Team xlr8 arjun srivastava nikhil bhatia(dtu)9650583301 Casia 2014

Stage 1 The Prelimin ary Round Team Name: Name of first member: College Name: Name of second member: College Name: XLR8 Arjun Srivastava Delhi Technological University Nikhil Bhatia Delhi Technological University


Casia 2014 entry Arjun srivastava Nikhil Bhatia Delhi technological University

Transcript of Team xlr8 arjun srivastava nikhil bhatia(dtu)9650583301 Casia 2014

Page 1: Team xlr8 arjun srivastava nikhil bhatia(dtu)9650583301 Casia 2014

Stage 1The


Team Name:

Name of first member:College Name:

Name of second member:College Name:


Arjun SrivastavaDelhi Technological University

Nikhil BhatiaDelhi Technological University

Page 2: Team xlr8 arjun srivastava nikhil bhatia(dtu)9650583301 Casia 2014

People The unhindered evolution

and the boisterous revolution that Social Media is bringing has

led people to believe that World is becoming

a smaller place but in reality

it’s the Human Grasp that’s ever increasing

Page 3: Team xlr8 arjun srivastava nikhil bhatia(dtu)9650583301 Casia 2014

What is Social Media????? Think of regular media

as a one-way street where you can read a newspaper or listen to a report on television, but you have very limited ability to give your thoughts on the matter.Social media, on the other hand, is a two-way street that gives you the ability to communicate too.

Page 4: Team xlr8 arjun srivastava nikhil bhatia(dtu)9650583301 Casia 2014

Social Networking -a Bane to society or Boon to Society• Social networking sites spread information faster than any other media


• Law enforcement uses social networking sites to catch and prosecute criminals


• Social networking sites help students do better at school. 


• Social networking sites allow people to improve their relationships and make new friends.

• Social media helps empower business women

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• People become virtual citizens, spend a chunk of day online, spend less time interacting face to face.

• Children face cyber bullying, indulge in ‘sexting’ and pornography..

Use of social networking has been correlated with:-

Need for instant gratification.

Inability to have in-person conversations.

Self-centered personalities.

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Forums can be a source of bad information.

Since sometimes forums can be used as confession pages so that leads to uncensored discussions.

Sometimes comments and Information can be posted anonymously and can lead to uncensored and unwanted details displayed of someones private life.

Forums can serve as a platform for discussion of unwanted discussions

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Discussion Boards and Forums A place for like-minded people to

meet, discuss, debate and brainstorm.

Promote E-learning.

Attract answers and ideas from experts around the globe

Enable companies to maintain their product support online.

College\University forums aide students to be vocal about their problems on a large scale.

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Piracy or Privacy?Social media sites lack privacy

US intercepts mails and FB posts regularly.

Vast amounts of info is collected by Google, Microsoft, FB to give you personalized advertisements.

Easy to dupe copyright claims.

Copyright regulations difficult to impose.

Social sites and apps make it ridiculously easy to share any (copyrighted) material.

Messages are not scanned for viruses or phishing scams.

2012 Stackt.Evl virus of Facebook chat window

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Reliability of News

1.Increasing no. of channels competing for audience have led to an increase in the pace of delivering the news though the content verification part is lagging and taking a back seat.2. Various leading news sites upload and spread news like a wildfire without getting their ducks in the row.

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Unreliable Information

Social media is the birthplace of misinformation and false news.

False rumors of fires, shootouts, and caravans of gunmen in Mexico city in 2012 caused panic and flooded the local police and shutting down schools.

Sensitive posts on Twitter and Facebook spread like wildfire throughout the internet.

False news of New York Stock Exchange being flooded started on Twitter and later spread on CNN and Weather Channel.

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Efficiency Tool or A Necessary Evil?

Click to find out what’s going on in the world

Meet new people! Catch up with old ones!

Empower Business! Find jobs!

Raise your voice, be vocal!

False information.

Sexting, copyright infringements!

Facebook Addiction

NSA is watching you.

An amazing, time-saving tool to keep in touch with everyone at once?  Or a necessary evil that has pervaded every aspect of our lives, eroding the need for human contact?