The Incarnum Method Part 2, Domus Kaotica

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  • 7/28/2019 The Incarnum Method Part 2, Domus Kaotica


    THE INCARNUM METHOD part 2, Domus Kaotica; KHAOS, 156/663 Class AFrater Vertigo (-4)

    -Aly feel free to edit as you wish, my grammar is lousy as usual-

    Inkarnum Part 2: Finally!

    So i heard you liek inkarnum; here's some more for you all!It took a lot of time to me to finish up this thing: University has me hostage,and the economic prison is slowly but surelly trying to get a hold on me.But as long as i've got you all, i'm quite safe. Thank you all for the way you supported the first part of this work and, well, for being yourselves (lol XD).So, yeah, better late than never, let's do this: this essay talks about my latter experiments with the inkarnum methods and some things i overlooked last time.


    When i posted the first part of the inkarnum method, i didn't realize somethingthat was going to be really important while developing it further:In my essay i talked about the external inkarnum to be assorbed to reach your goal in very generic terms, like visualize the incarnum of X situation.External feedback made me realize that THERE was where the Spirit Model could have entered the Inkarnum Method with the full HONOR it deserved as such really qualifying Inkarnum for the title of Post-Meta-Paradigmal Technique.

    As a matter of fact it's obviously still possible (and very pratical) to obtainthe external energy you need for a khaomeld just with the usual , generic, method but nothing stops us from using ,IE, the specific energy of a Godform, Toughtform or Metafisical Concept (Like the Sephiroths).Doing this, i'll call Using a Filteror Filtering Inkarnum with (X) from now on, beaouse it's cool and appropriate.NOW obviously for doing this would be a good idea to be in good terms with the spirit you plan on using, and that brings back in inkarnum a lot of urban shamanism that was left behind last time!Obviously for us in the DKMU, filtering inkarnum with Doombringer, Trigag, Zalty, Ino or Ellis should be doable without great problems (you are allready on goodterms with them XD).You want other godforms? Just use whatever suits you, everything is true!

    I Tried it all with The Green Fairy of Absinthe, the Wicked Witch of the West and Frollo from the Hunchback of Notredame, and THE GODDAMN BATMAN and it seems toreally be working wonders (Frollo in particular i used to gain insight on the work of the authoryties here in my university, it's doing neat things!).

    Now What i sayd assumes you're using traditional godforms and spirits, associated with a certain character: anthropomorphic representations of energy (yeah a little like us , lol)But there are godforms that do not follow such a guideline and that aren't linkedto characters per se, but to Philosophical-Mystical Concepts (like sephiroths and qlipphots, or why not? Laws of physics! I CALL UPON THEE, THIRD LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS!) or Political Ideals(those capitalist swines...).

    Now, you can't be on good terms with something wich hasn't got a personality proper, or isn't anthropo or zoomorphic to begin with: for those things you''ll haveto tweak the rules.Being on good terms with something that's purelly conceptual just means to showa link to it.You want to filter your inkarnum with some nazi energy? Dress like a goddamn nazi, or read some passage from the mein kapf aloud just before doing your magick. Working with planets or sephiroths of astrological signs? Dress with something ofthe appropriate color and try to reach the right mindstate to link yourself to it (Sephiroths in particular ARE mindstates...).

  • 7/28/2019 The Incarnum Method Part 2, Domus Kaotica


    Wanna use laws of physics? Buy a goddamn textbook and do some exercises before starting your magick!It's really funny when you start to get it XD[on a side note: i look really badass dressed like a nazi XD]

    Naakil gives us another neat idea regarding the use of masks for invocations (and evocations? you be the judge)I tried it too both with enchanted phisical masks and with pure inkarnum ones. The latters are a little like invocations in themselves and as such are really good for great works.The formers? those can be proper instruments of art!!! If someone with a littlemore patience could come out with some good masks for our godforms to use on worldwide rituals, the WIN could be so much as to take physical form and pwn reality.

    PUFF!!! Instant Inkarnum!

    Sometimes you just need it: something allready there ready for you to use, to crawl out of a shitstorm or cause one with minimal warning (and extreme prejudice)or just to have a couple of tricks under your sleeve.

    This technique was developed with this in mind: One of inkarnum's strenght is the readyness with wich you can use it, but somethimes only the cartoon-like magickal formula to be uttered for having a result just manifest istantly cuts it. Here

    's how you do it with inkarnum (i guess you can use the same method with allmostany kind of ritual or meditation studied to reach a certain mindstate).

