assigning levels to qualifications

Based on comparison of learning outcomes with level descriptors

Levelling methodology developed in 2012/2013 with participation of stakeholders

Pilot project – testing the methodology (preliminary assignement of 350 qualifications)

Two procedures for determining the PQF level for qualifications :– For qualifications established by ministers – For the remaining qualifications


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Learning outcomes in the PQF (PQF/EQF referencing criterion 3 on LO)

All qualifications in the PQF (in the Q-register) have to be described in the terms of learning outcomes (knowledge, skills, social competences).

In the GE and formal VET learning outcomes principle are included in core curricula, implemented by law. In GE and VET learning outcomes define also examination standards

In HE learning outcomes and their validation must be described for the study programmes of specific fields in the eight broad areas of study This is under control of QA systems

In non-formal sector application of LO not very common


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Referencing PQF levels to EQF

Confirmations of congruence provided by:

comparison of basic concepts, the language, and assumptions in the PQF and EQF,

comparison of the descriptors at corresponding levels in both frameworks.


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Expectations concerning the PL QF– learning outcomes orientation

• General – transparency, – comparability, – Quality assurance enhancement – building mutual trust (national and international aspect) – openness for stakeholders– better fit for labor market needs – LLL driver – ….


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Expectations [2] concerning the PL QF for HE – learning outcomes orientation

Increased autonomy of HEIs

– Diversification of HEIs– Variety of programs, methods ..


Comparability of programs

by common points of reference – Not content based– Assigning qualifications (diplomas) to levels– Protecting quality


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The two-layer structure of the description of learning outcomes in the NQF-HE


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The hierarchy of learning outcomes (HE)


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8 broad areas of study in HE

Based on the descriptors of PQF typical for higher education the descriptors for eight broad areas of study and two profiles have been developed on the national level (first and second cycle of HE)

1. Humanities2. Social sciences3. Exact sciences4. Life sciences5. Engineering and technology6. Medical sciences and health sciences 7. Agriculture, forestry and veterinary sciences8. Fine arts

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The structure of the QF HE,examples of descriptors – knowledge/skills: „solving problems” –

level 6• Level of descriptors of universal PQF

– Rozwiązywanie złożonych i nietypowych problemów w zmiennych i nie w pełni przewidywalnych kontekstach

• Level of descriptors specific for HE – Identyfikowanie i twórcze rozwiązywanie prostych problemów oraz typowych zadań, wyciągania

logicznych wniosków oraz autonomicznego formułowania ocen i opinii z w zakresie niezbędnym do ich rozwiązania.

– Znajomość podstawowych metod i technik właściwych dla obszaru kształcenia w stopniu umożliwiającym ich wykorzystanie do rozwiązywania podstawowych problemów i wykonywania prostych zadań.

• level of descriptors for “8 fields” (here: engineering)– zna podstawowe metody, techniki, narzędzia i materiały stosowane przy rozwiązywaniu prostych zadań

inżynierskich związanych z reprezentowaną dyscypliną, potrafi wykorzystać do formułowania i rozwiązywania zadań inżynierskich metody analityczne, symulacyjne i eksperymentalne

– potrafi – przy formułowaniu i rozwiązywaniu zadań inżynierskich – dostrzegać ich aspekty systemowe i pozatechniczne

– potrafi ocenić przydatność rutynowych metod i narzędzi rozwiązania prostego zadania inżynierskiego, typowego dla reprezentowanej dyscypliny inżynierskiej oraz wybrać i zastosować właściwą metodę i narzędzia

• Level of descriptors for benchmark (electronics)– potrafi wykorzystać poznane metody i modele matematyczne, a także symulacje komputerowe do analizy

i oceny działania elementów elektronicznych oraz analogowych i cyfrowych układów elektronicznych – potrafi dokonać analizy sygnałów i prostych systemów przetwarzania sygnałów w dziedzinie czasu i

częstotliwości, stosując techniki analogowe i cyfrowe oraz odpowiednie narzędzia sprzętowe i programowe …


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The PL QF HE implementation [1]

• Context 1: expected reluctance of the academic community • Context 2: enlarging autonomy in curricula design• Context 3: expected difficulties with “learning outcomes” approach Training: More than 250 seminars, workshops, conferences provided in 2008-2012 (and

still continued) by– Ministry of Science &HE– Bologna Experts Team– Projects of the Human Capital Development Program

„converted seminars” „millionaires” competition QF Advisors • In total - about 18 000 of academic workers participated in the training• „cascade” training system at HEIs.


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The PL QF HE implementation [2] Websites:

– the ministry of HE,– the Bologna Experts, – Institute of Educational Research

publications : – 3 PL books, – many other issues– Translations: like German “Yes, go!”

Strong support given by the rectors conferences and other HE bodies

Exceptional financial support on base of the European funds


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The PL QF HE implementation: first results

• Implementation of LO approach (end of the 2012/13 academic year):• expectation concerning the academic community resistance –

confirmed • but the most of results quite promising

– New curricula and syllabi prepared and well established in all HEI for level 6 and 7, corrected this year with much better understanding.

– Post-diploma and PhD studies curricula under reconstruction – New degree programs – opportunities taken from enlarged

autonomy – breathtaking! – Much better understanding the PQF significance, profits,

other aspects: • „I have in hand all necessary tools for individualization of studying I am

implementing now”.


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