Student Innovation Brochure



See what is new for Student Ministries from Word of Life for 2015.

Transcript of Student Innovation Brochure

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i n n o v a t i o n . w o l . o r g

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Since 2004, Facebook has grown from 1 million users

to over 1.15 billion. In an even greater leap, Google +

has grown from 400 million to over 1 billion in just 2


The problems our students face aren’t new,

but the way they are being communicated

are and the frequency at which they

face them is at an all-time high. With the

growth of Online Videos and Social Media,

information is more readily available than

ever before. In the last 10 years there are

more tv shows airing every night then 20

years ago and the content is increasingly

being filled with political and social


Americans are becoming increasingly

dependent on technology. While this

presents powerful positives, it also creates

significant difficulties.

Students have real needs every day and

they want real answers.

Many of the students in your youth group

probably don’t even come to church with

their Bible, whether paper or digital.

the problem

*According to research by Shortstack

The average American spends

16 minutes of each hour on

Social Media.*

Social Media is becoming

part of our daily lives: the +1

button is pressed 5 million

times each day, 1 million web

pages automatically connect to



2004 2014








2012 2014






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We call it the Acts 2 vs. Acts 17 Reality Many youth ministries use the “Acts 2 style” in the way

they teach students. This is similar to how the Apostle

Peter preached in Acts Chapter 2 on the day of Pentecost.

His audience was a group of God-fearing Jews, people

who already had a foundational belief in the God of the

Bible and understood the meaning of sin and the fall. The problem is today’s students do not have a

biblical foundation like they did 30 years ago. We are talking about things that they do not understand

or have a frame of reference.

In Acts 17 Paul took a totally different approach. Paul recognized that his audience was

a group of philosophers who had no knowledge of the true God of the Bible. The one

thing he did have going for him was they loved to debate the latest ideas, similar to

today’s young person who is open to discussion and debate. So knowing this and also

understanding their culture, Paul weaved culture into his message by quoting inscriptions

on their statues, “to the Unknown God” (Acts 17:22-23) and their poets, “your own poets

have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’” With this he was able to get a hearing and connect with his


With the new curriculum for Student Ministries, we first address the felt need and then provide the

answer with a doctrinal study that gets to the heart of their real need. The felt need of each lesson is the

topic that is relevant to the real world. We draw them in by addressing a topic in a range of issues that

they or their friends face each day and then show them how God’s Word has the answers.

our answerIf the students you work with are like the average youth group

then you have students ranging from being sold out to just attending.

Many regardless of where they are in their walk with God,

face real life issues like

Divorce, suicide and PEER PRESSURE.

We know that God’s Word has the answers and Word of Life Local Church Ministries has always taken the approach that if

you teach Scripture you can give answers and have life change.





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Felt needEach felt need has been researched and

the lessons have been developed so that

the material addresses issues head on,

giving answers based on doctrinal truth.

DoctrineThe doctrinal truth of each lesson

is presented as the answer to the

felt need. Our desire is to keep the

message simple and clear. So, while the

lesson does not cover each doctrine

comprehensively, it will expose students

to each key doctrine, making it come

alive as it addresses needs they face


Worth repeatingEvery lesson will have a key thought

or statement that appears repeatedly

throughout the lesson to remind the

students of the importance of the

doctrine in their lives.

ObjectiveEvery lesson clearly states the objective

so that leaders and students know

where the lesson is headed. It will

express the essence of the lesson in a

short significant statement. Think of it as

a bulls-eye that allows them to maintain

the focus.

Every student is facing something.

Often they think that the Bible isn’t

practical to daily living. We want to

recognize what they perceive to be the

problem in their lives and bring the Word of God alive.

Repetition is key to learning. We want

the students to walk away with at least

one clear statement that they can apply.

We believe that the Word of God has all the answers. With the new curriculum we start with the felt need to draw the students in, but the goal is to help them understand that doctrine is practical for everyday life.

While the element of surprise has its place, when it comes to the Bible Study Objective we want the students and leaders to know exactly where the lesson is “going.”


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Lesson 1: Always ThereFelt Need: Dealing with the fear of losing a


Doctrine: Pre-existence and Eternality of Christ

Worth Repeating: Jesus has been, is, and will

always…be there.

