The Digestive Organs of the Aleyonaria and their Relation to the … · 2006. 5. 20. · THE...

THE DIGESTIVE OBGA.NS OP THE ALOYONAE1A. 327 The Digestive Organs of the Aleyonaria and their Relation to the Mesoglceal Cell Plexus. By Edith M. Pratt, D.Sc.(Vict.). (With Plates 20—22.) CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION, with, observations on the anatomy and food of Alcy- onium, Sarcophyturn, Lobophytum, and Sclerophytum 328 THE ZOOIDS . . . . . . . . 329 Distinction between Zooids, Autozooids, and Siphonozooids. Tentacles; Pinnules ; Nematocysts. THK FOOD OF THE ALCYONAKIA . . . . . 330 Statement of our knowledge of the food of Aleyonaria. Investiga- tion of the nature of the food in tropical and British members of the family belonging to the genera mentioned in the Intro- duction. FEEDING EXPERIMENTS ON ALCYONIUM DIGITATUM . . 332 HISTOLOGY OP THE MOUTH DISC . . . . . 336 THE STOMOD^UM. Its histology and digestive function . . 336 THE SIPHONOGLYPH . . . . . . . 338 THE MESENTERIES . . . . . . . 339 Of Autozooids. Of Siphonozooids. THE MESENTERIAL FILAMENTS and their origin . . . 341 The Dorsal Mesenterial Filaments. The Ventral Mesenterial Filaments. Their histology in starved and well-fed zooids. Their digestive function. Intra-cellular digestion. Discus- sion of evidence in favour or otherwise of the occurrence of an intercellular digestion in other groups. The presence of an intercellular digestion in Aleyonaria demonstrated by feeding experiments on Alcyonium. Reduction in size of these filaments in tropical forms associated with the increased abundance of zoochlorellse. Probable symbiosis. VOL. 49, PART 2. NEW SERIES. 23

Transcript of The Digestive Organs of the Aleyonaria and their Relation to the … · 2006. 5. 20. · THE...


    The Digestive Organs of the Aleyonaria and theirRelation to the Mesoglceal Cell Plexus.

    ByEdith M. Pratt, D.Sc.(Vict.).

    (With Plates 20—22.)


    INTRODUCTION, with, observations on the anatomy and food of Alcy-onium, S a r c o p h y t u r n , L o b o p h y t u m , and S c l e r o p h y t u m 328

    T H E ZOOIDS . . . . . . . . 329

    Distinction between Zooids, Autozooids, and Siphonozooids.Tentacles; Pinnules ; Nematocysts.

    THK FOOD OF THE ALCYONAKIA . . . . . 330

    Statement of our knowledge of the food of Aleyonaria. Investiga-tion of the nature of the food in tropical and British membersof the family belonging to the genera mentioned in the Intro-duction.



    T H E STOMOD^UM. I ts histology and digestive function . . 336T H E SIPHONOGLYPH . . . . . . . 338

    T H E MESENTERIES . . . . . . . 339

    Of Autozooids. Of Siphonozooids.T H E MESENTERIAL FILAMENTS and their origin . . . 341

    The Dorsal Mesenterial Filaments. The Ventral MesenterialFilaments. Their histology in starved and well-fed zooids.Their digestive function. Intra-cellular digestion. Discus-sion of evidence in favour or otherwise of the occurrenceof an intercellular digestion in other groups. The presenceof an intercellular digestion in Aleyonaria demonstrated byfeeding experiments on A l c y o n i u m . Reduction in size ofthese filaments in tropical forms associated with the increasedabundance of zoochlorellse. Probable symbiosis.

    VOL. 4 9 , PART 2 . NEW SERIES. 2 3

  • 328 EDITH M. PRATT.


    ZoOCHLOBELLiE . . . . . . . 349

    T H E MjisoGUEAL CELL PLEXUS . . . . . 351

    The intimate connection between the plexus and endoderm, andits less intimate connection with ectoderm. The amoeboidcharacter of the so-called nerve-cells and fibrils composingthe plexus. I ts mulliple function.

    I N T R O D U C T J O N .

    THE research in connection with this paper is based upona study of a very comprehensive collection of specimens ofAlcyonaria from many localities, now in the possession of theVictoria University of Manchester, and kindly placed at mydisposal by Professor Hickson. This includes Mr. J. Stanley-Gardiner's excellently preserved collections from the Ma]diveIslands and Puna Futi respectively; Dr. Willey's collectionfrom New G-uinea, New Britain, and Lifu; Professor Haddon'scollection from Torres Straits; Mr. Gilchrist's collectionfrom the Cape of Good Hope; and Professor Herdman'scollection from Ceylon. I have compared the results of myinvestigations on these forms with a study of the Britishrepresentative of the family Alcyonium dig i ta tum in theliving as well as the preserved condition.

    In two former papers (1903, 1905) I have described thegeneral anatomy and relationships of Alcyonium, Sarco-phytum, Lobophytum, and the new genus Sclero-phytum. The present paper is devoted to a more detailedaccount of the minute anatomy of the digestive organs, andrecords an attempted investigation of the physiology ofdigestion in these genera.

    Little is known of the food supply and mode of digestionin the Alcyonaria, and, as the accounts in other groups arevery conflicting, experimental evidence has beeu sought inthe hope of obtaining enlightenment as to the nature of thefood supply, the physiology of digestion, and the distributionof nutriment in this family. During the spring of 1902 and


    1903 numerous feeding experiments were carried out at thebiological station of Port Erin on the British Alcyon iumd i g i t a t u m . These yielded very interesting results whichare briefly described.1

    I have examined the plexus of mesoglceal cells ofAlcyonium, hitherto regarded as a nerve plexus, in theliving as well as in the preserved condition, and after a carefulcomparison with other Alcyonaria, have come to the conclusionthat it can be no longer regarded as a differentiated nerve-plexus. We have at the present time no experimentalevidence of the existence of a specialised nervous system inthe Alcyonaria,


    In form, and to a very considerable extent also in structure,a zooid of the mouomorphic Alcyonium is very similar to afully-developed autozooid of the dimorphic Sa rcophy tumand Lobophytum.

    The zooids vary considerably in size. As they are extremelycontractile it is frequently impossible to form any true con-ception of their actual size from preserved specimens. Formsinhabiting tropical waters, however, frequently have smallerand fewer zooids than their relations in temperate seas.The fully expanded living zooids of Alcyonium d i g i t a t u mare usually very different in form, size, and apparent structurefrom those in the preserved condition.

    A fully-expanded living zooid of Alcyonium d i g i t a t u mfrequently measures from 6 — 9 mm. across the crownof tentacles, and the anthocodia often attains a length offrom 10—12 mm. The tentacles are from 3—6 mm., and thepinnules about "5 mm. in length.

    1 These experiments have been repeated on several Alcyonaria, includingCorallium rubrum, and in Actinians, including Anemonia sulcata,at the Zoological Station at Naples during the month of April, 1905. Theresults of these experiments confirm the observations recorded in the presenpaper.

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    In all expanded zooids grooves occur between the bases ofthe tentacles (fig. 3) ; they probably serve for the escape ofwaste fluid and solid matters.

    In all the genera the tentacles and pinnules are hollowwhen expanded. The surface of the latter is dotted withinnumerable excrescences, which are due to the presence ofbatteries of cnidoblasts, each battery in Alcyonium digi-t a tum contains some hundreds of these cells, bufc they arenot usually so numerous in tropical members of the family.

    In Alcyonium, Sarcophytum, and Lobophytuin thetentacles are fringed laterally with a single row of pinnules.In the genus Sc le rophy tum the tentacles of some specieshave one row, and others (Scl. capi ta le and palmatum)have two, while those of the genus Xenia, according toAshworfch, have three rows of pinnules.

    The tentacles and pinnules are apparently shortest inSc le rophytum and longest in Alcyonium, although it isextremely difficult to form an opinion as to their exact sizefrom a study of preserved material alone.


