St. Brigid/Sts. Brígida MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de...

St. Brigid/Sts. Brígida Catholic Church Iglesia Católica 5214 South Western Avenue Los Ángeles, CA 90062 (323)292-0781 Fax: (323)290-1254 Email: [email protected] Website: PARISH STAFF Pastor- Rev. Thomas Frank S.S.J. Assistant Pastor-Rev. Kenneth Keke S.S.J. Parish Manager- Mrs. Cheryl Pyles Administrador de la Parroquia Liturgy Coordinator- Ms. LaVonne Anderson Spanish Ministry/Ministerio en Español Dn. Hernado Rodriguez Religious Education Dir-Mrs. Floy Hawkins Director de Educación Religiosa MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de Misa Saturday Vigil Sábado Vigilia: 5 PM Ingles Sunday/Domingo 7 AM Ingles Spanish 8:30 AM Español Gospel 10:30 AM Ingles Weekdays Semanal 8:15 AM(Bi-lingual) CONFESSION/SACRAMENT OF PENANCE CONFESION/SACRAMENTO DE PENITENCIA Saturday/Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM or by appointment/por cita RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (CCD) EDUCACION RELIGIOSA Saturdays/Sabados 9:30-11:30 Sept-May SACARAMENTS/SACRAMENTOS Baptism/Bautismos for Infants or Adults-(Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults RCIA): Please contact the priest to register. Infant Baptism Class for Parents & Godparents, 2nd Tuesday of the month with Baptism on the 4 th Saturday at 1:00 PM. Para bebes o Adultos (rituo de Iniciacion Cristiana de Adultos RCIA): Por favor contactar al Sacerdote antes del Registro de la Clase de Bautismo de Padres & Padrinos. La Clase Mensual es el 2ndo Martes & el Bautismo el 4to Sábado del mes a la 1:00 PM. First Communion and Confirmation Ordinarily require two years preparation through the Religious Education Program. Primera Comunión Y Confirmación, 2 años de preparación Marriage/Matrimonios Please Contact the Priest at least six months in advance. Do not book the reception hall until the wedding date in the church is confirmed. Por favor contactar al Sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses de anticipación. No contratar el local de la Iglesia sin haber confirmado la fecha de la boda. FUNERALS/FUNERALES-Please contact the priest before confirming any arrangements with your funeral home or mortuary. Por favor contactar al Sacerdote antes de hacer algún arreglo con la Funeraria o Murtuario. QUINCE ANOS - Confirmed pre-15 year olds should contact the parish office no less than one month prior to the anticipated celebration date. Please do not book a reception hall until church date is confirmed.15 Añeras ya confirmadas contactar a la parroquia un mes antes de la ceremonia. Por favor no contratar el local de la parroquia sin haber confirmado la fecha de la celebración.

Transcript of St. Brigid/Sts. Brígida MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de...

St. Brigid/Sts. Brígida

Catholic Church Iglesia Católica

5214 South Western Avenue

Los Ángeles, CA 90062 (323)292-0781 Fax: (323)290-1254

Email: [email protected] Website:


Pastor- Rev. Thomas Frank S.S.J.

Assistant Pastor-Rev. Kenneth Keke S.S.J.

Parish Manager- Mrs. Cheryl Pyles

Administrador de la Parroquia

Liturgy Coordinator- Ms. LaVonne Anderson

Spanish Ministry/Ministerio en Español

Dn. Hernado Rodriguez

Religious Education Dir-Mrs. Floy Hawkins

Director de Educación Religiosa

MASS SCHEDULE/Horario de Misa

Saturday Vigil Sábado Vigilia: 5 PM Ingles

Sunday/Domingo 7 AM Ingles

Spanish 8:30 AM Español Gospel 10:30 AM Ingles Weekdays Semanal 8:15 AM(Bi-lingual) CONFESSION/SACRAMENT OF PENANCE CONFESION/SACRAMENTO DE PENITENCIA Saturday/Sábados 3:30-4:30 PM or by appointment/por cita