Lesson 2:Jesus’ RésuméFelt Need: Discontentment with how God has

created you

Doctrine: Pre-incarnate Work of Christ as the Creator

Worth Repeating: Every piece of you was on purpose

Lesson 3:SafeFelt Need: Wanting to be “spiritual”

Doctrine: Christ’s Incarnation

Worth Repeating: Jesus is the reality of religion

Lesson 4:He is ComingFelt Need: Desire for freedom to do what you want

Doctrine: Future ministry of Christ, Kingship, Judge

Worth Repeating: Bow your knee to the coming king

Module 5Once Upon a Time: More

Than Just a Fairy Tale


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student notes


Always There

Jesus Is Always _______ (John 1:1-3) Jesus, the Son of God, is ____________, without change in the past, present, and in the future (Hebrews 13:8).

Jesus is always there with you because He is God and God never __________.

Jesus’ relationship with God the Father and His great love for mankind required Him to become human so He could invite you into an eternal love ________________ with Him!

Jesus Shines _______ into the Darkness (John 1:4-5, 9) The Gospel of John tells us that it is into this darkness that Jesus came to shine the light that will __________ the darkness (John 1:5)

Jesus is always there with ______, even in the darkest places of this life.

One day, when Jesus returns, He will put a permanent end to the darkness caused by relationship _________.

Jesus Offers ______ (John 1:12-13) Hope in Christ is having ____________ in His character and His promises.

Hope means you do not have to ____________ Jesus’ love for you; it is rock solid.

The hope we have is found in Jesus’ ____________ for us.


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Always There

What behavior changes (if any) have you noticed in friends who are experiencing the pain of relationship loss?

How can knowing Jesus is always there for us help when we experience the pain of a lost relationship?

What is one thing in your life that you thought would never change that has? Have you seen others lose something they thought wouldn't change?

Why is Jesus the only Person who will never leave us?

Memorize, review or read Hebrews 13:5 three times this week.

Choose a time this week to sit down and write out how you feel about a painful situation, a person, or a problem in your life. Then take what you wrote and turn it over to Jesus through prayer.

Is there a friend you know who is facing the loss of a relationship right now? What specific action step can you take this week to encourage them? Write down your idea after discussing ideas within your small group.

Worth Repeating: Jesus has been, is and will always…be there!



The Truth section will help your students follow along during the lesson. The Leader’s copy has the answers filled in.

The Connection section asks specific questions to help the student understand and apply what they have learned from the Bible Study.

The Decision section of the student notes is where we want to help students move to a specific application of what has been discussed.


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Small Group leader's guide


Always There Small Group Leader Discussion Guide

Lead your students in a meaningful discussion about the lesson. Adjust questions as needed. Don’t feel like you need to answer all of them. What behavior changes (if any) have you noticed in friends who are experiencing the pain of relationship loss? They may have noticed a friend withdrawing, their grades starting to slip or experiencing heavy mood swings. They might become clingy or possessive in other relationships in their life.

How can knowing Jesus is always there for us help when we experience the pain of a lost relationship? We always have someone to talk to…I can pray and talk with Jesus. Because He is unchanging, we know His love toward us doesn’t change.

Read Romans 8:38-39. Notice the things Paul lists here, can these things stop Jesus' love for us? One day, when Jesus returns, He will put a permanent end to dark things like losing those that we love. For now, His promise is to be with us in the darkness. What is one thing in your life that you thought would never change that has? Have you seen others lose something they thought wouldn't change? The point is: nothing in this life is forever. Help the students see something in their lives that has changed that they thought might not. (Loss of a loved one or no longer able to keep grades what they used to be.) Point out that things break sometimes (you drop your phone and it shatters). Talk about athletes with season-ending injuries who thought they would be playing for years. Or refer to people who lose their jobs or health suddenly. Even a person who was doing right, like Job in the Bible, lost things in his life. He lost his family, house, and money, and yet, God was still there for him. Read Job 1:21b. Job knew that in the midst of his suffering God was there for him. Why is Jesus the only person who will never leave us? Help the students to see that Jesus is eternal. He rose from the dead and is at the right hand of God in heaven. Once you've helped them to see how powerful Jesus is, ask: If Jesus is that powerful, what does it mean that He is always there for us?


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Matthew 27:46: When Jesus was on the cross He cried out "my God, why have You forsaken me." Main Point: Jesus was separated from His Father so that everyone who believes in Him never has to know that feeling of being alone.

Memorize, review or read Hebrews 13:5 three times this week. Choose a time this week to sit down and write out how you feel about a painful situation, a person, or a problem in your life. Then take what you wrote and turn it over to Jesus through prayer. Is there a friend you know who is facing the loss of a relationship right now? What specific action step can you take this week to encourage them? Write down your idea after discussing ideas within your small group. Ideas: Spend more time with them so they don't feel alone. Offer to pray for them in their situation. Tell them that even though they may have lost someone important to them, you won't leave them as a friend. Share the good news of the Gospel, if they do not know the Lord.

