Sydney Case Ppt

Sydney’s Cross City Tunnel By I MFM Students. An ofering at His Lotus Feet


deals with the Sydney case and its impact on the procedures of project finannce.

Transcript of Sydney Case Ppt

Sydneys Cross City Tunnel

Sydneys Cross City TunnelByI MFM Students.An offering at His Lotus FeetFacts of the CaseFinance, design, construct, operate and maintain two new 2.1km east-west toll road tunnels under Sydney.Contract transferred risks to private sector.Awarded to the Crosscity Motorway Consortium : Billfinger BergerBaulderstone HornibrookDeutsche Bank 292 planning conditions for the Cross City Tunnel.

Expected Benefits

Funding Details

Tunnel Operation Details

The Positives

GHOSTTUNNEL!!!The Negatives

What is the ceiling capacity of theCross City Tunnel?

Maximum lane capacity is 2,000Number of lanes is 4Expansion factor is 102,000 x 4 x 10 = 80,000Consortium estimate of 98,000 AADTis 18,000 above the ceiling capacityHOW?

Traffic Flows