Saturdays/Sabados 9:30-11:30 – Sept-May

SACARAMENTS/SACRAMENTOS Baptism/Bautismos for Infants or Adults-(Rite of Christians Initiation of Adults RCIA): Please contact the priest to register. Infant Baptism Class for Parents & Godparents, 2nd Tuesday of the month with Baptism on the 4th Saturday at 1:00 PM. Para bebes o Adultos (rituo de Iniciacion Cristiana de Adultos RCIA): Por favor contactar al Sacerdote antes del Registro de la Clase de Bautismo de Padres & Padrinos. La Clase Mensual es el 2ndo Martes & el Bautismo el 4to Sábado del mes a la 1:00 PM. First Communion and Confirmation Ordinarily require two years preparation through the Religious Education Program. Primera Comunión Y Confirmación, 2 años de preparación Marriage/Matrimonios Please Contact the Priest at least six months in advance. Do not book the reception hall until the wedding date in the church is confirmed. Por favor contactar al Sacerdote por lo menos 6 meses de anticipación. No contratar el local de la Iglesia sin haber confirmado la fecha de la boda. FUNERALS/FUNERALES-Please contact the priest before confirming any arrangements with your funeral home or mortuary. Por favor contactar al Sacerdote antes de hacer algún arreglo con la Funeraria o Murtuario. QUINCE ANOS - Confirmed pre-15 year olds should contact the parish office no less than one month prior to the anticipated celebration date. Please do not book a reception hall until church date is confirmed.15 Añeras ya confirmadas contactar a la parroquia un mes antes de la ceremonia. Por favor no contratar el local de la parroquia sin haber confirmado la fecha de la celebración.

2 St. Brigid Church 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08-07-2011 Did you know?

Bullying Is a Form of Abuse Did you know that bullying is a form of abuse, and therefore is forbidden in our Catholic schools? Bullying typically consists of direct behaviors, such as teasing, taunting, threatening, hitting, shoving and stealing. But it might also be indirect, such as spreading rumors that cause victims to be socially isolated through intentional exclusion. Cyber-bullying, which involves the use of the Internet or mobile phones to send inappropriate messages and images to or about others, is also behavior that is not tolerated in our Catholic schools. If you suspect bullying of a child at school, please contact the school principal with your concerns.

For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650.

Hostigamiento Es Una Forma De Abuso Sabia usted que el hostigamiento (bullying) son formas de abuso y son prohibidas en nuestras escuelas Catolicas? El hostigamiento típicamente consiste en bromas pesadas, burlas, amenazas, golpes, empujones, y robo. Pero también pude incluir el lanzamiento de rumores que pueden causar que la víctima sea intencionalmente excluida socialmente. El acoso cibernético, que implica el uso de la Internet o los teléfonos celulares para enviar mensajes o imágenes inapropiadas de personas o a personas, también es comportamiento prohibido en nuestras escuelas Católicas. Si usted sospecha que algún estudiante es víctima de hostigamiento, inmediatamente comunique sus preocupaciones al principal de la escuela.

Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Aug 6th Vigil: Aug 7th Sunday: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a; Rom 9:1-5 Aug 8th Monday: Dt 10:12-22; Mt 17:22-27 Aug 9th Tuesday: Dt 31:1-8; Mt 18:1-5, 10, 12-14 Aug 10th Wednesday: 2 Cor9:6-10; Jn12:24-26 Aug 11th Thursday: Jos 3:7-10a; 11, 13-17; Mt18:21-19:1 Aug 12th Friday: Jos 24:1-13; Mt 19:3-12 Aug 13th Saturday: Jos 24:14-29; Mt 19:13-15 Sunday Readings: Is 56:1, 6-7; Rom 11:13-15, 22-32

MASS INTENTIONS 5:00 PM- Intentions for the Community 7:00 AM- Intentions for the Sick 8:30 AM- Intentions for the All Parishioners 10:30 AM- Happy Birthday: Lee Modster & Jessica Edwards 8:15 AM- Intentions for the Celebrant 8:15 AM- Intentions for Vocations 8:15 AM- Intentions for Josephites 8:15 AM- Intentions for Parishioners 8:15 AM- Intentions for Married Couples 5:00 PM- Intentions for Sisters

Parish Mission Statement /Nuestra Mision Como Parroquia: We the Faith Community of St. Brigid Catholic Church declare our mission is to know and imitate Jesus. We proclaim the reign of God in this

community by preaching, teaching the Good News and celebrating our Roman Catholic worship. We witness the faith by demonstrating service and compassion for those in need. As Community, we welcome, honor and respect all people with the special emphasis on the culture and heritage of the African American and Hispanic Catholics.