Encourage each of your students to take one of the three decision steps this week. Ask them to share what their action will be. Close this time asking God to help them to live the upcoming week reminded each day that Jesus is right there with them.

(Determine when you will contact your students this week to ask how they are doing with their action step. Set a reminder on your phone to make sure you remember. Remind them of the Worth Repeating statement.)

Worth Repeating: Jesus has been, is and will always…be there!



The Connection in the leader’s guide has all the same questions as the students’, but with content to guide as you lead your students in a meaningful discussion about the lesson.


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We know that every leader wants to see life-change in their students, but how does that

happen? We believe it is more than just coming to youth group every week. It involves

building spiritual habits. Habits like: Scripture Memory, Personal Devotions, and Service

in addition to Bible Study.

We have created a comprehensive program that incorporates these habits and takes a

dynamic approach in both group and personal areas...


believe spending time in the Word of

God is essential to a vibrant spiritual life.

Therefore, we provide devotional tools

that you can use to help a young person

develop the habit of daily devotions that

will last a lifetime. A bedrock to Word of

Life has been the Quiet Time devotional.

This simple tool gets you

in the Word of God

each day

and will help

you and



apply it

to your


SCRIPTURE MEMORY – While the majority

of Christians would say they believe it is

important to memorize Scripture, we have

found that the greater percentage don’t

have a system in place to do it on a regular

basis. Not only do we provide verses to

focus on during the year, we tie them to

each lesson and give practical everyday

topics and questions to which they relate.

BIBLE STUDY – Word of Life Student

Ministries Bible Study seeks to meet

students where they are and help them to

apply doctrine to every part of their lives.

SERVICE – Throughout Scripture we

are instructed to impact the

lives of others. This

impact is to be

both spiritual

and physical

whether it

be sharing

the gift of


with another

or attending

to the needs of

widows and orphans.

We have created a way for

each of your students to set service goals

and celebrate when they impact the life of



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quiet time Samples

The Quiet Time with Commentary contains a daily commentary and challenging application questions to help you go deeper into the Biblical text.

The new Quiet Time Interactive provides one page per day of thought-provoking questions to actively apply the Word of God to everyday life.

W e e k 1



TRUTH: Proverbs 21:23-31

PROVERBS 21:23During the past 72 hours:II said something that got me into trouble.II wished I could take back something that I said.

PROVERBS 21:24I can swap the word mocker for scoffer, but it all boils down to the fact that this person is proud and because he is defiantly arrogant.

When was the last time I mocked someone else in order to feel good about myself? _____________________________________________________

PROVERBS 21:25I am not normally lazy in every area of my life. There are certain things that grab my attention; I’m either good at them or feel they are necessary. HOWEVER, I have areas in my life which I simply do not want to focus on and work on - just typical things I refuse to do. I can be lazy in this area of my life: ___________________________________________________________

PROVERBS 21:26Some people are just greedy, wanting more and more. In contrast, the godly love to give. I will specifically look for an opportunity to be a “giver” today, rather than a “taker”? Yes/No

PROVERBS 21:27-28It’s time to stop bluffing my way through life! I will choose to have:I21:27 – Correct motivesI21:28 – Truthful words

PROVERBS 21:29-31“God, when reading today’s verses,

I realize that I really need to focus specifically on this:________________________________________________________________.”

“God, I’m committed to doing this Your way and will glorifyYou when You give the victory.” _____ (your initials)

“Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more call them back than ignore the

mess they leave when they fall.” - J. Picoult

Tweet it:

With reading plans and multiple commentaries, the Quiet Time Online can go with you everywhere.

All quiet times are based on the same passages, so no matter which one you prefer, everyone is reading the same passage each day.


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Lesson 1 of 4 from Module 5

Always There (Lesson 1 of 4)

Felt Need: Dealing with the fear of losing a relationship. Doctrine: Pre-existence and eternality of Christ To show students how a personal relationship with Jesus Christ provides security and hope and to encourage them to turn to Him for help when the fear of losing a relationship through death, divorce, or distance overwhelms them. When the circumstances seem as bad as they can get, what must I remember? Hebrews 13:5

Worth Repeating: Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there!

