Suppor4ng&Safety&at&Intersec4ons&and&in&Road& Trains ...€¦ · FalkoDressler" 3...

1 Falko Dressler University of Innsbruck WWVC 2013 Keynote 20131120 Computer and Communica4on Systems (Lehrstuhl für Technische Informa4k) Suppor4ng Safety at Intersec4ons and in Road Trains: Protocol Engineering for IVC Falko Dressler University of Innsbruck, Austria [email protected]

Transcript of Suppor4ng&Safety&at&Intersec4ons&and&in&Road& Trains ...€¦ · FalkoDressler" 3...

1  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Computer  and  Communica4on  Systems  (Lehrstuhl  für  Technische  Informa4k)  

Suppor4ng  Safety  at  Intersec4ons  and  in  Road  Trains:  Protocol  Engineering  for  IVC  

Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck,  Austria  

[email protected]  

2  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  


!   Inter-­‐Vehicular  CommunicaGon  !   CommunicaGon  paradigms  !   ApplicaGons  

!   Traffic  DisseminaGon  !   One  hop  broadcast  !   AdapGve  beaconing  !   GeMng  more  realisGc  

!   Platooning  !   Impact  on  beaconing  !   AdaptaGon  in  Gme  and  space  

!   Conclusions  

3  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Communica4on  Paradigms  

Ad Hoc Multihop Broadcasting

Infrastructure-assisted Data Exchange

4  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  


!   Wealth  of  applicaGons    [T.  L.  Willke  2009]  



Entertainment Contextual Information

Traffic Information Systems

Optimal Speed Advisory

Congestion, Accident


Safety Situation


Blind Spot Warning

Adaptive Cruise Control

Warning Messages

Traffic Light Violation

Electronic Brake Light

Short-Range Radio Broadcast

Range 3G+

Cellular Cost ?

[1] G. T. L. Willke, P. Tientrakool, and N. F. Maxemchuk, "A Survey of Inter-Vehicle Communication Protocols and Their Applications," IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 11 (2), pp. 3-20, 2009

5  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

3G  /  3.5G  –  ak4v  CoCar  

! akGv  CoCar  !   Goals  

!   InvesGgate  feasibility  of  Car-­‐to-­‐X  over  3G/3.5G  networks  

!   Establish  business  case  !   CooperaGon  of  

! Telcos,  OEMs  !   Car  manufacturers  !   Government,  automobile  associaGon  

6  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

3G  /  3.5G  –  ak4v  CoCar  

!   Hierarchy  of  (logical)  funcGon  blocks  !   Reflector  

!   blind  re-­‐broadcast  of  received  data,  copy  sent  upstream  to  CoCar  Aggregator  !   envisioned  to  be  deployed  close  to  roads,  e.g.  in  base  staGons  

! Geocast  Manager  !   autonomous  wide-­‐area  disseminaGon  of  messages  received  from  upstream  

! CoCar  Aggregator  !   central    

informaGon    broker  

7  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

3G  /  3.5G  –  ak4v  CoCar  

!   Selected  performance  measures  !   Using  MBMS  (mulGcast  service),  emergency  messages  can  be  handled  

well  using  the  FTAP  (~120  ms  end-­‐to-­‐end  delay)  

[1] C. Sommer, A. Schmidt, R. German, W. Koch, and F. Dressler, "Simulative Evaluation of a UMTS-based Car-to-Infrastructure Traffic Information System," Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2008), 3rd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications (AutoNet 2008), New Orleans, LA, December 2008

[2] C. Sommer, A. Schmidt, Y. Chen, R. German, W. Koch, and F. Dressler, "On the Feasibility of UMTS-based Traffic Information Systems," Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, Special Issue on Vehicular Networks, vol. 8 (5), pp. 506-517, July 2010

8  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  


!   WAVE  !   IEEE  1609.1:  “Core  System”  !   IEEE  1609.2:  Security  



WAVE MAC and Channel Coordination









11p 16







! IEEE  1609.3:  Network  Services  ! IEEE  1609.4:  Channel  Management  

[1] Jiang, D. and Delgrossi, L., "IEEE 802.11p: Towards an international standard for wireless access in vehicular environments," Proceedings of 67th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2008-Spring), Marina Bay, Singapore, May 2008

[2] Uzcátegui, Roberto A. and Acosta-Marum, Guillermo, "WAVE: A Tutorial," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 47 (5), pp. 126-133, May 2009