Nosotros la Comunidad en Fe de la Iglesia Catolica de Sta. Brigida, declaramos nuestra mision es conocer e imitar a Jesus. Proclamamos el Reino de Dios en esta comunidad, predicando y ensenado Las Buenas Nuevas y celebrando la Alabanza Catolica Romana. Somos testigos de nuestra fe al demostrar servicio y compacion a todo aquel en nececidad. Como comunidad, le damos la bienvenida, honor y respeto a toda la gente, con enfasis en especial, a las culturas y herencias de los Catolicos Afro-americanos y Latinos.

St. Brigid is an active participant in Deanery 16 of the Our Lady of the Angels Region, Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Sta. Brigida es una Iglesia participante activa en el Diaconato 16 de la Region de Nuestra Senora de los Angeles, Arquidiocis de Los Angeles.

Established in 1920 and served by the Josephite Fathers & Brothers since 1979! Establecida en 1920 y servida por los Padres y Hermanos Josesuitas desde 1979!

3 St. Brigid Church 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08-07-2011

THIS WEEK AT SBC -------------------------------------------------------------- Aug 7th – Sunday TODAY: 1:00 pm – Jr. Daughters Room 7 1:00 pm – Hospitality Mtg Rooom 1 1:00 pm – Youth Ushers – Church 2:00 pm – New Generation Choir Aug 8th – Monday 7:00 pm – Emmanuel Prayer Grp. – Hall/R1 Aug 9th – Tuesday 6:00 pm – Liturgy Dancers – Church 7:00 pm – Infant Baptism Room 1 7:00 pm – Spanish Youth Bible – Room 1 7:00 pm – Emmanuel Bible – Room 5 Aug 10th – Wednesday 12:00 pm – Hot Meal for homeless 7:00 pm – Spanish Youth Choir – Hall Aug 11th – Thursday 7:00 pm – Resurrection Choir Rehearsal- Church 7:00 pm – Evangelization Ministry Room 7 Aug 12th – Friday 7:00 pm – OA Meeting – Room 7 7:00 pm – Spanish Youth Ministry – Hall 7:30 pm – Lady of Guadalupe Rosary (Grupo Guadalupano 8:30 pm – St. Vincent de Paul Casino Trip Aug 13th – Saturday 10 AM NEIGHBOR 2 NEIGHBOR Come pray and join this ministry to bring others to Christ. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Circle V Ranch Free Summer Camp scholarships for camper for August 12—17, 2011 one-week camp up in the San Inez Valley for interested children. summer camp. For info

contact 323-224-6213.


Next Sunday is:

T- Shirt Sunday Come to Church wearing clothing or medals with a positive message about family, school, non-profit organizations. Let us share the Good News!!



Sunday, August, 14th @ 1pm

Here @ St. Brigid Mark your calendars & make sure to sign

up!! For more information please contact: Claudia Edwards-Valdovinos (310)770-

4759 or call the rectory .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Sunday August 14th “Workshop of “The Roman Missal”, presenter: Dale Sieverding,@ St. Eugene Church, 9506 Van Ness Ave., Los Angeles, CA; 5-7pm (dinner at 5:30pm).

The Ministry of Altar Servers at St. Brigid is in great need of new Altar Server Robes. We would like to thank all who are willing to step forward with a donation of any amount. For information contact: Father Keke at the rectory, Claudia Edwards-Valdovinos, or Gilma Ramirez.

Thanks to all who contributed so far. We have $1230!!!!

God Bless us!

4 St. Brigid Church 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08-07-2011


Weekly Collection - (Envelopes, Loose, Building & Maintenance) 07-31st Sunday Average Needed

$3425.00 $ 7,000.00


SCRC/Southern California Renewal Communities FAMILY Weekend Praise- One Body, One Spirit, Eph.4:4 September 2-4, 2011 at Anaheim Convention Center. Spend time with Praise Ministry, Confession, Adoration, & Saturday Night Healing Mass. This convention is for the entire family. There is a children’s program, Saturday & Sunday only. The program is geared to children K-5 & ages 5-11. The Teen conference is also held that weekend (grades 6-12) also. There is a Young adult conference for ages 18-39. For more information please call (818) 771-1361.