THE FELT NEED: Dealing with the fear of losing a relationship. 1. Even if you do not want to admit it, all of us are afraid of the dark at times. 2. The loss of a relationship might make it seem as if the lights are suddenly shut off and you are being held captive in darkness. 3. Your desire to have healthy and permanent relationships is perfectly normal. In fact, it was God’s original intention at creation. 4. Because of the sinful choices Adam and Eve made by eating the forbidden fruit, their relationship with God was lost, introducing fear and death into the world. 5. We have been dealing with the relational fallout ever since. 6. The Apostle John introduces the only One who can bring healing and hope in this life and the next: the Son of God, Jesus Christ. THE TRUTH: Pre-existence and Eternality of Christ a. John describes Jesus as the “Light” that shines into the darkness (John 1:5). b. There is only one Person who guarantees that He will never disappoint you or leave you

once you begin a relationship with Him; that Person is Jesus! (Hebrews 13:5) c. Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there!


Scope and Sequence

Memory Verse


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1. Jesus is Always There (John 1:1-3) a. Jesus, the Son of God, is eternal, without change in the past, present, and in the future (Hebrews 13:8). b. Jesus is always there with you because He is God and God never leaves. c. Jesus’ relationship with God the Father and His great love for mankind required Him to

become human so He could invite you into an eternal love relationship with Him! 2. Jesus Shines Light into the Darkness (John 1:4-5, 9) a. The Gospel of John tells us that it is into this darkness that Jesus came to shine the light that will defeat the darkness (John 1:5). b. Jesus is always there with you, even in the darkest places of this life. c. One day, when Jesus returns, He will put a permanent end to the darkness caused by

relationship losses. 3. Jesus Offers Hope (John 1:12-13) a. Hope in Christ is having confidence in His character and His promises. b. Hope means you do not have to question Jesus’ love for you; it is rock solid. c. The hope we have is found in Jesus’ sacrifice for us. THE CONNECTION: Jesus is your constant. ● The harsh reality is that despite our best efforts or desires, people die, parents divorce, and friends leave. There is no denying the confusion, hurt, sadness, and anger that accompanies loss. ● Knowing the eternal Son of God is shining the light of hope into your fears and struggles will give you the strength to overcome. ● Even though you may know these truths, in the midst of a relationship loss, it’s easy to forget and lose hope. In those times, you need to talk with a youth leader or strong Christian friend who can remind you of God’s promises found in His Word. ● Have the students break up into three groups for a brainstorming session on how to help their friends struggling with relationship losses. ● Nothing seems to be constant, but Jesus is! Nothing takes Him by surprise, and nothing will scare Him away! THE DECISION: Memorize Romans 8:38-39. 1. In one way or another, all of us have been touched by the pain and darkness of relationship losses as a result of death, divorce, or distance. 2. Even when it feels like the whole world is falling in on you, you can have confidence that Jesus will never leave you (Hebrews 13:5). 3. Gospel presentation for unsaved. 4. Challenge to those who know Christ to shine the light of Jesus with their friends who are experiencing relationship losses.

Eternal: Having no beginning and no end. Hope: Expectation of something with confidence, such as the return of Jesus Christ. Preexistence of Christ: The truth that Christ existed before He was born in Bethlehem.



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o TV or video projector o Flashlight o Handouts for discussion groups o A PowerPoint presentation for this module is available.

Charles Ryrie, Basic theology

THE FELT NEED: Dealing with the Fear of Losing Relationships 15% (6 min.)

In order to set the tone for the lesson effectively, try teaching the first part with the lights out. You may need to prepare your youth room ahead of time by covering lights/windows or having most lights turned off. You will want to turn the lights off during the introduction and discussion about fears. The darker the better. You want to create a somber mood to identify with the reality of fear. After you have allowed for adequate discussion among the group where the darkness and fears have settled in, you can turn the lights back on. Are you afraid of the dark? I just turned off the lights, and I promise I will turn them back on at some point, but I want you to really think about some questions first. Even if you do not want to admit it, all of us are afraid of the dark at times. There is just something unnerving or uncertain about the dark. Why would you be afraid of the dark?

