SVA Treatment of Myalgic Encephalitic Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

SVA Treatment of Myalgic Encephalitic Chronic Fatigue Syndrome During the course of treatment of chronic diseases invariably patients present with the complaint of fatigue. In many cases fatigue is the result of poor routine and diet and correcting these factors give almost instantaneous results. Other patients’ fatigue reach a level of chronicity and severity that interferes with their activities of daily living thereby making them feel anxious, irritable, and depressed. This is CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. CFS contains all of the factors of general fatigue in addition to the inability to deliver necessary nutrition and eliminate toxins on a cellular level. CFS takes more time to treat and responds more slowly than general fatigue. However, there is another type of very unique fatigue syndrome that we also see in our office. This called Myalgic Encephalitic Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME CFS. From a symptomatic point of view, ME CFS combines Fibromyalgic pain and CFS but with many other neurologic type symptoms as well. These symptoms include but are not limited to: Physical Symptoms: Muscle weakness and pain, especially in the shoulders, upper arms, thighs Muscle twitching Blurred vision Numbness/pins and needles Tender swollen lymph nodes, particularly underarms and neck Joint pain Poor circulation (cold hands and feet) Chronic sore throat, often with recurrent flu-like symptoms Irritable bowel syndrome Sensitivities (to light, touch, food, chemicals, perfume, paint etc.) Alteration of taste and smell Headaches Rashes Dryness of mucous membranes (throat, mouth ,eyes) Mouth ulcers Uncomfortable or frequent urination Cognitive Symptoms: Poor concentration 'Foggy' thinking Difficulty speaking and choosing words appropriately (for example saying, black when you mean white) Poor memory Nervous Disorders:


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Transcript of SVA Treatment of Myalgic Encephalitic Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

SVA Treatment of Myalgic Encephalitic Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

During the course of treatment of chronic diseases invariably patients present with the complaint of fatigue. In many cases fatigue is the result of poor routine and diet and correcting these factors give almost instantaneous results. Other patients’ fatigue reach a level of chronicity and severity that interferes with their activities of daily living thereby making them feel anxious, irritable, and depressed. This is CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. CFS contains all of the factors of general fatigue in addition to the inability to deliver necessary nutrition and eliminate toxins on a cellular level. CFS takes more time to treat and responds more slowly than general fatigue.

However, there is another type of very unique fatigue syndrome that we also see in our office. This called Myalgic Encephalitic Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME CFS. From a symptomatic point of view, ME CFS combines Fibromyalgic pain and CFS but with many other neurologic type symptoms as well. These symptoms include but are not limited to:

Physical Symptoms:

Muscle weakness and pain, especially in the shoulders, upper arms, thighs Muscle twitching Blurred vision Numbness/pins and needles Tender swollen lymph nodes, particularly underarms and neck Joint pain Poor circulation (cold hands and feet) Chronic sore throat, often with recurrent flu-like symptoms Irritable bowel syndrome Sensitivities (to light, touch, food, chemicals, perfume, paint etc.) Alteration of taste and smell Headaches Rashes Dryness of mucous membranes (throat, mouth ,eyes) Mouth ulcers Uncomfortable or frequent urination

Cognitive Symptoms:

Poor concentration 'Foggy' thinking Difficulty speaking and choosing words appropriately (for example saying, black when

you mean white) Poor memory

Nervous Disorders:

Interrupted sleep patterns Depression Mood swings, anxiety Feeling 'disoriented' Personality changes (usually a worsening of a previous mild tendency)

This type of patient is totally disabled. They are home bound and may not be able to walk or even move because of the extreme pain and fatigue they are experiencing.

SVA (Shaka Vansya Ayurveda) gives us a unique perspective when confronted with sufferers of ME CFS. I remember years ago Vaidya Mishra and I developed a case history form based on SVA principles. During our discussion he told me to include questions on the form to rule out patients who were low in Ojas. He told me that when a person has low Ojas they experience depression, mood swings, dry mouth, aching joints etc. Almost every symptom listed above is a sign and symptom of low Ojas and a toxin call Ama Visha (reactive acidic toxins).