9  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Applica4on  Layer  

!   Car-­‐2-­‐Car  CommunicaGon  ConsorGum  &  ETSI  TC  ITS  !   Not  defined  by  DSRC/WAVE  

but  frame  formats  are  provided  (e.g.,  WAVE  Short  Messages)  

!   First  applicaGon:  CooperaGve  Awareness  Messages  (CAM)  !   Periodic  beacons  containing  

!   Time  !   Speed  !   PosiGon  !   Heading  !  …  

!   Fixed  interval  of  1  to  10  Hz  (now  considered  up  to  40  Hz)  

10  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Simple  Broadcast-­‐based  IVC  

!   Open  issues  !   Infrastructure-­‐less  operaGon:  needs  high  marked  penetraGon  !   Required/tolerable  beacon  interval  highly  dependent  on  scenario  !   Design  needs  dedicated  channel  capacity  

!   Real  networks  are  heterogeneous  !   Roadside  infrastructure  present  vs.  absent  !   Freeway  scenario  vs.  inner  city  !   Own  protocol  ⇔  other,  future,  and  legacy  protocols  

!   How  to  do  beoer?  !   Dynamically  incorporate  opGonal  infrastructure  !   Dynamically  adapt  beacon  interval  !   Dynamically  use  all  free(!)  channel  capacity  

11  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Fully  Distributed:  Adap4ve  Traffic  Beacon  

!   Beacon  interval:  measure  of  channel  quality  and  message  prioriGes  !   Infrastructure  elements:  RSUs  of  different  capabiliGes  can  be  included  

!   Lightweight  SSUs  (service  support  unit)  !   Interconnected  RSUs  

[1] Christoph Sommer, Ozan K. Tonguz and Falko Dressler, "Traffic Information Systems: Efficient Message Dissemination via Adaptive Beaconing," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 49 (5), pp. 173-179, May 2011

[2] Christoph Sommer, Ozan K. Tonguz and Falko Dressler, "Adaptive Beaconing for Delay-Sensitive and Congestion-Aware Traffic Information Systems," Proceedings of 2nd IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC 2010), Jersey City, NJ, December 2010, pp. 1-8

[3] C. Sommer, R. German, and F. Dressler, "Decentralized Traffic Information Systems and Adaptive Rerouting in Urban Scenarios," Proceedings of 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2010), Demo Session, San Diego, CA, March 2010

Challenging questions •  How frequently can the beacons be sent? •  How frequently should the beacons be sent? •  Which information should be included into the beacon?

12  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Beacon  Interval  

!   Interval  parameter  I

 I  =  (1  –  wI)  x  P2  +  (wI  x  C2)  

 C  …  channel  quality    P  …  message  priority    wI …  interval  weighGng  

! Beacon  interval  ΔI

 ΔI  =  Imin  +  (Imax  –  Imin)  x  I  

13  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Grid  Scenario  

14  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Intermediate  Conclusion  

!   These  concepts  also  went  into  standardizaGon  !   ETSI  ITS-­‐G5  developed  DCC  (Decentralized  CongesGon  Control)  with  TRC  

(Transmit  Rate  Control)  ! bt  is  the  “busy  raGo”  of  the  channel  !   Coarse  grained  measurement  intervals  

[1] Werner, Marc and Lupoaie, Radu and Subramanian, Sundar and Jose, Jubin, "MAC Layer Performance of ITS G5 - Optimized DCC and Advanced Transmitter Coordination," Proceedings of 4th ETSI TC ITS Workshop, Doha, Qatar, February 2012

15  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Problem  Solved?  

!   Maybe  we  all  overlooked  some  issues!  

!   Antenna  characterisGcs  !   Radio  signal  shadowing  

16  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Experimental  Valida4on  

[1] Christoph Sommer, David Eckhoff, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "A Computationally Inexpensive Empirical Model of IEEE 802.11p Radio Shadowing in Urban Environments," Proceedings of 8th IEEE/IFIP Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2011), Bardonecchia, Italy, January 2011, pp. 84-90

[2] David Eckhoff, Christoph Sommer, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "Cooperative Awareness At Low Vehicle Densities: How Parked Cars Can Help See Through Buildings," Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston, TX, December 2011

17  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Establishment  of  New  Models  

!   Models  allow  taking  into  consideraGon  (a)  staGc  and  (b)  moving  obstacles  

!   Research  ques4on:  What  is  their  impact  on  beaconing?  