(Wait for responses.) Now the lights have only been off for a few minutes, but how would you feel if you were stuck in this room and they had been off for, let’s say, three days? The fear of the dark could become more prevalent, or even overwhelming. Darkness is sometimes used as an interrogation method called light deprivation. After extended periods in the dark, the prisoners become disoriented and give in to their fears. The fear caused by losing control of their environment drives the prisoners to the point of desperation. As a result, they are more willing to give in to their interrogators’ demands in exchange for release from the darkness and relief from their fears. (Turn lights on.) Chances are you will probably never have to endure light deprivation torture. However, there will be times in your lives when the pain caused by the loss of a relationship might make it seem like the lights are suddenly shut off and you are being held captive in darkness. It doesn’t really matter whether the loss comes through death, divorce, or distance (like a friend moving away), the feelings of desperation are real, aren’t they? You may begin to believe that there is no escape from the darkness. You may even be tempted to cope with the pain in ways you might regret later on. What are some consequences from allowing your fear of losing a relationship, or the actual loss of a relationship, to control you? (Wait for responses. Possible responses could include isolation, loneliness, depression, distrust of others, loss of existing friendships, etc.)

Teacher’s Note

Writer’s Resources


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Your desire to have healthy and permanent relationships is perfectly normal. In fact, it was God’s original intention at design. The first few chapters of the first book of the Bible, Genesis, teach us that the Lord created Adam and Eve to have a perfect and permanent relationship with Him from the beginning. If ever there was picture-perfect setting, it was the Garden of Eden. The man and woman lived in a perfect setting, in perfect harmony with their Creator and each other. It seemed as if there would be a “happily ever after” but that was not the case. Sadly, because of the sinful choices Adam and Eve made by eating the forbidden fruit, that relationship was lost, introducing fear and death into the world. We have been dealing with the relational fallout ever since, haven’t we? Someone you love most dies unexpectedly and you’re left with a hole in your heart. Maybe your parents decide that divorce is easier than seeking counsel, fracturing your sense of security and leaving you emotionally shattered. Perhaps a best friend at school suddenly abandons you for a new bestie, or he or she moves away and you never hear from them again. These kinds of relationship losses can leave you shell-shocked and fearful of ever wanting to invest in another relationship again. You may begin thinking, “Was it my fault?” “Why did they stop loving me?” “What is true love, loyalty or faithfulness, anyway?” “I’ll never trust anyone else again!” The pain can be so catastrophic that some wander through life, never recovering from the waves of disappointment and disillusionment resulting from lost relationships. To those who are hurting and wondering why, the Apostle John introduces the only One who can bring healing and hope in this life and the next: the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there!

THE TRUTH: Preexistence and Eternality of Christ 50% (15 min.)

John describes Jesus as the “Light” that shines into the darkness (John 1:5). Into the fears, rejection and loneliness of relationship losses, Jesus shines with the promise that the darkness has not overcome Him (John 1:5). As we learn more about who Jesus is, we will see how secure we are in His love and that His love will never disappoint or fail us. If you have your Bible, turn with me to John chapter 1. What we are going to see in John 1 is that God is the light, even during the darkest of times. Regardless of the circumstances that might have caused your relationship loss, it can rob you of a sense of security, can’t it? You might feel like God let you down, that He failed you. Although it’s easy to blame God for your problems, it is not Him that has let you down or failed you! Relationship losses are the result of living in a fallen world full of fallen people. Think about it: Why do people die in the first place? (As a consequence of Adam and Eve’s choices.) What’s the real reason parents divorce? (Due to their sinful selfishness that can be traced back to the Garden.) Why do best friends suddenly stop communicating and fight? You guessed it--a result of the Fall! (James 4:1) Putting your hopes and trust in people for relationship security is just setting yourself up for disappointment, because there is no way they can love you or care for you perfectly. The harsh reality is that at some point they are going to leave you and cause you hurt and disappointment and at some point you will also do the same to them. There is only one Person who guarantees that He will never disappoint you or leave you once you begin a relationship with Him. That Person is Jesus! (Read Hebrews 13:5) Every promise that Jesus makes to you in HIs Word He will deliver on! He will never die or walk out on you. Jesus


