t really sorry? · 2019-07-03 · door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie...


Transcript of t really sorry? · 2019-07-03 · door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie...

Page 1: t really sorry? · 2019-07-03 · door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her sop-py friend Melanie. ‘Ooo, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a pet like
Page 2: t really sorry? · 2019-07-03 · door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her sop-py friend Melanie. ‘Ooo, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a pet like

2d 1.) In the first paragraph, how can you tell the cat isn’t really sorry?

(1 mark)

2d 2.) Explain what you think Ellie’s parents do after Tuffy brings the bird in. What

does that suggest about their characters? Explain using evidence from the text.

(3 marks)

2d 3.) Why do you think the words drown, hurt and choke are written in italics?

(2 marks)

2d 4.) Read the sentence beginning “Oh Tuffy!” she says…

How is Ellie feeling in this sentence? How do you know?

(1 mark)

Date: Focus: 2d Inference

Reading Comprehension: Diary of a Killer Cat—Anne Fine —Guided Questions

2f 5.) In your opinion, how does writing the diary from the perspective of a cat change

the readers opinion of the characters?

(2 marks)

2g 6.) What is the effect the author creates by writing the line: So hang me?

Explain your understanding of why it is used.

(2 marks)

2b 7.) For each statement, decide whether the statement is true or false:

Tuffy hit the bird.

It is a cat’s job to creep around gardens.

The family wanted Tuffy at the funeral.

Ellie is disappointed with the cat.

(2 marks)

2a 8.) Which word is closest in meaning to small in the text?

(1 mark)

Page 3: t really sorry? · 2019-07-03 · door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her sop-py friend Melanie. ‘Ooo, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a pet like

2d 1.) Tuffy repeats the phrase okay, okay throughout the text. Why do you think he

thinks like this?

(2 marks)

2d 2.) Why do you think Tuffy enjoyed the funeral? Use evidence you have learnt

about his character from the text.

(2 marks)

2d 3.) How does Tuffy describe the birds?

How do these names suggest he feels about them?

(2 marks)

2d 4.) Which word best describes the character of Tuffy in this extract?

Circle one option.

Sorrowful Sarcastic Aggressive Evil

(1 mark)

2g 5.) Do you think Anne Fine writes successfully as a cat?

Yes No

Explain your answer using evidence from the text.

(2 marks)

2f How do the illustrations support the organisation of the extract?

(2 marks)

2b 7.) Using information from the text, tick one box on each row to show whether

each statement is fact or opinion.

Fact Opinion

Ellie’s parents dislike Tuffy.

Tuffy feels sorry for what he has done.

There were bloodstains on the carpet.

(2 marks)

Date: Focus: 2d Inference

Reading Comprehension: Diary of a Killer Cat—Anne Fine —Guided/Independent Questions

Page 4: t really sorry? · 2019-07-03 · door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her sop-py friend Melanie. ‘Ooo, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a pet like

The Diary of a Killer Cat Extract 2

Okay! Okay! So slap my teensy little furry paws. I messed up. Big time! And okay! Tug my tail! It all turned into a bit of a one-cat crime wave.

So what are you going to do? Confiscate my food bowl and tell me I’m a very bad pussy? But we cats aren’t supposed to hang about like dogs, do-ing exactly as we’re told, and staring devotedly into you eyes while we wonder if there is some slipper we can fetch you. We run our lives, we cats do. I like running mine. And if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s wasting the days and nights when the family are on holiday.

‘Oh, Tuffy!’ fretted Ellie, giving me the Big Farewell Squeeze. (I gave her the cool blink that means: ‘Careful, Ell! Stay on the right side of cuddle here, or you’ll get the Big Scratch in return.’)

‘Oh, Tuffy! We’ll be away for a whole week!’ A whole week? Magic Words! A whole week of sunning myself in the flower beds without Ellie’s mother shrieking, ‘Tuffy! Get out of there! You’re flattening whole patch-es!’

A whole week of lolling about on top of the telly without Ellie’s father’s endless nagging: ‘Tuffy! Shift your tail! It’s dangling over the goalmouth!’ And best of all, a whole week of not being scooped up and shoved in next-door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her sop-py friend Melanie.

‘Ooo, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a pet like Tuffy. He’s so soft and fur-ry.’ Of course I’m soft and furry. I’m a cat. And I am clever, too. Clever enough to realize it wasn’t Mrs Tanner coming to houseand-cat-sit as usu-al... ‘...no, she suddenly had to rush off to her daughter in Dorset...so if you hear of anyone who could do it ... only six days ... well, if you’re sure, Vicar. Yes, well. So long as you’re comfortable with cats ...’ Who cares if the vicar’s comfortable?