    In consequence of the many difficulties which attend thephysiological investigation of the food supply and mode ofnutrition in this family, little systematic work on this subjecthas hitherto been attempted. The accounts of the digestiveprocesses in other groups of the coelentrates are also veryconflicting.

    Milne-Edwards and Wilson maintain that digestion inthe Alcyonaria is intra-cellular, while Hickson states thatthe food is acted upon by a digestive secretion before it isingested by the cells lining the digestive tract, i.e. an inter-cellular digestion occurs in Alcyonaria as well as an in t r a -cellular digestion.

    In an investigation of the physiological processes of diges-tion it is necessary that the study of the minute anatomy of


    digestive organs should be very largely supplemented by ob-servations of the actual digestive processes in living zooids."Alcyon ium d i g i t a t u i n " 1 provides an excellent subjectfor the study, for not only is- it easily obtainable, but thetransparent nature of the body walls of the arthocodiaaenables one to observe many of the stages in the digestion offood within the living zooid, especially if brightly-colouredfood material be employed. To obtain a suitable food whichcould be stained by an innocuous colouring matter was found,however, to be no easy task. It is well known that foodmaterial has very seldom been observed in the zooids in col-lections of preserved material, while in tropical forms it hasrarely, if ever, been seen, even in living specimens. In thehope of obtaining some information as to the natural food ofthe Alcyonaria, some hundreds of autozooids of genera frommany localities (including the tropics) were examined, butfood was observed only in very few instances in the ccelentera.It then consisted of small partially-digested masses of organicmatter, containing fragments of minute Crustacea, zoochlorellse,and portions of algal filaments, the last-named, however, wereapparently unaffected by a digestive ferment.

    Several freshly-captured specimens of Alcyonium d ig i -t a t u m were examined, but with the exception of the occur-rence of a few fragmentary copepods the coelentera of thezooids were invariably empty. Certain feeding operations onthis form were then attempted, which were at first abortive,but finally successful. These experiments were carried outin the laboratory of the Biological Station at Port Erin whereI was successful in keeping colonies of this species for a con-siderable time under healthy conditions.

    1 Corallium rubrum was found to be equally suitable for this purpose,and yielded identical results.

  • 332 EDITH M. PRATT.



    Several freshly taken and apparently healthy specimensof Alcyonium were placed in wooden tanks, through whicha gentle bub constant stream of f i l te red sea water wasrunning. Conditions of light and temperature were carefullyobserved and maintained as nearly normal as possible; thetemperature of the water in the tanks never fell more thantwo degrees below, and never exceeded that of the sea.

    Several colonies were also kept in tanks of unf i l t e redsea water and submitted to the same treatment.

    At the end of forty-eight hours most of the zooids of allthe colonies were seen with their tentacles completelyextended, and were found to be vei*y sensitive to contact.

    A fairly well-grown colony was transferred from filteredsea water to a glass vessel containing a concentrated surfacetow netting consisting chiefly of Nauplii, small Copepods,Daphnids, and Diatoms. The colony quickly recovered fromthe transference, and, at the end of half an hour, the ten-tacles, with their delicate fringes of pinnules, were againextended.

    A nauplinSj actively swimming so near a tentacle as tolightly brush against the pinnules, was instantly captured bythem and paralysed by the innumerable poisoned threads ofthe nematocysts, and in a very short time the surface of thetentacles was dotted with hundreds of paralysed Nauplii andCopepods. Occasionally a tentacle would curl inwards anddeposit its captured prey within the mouth. Usually, how-ever, the zooids, with tentacles outspread, remained expandedfor quite an hour, then the colony slowly contracted, and, atthe end of a second hour, all the zooids were withdrawnbelow the surface.

    Fifteen hours later the zooids began to slowly expand, and,when expansion was almost complete, the colony was fixed


    and preserved by a fairly hot 7 per cent, aqueous solution offormalin.1

    After fixing, the colony was submitted to microscopicexamination, when minute fragments of Nauplii, of chitinouscases of Copepods and Daphnids were seen to be partially,and in some cases completely extruded from several zooids.Comparatively large specimens of Daphnids and Copepods(Cyclops, etc.) were observed in the ccelentera of severalzooids, enfolded and supported by the mesenterial filaments.

    The Crustacea which had not been swallowed were foundto be excellently preserved by formalin, but the specimensobserved in the coelentera of the zooids were generally fouudto exhibit unmistakable signs of disintegration. In manycases the empty chitinous shell of a Daphnid still supportedby the mesenterial filaments was apparently complete.

    I have observed no instance of the ingestion by thefilaments of any Copepod, or other fairly large form of preyin a complete state. In many cases the filaments weredistended with food material, which, however, was alwaysobserved to be in a finely divided condition.


    In a second experiment colonies of Alcyonium wereconfined in running filtered sea water for twenty-four hours.Ripe ova of the flounder were then gently placed upon theextended tentacles, and were immediately enfolded by them.In a few cases only, however, were they swallowed. Usuallythey were grasped tightly by the tentacles for about a minuteand then released. Ova of the plaice, whiting, and codwere substituted with the same result. Believing the ova tobe too large to pass through the mouth, extremely smallembryos of the crab " G a l a t h e a " were offered. Thesewere eagerly taken, enfolded by the tentacles, and afterwards

    1 Tliis method of fixing, recommended to me by Mr. J. T. Wadsworth, ofthe Victoria University of Manchester, yielded excellent results for histo-logical purposes.

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    rejected in exactly the same way. The zooids, therefore,exercise considerable choice in the selection of food.

    Colonies confined in unfiltered sea water for the sameperiod also refused to feed on fish ova.

    An ovum of the plaice which had been swallowed by azooid was kept under observation for several hours. Thecomparatively hard shell of the egg remained rounded andapparently intact, but the yolk rapidly became reduced inquantity, and, after five hours, had almost completely dis-appeared, the egg case being still grasped by the ventralmesenterial filaments. From these experiments it is evidentthat by some means large food bodies are either broken upinto small particles, or at least partially dissolved, in thecoelentera before ingestiou by the mesenterial filaments.


    In a third feeding experiment a fairly solid homogenousjelly was obtained by pounding the flesh of the whiting. Avery small portion of this gently brought in contact with apinnule was immediately seized, transferred to the mouth bythe tentacles, and slowly swallowed. Other colonies whichhad been kept without food for thirty hours in filtered seawater partook of the food with equal avidity. The poundedflesh of cod, flounder, and plaice were also substituted forwhiting, and proved equally acceptable to the zooids.

    In order to observe the course of the food within thezooids, the flesh of the fish before pounding was brightlystained by a dilute solution of borax carmine, and afterwardscarefully washed in running sea water. The colonies werefound to feed with equal avidity on the coloured fish food.

    When the colonies were expanded the course of the foodcould be easily observed through the transparent body wallof the zooids (figs. 2 and 3 illustrate the seizing and swallow-ing of food, which, on entering the ccelenteron, is graspedand squeezed by the ventral mesenterial filaments, andrapidly disappears). On microscopical examination the foodwas found to be ingested in such quantity by the filaments as


    to materially increase their size and to impart to them a redcolour (figs. 2—4). The dorsal filaments were observed totake no part in the digestive function.1

    This particular colony was fed five times between 11 a.m.and 7.30 p.m., and was then fixed and preserved in a fairlyexpanded condition (fig. 1) by the hot formalin method. Allthe colonies which had been fed with the coloured fish foodwere found to be in a healthy conditiou at the end of theexperiments, which lasted fourteen days.

    Several colonies, kept in tanks of running but un f i l t e redsea water, were submitted to the same treatment. Afterthree days the anthocodise of these colonies were observedto be slightly swollen, and were apparently less sensitive tocontact than their neighbours in filtered sea water, and,although expanded, refused to feed. The swollen conditionincreased; on the sixth day the colonies were fully twicetheir former size, and were found to be almost insensible tocontact. Preserved sections of these colonies were found tobe quite useless for histological purposes.

