Staff and volunteer relationships



building staff/volunteer teams in a quasi-government setting.

Transcript of Staff and volunteer relationships

  • 1. A Practical GuideJWL Consulting1

2. Emailme: [email protected] Phone: 231-715-1416JWL Consulting2 3. 1.Gets the work done (mission accomplished)2.Does no harm3.Creates good willJWL Consulting3 4. 1.Flawless management 2.Create efficiency 3.Extend Respect 4.Anticipate the pitfallsJWL Consulting4 5. JWL Consulting5 6. TRUSTRESPECTJWL Consulting6 7. Adopta clear, memorable vision statement Protect and honor the resource of time Define ALL roles and responsibilities clearly Practice conflict avoidanceJWL Consulting7 8. Death By Meeting Our meetings are held to discuss many problems which would never arise if we held fewer meetings Ashleigh BrilliantJWL Consulting8 9. MEETING PREPARATION Good Meetings are three-fourths preparation and one-fourth theater.from Gail GodwinJWL Consulting9 10. MeetingManagement (handout) Controlof Meeting Identify expectedTimed Agendas Proposed MotionsRoberts RulesAdvanced PreparationMaterials Approve the Agendaresults from meeting All persons speak Limit length of remarks Repeat motions before voting Chairman controls meetingJWL Consulting10 11. PositionDescriptions for individuals Task descriptions for Committees and Work Groups Clear Description of expected results and time frames Always appoint a single person responsible ToDo list at the end of the meeting minutes Responsibility Flow Chart Process, not resultsJWL Consulting11 12. All Volunteers and Staff Position Title Reports to? Goal or purpose of position Major responsibilities Time commitment Work hours Qualifications (skills, personal, commitment Work location Date of position design or re-designlevel)*Worksheet AvailableJWL Consulting12 13. Public RequestIn WritingStaff ReceivesCommittee Reviews and Recommends Action to BoardBoard Reviews and Recommends ActionBudgetImplementation JWL Consulting13 14. BeTransparent Educate in Advance (Hold a rehearsal) Clearly Define Outcomes Paper Trail No Surprises for Anyone Clear policies (Conflict of Interest) JWL Consulting14 15. SingleAction 10-12 words Place everywhere A slogan For internal use Guides allocation of resourcesJWL Consulting15 16. 1.Define roles and goals 2. Show respect Start, end on time Recognize and Thank Inform and follow up Solicit opinions from everyoneJWL Consulting16 17. Minutae Overlongmeetings Micro management Reinventing governance Un-educated participants Poor meeting preparationJWL Consulting17 18. 1.Know the rules 2. Keep a low profile 3. Understand areas of liability and vulnerability 4. Build a trained volunteer corpsJWL Consulting18 19. JWL Consulting19 20. Volunteershave ideas, strategies, knowledge Staff are the implementers, the budget planners, the consistency of operations Keepa low profile! JWL Consulting20 21. JWL Consulting21 22. Topics Basic operations Financial reports Responsibilities/ Expectations Acronyms and jargon Annual CalendarJWL Consulting22 23. All Volunteers and Staff Position Title Reports to? Goal or purpose of position Major responsibilities Time commitment Work hours Qualifications (skills, personal, commitment Work location Date of position design or re-designlevel)*Worksheet AvailableJWL Consulting23 24. TaskResponsibilitySets Board Meeting Agenda Research Agenda Topics, compile meeting information Association Spokesperson Signs Checks for unbudgeted items Recruits new Board Members Staff performance evaluationsProduces first draft of budget Oversees committee work Liaison to CommitteesJWL Consulting24 25. Builds Strong TeamsJWL Consulting25