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knew all about you before you were even created (Psalm 139) and knows all of the intimate details of your life. He knows every dark thought that you have, and He still loves you! He has been and will be there when your relative dies. He felt the pain that your parents’ divorce caused you. He is able to help pick up the pieces of your broken heart caused by a friend’s betrayal. Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there! Let’s spend some time getting to know this amazing Friend who promises to always be there, who shines light into the darkness in your life, and offers you unbelievable hope. These three foundational truths about Jesus Christ help us understand why Jesus can overcome any darkness in our life. John is very precise with his words to start this book. He says “In the beginning,” which is the very words used to start the book of Genesis and the creation account. Before there was any earth, any plants, any animals, or any humans, Jesus existed as the Word, the Son of God. The major point is that Christ, the Son of God, existed before time! This truth is called the Preexistence of Christ which means that Christ existed before He was born in Bethlehem. Being before time, He is over time and creation (Jude 1:25). Jesus, the Son of God, is eternal, without change in the past, present, and in the future (Hebrews 13:8). Eternal means having no beginning and no end. He is a sure foundation that will never fail us. In the darkness, our foundation can be shaken. If you have faced divorce, what you thought was a foundation, came crashing down. Yet Jesus is a constant that will never let you down, He is not going anywhere, but will be with you in the darkness. Jesus is always there with you because He is God and God never leaves. He can’t leave because He never began, He always was, always is, and always will be. Now, that is security! Jesus is God and His relationship with the Father is so great He wants to share it with you. His relationship with God the Father and His great love for mankind required Him to become human, so He could invite you into an eternal love relationship with Him! In the midst of your pain and hurt, where you do not understand true love, loyalty, or faithfulness, God wants to invite you into a healing, love relationship with your Creator. Jesus is like a lightning bolt into your darkness.

Darkness describes this broken, sinful world. Nothing seems darker than the death of someone you love, right? It can feel as if your entire world goes dark the moment you receive that news that someone close to you has died. It doesn’t matter if death happens unexpectedly (like a car accident or suicide), or if it’s due to old age or terminal illness, death is overwhelming to deal with! The very harsh reality is that this consequence of sin is real. The death of a loved one can leave you feeling abandoned and alone in the darkness.

Jesus Shines Light into the Darkness read John 1:4-5

Jesus is Always There Read John 1:1-3

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The Gospel of John tells us that into this darkness Jesus came to shine the light that will defeat the darkness (John 1:5). The Light is Jesus and He promises to lead us out of the darkness (John 8:12). How does Jesus shine light into the darkness when death hits? Bear with me for a moment. I am going to turn the lights off again to illustrate how this works. Turn off the lights for a moment to illustrate this point. Have a bright flashlight ready. Remember what we talked about earlier and imagine the lights have been off for a very long time. Jesus says He is the light that shines into the darkness (click the flashlight on). How does this flashlight change your perception of the darkness? (Wait for response.) Jesus is the flashlight that shines into the darkest times of our lives. How does knowing that Jesus is always with you and that His truth shines light into your darkness change your perception and encourage you? (Wait for responses.) Jesus is eternal. His light tells you that He isn’t running away. He isn’t giving up on you, so you can be confident in His love (Philippians 1:6). Jesus promises to continue His work in your life right up until the day He returns and you see Him face to face! Jesus is always there for you, even in the darkest times of life. Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there! (Turn lights back on.) One day, when Jesus returns, He will put a permanent end to the darkness caused by relationship losses. For now, His promise is to be with us in the darkness. The light of Jesus helps us see there is hope in spite of the darkness. Hope is found in Jesus Himself.

Hope in darkness has been mentioned a few times, but what exactly is it? What does it look like in our lives? We often use the word “hope” like we use the word “wish,” but when the Bible talks about hope, it means something totally different. Hope is assurance. It is the expectation of something with confidence, such as the return of Jesus Christ. Hope in Christ is having confidence in His character and His promises. Hope manifests itself when we learn that Jesus had no beginning or end, because He is eternal. Jesus is God and has a perfect relationship with God the Father. It is because of His great love that He became human (John 1:14). As C.S. Lewis said, "The Son of God became man to enable men to become sons of God.” Our hope is found in the love Christ had for us. When circumstances like divorce hit home and your parents separate, you question their love for each other and for you. When your best friend abandons you for someone new or moves away, you may feel the same emotions. Biblical hope means you do not have to question Jesus’ love for you; it is rock solid. Those who are hurting or fearful of any kind of relationship loss need the answer Jesus provides through the Gospel. His perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). The glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ is that in Him is life, and that life brings light to this dark world. Anyone who places their faith and trust in Jesus becomes a son or daughter of God (John 1:12). The love Jesus offers you is what compelled Him to leave Heaven and come to earth to die for you. He loves you so much that He wants to be with you and you to be with Him (John 17:24). Nothing in this life, not even the pain of death, divorce, or distance can separate you from His love (Romans 8:38-39). The love Jesus has for you means He will always be with you. The hope we have is found in Jesus’ sacrifice for us. If we place our faith and trust in Him, we begin a new relationship as a son or daughter of the Living God who promises to never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). A relationship with Jesus is better than any fairy tale you can imagine! John 1:12-13 states that being a part of His family is tighter than the physical family – it is a supernatural family of God. So even when death separates you from a loved one, you have a loving heavenly Father who will comfort you and give you peace. If divorce shatters the foundation of your biological family, you have an eternal family that will never abandon you. Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there!

