Teacher Authority WEEK 1 – Welcome webinar preparation + Free word associations Learn about course...

Teache r Author ity Resear ch Findin gs

Transcript of Teacher Authority WEEK 1 – Welcome webinar preparation + Free word associations Learn about course...

Teacher Authority


•Teacher Authority

•Word associations, sentence completion, blog, mind map, QTI

•Data collection

•Use of research methods (QTI adaptation)

•Data analysis

•Collaborative work, results, course outcome

•Teacher Authority

•WEEK 1 – Welcome webinar preparation + Free word associations

• Learn about course syllabus and learning environment

Course basics

• Provide personal information

Initial survey

• Write word associations as part of the initial survey

Free word associations

• Study and share literature on the topic

Existing relevant literature on Teacher Authority

•Teacher Authority

•WEEK 2 – Welcome webinar + Sentence completion + Blog

• Getting to know the course and each other• Results of the initial survey• Authority, authority in education, teacher authority

Welcome webinar

• Follow-up free word association

Free word associations (cont’d)

• Complete unfinished sentences as part of a survey

Sentence completion

• Create your own blog (you, your motivation, hopes, objectives, portfolio of results)


• Provide your feedback regarding the course

Course quality survey

•Teacher Authority

•WEEK 3 – Qualitative methods (Mind map, Reflective narrative)

• Theoretical background• Read on qualitative research and focus group

Qualitative research methods

• How to make one• Create and submit your own mind map with Teacher Authority in its core

Mind map – theory + practice

• Write two short essays as per instructions given

Short written narrative I + II

• Provide your feedback regarding the course

Course quality survey

•Teacher Authority

•WEEK 4 – Second webinar (Focus Group) + Written narrative + QTI

• Teacher authority

Second webinar – Focus Group

• Write two more short narratives as per instructions given

Short written narratives III + IV

• Complete initial QTI survey

Pilot research

• Provide your feedback regarding the course

Course quality survey

•Teacher Authority

•WEEK 5 –Quantitative approach (QTI) + Collaboration project

• Likert scale• QTI questionnaire

Quantitative approach

• Study the results of the pilot research

Results of QTI pilot research

• Start working in groups and discuss possible adaptation of the QTI for the purpose of Teacher Authority research

• Change current questions and add a new block of questions based on your understanding of authority

Modified QTI

• Provide your feedback regarding the course

Course quality survey

•Data collection

•WEEK 6 – Third webinar on QTI adaptation + Data collection/analysis

• Submit your blocks of questions for peer evaluation

Modified QTI questionnaire - submission

• Adaptation of QTI questionnaire is finalised• Discussion regarding the live data collection• Choose the final format of the survey

Third webinar

• Adapted questionnaires are tested

Adapted QTI trial

• Provide your feedback regarding the course

Course quality survey

•Data collection

•WEEK 7 – Data collection

• Results of the trial questionnaire analysis

Results of the trial

• Distribute questionnaires to collect data

Data collection

• Provide your feedback regarding the course

Course quality survey

•Data collection

•WEEK 8 – Data collection and analysis

• Distribute questionnaires to collect data

Data collection

• Analyze acquired data


• Provide all your peers with acquired data and your analysis

Data submission

• Provide your feedback regarding the course

Course quality survey

•Data analysis

•WEEK 9 – Data analysis, Mind/Concept mapping

• Read on concept mapping; see the template and examples• Modify your first mind map based on the experience from the

course and the results of the analysis of acquired data• Submit final version of your mind/concept map

Mind/concept map (final)

• Write an essay on data collection regarding pros/cons, pointing out issues

Research process and results

• Provide your feedback regarding the course

Course quality survey

•Data analysis

•WEEK 10 – Final webinar on the course outcome

• Data collection (circumstances, issues, other feedback)• Comparing the results of the data analyses (results)• Comparing final mind/concept maps• Outcome of the course + Q&A

Final webinar

• Evaluation• Portfolio• Feedback

Course assessment

Learning environment – eLearning portal



• What made you join this course?

Why is this topic interesting for you?

• What do you think were most frequent connotations with authority?

Results of the first survey – word associations

• Is there a difference between being an authority and having one?

What is authority?

• Why are word associations and unfinished sentences among first tasks?• Why is mind mapping included?• What do you expect of Focus group and Questionnaire on teacher


Research methods (teacher authority)

Teacher Authority



Change of attitude