SUNDAY CATHOLIC TV MASS: Heart of the Nation, in partnership with local parishes, has been serving homebound Catholics with the Sunday TV Mass since 1984. In the Los Angeles metro area, the Mass airs on KDOC-TV Channel 56 at 9:00am. Please help spread the word and tell the homebound.

SICK LIST Please keep all the sick and shut-ins of our parish in your prayers. Remember a phone call to say hello, or a card mailed will only take a few minutes of your time. Home Bound Parishioners--Louie Arias, Lillian Brown, Beatrice Corral, Audrey Duplessis, Audrey Heisser, Ianthe Hughes, Delphine Jones, Maria Matias, Mary Ann Miller, Beverly Robinson, John Sanders, Leonora Sandoval, Doris Simon, John Spath, Deacon Jack & Joan Turner (& Granddaughter Jasmine), Joyce Vause, Charles Walker, Ethel Young, Lidia Zelaya. Parishioners with Chronic Ailments or Ongoing Recovery--Maria Jesus Ayala, Kathleen Brooks, Francis Hartsook-Brown, Robert Brown Jr., Eleanor Eastman, Mary Edwards, Gladys Fortier, Timothy Galendez Sr., Dyllis Godoy, Carolyn Hunter, Tyrone Jackson, Delphine Jones, Susie Langford, Joseph Lanoix, Mary Leonard, Byron Luke, Charlene Marshall, Mary Ann Miller, Sarah Mays, Dorothy Navarre, Warren Navarre, Donald Osborne, Cora Porter, Sheila Rankin, Pearl Rivero, Grace Sampson, Leonora Sandoval, Alma Simpkins, Hyacinth Sinclair, Catherine Spiro, Muriel Lynn White, Larry & Edna Williams, Hank Williams, Marguerite Williams, Margaret Wilson, Beverly Zuniga. Family of Parishioners— Suzette Alba (Daughter of Doris Simon) Maggie Alaniz (Aunt of Veronica Cavanaugh), Linda Smith Arnold (Niece of George Smith), Jacey Bristow, Melvin Franklin,& Lloyd Grant (Grandson, Brother-in-Laws of Donna Bristow), James Bertrand (Father of Cheryl Pyles), Odesta Camus (Mother of Cassandra Touchard), Pamela Thornton Carr (Daughter of Ellis Valentine), Angela David (Niece of Judith Campbell), Eva & Joseph Dean (Cousins of Ellis Valentine), Gail Flemings & Christopher Hughes(Friends of Jacquelyn Temple,) Yvonnne Godoy (Daughter of Dyllis Godoy), Hewlett Hodge (Father of Pat Sanders), Adeline Jackson (Mother of Jammie Young), Hazel Jackson (Sister of Vernice Holden), James E. Jackson (brother of Samuel Jackson), Betty Marshall Jacobs (Sister of Bob Marshall), Salomie Jolly (Sister of Aline Heisser-Ovid), Blanche Johnson (Friend of Donna Bristow /Sister of late Irby Ravard),Brandi Johnson (Grandaughter - Ceclia Johnson), Sharon Johnson (Former member), Helena Jones (Sister-In-Law of Annette Lockett), E. Jean (Mother of Denise Robinson), Patrick Landry Sr. (Brother-In-Law of Dorine Sylvester), Carolene Langie (Daughter-In-Law of June Lynch), Carolyn Keeling (Cousin of Donna Bristow, Shirley Limar, (Aunt of Cassandra Touchard), Yvette Smith-Lindow (Daughter of George Smith),Tim Markham (Friend of Ellis Valentine), Dana Mathis (Daughter of Kristine Henderson), Rose McDaniel (Sister of Fr. Kearns),Sheila Moore (Friend of Gayle Ugwu), Walter Morales (Friend of Elis Valentine), Edward Robinson(Brother of Jacquelyn Temple), Debra Robinson (Cousin of Cassandra Cousin),Marian Rodney (Cousin of Donna Ware),Gilver Sierra (Sister of Aura

5 St. Brigid Church 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08-07-2011 Sierra), Matthews Sims (Nephew of Denise Robinson), Charles Smith (Husband of Gladys Smith), Reginald Solomon (Brother of Lisa Craig), Larry Touchard (Husband of Cassandra Touchard), Mary Thomas (Sister of Cheryl Pyles), Anyika Thompson (Grand-daughter of Jean De Berry) Marshall Troullier (Cousin of Donna Ware)Valerie Valentine (Niece of Ellis Valentine), Darlene Vaughn (Friend of Annette Lockett), Thomas Ward (relative of Almeta Washington), Kelly Morgan Williams (Granddaughter of Maudell Williams). Prayers for Military Personnel in Harms Way! Lord, keep them safe and healthy until they return.