    Iu his account of the Oban Pennatulida,Marshall (1882)remarks upon the swollen condition and loss of sensitivepower of specimens in captivity, and states that, as thePennatulids inhabit deep water, the swollen condition is dueto a difference in pressure. All the specimens of Alcyoniumwhich exhibited this condition, however, were taken fromshallow water, many of the colonies being exposed at lowtide, while three specimens from forty fathoms, and kept infiltered sea water, remained in a normal condition for severaldays. The swollen and insensible condition in Alcyon iumis doubtless pathological, and is quite independent of eitherincrease or decrease in pressure.2

    1 By feeding greenish-brown specimens of Anemoiiia sulcata oncarminedfish food they gradually acquired a pinkish hue, which at the end of fourteendays was intense. The specimens apparently suffered no inconveniencefrom this mode of diet, and seemed to be quite healthy and vigorous at theconclusion of the experiment.

    5 W. May (1899, p. 44) describes a new species of Clavularia, which lienames C. inflata because of its swollen and bloated appearance. As it

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    A few colonies confined in filtered sea water for seven dayswithout food were fixed and preserved for comparison withwell-fed colonies.


    The histology of the mouth disc closely resembles that ofthe stomodfeum (figs. 5 and 6), from which it differs in thatthe ectoderm is slightly thinner. It differs from that of thetentacles and general ectoderm in the scarcity of nemato-cysts, and in the presence of numerous granular gland cellssimilar to those of the stomodeeurn and mesenterial filaments.


    In Alcyonium, and in all other Alcyonaria, with theexception of Xenia, the function of the stomodseum has beenbelieved to be limited to the conveyance of food material tothe coelenteron; it has therefore not been considered aportion of the digestive tract.

    The stomodaeum of zooids, which had been fed just beforefixing and preserving, apparently contained no gland cells ofany description, but in starved zooids the stomodaeum showeda considerable number of gland cells with granular contentsidentical with cells occurring in the mouth disc and ventralmesenteriul filaments (figs. 5 and 6). These cells are veryclearly indicated in sections from 2—4^ in thickness, stainedwith iron brazilin, when the granules become intensely black.

    From the presence of gland cells in the stomodaeum ofstarved zooids, and their apparent absence iu recently fedzooids, it may be assumed that the food has received asecretion from the cells, in its passage through the stomo-da3um. (Reference is again made to the subject of secretionin connection with the description of the gland cells of themesenterial filaments, pp. 342—345.)

    appears to agree with C. viridis in every other respect, however, it cannotbe regarded as a distinct species.


    In the presence of gland cells in the stomodaeum Alcyo-nium resembles Xenia. The cells, however, differ fromthose described by Ashworth, 1898, in that genus, in formand in their granular character. In Xenia they are swollen,flask-shaped, and, according to Ashworth, give rise to araucous secretion. As I have observed both mucous andgranular gland cells in the stomodseuni of every species ofSarcophytum (fig. 5), Lobophytum, and Sclerophytum(fig. 6) which I have examined they doubtless occur through-out the family.

    Gland cells occur in the stomodeeum of several Zoantharia,and have been described in Flabellum by Stanley Gardiner(1902), and in Masandrina by Duerden (1903). The cellsdiffer slightly in shape and size in the two groups of Ccslen-trates, but doubtless have the same function.

    In several members of the Zoantharia the stoinodasal ecto-derm is raised into ridges at the insertion of the mesenteries,where in Mseandrina it differs in character from the thinnerectoderm between the ridges. In all the members of theAlcyonaria which I have had the opportunity of examining,the ectoderm of the stomodasum, though usually convolutedin the preserved condition is similar in character and ofapparent uniform thickness throughout, no thickenings beingapparent at the insertion of the mesenteries.

    The stomodasal ectoderm of Alcyoniurn, Sarcophyturn(fig. 5), Lobophyturn, and Sclerophytum (fig. 6) is madeup histologically of the following elemental cells, which occurin varying proportions, the relative abundance of granulargland cells being in many cases dependent on the conditionof the zooids with regard to the supply of food material:

    (a) Granu la r g l a n d cells, usually irregular in shape, andcontaining a varying number of rounded granules, whichbecome intensely black when subjected to stains containingiron. These cells are histologically identical with thegranular gland cells of the mouth disc and mesenterialfilaments. Their function is discussed on pp. 343—345.

    (b) Mucous g land cells with deeply staining nuclei.

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    Each cell contains also a delicate reticuluni of protoplasmand a deeply staining mucous secretion, which occupies themiddle and upper portion of the cell, often in the form of adense deeply staining reticulum. The secretion in somecases may be seen exuding through the outer wall into thestomodasum. In some instances the cells are almost empty.The mucous cells appear to be more numerous in tropical(figs. 5 and 6) forms than in the British species.

    (c) NematoCysts, similar to those occurring in the ten-tacles, are frequently imbedded in the outer ectoderm.

    (d) Sc l e rob la s t s with minute spicules are occasionallyobserved, but are never numerous.

    (e) Columnar cells, usually with a single flagellum,more or less fill up the spaces between the superficial cells.

    (/) I n t e r s t i t i a l cells, more deeply seated than any ofthe above-mentioned cells, are of varying shape, and maygive rise to any of the superficial forms of cell.

    (g) S t e l l a t e cells, with long processes, are often attachedto interstitial and other cells. They often extend into thernesogloea, and have been described as nerve cells, and theprocesses as nerve fibrils. They have not, however, beenexperimentally shown to be nervous in function, but areidentical in form, and probably also in function, with certainstellate cells which occur in the mesogloea (pp. 351—356), andare probably not ectodermic in origin.


    The siphonoglyph extends through the entire length of thestomodasum in Alcyonium, Sarcophy turn, Lobophy turn,and Sclerophyturn, and is apparently lined throughoutwith flagella of uniform size.

    The stomodffium of Xenia, Ashworth (1898, p. 443), isdescribed as having a well-marked siphonoglyph, in whichonly the cells of the lower third bear long flagella. InLemnal ia (Bourne, 1900, p. 532) the siphonoglyph is presentas a shallow ciliated gutter, but in some cases entirely


    disappears, the epithelium of the sfcotnodaaum being thenciliated and of the same character throughout. Bourneregards this as a primitive condition from which the siphono-glyph has been derived. In his account of the siphonoglyphin Alcyonaria (1883, p. 699) Hickson states that the tendencyof dimorphic forms is to throw the siphonic function upon thesiphonizooids, and to eliminate it from the autozooids.

    The siphonoglyphs of the autozooids are not so pronouncedin the dimorphic Sarcophytum and Lobophytum as inSclerophytum and the zooids of Alcyonium. In Scl.h i r t u m the flagella of the siphonoglyph are fully -03 mm. inlength. In the siphonozooids of well-marked dimorphicgenera the siphonoglyphs are very large, but are absent inthe degenerate siphonozooids of Sclerophytum.


    The mesenteries have the same fundamental structurethroughout the Alcyonaria. Hickson's description (1895 and1900) of the mesenteries of Alcyonium will apply withcertain modifications to the zooids of monomorphic, and tothe autozooids of dimorphic forms. The ventral mesenteriesof the siphonozooids of the latter are extremely small, andeven in well-marked cases of dimorphism seldom projectbeyond the lower end of the stomodaeum. In some species ofSc le rophy tum they are so minute in the siphonozooids asto be almost unrecognisable as such; while in other speciesof this genus they may be entirely absent (Pratt, 1903, p.531):

    In the autozooids of Sa rcophy tum the mesenteries arerelatively larger than in Lobophy tum and Alcyonium.In Sclerophy t am they are usually smaller and more feeblydeveloped. The extreme prominence of the mesenteries inSa rcophy tum is due to the presence of mesogloeal thicken-ings near the free edge, which, when examined with lowpowers of the microscope, have the appearance of enor-mous mesentorial filaments. The thickenings, however, are

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    due to a localisation of mesoglceal tissue alone (fig. 12),and in cross section have a rounded appearance. Thethickenings vary in different species, in " S. e h r e n b e r g i "they are "05 mm. in diameter, in " S . g l a u c u m " "03 mm.They occur also in Xenia (Ashworth, 1898), but are muchmore feebly developed. They probably serve as additionalsupports to the autozooids when in an expanded condition.