18  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Towards  new  Beaconing  Concepts  

!   DynB  –  Dynamic  Beaconing  

!   Considering  all  the  radio  shadowing  effects  to  adapt  very  quickly  to  the  current  channel  quality  

!   Main  idea:  conGnuously  observe  the  load  of  the  wireless  channel  to  calculate  the  current  beacon  interval  

!   I = Ides + r (Imax – Ides) with  Imax = (N+1) Ides (N  is  the  number  of  neighbors)  and  r = (bt / bdes) - 1 clipped  in  [0,  1]  

[1] Christoph Sommer, Stefan Joerer, Michele Segata, Ozan K. Tonguz, Renato Lo Cigno and Falko Dressler, "How Shadowing Hurts Vehicular Communications and How Dynamic Beaconing Can Help," Proceedings of 32nd IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2013), Mini-Conference, Turin, Italy, April 2013

19  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

How  Busy  Can/Should  the  Channel  Be?  

!   Assuming  a  payload  of  l  =  512  bit  (at  18  Mbit/s),  we  obtain    tbusy = Tpreamble + Tsignal + Tsym [(16 + l + 6) / NDBPS] = 104 µs  Using  a  minimum  AIFS  and  an  average  iniGal  backoff  counter,  we  get  a  maximum  bt    bt = tbusy / (tbusy + taifs + tidle) = 0.64

20  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Comparing  DynB  to  TRC  (G5)  Fr






Channel busy ratio Received beacons

bdes=0.25, Ides=0.01

21  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Handling  Dynamics  in  the  Environment  

!   Assuming  two  larger  clusters  of  vehicles  meeGng  spontaneously  (e.g.,  at  intersecGons  in  suburban  or  when  some  big  trucks  leave  the  freeway)  

22  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Room  for  Improvements?  

!   A  specific  applicaGon:  platooning  !   solve  traffic  congesGon  problems  !   decrease  polluGon  !   increase  safety  !   decrease  severe  injuries/deaths  !   Avoid  wasGng  driving  Gme  

!   Research  quesGons  !   Impact  of  platooning  on  network  (and  vice  versa)  !   Develop  protocols  to  beoer  support  platooning  


23  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Automated  Car  Following  Technologies  

!   ACC  –  Radar  based  


!   CACC(s)  –  Radar  +  IVC  

Car 1 Car 2 Car 3 Car 4

Car 1 Car 2 Car 3 Car 4

Car 1 Car 2 Car 3 Car 4

Dist: > 1 s * v (m/s)

Dist: 0.6 s * v (m/s)

Dist: x (m)

24  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Performing  Platooning  

!   CooperaGve  AdapGve  Cruise  Control  (CACC)  !   maintains  a  fixed  distance  independent  from  current  speed  !   can  follow  really  closely  !   obtains  leader  and  front  vehicle  data  via  wireless  communicaGon  

!   CommunicaGons  based  on  IEEE  802.11p  !   Platooning  requires  frequent  updates  (>  10  Hz)  !   Concerns  regarding  network  congesGon  


: obtained through wireless communication

25  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Networking  Related  Issues  

!   CommunicaGons  based  on  IEEE  802.11p  !   Platooning  (might)  require  frequent  updates  (>  10  Hz)  !   Concerns  regarding  network  congesGon  

!   Research  Needed  on  !   Impact  of  platooning  on  network  (and  vice  versa)  !   Protocols  to  beoer  support  platooning  

!   ContribuGons  !   Large  scale  analysis  !   Beaconing  soluGon  that  is  adapGve  in  Gme  and  space  

26  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Simula4on  Framework  

!   Permit  detailed  simulaGon  of  !   CommunicaGons  !   Road  traffic  


27  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Communica4on  Protocols  

!   Develop  and  test  4  different  protocols  !   Random  transmission  (staGc  beaconing)  !   Synchronized  transmission  (slooed  beaconing)  !   Both  w/  and  w/o  transmission  power  control  


28  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Protocol  Performance  


Busy time

Beacon collisions

29  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Platooning  Braking  –  Minimum  Distance  


30  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  


!   Real-­‐world  experiments  !   Outline  only  limited  informaGon  about  the  feasibility  and  the  

performance    à  experiments  with  roughly  400  cars  are  planned  in  a  German  project  

!   Performance  evaluaGon  for  2%,  10%,  50%,…  penetraGon?  

!   SimulaGon  !   Usually  using  standard  network  simulaGon  methods  

!   ns2/ns3,  OMNeT++,  GloMoSim,  OPNET,  …  

!   Detailed  network  layers,  simple  “support”  modules  !   Appropriate  for  VANETs?  