YOUNG ADULTS (18-39) & Adults (40 +)

Southern California Catholic School Reunion Committee 1St Annual Catholic School Reunion: This reunion is for individuals that attended catholic schools in the Los Angeles and surrounding areas. They are extending an invitation to the classmates from 1960 thru 1989. There is currently a hotel contract obligation and time is a major factor in determining how many will attend. Please contact Joyce Ford @ 310-889-4503 as soon as possible. The reunion is October 22, 2011 at the Kyoto Grand Hotel, Los Angeles, CA. The cost is $50.00 per person. Dinner choices are chicken, salmon or vegetarian. Payments can be mailed to Joyce Ford: P.O. Box 1247 Hawthorne, CA 90250 or you can pay online with paypal- : account: [email protected]. The catholic school reunion committee is a group of individuals who attended various catholic schools. The committee is a non-profit or for-profit organization. Its’ main objective is to reunite classmates for spirit-filled, and social engagement and entertainment. All time and services are voluntary. Fundraising efforts are solely for the purpose of paying for the reunion event. For more information contact the reunion committee.

CHILDREN (4-12) & YOUTH (13-17) Altar Servers Needed: If you are 7+ and have made your communion, please contact Father Kenneth Keke, S.S.J. at the church office (323) 292-0781 for more information. Altar Servers meet the third Saturday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the church. Drum Ministry Members Needed: If you are 4+ and interested in learning to drum,

please come and join the practices. The drum ministry meets every 1st & 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. Bring your drums and shakers. No experience necessary; some instruments provided. For information, contact the rectory.

Jr. Ushers Needed: If you are 4+ and interested, please call Andrea @ 310-279-8145. Our membership is always open. The only qualification needed to be a Jr. Usher is to be a Christian willing to stand at the door for Jesus and help us during mass.

Child Protection Certification Course & Fingerprinting: Please note that anyone who deals directly with young people under the age of 18 must complete the Child Protection Certification Course. Most of our St. Brigid Parishioners who have been certified in the past must be re-certified. Fingerprinting thru the Archdiocese is a mandatory requirement. We ask all who are in Ministry to get certified. All classes are four hours long. Please call to schedule an appointment.

6 St. Brigid Church 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08-07-2011 ***NEXT CLOSE FACILITY FOR SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN CERTIFICATION CLASS: OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS REGION Fingerprint Schedule: For fingerprinting: All facilities operate 12:00pm – 3:40pm & 5:20pm-7:20pm. Please call to schedule an appointment. For more dates on fingerprinting visit: Click on Child Protection section. 8-11-11 @ 9:30am: Precious Blood Catholic Church: 435 S Occidental Blvd, LA, CA 90057 8-15-11 @ 8:30am: Verbum Dei High School: 11100 S Central Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90056


Transfiguration School would like to welcome children from SBC to be part of their 75 year legacy of educating youth in the community. For more information on how your child can be a part of such fine tradition, please contact Mrs. Mechele Yerima, Principal at (323) 292-3011; also visit Our Lady of Loretto – All Girls High School: Is accepting application for the 2011 – 2012 school year through mid-August. Classes begin on August 17th. We are located on Pico Blvd., near Normandie, and offer very reasonable tuition rates. Call for more information (323) 737-0012.

COMMUNITY NEWS ST. ANNE’S THRIFT SHOP: In need of donations and volunteers. All proceeds from the Thrift Shop benefit the at-risk pregnant and parenting teens, young women, children and families served. Learn more @ “NEW STORE HOURS: Tuesday – Sunday 11am – 5pm. (Closed Mondays); 11102 Magnolia Blvd., @ Lankershim in North Hollywood. Please call (818) 763-0646.

