Sylvania Iodine Quartz Short Filament Lamps Brochure 1964

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  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Iodine Quartz Short Filament Lamps Brochure 1964


  • 8/13/2019 Sylvania Iodine Quartz Short Filament Lamps Brochure 1964


    of 500W "1.Q." Lamps atop the walkway can-help highlight this shopping center storefront,

    tennis court is lit up like day by compact"1.Q." Lamps.

    Customers are attracted at night to this highly success-ful miniature golf course. , thanks to bright "l.Q."Lamps (500W and 1500W).

    "1.Q," Lamps help sell products Only ten 500W lamps make this signboard acolor{ul attention-getter at night. The high-intensity white light gives excellentcolor rendition, controlled beam puts light where it's wanted.

    This Chicago art gallery chose "1.Q." Lamps fortheir good color rendition, precise beam control andhigh lighting maintenance.

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    single "1.Q." (500W) Lamp floodlightsHollywood swimming pool The State Capitol building inYork is brilliantly floodlightedunobtrusive "1.Q." Lamps.Albany, Newby compact, Attractive lighting effect on this shopping cenbuilding . , . visible for miles. 1500W "1.Qare used to highlighi building's vertical elem

    "1,Q," Lamps carry the ball inthis football field and stadium. Houtput and precise beam contminimum of poles and fixtures.

    SO [IllA[\lY APPLICATIO]\IS,,,EVEN WE HAVEN'T DISCOVERED THEMOf the three "I.Q." wattages - 400, 500 and 1500 - thelatter two can be used in almost any rough-service appli-cation. The new and smallest "LQ." Lamp (a00W) isideal for home patio and swimming pool, for sports area,motel, and gas station lighting, and any every-day

    ALL YETindustrial and commercial use. It's only 3rf" long butdelivers 7500 lumens (Its compact filament permitsintense light in small space.) The rugged, rough service500W and 1500W lamps can be used for all kinds oflarge area, high output lighting.

    INDUSTRIALconstruction areas, buildingfloodlighting. . . loading, receiv-ing, storage areas . sub-sta-tions, piers and docks. . . watertowers, storage tanks . . . secur-ity lighting. . . inspection areas. machinery supplementallighting . . high bay interiors, . . quarries. . . traveling cranes. . . special applications . . .

    COM MERCIALTV studios, mobile TV units . . .signs, billboards, building flood-lighting, murals, retail windows. parking facilities, drive-inrestaurants, shopping malls ,new car displays, car lotsgardens, display areas, house-trailer sales photographicstudios, bulletin boards, artgalleries . . .

    RECREATIONALminiature golf courses, goif driv-ing ranges, tennis courtsplaygrounds, skating rinks, swim-ming pools . . race tracks, foot-ball stadiums, amusement parks. stage lighting, resort gameareas, marinas, ski tows andslopes . . .

    TRANSPORTATIONairport runways and serviceareas. .. railroad yards . . . pas-senger stations. . . toll plazas andhighway construction busterminals . bridges, subwaysand tunnels -

    Sylvania acknowled{es the coopetation of Appleton Electtic Company, Ctouse-HindsCompany and Revere Electtic MIg. Co-, fot application photo+raphs used in this Ioldet.

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    Sylvania "I.Q." Lamps never blacken.A never-ending self-cleaning process goeson inside the lamps. In ordinary incandes-cent lamps, tungsten evaporating from thefilament travels to the bulb wall. There itcol1ects, gradually blackening the lamp.But in Sylvania "I.Q." LamPs, thetungsten never gets that far. It's inter-cepted-by the iodine which we introduceinto the bulb during manufacture. Thetungsten combines chemically with theiodine, and in that form returns to thefilament. There the high heat releases theiodine, and the cycle repeats itself againand again.Another secret of performance is thelamp's quartz wall. Quartz has a high melt-ing point and low coefficient of expansion.This lets us compress the filament into asmall space, positioned close to the wallitself. (Ordinary glass couldn't stand beingso close to such high heat.) The result is anextremely compact package.And there's a dividend: the high bulb-wall temperature even incinerates dustparticles on the outside of the lamp

