The LHA Self Directed Oral History Project

The Lesbian Herstory Archives Self-Directed Oral History Project


This presentation is for a group class project in the Fall 2010 semester. This project outines to a client how to implement a self-directed oral history project

Transcript of The LHA Self Directed Oral History Project

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The Lesbian Herstory Archives Self-Directed Oral History Project


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Lesbian Herstory Archives

• "Encourage Lesbians to record their experiences in order to formulate our living history"

• Committed to providing access to material from lesbians of all backgrounds 

 • No barriers on use or inclusion in the


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Our Proposal

• Self-directed oral histories • On-site recording booth for visitors

 • Standardized bibliographic procedures

 • Promotes innovation through digital quality and improved

accessibility. • Gives a voice to under-represented communities.

• Captures a wider record of lesbian experiences. •  Opportunities for growth

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Collection Overview

Quick Facts:

• Several hundred audio recordings

• Notable holdings: o Mabel Hampton oral historieso Karen Black interviews about Act Upo Audre Lorde public speaking engagements

• Condition Issues:o Repetition of storieso Disrupted narratives; taped-over portionso Dubious audio qualityo Minimal administrative documentation

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Methodology & Benefits of a Systematic Approach

“Oral history refers to both a method of recording and preserving oral testimony and to the product of that process.”- Oral History Association (OHA)

• Form an advisory committee that oversees, documents project preparation, working methods and data generated

• Adopt “Best Practices for Oral History” established by OHA

1. Implement the use of three administrative forms:

1. Basic biographical information• Recording information• Oral history questionaire

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Implementing the idea• LHA has a very welcoming, home-like atmosphere

 • This and the inclusive culture of the LHA will be conducive to

making visitors feel at ease enough to participate in this self-directed oral history project 

 • Set up a recording station in a small room on 2nd floor - it's quiet

and private • Add a comfortable chair and a table

 • On table: work area to fill out interview forms, and a standing

external microphone attached to a digital audio recorder  • Exhibit some ephemera 

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Digital technology• One of several digital recorders

recommended by the OHA is the Tascam DR-100

• User-friendly: single use buttons and a USB connection to computer

• High quality audio at a mid-range price ($430)

• OHA recommends recording uncompressed wav files at a minimum of 16-bit/44.1KHz

•  External microphone recommended for highest quality recording

• Recorded files are saved on an SD memory card


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Funding• funding needed for this project would primarily be for the start-up

costs ($2000 or much less with some creativity)o purchasing furnitureo recording equipmento hard drives or server storage o additional computer, if necessary

 • minimal cost to maintain the project

 • LHA's mission states that they seek funding only from the lesbian

community that supports them  • Suggestion: hold a benefit event to raise the start-up funds  

 • We expect that the community would readily embrace this project

and anticipate that the necessary funds would be raised quickly

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Opportunities for Growth

- video oral histories:     - incorporating webcams     - user-generated content      - YouTube channel      

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Workshops- - partner with other gay and lesbian community centers and organizations - establish a consistent methodology and process for generating quality tapes

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- establish booths in other centers - organize booths at special events and conferences - expand the scope of the collection while sharing other resources.