!   Research  challenge:  appropriate  mobility  modeling  

31  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Mobility  Modeling  

!   Early  approaches  !   Random  Waypoint  !   Manhaoan  Grid  !   Traces  

!   Road  traffic  microsimulaGon  !   SimulaGon  of  individual  cars  !   Exact  modeling  of  streets,  speed  limits,  etc.  

!   Coupling  with  network  simulaGon  !   Pre-­‐computaGon  (or  on-­‐demand  simulaGon)  of  road  traffic  !   IncorporaGon  of  computed  traces  into  network  simulators  

(can  be  used  for  real-­‐world  traces  as  well)  [1] C. Sommer and F. Dressler, "Progressing Towards Realistic Mobility Models in VANET Simulations," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 46 (11), pp. 132-137, November 2008 [2] Christoph Sommer, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "Bidirectionally Coupled Network and Road Traffic Simulation for Improved IVC Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Mobile

Computing, vol. 10 (1), pp. 3-15, January 2011 [3] V. Naumov, R. Baumann, and T. Gross, "An evaluation of inter-vehicle ad hoc networks based on realistic vehicular traces," Proceedings of 7th ACM International Symposium on

Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (ACM Mobihoc 2006), Florence, Italy, March 2006, pp. 108-119 [4] M. Fiore, J. Härri, F. Filali, and C. Bonnet, "Vehicular Mobility Simulation for VANETs," Proceedings of 40th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS 2007), March 2007, pp. 301-309

32  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  


!   Veins  –  Vehicles  in  Network  SimulaGon  !   hop://  

!   Models  ! BidirecGonally-­‐coupled  simulaGon  !   IncorporaGon  of  real-­‐world  street  maps  !   Flexible  and  fast(!)  simulaGon  !   Corrected  Two-­‐Ray  Interference  LOS  !   SophisGcated  but  fast(!)  building  shadowing  (NLOS)  !   Vehicle  shadowing  !   Human-­‐driver  behavior  

[1] Christoph Sommer, Reinhard German and Falko Dressler, "Bidirectionally Coupled Network and Road Traffic Simulation for Improved IVC Analysis," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10 (1), pp. 3-15, January 2011

[2] C. Sommer, I. Dietrich, and F. Dressler, "Realistic Simulation of Network Protocols in VANET Scenarios," Proceedings of 26th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2007): IEEE Workshop on Mobile Networking for Vehicular Environments (MOVE 2007), Poster Session, Anchorage, AK, May 2007, pp. 139-143

33  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  

Open  Research  Issues  

!   Fundamental  scalability  issues  

!   Non-­‐safety  data  disseminaGon  /  traffic  informaGon  systems  !   Studied  for  data  aggregaGon  [1]  !   Unclear  for  distance-­‐based  pruning  

!   Safety  applicaGons  !   Channel  uGlizaGon  /  overload  as  the  key  challenge  !   ParGally  studied  for  mulG-­‐channel  protocols  using  IEEE  802.11p  [2]  !   ParGally  studied  for  adapGve  beaconing  [3]  

[1] B. Scheuermann, C. Lochert, J. Rybicki, and M. Mauve, "A Fundamental Scalabiliy Criterion for Data Aggregation in VANETs," Proceedings of 15th ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (ACM MobiCom 2009), Beijing, China, September 2009

[2] Intelligent Transportation Systems Committee, "IEEE Trial-Use Standard for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) - Multi-channel Operation," IEEE, 1609.4, November 2006

[3] C. Sommer, O .K. Tonguz and F. Dressler, "Traffic Information Systems: Efficient Message Dissemination via Adaptive Beaconing," IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 49 (5), pp. 173-179, May 2011

[4] F. Dressler, C. Sommer, D. Eckhoff and O. K. Tonguz, "Towards Realistic Simulation of Inter-Vehicle Communication: Models, Techniques and Pitfalls," IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, 2011. (to appear)

34  Falko  Dressler  University  of  Innsbruck    

WWVC  2013  Keynote  2013-­‐11-­‐20  


Today,  we  studied  

!   AdapGve  data  disseminaGon  !   Using  beaconing  !   Towards  adapGve  beaconing  

!   Beaconing  for  platooning  !   Changes  in  protocol  development  !   New  challengs  

!   Not  discussed:  security  and  privacy  concerns  !   Strong  debate  about  privacy  vs.  security  

…  as  can  be  seen,  there  are  many  open  challenges  and  research  issues  for  another  decade  of  V2V  research  ☺