Target audience research

TARGET AUDIENCE RESEARCH To gain an insight into what sort of things our audience expected in our video, we decided to post a questionnaire on Survey Monkey which we then asked our Facebook friends, teachers and family to respond to. We posted a status (hoping) that we would gain as many responses as possible to analyse. From our questionnaire, we received 19 responses which we felt was a substantial amount to analyse an draw conclusions from.



Transcript of Target audience research

Page 1: Target audience research

TARGET AUDIENCE RESEARCHTo gain an insight into what sort of things our audience expected in our video, we decided to post a questionnaire on Survey Monkey which we then asked our Facebook friends, teachers and family to respond to. We posted a status (hoping) that we would gain as many responses as possible to analyse.

From our questionnaire, we received 19 responses which we felt was a substantial amount to analyse an draw conclusions from.

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Question 1Our results are predominantly from a female audience which is a coincidence and was not planned. This may give us bias results however we both agreed that gender shouldn't have too much of an affect on what is expected from our audience, however may have an affect on what is desired to be seen by both gender's in a music video.

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Question 2Being within the 16-20 bracket ourselves (and therefore having friends of this age also) we expected to see the biggest response from this age group. However, youth and young adults are our target audience and therefore the responses from this group are essential to analyse and use when creating our final products.

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Question 3

We found from this question that 'Indietonica' is a niche genre and therefore the majority had not heard of (we found this from out next questions results) or disliked it. This niche and individual attitude needs to be presented in out video to suit its smaller audience.

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Question 4we where very pleased to see that two responses listed our chosen artist, The Naked and Famous as their favorite within the Genre. We were also surprised with some of the other responses, for instance 'Elvis Presley and the Fabulous 5' which we considered to be either a misunderstanding as to the genre or not a serious answer. Other suggestions such as 'Alt-J' and 'Ellie Goulding' are also perfect examples of the genre however, some did not know of any which again supports the fact that it is niche and individual.

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Question 5

This question received a very varied answer within the audience, however the majority found Music of great importance, a prominent aspect to the youth market we are targeting.

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Question 6

Again, there was no indefinite answer to this question with a fairly varied answer, however the majority would watch a music video suggesting its importance in branding and selling a bands music.

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Question 7Here are just some of the responses to this question we received. We found that the main aspects our audience expected to see where individual style, colour, glitter, a less mainstream approach to the story line and exciting and electrifying use of lighting. These suggestions will come in very handy when planning our video and choosing which aspects to include.

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Question 8From this question, we have realised that although the image and brand of a band is important in selling their music, the music itself is what is of the most importance to our audience. This prompts us to highlight this in our own product (maybe including more shots of instruments and performance than previously planned.) However, its also highlights that image is still equally important and therefore we will need to take this into account largely.

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Question 9The two prominent features which we found to be of the greatest importance are 'Narrative Themes' and 'Setting.' We have already drawn from our previous deconstructions that nature plays a large role within this genre suggesting that our setting needs to reflect this. We found also from our deconstructions that most video's have a balance of narrative and performance, however this questions response tells us that we need to focus on the narrative thoroughly throughout.

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Question 10

Finally, question 10 helped us to realise that the narrative of our music video is very important. The answers here suggest that it is the main attraction within a music video and therefore needs to be interesting and individual to suit our genre.