    You are at your home, quiet and relaxed, no crisis yet to be seen.You meld a khaomeld you guess that could be usefull to be istantly-used, takingall the time it takes and doing things as smoothly as possible.

    When the khaomeld is done, choose for it a word, a sound, a physical sensation or a sigil to trigger it.

    Repeat various times with the same Khaomeld: linking it again and again to the trigger (and making it all the more strong everytime you meld it! Woot!).

    When just repeating the mantra, or looking at the sigil, or esperiencing that certain physical sensation you chosed trigges the khaomeld for you, you've done it! Just remember to meld it every once in a while so that you subconscious doesn't forget it.

    Then when you're facing something that calls for it? You just let it go, it'll melds itself istantly.

    And that's Pavlov's dog and NLP applied to khaos. Awesome.

    Enchanting Objects with Inkarnum

    OOH yeah let's get to the Serious Buissness.This was one of those things that wh

    ere self-evidently GREAT from the first time i tought about them in relation with inkarnum.As a matter of fact every method i used in the past to enchant items seemed a little off to me, like when i charged my Ritual Sword: it was steamy hot for a little while then the effect waned.With inkarnum you can at least keep something Charged when you're allways keeping it on you: linking it to a node.So, here's how i do my Inkarnum enchanting:Use the basical technique regarding your personal inkarnum, but when you start channeling the external one, don't call anything strange: just use the Inkarnum o

  • 7/28/2019 The Incarnum Method Part 2, Domus Kaotica


    f the object you want to enchant, then either link the object to a node and keepit allways on you (IE: a ring, an amulet etc) or prepare a trigger as previously explained, so that everytime you need said enchanted oblect you just take it from where you keep it and trigger it anew.

    It' like scrolls wands and staffs from d&d 3.5, actually, it just have as many charges as you want it to.

    Alternativelly,you can bend a meld the usuall way, keeping it visualized, then take the oblect you want to enchant and build it with wisualization, as if it werea normal meld, watching it solidify in your mind and becoming exactly what it wasfrom the beginning. Then you take those two melds and you link them, so that toa meld on yourself corresponds a meld on the object (or to the object itself) soeverytime you use the first khaomeld you're using the object too: you don't even need to take it with you everytime this way!

    I don't think i need to expain to you the enormous amount of things you can do with both those methods; however i must say that i found Rings to be the most exploitable object of them all so far: they're just TOO handy!

    To help you understand the finest details of ring-enchanting, here's a little summary of the subnodes of the hands:

    Little Finger: It's Flexible, it moves and adapts so that you can get a solid ho

    ld of the object you want to use: it corresponds to the element of Water and youcan bind there melds for empaty and adaptability

    Inch: Opponsable, the stronger and bigger finger, makes Manuality possible and as such corresponds to the element of fire: creation, construction and destruction are ruled by the inch.Bind there melds for creativity, manuality, defense and destruction.

    Index Finger: Element of air, you use it to indicatesomething, bind here melds for giving a direction, and/or to govern or rule things.

    Ring Finger: hehehe, richness, material possession, element of earth

    Middle Finger: Spirit and equilibrium finger, the Assault on reality: give the world your middle finger! Meditation and altered states of consciousness are goodto bind here.

    Other Subnodes

    Shoulders: Litterally and figurativelly, they represent strenght, the ability tomove weight, manliness etc. Bind here things to help you face the problems of everyday life, to give you strenght or to protect you or who you love.

    Face: In theory it should be 3th node but as a matter of fact you can use it asa node onto itself. Bind here things to change the way you're perceived (inkarnum masks) or to make the others get your message. Communication, face value, publ

    ic relations.

    Toungue: Communication proper, glossolalia penthecost effect etc etc.

    An idea woth exploring: studying the various glands of the endocrine and nervoussystems and the various hormones those execrete and making khaomelds to have them execrete whatever at command.Also Biochemistry Magick could be a Superiour amount of win awesome and generalmass- PWNAGE.

  • 7/28/2019 The Incarnum Method Part 2, Domus Kaotica


    NEXT TIME:And now, Seriously: Khaos Qigong and Khaos Kaiki!!!(or a series of exercises that i use for my Manifestation of Glory)We talked about fisical, pratical everyday magick since now.It's now time to talk a little about how Inkarnum can help us with the Great Work.The next time i'll talk about how i took the better things out of qigong, martial arts, hawaiian shamanism, hypnosis and NLP and the newly born Inkarnum to helpme with the MoG.It'll take some time, i guess it'll be up after christmas and, if not, right formarch (exams.)

    until then have fun and post your feedback.

    Yours in Khaos, Frater Vertigo, 4th degree (Obliterati) DKMU