The Food Chain Story

The Food Chain Story BY Alexa

Transcript of The Food Chain Story

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The Food Chain Story

BY Alexa

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One day there was a hamster. It was eating some small herbs from the garden near the school. It was an herbivore. Many animals tend to eat there so it was no surprise, but then that day something changed and made a reaction, a chain reaction.

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There the hamster sat eating peacefully in the garden. All of a sudden a cat pounced up onto the ledge of the gardening box. Like I said there are usually animals that feast on our garden, but this cat was different than any other I had seen. It looked like it had not eaten in years. Then I realized cats are carnivores. The cat opened his mouth and ATE THE HAMSTER!

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I was surprised by what the cat had just done! Usually cats are fine with the other little creatures in the garden, but today was different.The cat had eaten the hamster. Once the cat finished eating his lunch, he jumped off the garden box and left. Never to be seen again.

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Then a few days later my friend Kiara saw the cat. She told me that a coyote was watching the cat as it went towards the woods of her house and that the coyote ran after the cat and pounced.She said before she could blink, the coyote had eaten the cat. Coyotes are omnivores.

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I went to Kiara’s house a few days later and we found the coyote--dead! It was just lying there. Then we saw scavengers, like hawks and birds, come down and eat the rest of its body. It was fascinating to see.

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We went inside because it was getting late. Kiara suggested that we check on it in the morning. So the next day I went over and we checked on the coyote. It was hardly visible!

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Then as we walked a little closer we saw decomposers on the coyote...well what was left of it. The decomposers had broke down the coyote’s body. By the end of the day all that was left was a little round place where the coyote had been.

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A few weeks later, at my school, I saw a new hamster eating at the garden.Then I realized that the chain would keep going. What chain you might ask? Well...The Food Chain.

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