    The muscula ture is typically Alcyonarian, but is muchmore strongly developed in the dimorphic Sa rcophy tumand Lobophytum than in Sc lerophytum. In Alcyo-nium it is usually well marked, but is more strongly developedin the British species "A. d i g i t a t u i n " than in the tropical" A . pachyclados ." As in Alcyonium the retractormuscles are much larger than the protractors. The pleatingof the mesogloea varies according to the development of themuscles. In Sarcophytum, Lobophytum, and Alcyo-nium the folds are numerous and very prominent, inSc le rophy tum they are smaller and vary in size indifferent species. In the species " S c l . pal ma t u r n " and"Sc l . c a p i t a l e " they are not numerous, but are fairlylarge, but in the species " S c l . po lydac ty lum " and "Sc l .g a r d i n e r i " the folds are very few and extremely small.The musculature of the mesenteries is more strongly developedin the upper than in the lower portions of the zooids. Inthe genus Sc le rophytum it seldom extends below theterminal portion of the stomodasum. The musculature of themesenteries of the siphonozooids is always feebly developed,as these individuals are only very slightly contractile. Inthe siphonozooids of Sc l e rophy tum it is entirely absent.

    In the Alcyonaria the stomodasurn is continuous with themesenteries. Of the three layers which compose the stomo-dseum, only the endoderm and mesogloea are continuous withthe ventral mesenteries. There can be no doubt of thetermination of the ectodermic epithelium of the stomodseumat its aboral opening (fig. 8). Further reference is made tothis fact (pp. 341 and 342).



    E. B. Wilson (1884, p. 12) has shown that the dorsalmesenterial filaments have almost precisely the same structurethroughout the Alcyonaria. As they are fully described, andtheir ectodermic origin established by him, it is necessary toadd but little to his excellent account of these structures.

    Throughout the family these filaments are very long. Inthe siphonozooids of well-marked dimorphic genera they areproportionately very much longer and more strongly markedthan the ventral filaments, and are proportionately less pro-nounced in the autozooids.

    In his account of the mesenterial filaments of the Alcyo-naria B. B. Wilson (1884, p. 22) states:

    "There can be no doubt that the compound Alcyonaria arederived from solitary forms, which probably possessed eightsimilar filaments, each consisting of an ectodermic circulatorypart and an entodermic digestive part. As the colony-form-ing habit became established, bringing with it the need forspecialised organs of circulation, a physiological division oflabour took place among the filaments. In the dorsal pairthe ectodermic part gradually supplanted the entodermic,while the reverse process took place in the other six." Hefurther states that we have no embryological evidence of this,but suggests that the portion of the ectoderm (ect.) of thestomodasum which is in immediate continuity with the ventralmesenteries probably represents the original ectodermic partof the ventral filament.

    A study of vertical sections of the stomodasum shows (fig.8) this ectodermal tissue {ect.) to be the ectoderm of thelower end of the stomodseum which has become fused withthe mesenteries. Between the mesenteries the ectodermbecomes thinner towards the free edge, and is identical inevery sense with that portion which has fused with themesenteries.

  • 342 EDITH M. PRATT.

    We have, therefore, no evidence in favour of Wilson'shypothesis of an ancestral ideutity of form, origin, andmultiple function of the dorsal and ventral mesenterialfilaments.

    The ven t r a l m e s e n t e r i a l f i l amen t s of the Alcyonariaexhibit considerably more variety in form, size, and, to acertain extent, in structure than do the dorsal filaments.

    In his account of the anatomy of Ccenopsammia StanleyGardiner (1900) maintains that the mesenterial filaments,together with the stomodaeum, are ec tode rmic in origin inthat form, and says :

    "The stomodseutn of the Zoantharia, and necessarily alsoof Alcyonai-ia, is not comparable to the stomodaeum of theTriploblastica, but rather is, with the mesenterial filaments,the homologue of the whole gut. The so-called endoderm,giving rise to the muscular bands and generative organs, andperforming also the excretory functions, is then homologouswith the mesoderm of Triploblastica. In the terms of thelayer theory, of whatever value it may be, the Actinozoonpolyp must then be regarded as also a Triploblastic formhaving ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm."

    B. B. Wilson (1884, p. 7) states in the development ofF u n i c u l i n a that the ventral mesenterial filaments arisequite independently of the stomodseum, and are e n d o -dermio in origin. What Wilson has shown for F u n i c u l i n amay be true of other Alcyonaria. I have already shown(fig. 8) that the ectoderm terminates with the aboral openingof the stomodseum in the adult condition, and only themesoglcaal and endodermal tissues are continued downwardsinto the mesenteries. Yet a histological study of the mouthdisc, stomodaeum, and ventral mesenterial filaments in severalmembers of the family reveals many points of similarity, ifnot identity, in their elemental constitution. Both granularand mucous gland cells, as well as nematocysts, occur in allthese structures.

    Milne-Edwards in 1835 was the first to attribute a digestivefunction to the mesenterial filaments of the Alcyonaria. The


    presence of glaod cells in the ventral mesenterial filaments ofParalcyonium was first observed by Wilson, 1884, whostates that they are similar to those observed by the Hertwigsin the Actinians. He also describes the occurrence ofingested foreign bodies in the filaments.

    Hickson (1895, p. 367) described two kinds of gland cellsin the ventral filaments of Alcyonium digitatum, onekind being large, unciliated, and deeply staining with hasma-toxylin, the other consisting of elongated columnar cellsfilled with numerous minute granules. He further states(1901, p. 12) that the function of the ventral filaments is tosecrete a digestive juice upon particles of food which havepassed through the stomodseum.

    J. Stanley Gardiuer (1900 and 1902) describes the occur-rence of granular and mucous cells in the mesenterial fila-ments of the Madreporaria, and in his description ofFlabellum says :—" Every stage of ingestion and protrusionof foreign matter could be seen in the swollen-out endodermalbases of the mesenterial filaments, but elsewhere was notobserved. The storing up of round, fat globules, not only inthe endoderni at the bases of the mesenterial filaments, butanywhere in the endoderm, indicates that there must be atrue digestion—due to the secretion of the gland cells of themesenterial filaments—and absorption over the whole endo-derm, as well as ingestion at the bases of the filaments. Noabsorption would, however, seem to occur in the mesenterialfilaments, the concentration of fat, etc., in the endoderm attheir bases being correlated with this."

    The Zoantharia are well known to be widely separatedgenetically from the Alcyonaria. Nevertheless, the record ofthe secretion of a digestive juice is of great importance, forin a recent publication Mesnil (1902) states that digestion inthe Actinians is entirely intra-cellular, and denies theoccurrence of an inter-cellular digestion in the group.This statement is based on the result of a number of experi-ments of a chemico-biological character.

    On comparing sections of the ventral filaments of recently-VOL. 4 9 , PART 2 , NJSW SERIES, 2 4

  • 344 KDLTH M. PRATT.

    fed zooids with similar sections of starved zooids, a con-siderable amount of histological difference was observed(figs. 9 -11) .

    The filaments of starved zooids were densely crowded withgland cells containing numerous rounded granules, whichbecame so intensely black on staining with iron brazilin andiron bsematoxylin, that their histological structure could onlybe observed in very thin sections (3—5 JU). Each gland cellwas then seen to contain a deeply-seated nucleus and adelicate reticulum of protoplasm, in which the granules areimbedded. The gland cells near the surface of the filamentusually contain more granules than the younger more deeply-seated cells (fig. 10). It is worthy of note that the granulesand ingested food matter have not been observed together inthe same cell.