Teacher’s Note

Jesus Offers Hope Read John 1:12-13


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THE CONNECTION: Jesus is your Constant. 35% (8 min.)

Nobody wants to live in the fear and darkness of a relationship loss. We long for different circumstances and hope things will get better. The harsh reality, however, is that despite our best efforts or desires, people die, parents divorce, and friends leave. There is no denying the confusion, hurt, sadness, and anger that accompanies it. Knowing the eternal Son of God is shining the light of hope into your fears and struggles will give you the strength to overcome. Jesus is right there with you. He is not going anywhere. He is the eternal Son of God who sticks by your side through thick and thin. He loves you and His love is a bright light shining into the darkness. Even though you may know these truths, in the midst of a relationship loss, it’s easy to forget and lose hope. In those times, you need to talk with a youth leader or strong Christian friend who can remind you of God’s promises found in His Word. Share your feelings with them and listen to what God wants to say to your situation. You may feel very alone during this time. If you do, you must remember that Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there! You may be really angry with those whom you feel are responsible for your relationship loss. The temptation may be to blame them for ruining your life. You may even be looking for ways to get back at them and hurt them as badly as they have hurt you. Jesus wants you to forgive them. He wants you to love them and see that they are hurting too. They need to know the love of Jesus in their dark place too. Instead of turning to anger or other outlets for pain, remember that Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there! There is hope and there is light when you know Christ. Maybe you’re here and you know someone who is experiencing the pain of a relationship loss right now. They are looking for a way out of the darkness. You need to know how to help others get through what they are facing. When your friends start to withdraw, when their grades start to slip, when their behavior changes, it could be because they have no hope. They need to know that Jesus can provide hope in their trial. Show them the love of Christ by sharing with them what you have learned tonight. We have a few scenarios where you can practice sharing the truth with friends who are struggling. Have the students break up into three groups for a brainstorming session. Have each group share their application point with the rest of the group. Have handouts ready for each group. We are going to break up into three groups. Each group should come up with practical support to help overcome the darkness of their situation. (3 minutes) Group 1: You just heard that your friend’s parents are getting a divorce. What does your friend really need to know to overcome this darkness? Group 2: Your friend is really hurting because her dad died in a car accident on the way home from work last week. What are some practical things YOU can do to help your friend in this difficult time? Group 3: You hear that a teammate’s best friend is moving across the country due to a parent’s job transfer. They have been friends since first grade and have been inseparably ever since. At a going away party your friend who is staying seems unusually depressed. What can you say to help him or her find hope in the midst of their loss?

Teacher’s Note

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Have each group report their results to the others. Each group has offered some excellent examples of ways to help others through relationship losses. Jesus has always existed, before creation, before time, and He has no end. He is a constant in this life and the next. You may have thought earthly relationships were your constant, but that foundation was blown apart. Nothing seems to be a constant, but Jesus is! Nothing takes Him by surprise, and nothing will scare Him away! Jesus is the only One who will always be there, shining the light of hope into the darkness in which you find yourself.

THE DECISION: Memorize Hebrews 13:5

(1 min.)

All of us have been touched by the pain and darkness of relationship losses due to death, divorce, or distance in one way or another. It can be overwhelming and hard to deal with. Yet, it is in this dark place that Jesus wants you to know who He is and the hope He offers. Jesus is shining as a bright light in the dark corners of your world. If you will trust Him, He will bring healing and hope in the midst of chaos. Even when it feels like the whole world is falling in on you, you can have confidence that Jesus will never leave you (Hebrews 13:5). Do you know Him? If not, what is keeping you from beginning a relationship with Him right now? One of the youth leaders would be glad to help you begin that relationship today! For those who already have a relationship with Jesus, realize you have His hope to offer to those who are living with the fear of relationship loss. Perhaps during this lesson, you’ve been thinking about someone you know who needs to hear what has been taught tonight. What is stopping you from sharing what you’ve learned with him or her this week? Maybe a simple text message communicating your concern might open up the opportunity to share the light of the Gospel with them. Will you commit to doing that this week? Don’t let fear keep you from obeying God. Have confidence in the truth that Jesus has been, is, and will always… be there!

Teacher’s Note


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Always There

Jesus Is Always _______ (John 1:1-3) Jesus, the Son of God, is ____________, without change in the past, present, and in the future (Hebrews 13:8).

Jesus is always there with you because He is God and God never __________.