Only 2weeks Left to see the

Mount St. Mary’s College to Host Free Exhibit “Women & Spirit”: a traveling exhibit that reveals the mystery behind a small group of innovative American women who helped shape the nation’s social and cultural landscape. A look at 300 years of history of women religious throughout the nation through Sunday, August 14, 2011, Exhibit Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday & Sunday- Noon to 7 p.m., Saturday, Closed Monday. Free admission. Parking is $5. The José Drudis-Biada Art Gallery- Mount St. Mary’s College, Chalon Campus-12001 Chalon Road, Los Angeles, CA 90049 - (310)954-4525. For info Media Contacts: Paulette Thornton, Debbie Ream- 323.295.0642, [email protected], [email protected].

Allensworth Scat to Rap Concert Fundraiser- On September 10, 2011: This fundraiser helps support Emancipated Youth in Foster Care. Celebrating the origins, history and importance of Music and African rhythms – This unique event that will be held in Allensworth- the Historical Black Township. Music from Be-

7 St. Brigid Church 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08-07-2011 bop, Doo-wop to Hip-hop and from Scat to Rap. Tickets $15.00/ Bus Transportation $30.00 total=$45.00. For transportation & tickets call, 323-293-9845 or 323-292-5214. Visit Become a Plasma Donor: Your plasma donations are used to create medications that can save lives. Contact Cangene Plasma Resources (866)563-1266. If you are interested in making $200.00 or more per month by donating plasma twice a week. Healthy, HIV-Negative and Positive Adults: (ages 20-35 and 50-65 needed for UCLA immunology research study). UCLA wants to find out more about how age affects the normal immune system of the lower GI tract. Volunteers will be paid up to 125.00 if they qualify. To find out more about the study call: Alfonso Coro (310)206-7288.


Airport Customer Service - is hiring for full-time seasonal positions in many airports across the U.S. including all domestic hubs. ACS is looking for candidates committed to providing exceptional customer service in customer check-in and baggage handling capacities. Successful candidates will work 40 hours a week from June 1 through Aug. 31, 2011. Delta Airlines is hiring Seasonal employees will earn $10.82 per hour and have Delta worldwide travel privileges. All referred candidates must be at least 18, able to lift 70 lbs., authorized to work in the U.S. have a high school diploma/GED and a valid driver’s license. A background check and drug test will also be part of the hiring process. These summer positions are not eligible for the employee referral program. Visit:

8 St. Brigid Church 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time 08-07-2011 From the Pastor’s Desk

The WORD OF GOD- “O ye of little faith, why did you doubt”. Whether face to face with God as Elijah was or in the storms of life, Jesus is present. After hearing last week that there is nothing that can separate us from the Love of God, the scriptures indeed focus the reality of our openness, our acceptance, and our appreciation of God’s presence in our daily lives. What a precious power, a precious strength we have available to us! God wants to be right there with us every day and not “just when we need him”. All we have to do is say yes and act on it every minute of every hour!

On behalf of Fr. Keke and the Altar Servers and their Adlt leaders, we want to thank those who were able and did contribute $1230 thus far for replacing of the Altar Server Robes. Please know that it is not too late to donate. Our New Pastor to be announced Today! We welcome him and look forward to his transitional visit this week. We welcome Fr. John Harfmann SSJ who arrives this week for his annual visit to California. Next Sunday, August 14th is T-Shirt Sunday! It is our annual summer celebration of the good news in our lives. Remember those T-Shirts or Polo’s that have a message of education, family reunion, charitable cause, or just cause that enables us to witness to good news and not the negativity that so often overshadows our society. Also, if you or someone in your family has been recognized for some achievement that makes a difference in the lives of others, bring and share it. Please note and pass the word around. Sunday August 28th, we will have a 10 AM Unity Mass to celebrate the Dedication of our school classrooms in honor of the parish Heroes, Heroines, and Saints of St. Brigid over the past 30 years and for you and I to say our goodbyes as I move to Washington, DC and assume my responsibilities as Consultor General of the Josephites and Administrator of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish. Let us give thanks for the blessings of the past and present as we come together and celebrate as a parish. Please note there will be No 7, 8:30 or 10:30 AM Masses that Sunday.