    G-land cells identical in structure, aud, doubtless, also infunction, have also been observed in the stomodasum andmouth disc.

    A few mucous cells are interspersed between the granulargland cells and amoeboid endoderm cells.

    Sections from 15—20 ju in thickness were cut through thefilaments, distended with carmined fish food (fig. 4), andmicroscopically examined without staining. The food wasobserved to be ingested in an amoeboid manner by the endo-derm cells covering the filaments (fig. 9). Particles of foodwere observed in the act of ingestion (/./.), and particles ofwaste matter were also seen to be extruded from the cells

    Within the cells the food material quickly became enve-loped in food vacuoles, and speedily disintegrated; the redcolour disappeared, and the process of digestion was appa-rently completed.

    Similar sections were also stained with iron brazilin andexamined in the same way. These were found to containnumerous gland cells, which were either empty or containedonly a few granules (fig. 11).

    From the feeding experiments the following facts are


    gleaned, which have an important bearing on the question ofthe occurrence of an inter-cellular digestion in Alcyonium :

    1. Large food bodies are rapidly broken up into smallparticles, and in some cases apparently acted upon by somedigestive ferment in the coelentera of the zooids before theyare ingested by the ventral mesenterial filaments.

    2. The mesenterial filaments of hungry zooids are crowdedwith gland cells containiug numerous granules.

    3. These gland cells also occur in the stomodteum andmouth disc of hungry zooids.

    4. The mesenterial filaments of zooids immediately afterfeeding contain very few granular gland cells in which thegranules are numerous, many cells contain very few granules,and several gland cells are empty.

    5. The stomodseum and mouth disc of zooids immediatelyafter feeding are usually devoid of granular gland cells.

    The only inference to be drawn from a consideration ofthese facts is that the gland cells of recently-fed zooids havepoured on to the food, during its passage through thestomodteum and envelopment by the filaments, a digestivesecretion, which has brought about its disintegration andpartial solution before its ingestion by the mesenterial fila-ments. Therefore, we have evidence in the Alcyonaria, as inthe Madreporaria, of an inter-cellular digestion by the secre-tion of a digestive fluid into the coelentera of the zooids, aswell as an intra-cellular digestion which occurs throughoutthe Coelenterates.

    I have already drawn attention to the fact that foodmaterial is seldom observed in the coelentera of the zooids inAlcyonaria (p. 331). This is especially the case with regardto tropical forms, and has been commented upon by severalauthors (p. 347).

    Histologically, the stomodEeum and ventral mesenterialfilaments differ to

  • 346 EDITH M. PBATT.

    tion. In these forms mucous gland cells are extremelynumerous in the stomodseum (figs. 5 and 6).

    In tropical forms the mesenterial filaments are frequentlysmall compared with those of colonies inhabiting temperatewaters. This is particularly noteworthy in the tropicalspecimens of Alcyonium pachyc lados . In specimensfrom the Cape which have been attributed to this species themesenterial filaments are fairly well developed, but iu coloniesfrom the Maldive Islands they are either extremely small orentirely absent. The enormous size of the filaments inSarcophytum I have shown to be entirely due to thethickening of the mesoglcea of the mesentery near the freeedge (fig. 12), and cannot in any sense be regarded as anincrease of digestive surface. In many cases of this genusthe mesenterial filaments are small compared with those ofthe British genus (figs. 10 and 12), and contain few granulargland cells.1

    The filaments are apparently larger in Sarcophytumglaucum than in any other species, but it is to be regrettedthat several specimens are not sufficiently well preserved forthe study of the histology of the filaments; when gland cellsare present they are similar to those of Alcyonium (fig. 10),and doubtless fulfil the same function.

    The mesenterial filaments of Sarcophytum latum closelyresemble those of Lobopliy turn, but as this species resem-bles L o b o p h y t u m in several other respects (Pratt, 1903)it should henceforth be included in this genus.

    These filaments in Lobophy tum are more like those ofthe British form than any other tropical genus in the collec-tion. They are, however, smaller than in our species ofAlcyonium, and it is interesting to note that zoochlorellasare by no means numerous.

    The ventral filaments of Sc lerophytum vary considerablyin different species (cf. Table, Pratt, 1903, p. 531). They are

    1 The scarcity of granular gland cells in the mesenterial filament (fig. 13) isnot to be confused with the empty condition of these cells in Alcyoniumafter feeding (fig. 11).


    smaller than in Lobophy tum, and in some cases their pre-sence is extremely doubtful.1 They differ from those ofS a r c o p h y t n m a n d L o b o p h y t u m i n that they are frequentlycrowded with zoochlorellse, and from the latter genus also inthat granular gland cells are very scantily distributed (fig.13̂ Scl. cap i t a l e ) . Fragments of zoochlorellae sometimesoccur in the filaments, and there is little doubt that thesecells are digested by the zooids. I have examined severalspecimens of the species of this genus, and have been unableto find other food material in the coelentera, or in an ingestedcondition in the mesentevial filaments. The scarcity or com-plete absence of food material in the coelentera of tropicalcorals is well known (p. 331), and has been commented uponby Hickson for H y d r o c o r a l l i n e s , by Hickson, Bourne,Fowler, and DuerdenforMadrepoi'aria. Brandt and Hicksonsuggest that zoochlorellas contribute nutriment in a state ofsolution to the corals in a mature condition.

    After experimenting on E a d i o l a r i a and AnemonesFamintzin (1891) maintains that these cells can only affordnutriment to the animals by the actual digestion of their tissues.

    Gamble and Keeble (1903) have experimented on Con-v o l u t a roscof fens is , a Tui'bellarian which contains greencells in great abundance. They find that Convo lu t a feedsvoraciously from the time of hatching to the period ofmaturity when it adopts a new mode of nutrition, and " de-rives all its food directly from the green cells by digestingthem, and possibly also indirectly by extricating plasticnutriment from them." Dr. Gamble informs me that sincethe publication of this paper he has obtained evidence infavour of the last supposition.

    The foregoing comparative description of the histology ofthe genera Alcyon ium, Lobophyturn , and Sis-l^rophy-tum indicates a r e d u c t i o n of t h e d i g e s t i v e su r faceof the a u t o z o o i d s in t r op i ca l forms a s soc ia t ed

    1 In a specimen of Scl. Gardineri ventral mesenterial Blaments wereabsent iu many mature autozooids, but extremely small ones were observedin the case of young zooids.

  • 348 EDITH M. PKATT.

    wi th a co r r e spond ing increase in number of zoo-chlorellas,1 and may be summarised as follows :

    1. The ventral mesenterial filaments of Lobophytummore closely resemble those of the British Alcyonium, andare only slightly reduced. Food material has been observed inthe ccelentera of this genus. Zoochlorellae are never numerous.

    2. In S a r c o p h y t u m the mesenteries are modified byrnesoglceal thickening near the free edge, but the filamentsare smaller than those of Lobophy tum, and are providedwith few gland cells. Zoochlorellc© are fairly numerous.

    3. The filaments of the tropical species of A lcyon iumare extremely small, and contain few gland cells. Foodmaterial was not observed. Zoocblorellas are very numerous.

    4. The ventral mesenterial filaments in Sc l e rophy tum areeither very small or entirely absent.2 When present, glandcells are so few in number that their physiological functionmust be extremely limited (fig. 13). No foreign foodmaterial was observed. Zoochlorellse are extremely numerous.

    From the comparatively small number of zooids in Sc le ro-phytum and the minute size of the tentacles it is obviousthat the amount of food captured by the latter must be ex-tremely small and totally inadequate to supply the growingneeds of a colony. Furthermore the minute mesenterial fila-ments— (the degenerate representatives of the principalorgans of digestion in the British Alcyonium)—and thestomodeeum are together incapable of digesting a sufficientamount of food to serve for the nutrition of an entire colony.