There are 2 types of Ojas: Apar Ojas and Param Ojas. Apar Ojas is the integrating factor that maintains balance and control over all the systems of the body. As such could be said in western scientific terms to be our neurotransmitters, hormones, immune system and neuropeptides. Param Ojas is described as the glue that attaches the soul to the physical body.

In the case of ME CFS we are then dealing a case of severely low Apar Ojas. SVA tells us the Ojas comes directly from the Pranic energy called Soma. Therefore, if a patient presents with low ojas, then we have to consider the question of why the Soma is low. Soma can be low for many reasons: stress, trauma, acidity, too many medications, bad diet and routine etc. However, while not limited to the most common reasons, in ME CFS we also find a more unique and elusive etiology.

The reason Soma and therefore Ojas is low in patients with ME CFS is the inability to receive and deliver Prana. SVA teaches that Prana is the subtle intelligence of Nature that circulates through invisible energetic channels called Nadis. There are 3 types of Prana: Soma the stabilizing, cooling, lubricating lunar energy, Agni the solar transformational heating energy and Marut the flowing intelligent energy that decides how much Agni or Soma is to be used, delivered, converted, assimilated and eliminated.

ME CFS is a problem with the reception of and blockage of the flow of Marut Prana resulting in fluctuating Agni and Soma. Without Marut, there is no intelligence available to organize and coordinate the Agni and Soma. Therefore, we get a host of symptoms ranging from:

High Agni: inflammation, heat, dryness to Low Agni: weak digestion, poor fat metabolism, very low energy and accumulation of mucous and other toxins.

High Soma: too much heaviness and lethargy in all systems of the body to Low Soma: low Ojas, low immunity, depression and anxiety.

To simplify this idea imagine that the element on your stove is Agni. The water in the pot is the Soma. Now imagine trying to cook something if the regulation of the temperature, pressure, and the mixing of ingredients goes totally haywire. The heat goes up, the heat goes down. The pot is half stirred, not stirred or blended at high speed. A pressure lid is added, compressed, released or taken away. The result would be nothing worth eating in the pot!

In the case of ME CFS, Marut is not available to coordinate the functions of Agni and Soma which in turn reduces Soma thus reducing Ojas. With low Ojas there is poor production of neurotransmitters, poor immunity, poor hormone production and coordination. Also there is high acidity in the system resulting inflammation and pain. High acidity results in low oxygenation and coupled with an overstressed immune system results in very low energy. Even the basic functions of water absorption and breathing is impaired!

It is the lack of addressing this etiological factor that makes ME CFS so difficult to treat. Even contemporary Ayurveda which has no precise theoretical knowledge of Prana is unable to help these patients.

Fortunately we are blessed with Vaidya Mishra’s Transdermal Marma System (TMS) which has been maintained generation after generation through his family’s 5000 year lineage. This ancient lineage is a direct link to the wisdom of Prana, Nadis and how to balance them through the application of Pranically intact herbal Transdermal Creams. TMS allows us to work at the level of Hetu or etiological factor when treating patients with ME CFS.

All of the treatments we use with patients such as recommendations for routine, diet, herbal protocols etc. are also part of the treatment protocol for ME CFS patients. However, without proper treatment with TMS, the other protocols will not work and often make the patient feel worse.

Thus with SVA and TMS we are able to successful treat patients with ME CFS. Please review the testimonial of my patient Marie Laure who suffers the worst case of ME CFS that I’ve treated. Although not yet completely recovered, her progress has been steady and we are encouraged and inspired the dedication of her and her family to overcoming this disease.

Douglas Beech, DC is an SVA practitioner in Bethesda, MD. He sees patients in his office and via phone consultations. You may reach his office at 301-951-9000.