    THE trt'StrTHAT ENDSCONFUSIONHere's a close-up of the "Positive Fuse"we build right into "I.Q." Lamps. Sylvaniawas the first to come up with ihis innova-tion to help fixture design. Now there's nomore ordering and stocking fuses . . . noguesswork, no danger of using the wrongfuse. Fuse and lamp are perfectly matchedfor life and current characteristics. And ourfused "I.Q." Lamps work in any fixture,fused or not.

    Fixture manufacturers benefit too. Main-tenance complaints are reduced. Fixturecost is lower. IJnits are more watertight. Nofuse design problems. No fusing problemsassociated with increased ambient temper-atures of externally fused fixture clusters,Our internally fused "I.Q." Lamps aredesigned to protect the fixture at normalend-of-life lamp failure at an ambient sealtemperature of 350oC. This follows theindustry's time-proved practice of provid-ing a fuse within every gas-filled lamp foroperation on circuits of 120 volts or higher.HIGH EFFICIENCY EVENON HIGH VOLTAGE

    You don't sacrifice efficiency or mechani-cal strength when you use our "I.Q." Lampson high-voltage distribution systems. More-over, you can save as much as 25ft onwiring costs. You can use them in combina-tion with any other lighting source- incan-descent, fluorescent or mercury - withouta separate voltage system. When used inconjunction with industrial equipment,these lamps often can be operated from thesame high-voltage a.c. or d.c. power supply.1500W "I.Q." Lamps are available in 208v.,240v. and 277 volts.MANY FIXTURETYPES AVAILABLE

    Fixture manufacturers offer a variety ofindoor and outdoor fixtures for use withSylvania "I.Q." Lamps. There are smallfixtures for precisely controlled narrowbeams . . . as well as wide beam floodlight-ing fixtures. The lamp's tubular shape hasallowed manufacturers to design fixturesthat throw sharp patterns in a verticalplane with wide horizontal distribution.You put the light just where you want it.Our "I.Q." Lamps in such fixtures representa highly efficient, economical, low mainte-nance lighting package.

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    YOIJ GET OREATER $At|It\lC$,ORTATTR PERFORI\,IAI\IOI, 11 tlJAY$,,,WITH NEW SYLVANIAl0Dil|IE-0tJAtTz LAMP$With their compact size and high light output, Sylvania "I.Q." Lamps are being used today for just aboutevery kind of application you can think of. And now we're offering a new, improved line. We've shortenedthe length of the coil - and compressed it into a very small space - yet light output is stitl as hiEh asever. There's no change in over-all length - they fit existing fixtures. And the 500W and 1500W "I.Q."Lamps are now designed for "IJniversal Service." Syivania "f .Q." Lamps never blacken . . their lumenoutput never drops below 97/a throughout life. And our new irnproved lamps are an even more efficient

    6. COMPACT, LIGHT WEIGHTOur 400W T4 Lamp is shorter than a king-sizecigarette and only Yz" in diameter. Sylvania T3"I.Q." Lamps are pencil-thin-only 45r(" and l0l'in length. This small size and light weight meansthe fixtures are much *or. **pr.i- hardlynoticeable. Thus installation and maintenance costsare lower.7.THEY NEVER DIM, THEYCLEAN THEMSELVESLumen output doesn't drop below 97/s during tineentire rated life of these lamps. Ordinary lampsblacken as they age because of evaporating tung-sten. The iodine gas in "I.Q."Lamps is an "antidote"to the tungsten. "I.Q." Lamps never blacken insideor out . . . keep on delivering as much light as thefirst day they were used" (See inside for more on theiodine process.)8. No DAMAGE FRoM SUDDENTHERMAI. SHOCKSYou can take a hot "I.Q." Lamp out of its fixtureand plunge it into ice water. It shrugs off the shock.This is because the tube is made of quartz, whichhas a low coefficient of expansion (and high meltingpoint).9. ACCURATE BEAM CONTROLLight beams as narrow as six degrees in one dimen-sion Because of the tubular shape of "I.Q." Lamps,manufacturers have been able to design fixturesthat let you put all the light you want just whereyou want it.10. FEWER UNITS NEEDEDYour investment is less when you use our "I.Q."Lamps. The high light output of these small iampsmeans you need fewer to get the light you want.You also have fewer lamps to maintain.1I.. EXCELLENT COLOR RENDITIONOur "I.Q." Lamps are ideal for all kinds of displayapplications.. . storefronts, windows, billboards,etc. Consistent with other incandescent sources theextremely white light gives excellent color rendition.