    I have already experimentally shown (p. 332) that the naturalfood of the British A lcyon ium appears to consist chiefly ofsmall living Crustacea, which, captured by the long and ex-tremely contractile tentacles, are paralysed by the poisonedthreads of innumerable nematocysts before being swallowed.The absence oE food in many tropical Alcyonaria may be

    1 A short, account of the zoochlorellse in Alcyonaria-, their nutritivefunction and geographical distribution is appended, p. 349.

    Ashworth (1898) states that Xenia Hicksoni from North Celebeslias no mesenterial filaments.


    attributed to the degeneration of the zooids, which appear tohave not only lost the power of capturing living prey but alsoof killing and digesting it.

    I have already shown that zoochlorellse are most numerousin the genus Sclerophyturu , in which the reduction of thedigestive surface reaches its extreme limit. It thereforeseems very possible that these algal cells indirectly contributenutriment in a soluble condition to the corals they inhabit; aswell as directly by their actual digestion. This matter isfurther discussed in the following portion of the paper devotedto the description of the structure and function of the zoo-chlorellee.


    I have already described the occurrence and relativeabundance of these algal cells in Sarcophytum, Lobo-phytum, and Sclerophytura (1903), and have drawnattention to the fact that while they usually occur in coloniesinhabiting shallow water they are found to be fairly abundantin specimens from 24—34 fathoms, so that their numbers donot appear to be affected by bathymetric variations withincertain limits. I have suggested that their presence in enor-mous numbers in the superficial tissues in certain species ofScl erophy turn is correlated with a reduction in size of thetentacles and mesenterial filaments.

    The geographical distribution of zoochlorellas is interesting.These algal cells commonly occur in tropical Alcyouaria, butare usually absent in corals inhabiting the temperate andcold waters of British seas and the South Atlantic (Cape ofGood Hope). Hickson (1894), however, describes them asbeing extremely abundant in species of C lavu l a r i a fromthe Victorian Coast of Australia.

    In a preceding part of the present paper I have dis-cussed the more or less gradual reduction of the digestivesurface in tropical members of the Alcyouaria, and theaccompanied increased abundance of zoochlorellas in connec-tion with the scarcity or absence of food in these forms.

  • 350 EDITH M. PRATT.

    As these cells are frequently observed iu a partially-digested condition, they no doubt serve as a dh'ect source ofnutriment to the corals they inhabit.

    The zoochlorellte of the Alcyonaria are very similar to thosedescribed by Duerden (1903) iu the Madrepora r i a , and donot apparently differ in any essential respect from those in-habiting other tropical corals. A cell usually has one, but manyhave two chromatophores. The presence of starch in thesealgal cells may be easily demonstrated by treating with a dilutesolution of caustic potashfollowed by iodine solution. A starchring, sometimes incomplete, is then seen to surround the pyre-noid, and in many cases starch grains are scattered about themiddle of the cell. The presence of reserve food material inthe form of starch in these algal cells indicates a super-abundance of nutriment. This insoluble food material canonly be converted into a soluble form, such as sugar, by theaction of diastase secreted by the protoplasm of the alga orpossibly also by the animal cell which it inhabits. x It iswell known to botanists that the vegetative cells of plantsmay convey nutriment in soluble form from one cell toanother. In lichens nutriment of a carbohydrate, and possi-bly also of a nitrogenous nature is prepared by the algal cellsand is conveyed to the symbiotic fungus through the walls ofthe algal cells and fungal hyphse.

    Zoochlorellaa occur only in those portions of the corals whichare exposed to light, and are most abundant in the eudo-dermal cells and spaces, continually bathed with sea water,which circulates more or less freely within the colony throughthe zooids and canals. It is obvious that the circulating seawater rapidly becomes charged to a generous extent withcarbon dioxide and other products of animal metabolism.The presence of carbon dioxide in considerable proportionwould enable the rapid formation of carbohydrate food-material in the algal cell under the influence of sunlight.These cells have also the power to build up organic nitrogenous

    1 For information on the nutrition of vegetable cells I am indebted toProfessor Weiss.


    compounds from the inorganic nitrogen salts contained in thesea water, but they may also make use of the waste nitro-genous animal matter, in which case the alga too would derivesome benefit from the symbiosis.

    In the reduction in size and function, or complete loss ofthe organs of digestion in corals greatly iufested with zoo-chlorellse, we have evidence that these algal cells nourish thecoral to a considerable extent by contributing carbohydrate,and possibly also nitrogenous food material in a solublecondition.


    The cells and fibrils which compose the so called " meso-gloeal nerve plexus" of the Alcyonaria were observed to beextremely numerous in some members of the family and com-paratively rare in others, while in some instances theyappeared to be of an unusually large size.

    In his account of the anatomy of the Alcyonaria, Hickson(1895, p. 371) calls attention to the fact that, while thissystem of cells and fibrils has not been experimentally shownto be nervous in function, yet it is undoubtedly homologouswith the "nervenschicht" described by the Hertwigs in theActineee (1879). Ashworth (1898, p. 209) describes andgives admirable figures of a nervous plexus in Xeu i a whichhe states to be homologous with that of A lcyon ium.

    Kassianow, 1903, gives a preliminary account of thenervous plexus of " A l c y o n i u m . "

    In preserved specimens of S a r c o p h y turn, Lobophy turn,Sc le rophyturn , and A l c y o n i u m the cells and fibrils varyconsiderably in size, shape, and relative abundance. Incertain specimens the cells have a stellate form, and areprovided with' numerous long and short fibril-like processes(fig. 15, Sc le rophy turn durum) . In some forms they arepolygonal, with fewer processes (fig. 16, L o b o p h y t u m

    1 Preliminary account of nerve plexus. Pratt, 1902, p. 545, and 1903,Sect. D.

  • 352 EDITH M. PRATT.

    pauciflorum), while in others they are Jess numerous, aresomewhat spindle shaped, and have only two or three pro-cesses (fig. 17, Sc le rophy tum densum). The fibril-likeprocesses usually have a hyaline structure, are sometimesvery long, and frequently fuse with each other, so as to forma more or less complete network (figs. 18 and 21), which isknown as the mesogloeal nerve plexus. Where fusion hastaken place the processes have a granular protoplasmicappearance similar to the cell contents.

    Many of the cells are intimately connected with the endo-derm cells of the zooids and canals1 (figs. 17 and 18), butthe connection between the cells and the ectoderm is lessintimate (fig. 16). Occasionally a cell may be connected bymeans of its processes, witli an ectoderm cell on one side, andan endoderm cell on the other.

    These cells, with their long fibril-like connections withectoderm and endoderm, present, in the preserved condition,a remarkable likeness to nerve cells and fibrils occurring inother groups, but, beyond this resemblance, we have noevidence of their nervous character; moreover, the veryintimate connection existing between the plexus and theendoderm (fig. 18), and its less intimate connection with theperipheral ectodermal tissues (fig. 16), throws considerabledoubt upon the theory of its having a special nervousfunction.

    In order to ascertain, therefore, its true nature and func-tion, I examined the plexus in living specimens. A com-parison of preserved preparations with the living plexus ofcells in Alcyonium dig i ta tum yielded results which areas interesting as they were unexpected.

    Thin free-hand sections of Alcyonium were examined inthe living condition with moderately high powers,3 when the

    1 The connection between the nerve fibres and the endoderm and ectodermcells lias been noted for the Alcjonaria by Hickson in Alcyonium, andAshworth in Xenia and for the Madreporaria by Stanley Gardiner inFlabellum.

    3 Zeiss, No. G eyepiece, ^ oil imm.


    cells of the " mesogloeal plexus " could be observed withoutdifficulty. The s t e l l a t e cells were then seen to with-draw and t h r u s t out the processes which have beencal led ne rve f ibres . Several cells were sketched withthe aid of a camera lucida at intervals of from twenty minutesto half an hour, and in every case they were observed to bein an amoeboid condition, the pseudopodial processes beingmore or less numerous, long and slender in form, and fre-quently branched (figs. 19 and 20).