I’m the cat.

The Diary of a Killer Cat Extract 2

Okay! Okay! So slap my teensy little furry paws. I messed up. Big time! And okay! Tug my tail! It all turned into a bit of a one-cat crime wave.

So what are you going to do? Confiscate my food bowl and tell me I’m a very bad pussy? But we cats aren’t supposed to hang about like dogs, do-ing exactly as we’re told, and staring devotedly into you eyes while we wonder if there is some slipper we can fetch you. We run our lives, we cats do. I like running mine. And if there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s wasting the days and nights when the family are on holiday.

‘Oh, Tuffy!’ fretted Ellie, giving me the Big Farewell Squeeze. (I gave her the cool blink that means: ‘Careful, Ell! Stay on the right side of cuddle here, or you’ll get the Big Scratch in return.’)

‘Oh, Tuffy! We’ll be away for a whole week!’ A whole week? Magic Words! A whole week of sunning myself in the flower beds without Ellie’s mother shrieking, ‘Tuffy! Get out of there! You’re flattening whole patch-es!’

A whole week of lolling about on top of the telly without Ellie’s father’s endless nagging: ‘Tuffy! Shift your tail! It’s dangling over the goalmouth!’ And best of all, a whole week of not being scooped up and shoved in next-door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her sop-py friend Melanie.

‘Ooo, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a pet like Tuffy. He’s so soft and fur-ry.’ Of course I’m soft and furry. I’m a cat. And I am clever, too. Clever enough to realize it wasn’t Mrs Tanner coming to houseand-cat-sit as usu-al... ‘...no, she suddenly had to rush off to her daughter in Dorset...so if you hear of anyone who could do it ... only six days ... well, if you’re sure, Vicar. Yes, well. So long as you’re comfortable with cats ...’ Who cares if the vicar’s comfortable?

I’m the cat.

Page 5: t really sorry? · 2019-07-03 · door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her sop-py friend Melanie. ‘Ooo, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a pet like

2d 1.) How does Tuffy feel about dogs?

Use the text to support your answer.

(2 marks)

2d 2.) Find and copy a word or group of words which give the impression that Tuffy is

looking forward to the family going on holiday.

(1 mark)

2d 3.) What does Tuffy think about the vicar?

(1 mark)

2d 4.) Tuffy is an independent creature.

Do you agree with this statement? Yes No

Explain your response as fully as possible using the text.

(3 marks)

Date:_______________________________________________ Focus: 2d Inference

Reading Comprehension: The Return of The Killer Cat—Anne Fine

2b 5.) What is Tuffy looking forward to whilst the family are away? Give 3 examples

from the text.

(2 mark)

2g 6.) I’m the cat.

What effect do you think the author is trying to create using these words to end the


(1 mark)

2d 7.) For each statement below, decide whether it is fact or opinion.

Fact Opinion

Melanie is soppy.

Dad dislikes Tuffy.

The vicar is going to look after Tuffy.

(2 marks)

2a 8.) Find and copy the word in the text which is most similar in meaning to worried.

(1 mark)

Page 6: t really sorry? · 2019-07-03 · door’s old straw baby basket and stroked and petted by Ellie and her sop-py friend Melanie. ‘Ooo, you are lucky, Ellie! I wish I had a pet like

2d 1.) How does Tuffy react to being cuddled? What does this suggest about his


(2 marks)

2d 2.) What do you imagine dad likes to watch on television?

(1 mark)

2d 3.) Read the paragraph beginning: Ooo you are lucky… How does this paragraph

show that Tuffy is clever? How do the ellipsis show what action is taking place?

(2 marks)

2d 4.) Which word would you use to describe Ellie in this extract?

Circle one option.

angry aggressive ignorant caring

(1 mark)

2a 5.) Which word is most similar to devotedly in in phrase below:

...and staring devotedly into you eyes ...

Tick one.

lovingly stupidly

angrily blankly (1 mark)

2e 6.) What do you predict the crime wave to be?

Use the text to support your answer.

(2 marks)

2c 7.) Below are the summaries of different paragraphs from across the text. Number

them 1-6 for the order they appear in the text. The first one has been done for you.

Tuffy dislikes dogs.

Tuffy thinks he will have fun when the family are away.

The Vicar will be checking up on Tuffy.

Tuffy has done something wrong 1.

Ellie and her friend like to pretend Tuffy is a baby.

Ellie hugs Tuffy too tightly.

(2 marks)

Date:_______________________________________________ Focus: 2d Inference

Reading Comprehension: The Return of The Killer Cat—Anne Fine