    1. ..UNIVERSAL SERVICE'' LAMPSAT REGULAR LAMP PRICESWe redesigned our entire "LQ." line of 500 and 1500watt lamps so there's now a single fused "Uni-versal Service" Lamp in each wattage and voltagetype. These are versatile, all-purpose lamps forboth every-day and rough service use . . . and all atthe regular lamp price. Fixture manufacturers andlamp users both benefit. Because one lamp fits allneeds, you'Il find stocking and purchasing mucheasier, You can even reduce your inventory. (Notethat the new 400W lamp is not a rough service type.)2. MORE LIGHTMost powerful filament lamp for its size in theworld Does the work of ordinary incandescents 10times bigger in size. And the high initial brightnesslasts the fuil life of the lamp. Sylvania's 1500W"LQ." Lamp delivers 22 lumens per watt through-out life. That's SQfi more light than you'd get froman ordinary PS-52 bulb3. LONG LIFECompared with other types of incandescent lightsources of the same wattage, our new 500W and1500W "LQ." Lamps last twice as long. Rated lifeis 2000 hours. (1000 hours for the 400W lamp.) Andthroughout this long 1ife, you lose virtually noneof the high-intensity light output.4. THE FUSE IS BUILT NA Sylvania first. We build a "Positive Fuse" rightin, for your convenience and for the protection ofthe lamp. A lot of maintenance headaches arecured. One operation replaces both lamp and fuse.No guesswork and no danger of using the wrong fuse.No need to stock and maintain fuses. No fusefailure before normal end-of-life.5. ROUGH SERVICE CONSTRUCTIONA11 Sylvania General Lighting "I.Q." Lamps(except the 400W) are of Rough Service construc-tion to meet most heavy duty conditions. Even ontraveling cranes and heavy machinery. A support isanchored to the filament every half inch along itsentire length. This insures precise beam control andhigh light output even during shock and vibration.


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    DATA O[\l..I.QI.'' CENERAL LIGllTI[\lO LA[vlPS

    OPERATING "MUSTS'' TO REMEMBERAl1 "f .Q." Lamps (except 400W) must be positioned within 4 degrees of horizontal to maintain the iodine cycle.Portions of the bulb wall may reach 600oC in normal operation, and therefore combustiblematerials should be kept away from the bulbs.

    Architect's sketch of the newTucson Airport, Four80-ft, poles -with 36 1500W "1.Q." Lamps on eachpole - will completely floodlightthe service and passenger loadingareas of the airport.

    A Chicago landmark - the Water Tower onMichigan Avenue - lighted primarily by "l,Q."Lamps.Many other "I.Q." Lamp types are available for special appli-cations and voltage requirements. For complete informationabout Sylvania "I.Q." Lamps and engineering assistance inselecting the most efRcient lamps for your particular needs -call your Sylvania distributor or nearest Sylvania districtoffice - or write direct to. . .SY{,hAI\{IAfiillifitii i iaEpnurE & EIEITB 0tt tcs W

    l-219 -4/ 64- A-DR (Supersedes l-201)