    The rapidity with which the cells change their outline variesconsiderably. The cell shown in fig. 19 was moving muchmore quickly than that of fig. 20. The so-culled nerve fibresare simply the pseudopodia of the amoeboid cells, which varyin size according to the cell's mode and rate of progression.The curious stellate appearance of the cells in the preservedcondition (fig. 15) is doubtless due to their contraction onfixing.

    Acting on the advice of Professor Hickson, I carried outthe following experiments:

    Minute particles of carmine were suspended in the sea-water in which living colonies of Alcyonium were kept.For three days clouds of carmine were squirted, by means ofa pipette, about the expanded zooids. Thin free-hand sec-tions were then cut, and, on examination, minute particles ofcarmine were observed in an ingested condition in the endo-derm cells of the ventral mesenterial filaments and in theendoderm of the body walls of the zooids.

    I t is interesting to note that the ingestion of foreignparticles of carmine is amoeboid, and is identical in everyrespect with the ingestion of food material (fig. 9).

    The experiment was continued for seven days. After thefourth day carmine particles were observed, first iu the cellsof the endoderm canals, and then in the cells of the solidcords of endoderm in the mesoglcea. In both instances someof the cells containing carmine particles were seen to be inan amoeboid condition (fig. 22a and 22b) and to thrust outprocesses into the mesoglcea.

  • 354 EDITH M. PEATT.

    Finally, particles of carmine were also seen in the stellateand spindle-shaped amoeboid cells forming the so-called" mesoglceal nerve plexus" (fig. 24). Some of these cellswere kept under observation for a considerable time. Theyfrequently remained in an active amoeboid condition for quitean hour, then the pseudopodia would be withdrawn, and thecells would become rounded and inert. Such a condition iscomparable with the rounded cells frequently observed inthe mesoglcea of stained preparations.

    These experiments substantiate the following facts:1. Solid particles of carmine are ingested by the endoderm

    cells of the raesenterial filaments, body wall, and endodertnalcanals (figs. 21, 22, and 24) in a manner precisely similar tothe ingestion of food particles by the mesenterial filaments(fig. 9).

    2. The endoderm cells of the ventral mesenterial filaments,the body wall, the canals, and cords in the mesoglcea arefrequently amoeboid.

    3. The presence of ingested carmine particles in the cellsof the mesogloeal plexus indicates that they have been con-veyed from the ccelenteric cavities of the zooids to portionsof the colony apart, or even remote, from the zooid.

    4. The cells composing the so-called 'fmesogloeal nerveplexus" are amoeboid, and the so-called "nerve fibres" arereally the pseudopodia of the amoeboid cells.

    5. The mesoglceal plexus is more intimately connectedwith the endodermal than with the peripheral ectodermaltissues, while the cells, apparently of the same nature asthe endoderm, are frequently larger in the neighbourhoodof the eudoderm than near the ectoderm.

    These facts afford evidence that the so-called " nerve cellsand fibres" are really amoeboid endoderm cells which,wandered into the mesoglcea, forming with their pseudo-podial processes the more or less dense protoplastic mesh-work known as the "mesogloeal nerve plexus."

    Although it is well known that, in the embryonic stages ofhigher forms of life, ganglion cells have a certain power of


    movement through the tissues, yet we have no reason forbelieving that nerve cells retain this power when maturity isreached. Amoeboid nerve cells and pseudopodial nerve fibresare unknown. We have no evidence that the Alcyonariaare more nervously sensitive than other lowly organisedgroups, so that it is impossible to regard this extremely well-developed system of amoeboid cells with coalescing pseudo-podia as a specially differentiated " nervous plexus."

    1. F u n c t i o n s of the Mesoglcsal Plexus.—The iuges-tion of the inorganic particles of carmine by the endodermcells is identical with the ingestion of organic food material.The distribution of ingested foreign matter by means of thewandering amceboid cells, usually most abundant about thedigestive centres, is no doubt similar to the distribution offood material in a digested condition. I would, therefore,suggest that the distribution of nutriment is effected in thefollowing manner :—Certain amceboid endoderm cells loadedwith nutriment wander, or have wandered, into the mesoglcea,where they form an amoeboid plexus of cords and strands ofcells which extends throughout the colony. The intimateconnection between the digestive endoderm cells of thezooids and the plexus is maintained. If we suppose thatthroughout the plexus the nutritive protoplasm may betransferred from cell to cell—and the presence of carmineparticles in the mesoglceal plexus affords substantial evi-dence for believing tins to be the case—then this system ofamoeboid cells must be regarded as a n u t r i t i v e as well as asens i t ive p lexus , and by its means nutriment may be con-veyed from the digestive endoderm cells of the zooids toevery portion of the colony.

    2. E x c r e t o r y Function.—As the amceboid endodermcells were observed to eject foreign bodies in the form ofcarmine particles (fig. 9, / . «.), it is very possible that theplexus has also an excretory function, the amoeboid cells,which are to be regarded as the carriers of nutriment mayalso convey waste products to the coelentera or lumen of thecanals,

  • 356 EDITH M. PEATT.

    3. Nervous Function.—As a stimulus affecting onepolyp may be transmitted with gradually diminishing effectto its neighbours, it is probable that stimuli or impulsestravel through this uuspecialised amoeboid protoplasmicplexus. As the speed of transmission might possibly beretarded by the presence of nutrient matter in the proto-plasm, the colonies would therefore become less sensitive tostimuli during the distribution of the digested food material.This may explain the fact that the colonies under experiment(p. 332) withdrew their anthocodia3 shortly after feeding, andremained in a contracted condition for several hours.

    In their amoeboid character and multiple function thesecells are homologous to the phagocytes occurring in othergroups.

    The apparent lack of differentiation in their structure andfunction must be considered a secondary feature. Certaincells, at one time forming a constitutional part of the endo-derm, have reverted to a more primitive amoeboid condition,in which they are capable of fulfilling any function which thedemands of the colony may require them to perform.

    The research in connection with this paper has beencarried out in the Zoological Laboratories of the VictoriaUniversity o£ Manchester, in the Biological Laboratory ofPort Erin, and in the Zoological Laboratory at Naples.

    I am greatly indebted to Professor Hickson for muchvaluable advice and kind supervision of my work.


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    1902. MESNIL, M.—"Digestion cliez les Actinies," 'Ann. de l'lnstitutPasteur.'

    1903. PKATT, EDITH M.—"The Assimilation and Distribution of Nutrimentin Alcyonium digitatum" (preliminary account), 'ReportsBrit. Assoc.,' Section D.

    1903. KASSIANOW, N.—"Ueber des Nervensystem der Alcyonarien," 'Ber-

    gen's Museums Aaibog.,' 1903.

    1903. GAMBLE,?. W., and KEEBIE, F.—"The Bionomics of Convoluta

    roscoffeiisis, with special reference to its green cells," 'Quart.Journ. Mic. Sci.,' vol. 47.

    1903. PKATT, EDITH M.—"The Alcyonaria of the Maldives," pt. ii, 'Faunaand Geography of the Maldive and Laceadive Archipelagos,' vol. ii,pt. i.