Jesus’ relationship with God the Father and His great love for mankind required Him to become human so He could invite you into an eternal love ________________ with Him!

Jesus Shines _______ into the Darkness (John 1:4-5, 9) The Gospel of John tells us that it is into this darkness that Jesus came to shine the light that will __________ the darkness (John 1:5)

Jesus is always there with ______, even in the darkest places of this life.

One day, when Jesus returns, He will put a permanent end to the darkness caused by relationship _________.

Jesus Offers ______ (John 1:12-13) Hope in Christ is having ____________ in His character and His promises.

Hope means you do not have to ____________ Jesus’ love for you; it is rock solid.

The hope we have is found in Jesus’ ____________ for us.


Small Group Student Sheets


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Small Group Student Sheets

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Always There

What behavior changes (if any) have you noticed in friends who are experiencing the pain of relationship loss?

How can knowing Jesus is always there for us help when we experience the pain of a lost relationship?

What is one thing in your life that you thought would never change that has? Have you seen others lose something they thought wouldn't change?

Why is Jesus the only Person who will never leave us?

Memorize, review or read Hebrews 13:5 three times this week.

Choose a time this week to sit down and write out how you feel about a painful situation, a person, or a problem in your life. Then take what you wrote and turn it over to Jesus through prayer.

Is there a friend you know who is facing the loss of a relationship right now? What specific action step can you take this week to encourage them? Write down your idea after discussing ideas within your small group.

Worth Repeating: Jesus has been, is and will always…be there!




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Always There Small Group Leader Discussion Guide

Lead your students in a meaningful discussion about the lesson. Adjust questions as needed. Don’t feel like you need to answer all of them. What behavior changes (if any) have you noticed in friends who are experiencing the pain of relationship loss? They may have noticed a friend withdrawing, their grades starting to slip or experiencing heavy mood swings. They might become clingy or possessive in other relationships in their life.

How can knowing Jesus is always there for us help when we experience the pain of a lost relationship? We always have someone to talk to…I can pray and talk with Jesus. Because He is unchanging, we know His love toward us doesn’t change.

Read Romans 8:38-39. Notice the things Paul lists here, can these things stop Jesus' love for us? One day, when Jesus returns, He will put a permanent end to dark things like losing those that we love. For now, His promise is to be with us in the darkness. What is one thing in your life that you thought would never change that has? Have you seen others lose something they thought wouldn't change? The point is: nothing in this life is forever. Help the students see something in their lives that has changed that they thought might not. (Loss of a loved one or no longer able to keep grades what they used to be.) Point out that things break sometimes (you drop your phone and it shatters). Talk about athletes with season-ending injuries who thought they would be playing for years. Or refer to people who lose their jobs or health suddenly. Even a person who was doing right, like Job in the Bible, lost things in his life. He lost his family, house, and money, and yet, God was still there for him. Read Job 1:21b. Job knew that in the midst of his suffering God was there for him. Why is Jesus the only person who will never leave us? Help the students to see that Jesus is eternal. He rose from the dead and is at the right hand of God in heaven. Once you've helped them to see how powerful Jesus is, ask: If Jesus is that powerful, what does it mean that He is always there for us?


Small Group LEADER Sheets


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TRUTH: Proverbs 21:23-31

PROVERBS 21:23During the past 72 hours:II said something that got me into trouble.II wished I could take back something that I said.

PROVERBS 21:24I can swap the word mocker for scoffer, but it all boils down to the fact that this person is proud and because he is defiantly arrogant.

When was the last time I mocked someone else in order to feel good about myself? _____________________________________________________

PROVERBS 21:25I am not normally lazy in every area of my life. There are certain things that grab my attention; I’m either good at them or feel they are necessary. HOWEVER, I have areas in my life which I simply do not want to focus on and work on - just typical things I refuse to do. I can be lazy in this area of my life: ___________________________________________________________

PROVERBS 21:26Some people are just greedy, wanting more and more. In contrast, the godly love to give. I will specifically look for an opportunity to be a “giver” today, rather than a “taker”? Yes/No

PROVERBS 21:27-28It’s time to stop bluffing my way through life! I will choose to have:I21:27 – Correct motivesI21:28 – Truthful words

PROVERBS 21:29-31“God, when reading today’s verses,

I realize that I really need to focus specifically on this:________________________________________________________________.”

“God, I’m committed to doing this Your way and will glorifyYou when You give the victory.” _____ (your initials)

“Words are like eggs dropped from great heights; you can no more call them back than ignore the

mess they leave when they fall.” - J. Picoult

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