    1905. PRATT,EDITH M.—"Some Alcyonidaefrom Ceylon," 'Herdman ReportCeylon Pearl Oyster Fishery, lloyal Society.'


    Illustrating Edith M. Pratt's paper, "The Digestive Organsof the Alcyonaria and their Relation to the MesogloealCell Plexus/'


    Arab. c. Amoeboid cells, b. en. Batteries of cnidoblasts. cur. p. Carmineparticles, c.g.c. Clear gland cells, ch. Chromatophore. en. Cnidoblast.ccel. Ccelenteron. col. end. Columnar endoderm. c.v. Ciliated vessel, c.z.Contracted zooids. d. mg. Dense layer of mesoglcea surrounding zooids.d. rues. Dorsal mesentery, d. m.f. Dorsal mesenterial filament, eet. Ecto-derm, em.g.c. Empty gland cell. end. Endoderm. end. b. to. Eudodermbody wall. end. can. Endodermal canals in mesoglcea. end.eo. Endodermalcords in mesogloea. f. c. Flagellate cell. f.f. Carmined fish food. f. u. Par-


    tides of extruded undigested food. / . v. Pood vacuoles. g. c. Golden Granular glaud cells. sp. Intermesenterial space, int. c. Inter-stitial cell. int. c. s. Internal canal system. /. e. Longitudinal canals,/. »;./. Lateral mesenterial filament, m. Mesentery, m. ap. Mouth Mesoglcea. tug. b. w. Mesoglcea body wall. mue. e. Mucous gland cell.nem, Nematocyst. nu. Nucleus, nue. Nacleolus. ov. Ovum. v. mes.Mesenteries coloured red by ingested fish food. s. Stomodseum. sc.Scleroblast. si. Siphonozooid. sp. Spicule. sph. Hole left by spicule afterdecalcification. sta. Starch, si. e. Stellate cell = amoeboid cell. tent.Tentacle, is. s. c. Transverse superficial canal, v. m. Ventral mesentery.v. m.f. Ventral mesenterial filament, zo. Zoo-chlorellse.

    PLATE 20.

    FIG. 1.—Alcyonium digitatum. A fairly young colony which has notyet assumed the digitate form. The zooida have been fed on carmined fishfood, which can be seen through their transparent body walls. The colonywas fixed and preserved in a fairly expanded condition by the hot formalinmethod, x 4&.

    FIG. 2.—Alcyonium digitatum. Diagrammatic representation of thecapture and course of food within the zooid.

    a. Capturing food.b. Tentacles contract slightly and enclose food.e. Swallowing food.(The next stage—the grasping and squeezing of food by the ventral

    mesenterial filaments—is shown in Fig. 3.)d. The ventral mesenterial filaments are coloured red by ingested par-

    ticles of carmined fish food.The dorsal mesenterial filaments take no part in the digestive process.

    X 10 (cam. luc).

    PLATE 21.

    FIG. 3.—Alcyonium digitatum. Anthocodia of a zooid which has beenfed on carmined fish food. The excrescences on the pinnules of the tentaclesare batteries of nematocysts. Grooves are shown between the bullate basesof the tentacles. The ventral filaments are shown embracing the food as itemerges from the stomodceum. x 10 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 4.—Alcyonium digitatum. A mesenterial filament of a zooidwhich has been fed for two days on carmined fish food. The red patches areingested particles of coloured food, x 67 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 5.—Sarcophytum glaucum. Transverse section through stomo-d»al ectoderm to show granular and mucous cells. X 620 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 6.—Sclerophytum densum. Transverse section through stomo-VOL. 49, VAWt 2.—NEW SERIES. 25

  • 360 EDITH M. PRATT.

    dseal ectoderm to show mucous gland cells. The mucous secretion is seen tobe oozing from many of the cells. X 608 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 7-—Soleropliytum hirtum. Transverse section through thesiphonoglypli, showing the extremely long flagella, which are about "03 mm:in length. X 608 (cam. luc).

    PIG. 8.—Lobophytum pauciflorum. Longitudinal section throughthe lower portion of the stomodseum of an autozooid, showing the terminationof ectoderm and the continuation of endoderm into the ventral mesenterialfilaments. X 312 (cam. luc).

    PIG 9.—Alcyonium digitatum. Transverse section through, an un-stained ventral mesenterial filament, showing amoeboid ingestion of carminedfish food by the endoderm cells. Some of the amoeboid cells are shown withpseudopodia projecting into the ccelenteric cavity. Particles of undigestedfood (/. ii.) are being extruded from some of the cells. Gland-cells are notindicated, as they cannot be seen without the aid of staining reagents.X 930 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 10.—Alcyonium digitatum. Transverse section through aventral mesenterial filament of a starved zooid, stained with iron brazilin.Granular gland cells (jr. c.) are extremely numerous. A few mucous cellsare interspersed between the granular gland cells and the amoeboid endodermcells. There are no spaces between the gland cells at the periphery of thefilament, but spaces are numerous in the middle of the filament. X 930(cam. luc). !

    FIG. 11.—Alcyonium digitatum. Slightly oblique section through aventral mesentery of a recently fed zooid, similar to the one shown in Fig. 10,after staining with iron brazilin. Tliis filament differs from that of a starvedzooid (Fig. 11) in that the granular gland cells are remarkably few in numberandcontain very few granules. The spaces occurring between the cells at theedge of the filament are probably empty gland cells which have dischargedtheir secretion on to the food when it was embraced by the filaments. A fewnematocysts, similar to those of the tentacles, are present. X 930 (cam.luc).

    FIG. 12.—Sarcophytum ehrenbergi. Transverse section through aventral mesentery to show the mesoglceal thickening near the free end, andthe scarcity of gland cells in the feebly marked Glament. X 416 (cam.luc).

    FIG. 13.—Sclerophytum capitale. Slightly oblique transverse sectionthrough a ventral mesenterial filament in which zoochlorellse are extremelyuumerous and granular gland cells very few in number. This drawing illus-trates the reduction of the digestive surface in tropical forms, and the corre-sponding increased abundance of zooclilorellse. x 930 (cam. luc).


    PIG. 14.—Lobophytum pauoiflorum. Slightly oblique transversesection through a ventral filament. This is a tropical form which containscomparatively few zoochlorellse. The filament is fairly large, and has fairlynumerous granular gland cells. (Compare fig. 10.) This is the only tropicalspecies in which I have observed the presence of food material, x 416(cam. luc).

    PLATE 22.

    FIG. 15.—Sclerophytum durum. Stellate cells with fibril-like pro-cesses, which compose the mesogloeal " cell plexus," from a stained prepara-tion. X 826 (cam. luc).

    FIG. ]6.—Lobophytum pauciflorum. Transverse section throughthe wall of an autozooid at the base of a tentacle to show the processes fromthe inner ends of the ectodermal cells, and their connection, in some cases,with the stellate cells of the mesogloeal plexus, which have fewer processesthan in fig. 18. X 826 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 17.—Sclerophytum den sum. Section through the terminalportion of an endndermal canal in the mesoglcea showing its intimate con-nection with the cells of the mesogloeal plexus. Many of the cells are moreor less spindle-shaped, and have very few processes. (Compare with figs. 15and 16.) X 826 (cam. luc).

    PIG. 18.—Alcyonium digitatum. Drawing showing the intimateconnection between the stellate cells of the plexus and the eudodermal canalsin a living colony. X 706 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 19.—Alcyonium digitatum. Two drawings of a living amoeboidcell of the mesogloeal plexus. Half an hour elapsed between the drawings.The cell is moving in an upward direction, and changes its outline morerapidly than in fig. 20. a X 930, e X 960 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 20.—Alcyonium digitatum. Three drawings of a single livingamoeboid cell with long pseudopodia of the mesogloeal plexus. (Twentyminutes elapsed between a and b, and thirty minutes between b and

  • 362 EDITH M. PRATT.

    FIG. 22.—Alcyonium digitatum.a. A portion of an endodermal cord in the mesoglcea in a living specimen.

    The cells contain ingested carmine particles.6. The same cord after an interval of half an hour. Two of the cells

    containing carmine are in an amoeboid condition, and are beginningto wander into the mesogloea. X 547 (cam. luc).

    FIG. 23.—Sclerophytum densum.a. Group of endodermal canal cells, one of which is in an amceboid

    condition, and has an extremely long, branched pseudopodiumthrust into the mesogloea. (Compare with fig. 25.) X 800(cam. luc).

    b and e are amoeboid endoderm cells which have wandered into mesogloea.X 800 (cam. luc).

    All from stained preparations.FIG. 24.—Alcyonium digitatum. Living amoeboid cells of mesoglosal

    plexus containing particles of carmine. These have hitherto been known asnerve cells, x 717 (cam. luc).

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